29 Menachem Av 5784
Yom Kippur Katan
Americans OUT of Israel!
VIDEO: American Troops In Israel (Short version, see from 19:00 - 31:00 mins)
Not-so-secret US military involvement in the Jewish State
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This Is the Third Messianic War!
Long-time readers of this blog know what I call "The Third Messianic War." If you don't recall that, please see here. It's taking longer than I thought it would, but that may be because this is what reveals Mashiach Ben Yosef and activates him. In point of fact, the current ruling regime is incapable of taking this war to victory because it involves annexing the reconquered lands and only MBY will have the faith and trust in HKB"H to carry this out to conclusion. Therefore, we are very, very close. Anytime now.
Smotrich Warns: โWeโre A Step Away From Oct. 7th In Yehudah & ShomronโReport: Jordan fears IDF West Bank ops, settler violence will drive Palestinians across border
๐ถDEAL NEWS.. Hamas leader Sinwar's deputy, Khalil al-Hiya, who is in charge of negotiations in Hamas - โAs long as the Palestinian prisoners are not released, as long as the war does not stop, as long as the army does not withdraw from the Strip and especially from Netzarim and Philadelphi - there will be no agreement. There is no real negotiation. In the last two weeks, they are just grinding water.We showed great flexibility - instead of our demand for the release of 500 Palestinian prisoners for each male and female soldier and 250 Palestinian prisoners for each civilian, we agreed to drop to 50 prisoners for each female soldier and 30 prisoners for each civilian.A permanent ceasefire is a condition for the deal.โ
โชOTHER HOSTAGE FAMILIES SAY.. while we normally hear from distraught hostage families demanding an immediate deal, families of hostages from the Tikva Forum: "We demand that the government immediately announce the end of negotiations and increase the fighting."
These protesters are no doubt real Erev Rav Amaleikim and their actions and disregard for Am Yisrael, Torat Yisrael & Eretz Yisrael prove this is so.
ReplyDeleteOne of them posted this to Twitter (X)...
DeleteSurges of young people Many thousands.
Not in buses funded by tax money or by order of rabbis.
Fighting for a country and values.
The sanctity of life before the sanctification of God.
I know that you and I have been following the presence of U. S. troops in Israel since at least 2005. Many back then accused me of screaming about the sky falling. The many facets of Esau want his birthright back. Even many of those who called me crazy will admit that the U. S. wants control in the region, because of the oil. It's much more than that.
ReplyDeleteHere is a list of various times U. S. troops were involved or pushed as an option to the Israeli government. I still believe that Israel will try to employ foreign troops to remove unwanted settlers from their homes. U. S. Incursion.
I recommend the Rb. Bar Hayim-Pollard video above. They mention TOV News. Here is a translation of that piece. I have yet to see it in English, save for what they discuss in the video. New Revelations about the Shemini Atzereth Massacre.
"Due to a significant increase in terrorism in Judea and Samaria, the IDF has reclassified the area as the secondary hostility zone, after the Gaza Strip."
ReplyDeleteFirst Gaza (west), then Judea and Samaria (east). Jordan next.
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