17 September 2024


15 Elul 5784 

BBC security correspondent says 
 «This is unprecedented, extraordinary»

❗MAJOR ATTACK ON HEZBOLLAH - BEEPER BOMBS! “The security situation in Lebanon is explosive”, literally. Reports of mass casualties from an explosion of beeper devices (!) in the Dahai (Hezbollah) district in Beirut, Lebanon. Apparently these are encrypted devices carried by Hezbollah personnel.

.. Injured now 2,000+

.. The Iranian ambassador to Lebanon was also injured by a beeper explosion.

.. The head of the Mossad has left a long meeting with the prime minister. (Israel has NOT claimed responsibility.)

.. The Prime Minister's office ORDERED the ministers to make no interviews.

.. Reports that a number of explosions in Syria are also linked to Hezbollah operatives in a pattern similar to the explosions in Lebanon.

.. Security sources for a Western newspaper: The communication devices that exploded are the last shipment that Hezbollah provided to its members.

.. The Zabrin channel, which is affiliated with the Shia militias, reports the explosion of an explosive device inside a vehicle in Damascus, Syria.

.. The Saudi Al-Hadath channel: among the wounded - senior Hezbollah commanders and their assistants.

.. Reports: The son of a Hezbollah member of the Lebanon parliament was killed.

❗WAR WARNINGS.. In Lebanon they estimate - we are on the eve of an Israeli invasion into Lebanon in an all-out war against Hezbollah. Mass flight to the north of Lebanese residents from the Shiite towns located up to 10 km from the Israeli border.

.. Hezbollah is now evacuating all military headquarters and even their civilian facilities.

.. The Lebanese army is on high alert after the start of a massive movement of IDF tanks and armored vehicles to the Lebanese border.
..  Prime Minister and Defense Minister are in IDF HQ.

(Courtesy Israel Realtime Updates) 


  1. Update...

    Lebanon's Health Ministry said that over 2,750 people have been wounded, 200 critically, and eight killed in the explosions.

    Source: The Jerusalem Post


    1. OSINTdefender@sentdefender
      Israeli Air Defense Units and Airbases across the Country have reportedly been placed into a High State of Readiness, following today’s Pager Attack on Hezbollah in Lebanon.

      If this doesn’t lead to Full-Scale War between Israel and Hezbollah, I don’t think anything ever will.

      (TOI) Report: Pager explosion attack killed 7 in Syria

  2. Did we do it? Did they accidentally do it to themselves? Obviously, HaShem was involved, but...

    1. We're not claiming responsibility, but everyone thinks we did it. It was no accident, that's for sure. Thousands of pagers exploded at nearly the same time all over Lebanon and Syria. They all came from a recent consignment meant to provide all Hezbollah members with a means of private communication.

      Some are saying the explosives were too powerful for an exploding battery. The current thinking says Israel somehow interdicted the shipment, packed the pagers with explosive material and programmed them to ignite when a particular message came through. We probably will never know how it was pulled off, but kol kavod to whomever thought this up. Yasher koach and B"H!!

    2. Israel allegedly and famously killed the "Engineer" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yahya_Ayyash) in the mid-90s using a cell phone.

      The scale of this is pretty incredible.

      10, even 5, grams of high explosive can do a lot of damage in close range.

    3. They finally “got the message”!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🥸😎 neshama


  3. B'H! This made me think of the time when Chizkiyahu Hamelech was
    waiting for the massive Assyrian army to breach the wall around Yerushalayim early in the morning so the enemy army went to sleep at night and even Chizkiyahu said there's nothing to do about this and left it completely up to H' and he went to sleep. The Assyrian army of 185,000 men never woke up and the Holy City was saved! We have
    to remember that Hashem is always in Control, no matter how it works itself out, H' is behind it all.

  4. Now would be the time to move in and create a buffer zone, but for some reason we're holding back.

  5. The “BEEPER BLAST” is the best news since 10/7!😎🤣
