14 September 2024

JPB - NYC: A Judeo-Christian Initiative

12 Elul 5784, Shavua tov!

Remember the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast?  I wrote about it in the past here, among other places (here, here, here and here).  Just as a quick reminder...

Initiated in 2017 and inspired by the National Prayer Breakfast in the United States, the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast is the brainchild of Albert Veksler, an expert on political consulting for businesses and NGOs, and co-chaired by Member of Knesset Robert Ilatov and former U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann.

The annual gathering aims to bring together government, civic and religious leaders from around the world to pray for peace in Jerusalem and discuss global challenges. Keynote speeches, panel discussions and prayer sessions promote interfaith dialogue and encourage common ground. For this year’s event, the meetings were divided into two days. The first day was held at the Knesset with 400 people gathered in the main auditorium, while the second day was held at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in the center of Jerusalem, with an open buffet breakfast. Influential Christian representatives, including a range of evangelicals and Catholics, gave solidarity speeches to the audiences. Politicians spoke as well – for example, Michele Bachmann, an American politician....
That was from a Ynet News article from June 2024 at the most recent event in Jerusalem. But, even though it's called the "Jerusalem" Prayer Breakfast, they are now being held throughout the year in various cities all around the world with one about to take place in New York City starting today.

Our researcher GeulahGirl writes...
The headline speaker of the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast in New York, Carter Conlon is on the board of "The Return" organization, not surprising since the founder of "The Return", Kevin Jessip and another board member Michelle Bachman, are also co-founders of the JPB.
(There is a "Return Israel," too, including the Jews in their aim to evangelize and "save" the entire world for JC.)

Scheduled speakers at the JPB - NYC  include so far...

Michelle Bachman

Robert Ilatov

Pastor Carter Conlon

MK Ohad Tal

MK Matan Kahane

MK Moshe Tur Paz

Congressman Lee Zeldin

Congressman Mark Green

Senator Rob Ort

UN Ambassador Danny Danon

Former Ambassador David Friedman

Consul General of Israel in New York Ofir Akunis

President of the World Jewish Congress Ron Lauder

Gila Gamliel

Amichai Chikli

Elie Cohanim

Yehuda Glick

Tuly Weisz

Rabbi David Fohrman 
Nick Vujicic (missionary)

Mario Bramnick (NAR apostle missionary)

(Yair Netanyahu is also rumored to attend.)


Its Jewish proponents write thus of it...
Since its inception, the JPB has been instrumental in fostering dialogue and unity between Jews and Christians, providing a unique platform for diverse voices to come together in a spirit of solidarity and shared faith

This year’s prayer breakfast comes at a critical time. The recent atrocities of October 7th have profoundly impacted both [?] Jewish and Christian communities worldwide, reminding us all of the urgent need for unity. 

...The Prayer Breakfast’s schedule is designed to foster engagement and reflection, with learning sessions offering deep dives into topics such as Israel’s place in global affairs and the power of prayer. The Celebrate Jerusalem Concert will provide a space for communal joy and worship, while the Founders Dinner will offer an intimate setting for attendees to connect, share stories, and strengthen bonds.

By participating in the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast, attendees are joining a global movement that transcends borders and denominations. It’s an opportunity to be part of something larger than oneself—a chance to contribute to a shared vision of peace, rooted in faith and collective action. As we gather in New York, we come not just as individuals or representatives of various organizations, but as a united community committed to standing with Israel.

Note well from the above list, all the "Jews" who are involved with this!  And keep in mind, this has been going on for years now!

Wonder if the Pro-Palestine orgs know about this.

~ ~ ~


  1. Mafchid; all coming to a head. All that's been written about these last number of years are all coming to fruition for everyone to see. Their
    plan for a one world religion and trying to unite Jews with their
    avodah zorah and this way sandwiching in the Jewish people between
    the pere adam tzorah and notzriut on the other hand, all because the
    Erev Rav (rabbis & others) are aiding abetting this situation, something
    the Erev Rav have dreamed of for over 3300 years. But, they will FAIL,
    because Hashem is with us. The Jewish people in Eretz Yisrael have
    to wake up to all these problems NOW.

  2. Disgusting, can only imagine the amount of Israel tax payer money that was used to pay for this vile Idol worship.
