30 June 2024

Rabbi Hajioff on Gog uMagog

24 Sivan 5784
Shavua tov!

Excellent shiur.  Pay particular attention at 10:00 mins in ...

Will Gog and Magog Be A Nuclear War?

This could be the more special 15 minutes of your day!  Enjoy!!

The worst word you can ever say is also the best one! Never give up

28 June 2024

"The Land Is Very, Very Good"

22 Sivan 5784
Erev Shabbat Kodesh
Parashat Shelach Lecha - Mevorchim

Quoting from The Land is Very, Very Good by Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein...

...The spies are described as having “despised the desirable land.”  At first, this seems puzzling.  Their report about the land was quite good, and quite accurate.  They were positively impressed with it being a land of milk and honey, just as promised.  What frightened them were the people, the inhabitants, not the blood itself.  We can now understand, however, that what they despised and rejected was the special quality of Eretz Yisrael as primarily a spiritual space, a place that transcends nature.  Believing Israel to be a land like others is to despise it, to repudiate its most salient aspect.

To drive home this message, the waters of the Jordan split for them just as they crossed over into the land.  It was a powerful indicator that the land they were about to enter was not restricted by nature but transcended it.  This point remains as true today as back then.  A Jew makes his place in the land through his emunah.  We open ourselves up to the special kedushah of the land by first believing in its standing outside the boundaries of the natural order.

Rav Yehudah HaLevi explains in the Kuzari that there shines in Israel and Israel alone a Divine light that illuminates through Torah, avodah, and all lofty levels of spirituality.  He likens Israel to a vineyard, whose grapes grow best on an elevated hillside.  We Jews as well are best nurtured at the spiritual heights of Eretz Yisrael.

Following inexorably from this remarkable aspect of Israel is the parallel strengths of the kelipah, the forces of tumah that counterbalance its kedushah.  These forces, however, are extrinsic to the land.  They can be overcome.  (Thus, Yehoshua and Calev urged the people on, “The land is very, very good.”  They saw the land while the forces of tumah were still fully resident, before Klal Yisrael could work to banish them.  They still understood that the land was intrinsically good!)  When the Torah warns against impropriety, so that “the land should not spit you out in your contaminating it,” it does not mean that the land will become changed in the process.  It means that the land must and will maintain its essential holiness, and will expel those who introduce contamination to its borders.


27 June 2024

Yeshu/Chr*stianity Has Nothing of Value to Offer Jews

21 Sivan 5784 

[Alternative title:  2,000 Years Later Yeshu Is Still A B*stard]

What better way to steal the minds and hearts of Jews than to prey on their ignorance of Torah and sell them on the lie that understanding the kabbalah of Christianity in the Zohar is key to bringing the Redemption, G-d forbid!!

The Zohar is not for gentiles and it's not even for all Jews.  In answer to the question of why not, I found three good answers offered by learned Jews. 

(1) The problem with learning Kabbalah is not that it is forbidden. The texts are there, everybody can look them up. But what is meant with a secret is, that even if you read it, you will not be able to understand it correctly if you don’t have authentic guidance from a person who is conversant in the subjects. The danger lies in the fact that you can come (by yourself) to the wrong conclusions and start believing certain concepts that are actually heretical. Heresy, even if by accident, is still a very serious prohibition. Only when a person has filled himself with sufficient knowledge in the revealed Torah (Jewish Scripture, Talmud, Midrashim and poskim) can one be called ready to start learning Kabbalah. It is practically impossible that this branch of knowledge will be correctly understood by anybody who has not the firm basis it needs. (Levi Wise)

(2) The Zohar is deliberately written in a style that requires the individual to have an extensive background in Jewish sources and to be able to derive understanding from hints. Thus it is suggested that it only be studied one on one, one student with one teacher, and the student explains their understanding and is then corrected or given further insight by the teacher. Just reading it, without the extensive background needed and without a proper teacher will lead to error and confusion, nothing positive.

And cults like the “Kabbalah Center” of the Bergs or Michael Laitmain’s ‘Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Center” are scams. They say what they think will bring in the most people to make money from them. Nothing genuine, just erudite sounding rubbish that relies on their followers being too ignorant to argue with. (Marc Lipshitz) [This has been well established.]

(3) The Zohar was not mentioned in the Torah for a good reason.

Tradition relates the Zohar to Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, a Jewish sage from the 2nd century CE. That is 500 years after the Torah was canonized and millenia after it was written. The Zohar was actually written in the 13th century CE by a scholar named Moshe Di-Leon.

One can only study the Zohar after a lifetime of studying the Talmud. It is a tradition not to engage in the study of Kabbalah until one is 40. I myself never tried, as I spent my life doing lots of things but never studied the Talmud very deeply.

Pop Kabbalah Madonna style is for idiots. Like trying to understand quantum mechanics without learning middle school physics. (Gal Amir)
These answers comport with what I was taught and makes very logical sense.  So, why are there so many "Orthodox teachers" today prescribing the learning of Zohar for "every person, regardless of gender, race, religion or nationality."  Just one of the many ways the Sitra Achra uses to corrupt Klal Yisrael.  The promise of "secret knowledge" and the "power" it allegedly confers very much appeals to the ego. Something else that needs to be mastered before engaging in such study.

The reason this is so important right now is because this technique is proliferating in the "Orthodox" Jewish world.  (I don't know about other communities, but all the false teachers I am encountering keep claiming their "Orthodoxy" as if it's a hechsher for the heretical ideas they are spreading.)

If anyone is issuing a blanket invitation for all Jews (or all people) - people they don't know and will never know personally - to learn Zohar, they do not have your best interests at heart.  It's a scam of the Sitra Achra and the job of these "teachers" is to lure you in and compromise your faith. Remember Gila Jedwan who said she promised Hashem that she would learn and teach Zohar for a year and claimed it is the key to everything?  She has another interview out with a person called Billy Phillips ("Who was J*sus? How did his life intersect with The Zohar? Billy answers all my questions")...

He says he is a student of "Rav Berg" (I reckon that's the famed Zohar scammer from the Kabbalah Centre.) Says he was born Jewish, went to "Hebrew school" but home was secular, was not satisfied with the answers he got to his questions. He "looked for meaning" outside of Judaism and the only place he found "answers" was through the Kabbalah Centre. 

The result is he's teaching things like "Unredacting J*sus" and "How the Kabbalists Hid the Zohar Inside Chr*stianity".  One of his sites says:  "There are many ways to understand the Trinity from The Zohar, some deep, some simpler."  

Why does a Jew even need to consider this question?  It's not a kosher thing to turn your mind towards.  A Jew will never in his life have a need to "understand the Trinity."  In fact a smart Jew will see this and run with all his might in the opposite direction!!

Is the Pope's endorsement really a consideration for us?  A thousand times "NO!"

What explains this treif obsession with Yeshu???

Quoting Phillips  [bolding/underlining mine]...

If you have questions about the universe, life, or in particular unanswered questions about J*sus, God and the chaos in our lives, this course can provide profound insights and practical answers based on hidden teachings that are now coming to light after twenty centuries.

💬 I know what you're wondering...

Is this Jews for Jesus? No.

Is this Christians for Judaism? No.

Is this Christians for Christians? No.

Is this Jews for Jews? No.

So what then is it?

And THAT is one of the secrets that will be revealed. And the answer is stunning and life-changing.


1. J*sus gave secrets only to his close disciples. To the masses he spoke in parable. Now that the secrets are being revealed, takeaway number one is that you are in the same relationship with Jesus as were his closest disciples.

2. You will have a profoundly deeper understanding of the origins and secret meaning of Chr*stian Doctrines.

3. You will know the secret history and source of J*sus' teachings that have never been made public.

4. You will understand the way to bring the Final Redemption and the arrival of the Messiah based on the secret teachings.

5. You will fill your body and soul with Light because the secret teachings and the actual story of what really happened are both the sum and substance of supernal Light—at least, according to the secret teachings.

6. You will understand HOW the Messianic reality will function and look in a practical way, and why the secrets are the key to igniting the arrival of the Messiah.   
It's like Chr*stianity without the free ticket to Heaven.  Who needs it???  Nobody, but especially NOT JEWS!!!  It's treif, treif, treif, treif, treif, treif!!!!  It's a scam and I pity whomever falls into the trap of believing in it or even pondering over it, God forbid!!

This is part of the NWO plan to create a one-world religion where differences are erased and commonalities are emphasized, where everyone can find common cause, no matter their background.  The big push here is to get Jews over their knee-jerk disgust and rejection of anything related to Yeshu(Gila really emphasizes this point.)  Restore him to the Jews as a good Jewish Rabbi (as per Shlomo Riskin), make him a kabbalist and holder of secrets that can bring upon us the Final Redemption (which everyone is expecting anyway) and they will soften up and stop being so obstinate and fixated on Torah and mitzvot, remaining apart from the greater culture.  In a word - ASSIMILATE!!  Out of existence - One New Man.  

They express the view that whomever opposes them or their program to spread this globally is "Erev Rav" from the "Darkness" trying to extinguish their "Light."  

They must be staring into a mirror.  

The more you find treif ideologies mixed in with Torah Judaism, like New Age, Chr*stianity, Hindu ideas, etc. just turn it off, run away from it.  HKB"H has given us everything we would ever need in the Torah Temima.  Everything outside if it is a hindrance.  It can add nothing.  That's why there is a warning not to add to or take away from the Torah.

We didn't need anything Yeshu had to say 2,000 years ago, and we certainly aren't interested in anything his admirers are pushing in his name today.

26 June 2024

"Former Friend" Ben Gvir

20 Sivan 5784 

As I've said before, Ben Gvir seems to me to be all talk.  I'm not aware of anything that has changed in any significant way under his leadership.

from Itmar Ben Gvir over Torture of Amiram Ben Uliel

Like I've said before, our Yehonatan is on a steep learning curve, but he's getting caught up.  B"H!!

~ ~ ~

Back on June 9, 2024 (3 Sivan) I wrote a blog post entitled "Merry Xmas, Bibi!"  Some of of my comments there were really worthy of their own blog post and today I got the perfect opportunity to do just that.  This ties in to the Machon Shilo video above...

Before anyone responds to my remark that the entire government is Erev Rav with a shout-out to Ben Gvir, you need to give that a lot more thought. For example, consider the following:
Aryeh Eldad, a secular hard-liner, and Dr. Michael Ben-Ari, an Orthodox Jew and former Kach activist, decided to form the new faction Otzma LeYisrael in October 2012. Eldad was chosen to lead the party's list, followed by Ben-Ari and Baruch Marzel.
…On 20 February 2019, Otzma Yehudit [name changed] and The Jewish Home reached a deal that would give Otzma Yehudit the 5th and 8th seats in a technical bloc. On 21 February 2019, the party announced that their candidates for the list would be Michael Ben-Ari and Itamar Ben-Gvir. On 17 March 2019, Dr. Michael Ben-Ari was banned from running for the Knesset ahead of the April 2019 Israeli legislative election. On 25 August 2019, the Supreme Court ruled that Otzma Yehudit candidates Baruch Marzel and Ben-Zion Gopstein were banned from running in the September 2019 elections. (Source: Wikipedia)
Leaving the party in Ben Gvir’s hands. So, why was Dr. Michael Ben Ari banned?
The Israeli Supreme Court issued a ruling against Otzma Yehudit Sunday evening, barring one of its candidates, Dr. Michael Ben-Ari, from running for the 21st Knesset. 
In so doing, the court overturned a decision earlier this month by the Central Elections Committee to permit Ben-Ari to participate in next month’s election.

The court also ruled Sunday to overturn the Central Elections Committee’s decision to bar the radical anti-Zionist Arab parties Balad and the United Arab List from running for the Knesset. The two parties, which are running on a joint ticket, had been barred by the committee for their support for terrorism and opposition to Israel as a Jewish state.

A former Knesset Member who served in the National Union party from 2009 to 2013, Ben-Ari was a student of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, who founded the Kach party and served as the party’s sole Knesset Member, from 1984 to 1988.

While previous candidates have been barred from running for the Knesset – including Rabbi Meir Kahane, who was banned in 1988 – this marks the first time in the history of Israel that the court has banned a candidate over the objections of the Central Elections Committee.The petition to bar Ben-Ari had been submitted by Meretz chief MK Tamar Zandberg, Labor MK Stav Shaffir, and representatives of the Reform Movement. Attorney Itamar Ben-Gvir, Otzma Yehudit’s second candidate for the Knesset, was also included in the petition, but will be permitted to run.
Strange. And why were Marzel and Gopshtein banned?
The Supreme Court on Sunday banned a pair of senior members of the extreme-right Otzma Yehudit party from running in Israel’s elections in September. 
The nine-member panel of justices voted unanimously in favor of disqualifying Benzi Gopstein, while a single justice voted against doing the same for Baruch Marzel. At the same time, the court dismissed separate petitions calling for the banning of party chairman Itamar Ben Gvir….
Not once, but twice!! The party was taken from those who founded it and presented to Ben Gvir. 
The courts must really like Itamar Ben Gvir. (See The 'spy' who sued me.)

Why is this "Kahanist" different from all other Kahanists???

~ ~ ~

...Dr. Ben Ari, Baruch Marzel and Bentzy Gopshtein are the real deal, no questions!! And that is precisely why they were eliminated (politically) and precisely why that makes Ben Gvir suspicious.

...who is the literally universal face of the dreaded "extremist right wing" that Netanyahu is scripted to be trying to constantly moderate? The whole world knows it by name - Ben Gvir. He's a constant reminder of what awaits those terrified of Torah-led rulers, even though he has publicly "distanced himself" from Rabbi Kahane.
(TOI - 2022) Ben Gvir, of the Religious Zionism-Otzma Yehudit alliance, said that although he admired Kahane, he would not advance legislation to expel all Arabs from Israel and the West Bank or to create a regime of ethnic segregation — as Kahane advocated.

For this, he was roundly booed by the audience.

“It is no secret that today I am not Rabbi Kahane and I do not support the deportation of all Arabs, and I will not enact laws for separate beaches,” he said to loud jeers.

...Despite distancing himself from Kahane’s most overtly racist and discriminatory views, Ben Gvir, who is expected to be a key figure in Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu’s incoming government, extolled Kahane’s virtues and praised him for many of his activities.

...[Baruch] Marzel told The Times of Israel he did not vote for Otzma Yehudit in the recent election since Ben Gvir has said he does not follow Kahane’s path, and said he intends to establish a new far-right party to contest future elections.

So, now he has lost another big supporter.  How much longer until his jig is finally up? 

25 June 2024

Dangerous Waters, Beware Rip Currents

19 Sivan 5784 

Part 1: Introduction

Aside from the ongoing violent weather, floods and fires, and collapsing infrastructure in the United States, deadly shark attacks and drownings due to dangerous rip currents are at the top of last night's newscast.  Hence the title of today's blog post.  However, in our case, we're talking about the dangerous ideas being spread and, God forbid, taking root here in the final hours of the Satan's life, as he goes all out to lure the sheep astray.

In response to Rabbi Mendel Kessin's most recent recorded shiur, some people questioned some of his assertions about Christianity.  During the give and take in comments on the internet, a new element was introduced - a recommendation to see an interview on the subject between an unknown young woman and the rabbi, with link provided.  I did not see it.  But, I did see a follow-up video to it which has stunned me.

I will be taking down my video with
R' Mendel Kessin. Here is why.

I know more about the subject of Christianity than any rabbi who has never been a part of it, no matter his level of Torah learning.  I was immersed in it for the first 40 years of my life.  And now I have been a kosher Jew for 30 years.  You don't get out of the biggest cult in the world without developing an innate sense of what's true and what's a perversion of truth. Not an outright lie mind you. That's too easy. It works much better with the subtlety of twisting the truth just a bit with the added benefit of easier deniability if questioned.

Before I go further and let you in on our investigation into who this woman is and speculate on her agenda (because there most definitely is one), I want to lay out three very important ideas to keep in mind throughout:
  1. The rule has been that no one under forty years old should learn kabbalah because it was thought that by that time, a Torah-educated man would have a firm enough foundation in all other areas of the Torah not to be misled by the language of kabbalah into heresy, which is otherwise a real possibility. A true understanding of kabbalah will never contradict even at the peshat level. All levels of Torah knowledge (PRDS) will align at all times.

  2. Any reference to "Rabbinical Judaism" as an anomaly not to be trusted as the truth is a clear indicator of anti-Torah rhetoric which is intent on the abandonment of "religion" in favor of a "higher level" relationship to God through "spirituality."

  3. The notion that the world has changed and that davka NOW is the time for every person to learn kabbalah (even Gentiles!!) regardless of age, experience, or level of Torah learning is laying the pathway to the Western (Christian)-led plan for a new world religion which finds commonality (and value) among all the world's religions and brings them all (including Judaism) into submission under the one umbrella of "spirituality."
Part 2:  Who Is GilaJ?

Her two-month-old Youtube channel is called "Gila J. ZOHAR IS THE HOLY GRAIL." (Caps hers.)  That's clue number one.  The site provides links to her book, her telegram channel, and her linktree (whatever that is!).  

Maybe you've heard of her before, but it looks to me like someone who has come from nowhere to suddenly have this online presence; who scored a personal interview with one of the most sought-after rabbis in the Anglo-Jewish world, which is now stirring major controversy, bringing a lot of exposure to her message, which she admits she is prepared to spread far and wide.  Must hear...

From Fear to Love: My Journey With Kabbalah
 and Understanding the True Torah

Gila "J" is Gila Jedwab, "Orthodox Jew" married to "Josh" and mother of four, a dentist in Cedarhurst, NJ (or Long Island, depending on the source).

The banner on her "X" profile where she labels herself "a patriot"...

She is also a "Trumper" and QAnon believer.  In 2020, she was one of the "coordinators" of a Trump rally in Woodmere, NY.  (More in that vein here.)  This is only of interest if you understand Trump's real mission in the world and where TPTB look to recruit influencers for their hidden agenda.

Here is an interesting find...

It looks like Gila J heeded the call...

Trump's Greatest Comeback..
Or is it?  Gila Jed


It is a well-worn tactic of the Satan to try and lead the leaders of the generation astray as they bring all their followers along with them.  At the very least, an honest assessment here justifies a call to Rabbi Kessin to be clearer with his words as this example shows where his remarks, if not his intentions, are taking his followers.  Perhaps it is an indication that these ideas are better shared in a closed environment; however, for some reason there is clearly an expressed desire instead to drastically expand.  


It's a purely nonsensical concept that anyone can ever know "the truth" about Yeshu.  The only historical records extant about him are from a heavily biased source (the Council of Nicaea) which compiled them 300 years after his alleged ministry.  The New Testament that they created then, and which all Christendom still recognizes today, makes the following idolatrous claim (the "He/Him" here is Yeshu)...

In other words...

Christianity is not monotheism.
Neither is it shituf
It is outright idolatry!
And forbidden to ALL!!

Part 3:  Be Aware

We have traveled so very far from the millennia of Jewish tradition (based on halachah) of no conversations, no debates, no relationships with Christians, no teaching about Christianity to Jews and certainly no praise of Christians or admissions of worth or value to it!!

For the public's further edification, I would point you to this resource...

And now, I'll just leave you with these reminders...

"It's halachah, Eisav hates Ya'aqov."
Rabbi Feinstein wrote...we have to realize that hatred of the Jews by all nations is actually great, even in the nations that behave well [toward Jews]. I have already explained concerning Rashi’s language in his Torah commentary… on the word וישקהו: Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai says: “It is a well-known halakha that Esau hates Jacob.”

And why is the word halakha relevant here? It is because just as halakha never changes, so also Esau’s hatred of Jacob never changes. Even in those [nations] that behave well [toward Jews], their hatred [of Jews] is actually strong.

Rav Moshe Feinstein is not the only modern Jewish writer to see “Esau Hates Jacob” as expressing the inherent antisemitism of gentiles. In an article for Mishpacha magazine, R. Emanuel Feldman wrote:
Two thousand years ago, our Sages declared prophetically: “Halachah hi: Eisav sonei es Yaakov,” it is a universal law: Esau hates Jacob. This is one halachah that Esau maintains religiously.

 Hashem hates Eisav.

Was not Esau a brother to Jacob? says the Lord. And I loved Jacob. And I hated Esau, and I made his mountains desolate and his heritage into [a habitat for] the jackals of the desert. Should Edom say, "We were poor, but we will return and build the ruins"? So said the Lord of Hosts: They shall build, but I will demolish; and they shall be called the border of wickedness and the people whom the Lord has damned forever. And your eyes shall see, and you shall say, "The Lord is great beyond the border of Israel." (Malachi 1:1-5)
Eisav/Edom is an eternal enemy.
And the house of Jacob shall be fire and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau shall become stubble, and they shall ignite them and consume them, and the house of Esau shall have no survivors, for the Lord has spoken. (Ovadia 1:18)

Even the strongest swimmer can be carried away by treacherous waters.

23 June 2024

Reminder and Caution

17 Sivan 5784

This is the lowest generation ever in the history of our nation.  Consequently, the leadership is a non-leadership and the rabbis by and large are mostly from the Erev Rav as it is written: 

"Before the arrival of Moshiach, most of the rabbis will be from the Erev Rav, because Israel in themselves are holy, but the Erev Rav only work for their own benefit . . . " (Divrei Chaim, Parashas Vayakhel, 'Omissions') 

Even when the rabbi is entirely righteous, no one is perfect and never makes a mistake.  Therefore, it is encumbent upon us to learn from earlier sources and to be familiar with the traditional (proven over centuries) commentaries,  so that when we listen to what passes for current Torah scholarship (over Youtube and internet sites), we can be a better judge of the accuracy of what we are hearing.  

Unfortunately, I am hearing some very questionable and concerning, if not outright disturbing and heretical, teachings being passed on for which no basis can be found in any earlier source.  And for some reason, people do not listen with discerning ears, but swallow every word without question.  99% could be true and 1% could be kefirah, but woe to us for the 1% because over time, it can bring us far, far from the whole truth.  And if each lesson consumed has just that 1% error, what does that add up to over weeks and months and years?  

Jewish life is all about separating between the good and the not good, taking what's of value and leaving aside what is not, and knowing when it's just too dangerous to consider whether anything a particular person has to say is of any value; when the risk of error has become too dear.

In my experience, the Jewish neshamah has an internal gauge that can measure the truth and it triggers a warning when something is out of kilter.  Make a mental note to yourself to check it out further and see if it can be confirmed by other provenly reliable sources.  Like I am doing with the following from Rabbi Efraim Palvanov, whom I find to be consistently problematic...

...the Torah tells us that Moses married a Cushite woman. While there are certainly numerous differing interpretations of what exactly happened there, the simple pshat seems to be that Moses married a black woman and Miriam apparently had a problem with this. In turn, measure-for-measure, God punished Miriam by making her skin “snow-white” (Numbers 12:10). Perhaps God was sending Miriam a message: you’re not so white yourself!
He doesn't cite a source so this is his own novel idea, as is indicated by the words I bolded and underlined.  I've never understood this from the peshat or seen it in any commentary.  If you have, then please let me know.  The following, however, is an outright error...
... we read that “when a stranger who resides with you offers a Passover sacrifice to God, it must be offered in accordance with the rules and rites of the Passover offering. There shall be one law for you, for the stranger (ger), and the citizen of the land.” (Numbers 9:14) The Torah says that even foreigners and those non-Jews dwelling among us could participate in Passover.
"Foreigners" are termed nochri or ben-necharGer is a convert and so the proven and accepted commentaries have translated this word.  The ger here is a Jew in every way.  On the other hand, of the ben-nechar, the Torah says...
"The Lord said to Moses and Aaron, "This is the statute of the Passover sacrifice: No estranged one (ben nechar) may partake of it."  (Shemot 12:43)
Interestingly, Rashi adds:
No estranged one: Whose deeds have become estranged from his Father in heaven. Both a gentile and an Israelite apostate are meant. — [from Mechilta]
You have to be very careful whom you choose to learn from and know that even the best teacher can be wrong and need correction.  

And what if a famous, popular and authoritative rabbi says that "when God's Plan A with the Jews failed, He went to Plan B and used the gentiles to spread the knowledge of Torah via Christianity"?  

There is no sin in questioning a rabbi.  They are after all only human beings.  If something sounds off, it probably is.  But rather than make excuses for it or put your own spin on what is being said - CHECK IT OUT WITH ALREADY PROVEN AND RELIABLE SOURCES!!

21 June 2024

True Leadership Requires Ahavat Yisrael

15 Sivan 5784
Erev Shabbat Kodesh
Parashat Beha'alotcha

Jews refusing orders – Rav Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane
by Tzipora Liron-Pinner

In Parashat Beha'alotcha, we are witness to a unique event: the choosing of leaders.  The Torah even “lets us in” on which factors played part in how these Jewish leaders were chosen.  In chapter 11 of our Parasha, Moshe Rabbeinu reaches his breaking point - “I can't carry the burden of this people alone, for it is too heavy for me”, and asks G-d to find people who can share the burden of leadership with him.  How does G-d pick these leaders?  After all, there was no shortage of righteous and talented Jews around.  G-d immediately singles out a specific group from which the next Jewish leadership will be chosen:  “Gather to me seventy men of the elders of Israel, whom you know to be the elders of the people, and officers over them.”  Rashi explains: “Those whom you recognize, who were appointed over them as officers in Egypt during the rigorous labor, and they (the officers) had pity on them (the Israelites) and were smitten because of them.” 

Though this may appear a rather surprising choice, a deeper probe into the matter will reveal to us a tremendous lesson, so pertinent for today.  Who in the world were these Jewish police officers?  In Shemot, Chapter 5, Pharaoh lays down a rather heavy, if not impossible, edict on his Jewish slaves.  They must produce a specific quota of bricks without even being given straw.  The Jewish officers were ordered by the Egyptian taskmasters to oversee that this quota was met.  If not, the officers would be blamed for it and beaten.  Thus, they were in a dilemma.  Either they can turn over their brothers and by doing so save their own skin, or they can refuse orders and be severely punished for it.  In short, these “officers” were supposed to be Jewish “kapos”.  But these policemen, unlike others who have been placed in similar situations in our sad history, refused to bear down on their already suffering brethren, and did not hand over the names of Jews who could not meet the quota.  The result?  The Egyptian taskmasters thrashed the “refusenik” policemen instead of the Jewish slaves:  “And the officers of the children of Israel, whom Pharaoh's taskmasters had set over them, were beaten....”  (Shemot 5:14)

If we think of this seriously, and not relate to it like to some “fairy tale” we heard in kindergarten, we would get goose bumps all over contemplating such heroism.  What can be a more inspiring description of Ahavat Yisrael and caring for a fellow Jew by someone in a position of authority.  Not only didn't they exploit their power, but these officers understood that sometimes they must bear the suffering of their brothers.  This is what G-d saw.  And He did not forget.  The minute there was a need for leadership, He knew whom to turn to.  G-d did not seek out people with charisma, nor did he pick talented organizers or even Torah scholars.  One thing: Ahavat Yisrael.

The centrality of this attribute cannot be disputed.  The two greatest leaders in Jewish history, Moshe Rabbeinu and King David, were former shepherds.  The sages teach us that G-d tested them via their ability to care for their flock and show mercy on those they are responsible over.  Here we must stress a key point.  Today, everyone speaks of “Ahavat Yisrael".  But too often it is merely a slogan.  When selecting the leaders, G-d did not choose those who make nice speeches about “Ahavat Yisrael”.  G-d wanted people with a “previous record”: a record of suffering for one's brothers; a record of placing one's personal welfare secondary to that of one's people.

How sweet it is to read again and again this Midrash about the Jewish policemen.  After all, we are so familiar with the claims of the soldiers and policemen in Israel today: “I'm just a small cog in a big machine.  I'm just following orders.”  But that is not what the Jewish policemen did to their brothers in Egypt.  The policemen saw the illegality and immorality in the cruel Egyptian decree, and refused the order!  It is important to note that mesirut nefesh (self-sacrifice) for the Jewish People is not necessarily the readiness to die for them.  Sometimes it may mean the readiness to be hated for your actions; the willingness to sit in jail for your people; or to be ostracized by the establishment.  Such leadership stands in stark contrast to the self-indulgent politicians of today.  But know that only when such alternative leadership sprouts, Am Yisrael will be redeemed.
From ' The Writings of Rav Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane, HY”D ', commentary on Parashat Beha'alotcha.


20 June 2024

America - An Enslaving Empire

14 Sivan 5784

Israel is today as enslaved to the United States every bit as much as it was to Egypt.  They say "jump" and we ask "how high?"  But, today, Egypt is here in Eretz Yisrael and we have a choice.  We can, and must, throw off the shackles of our own making and throw them out of here!!!

We have no business anywhere near Hawaii and we certainly have no business participating in American aggression against China.  And we most certainly have no business sparing any of our forces for this nonsense on the very eve of war in Lebanon!!!!!

Maybe the Jew-haters will save us from ourselves.  Maybe we will be uninvited. Halevai!!

Withdraw from Rimpac exercise over Israel’s participation, NGOs tell govt

New Zealand’s involvement in RIMPAC exercise condemned because of Israel’s participation


14 Sivan 5784 

Assimilation is more rampant than most Jews understand and I would posit that most of the assimilated have no idea that they have, in fact, been assimilated.  A kippah on the head is no indicator of a kosher hashkafah.  

If you can listen to the following video excerpt (3:40) of a JNS interview and not be able to identify the basis of my assertion, you may also have fallen prey to this scourge on the Jewish world.  Check yourself accordingly.  This kind of thinking has been, and continues to be, the main impediment to the revelation of Mashiach in our days!!

An Assimilationist Vision

19 June 2024

"C4IR Israel"

13 Sivan 5784

"The only way to win is not to play the game."

I honestly don't know what it is going to take to get the Jews to look up - beyond the political circus - and see that left and right are artificial constructs intended to maintain control by making people think they still have choice.  All you need to do to verify my words is to acknowledge that no matter which "side" takes the reins of government, nothing essentially changes.

These hooligan protesters in Israel have the right idea about Netanyahu but for the wrong reasons.  That doesn't mean he doesn't have to go, and the sooner the better, but he must be replaced by something better, not more of the same (or worse) from the other side.  The "choice" that The Powers That Be allow us is not only not working for our benefit, but they pose an existential risk, not only to the Jews, but to the entire free world!!  And it's going to be up to us to put a stop to them.

Hamas and Hezbollah, even Iran, are just the tip of the iceberg.  We got a glimpse into the reality that lies beyond what we normally are allowed to see during COVID.  Has everyone so soon forgotten how Netanyahu arranged with his good buddy Pfizer head Albert Bourla to be first in line to get the whole population of Israel injected with an untested experimental "vaccine"?  [See: Pfizer CEO hails ‘obsessive’ Netanyahu for calling 30 times to seal vaccine deal.]

Across the board, from the staunchest chiloni to the "modern" chareidi, Jews looks admiringly at Israel's hi-tech, start-up nation reputation and feel a swell of pride in it, as if the Prophet Yeshayahu had written: "The Technology will go forth from Zion and the word of AI from Jerusalem."  What an unrivaled blessing we've become to the world, such a "light unto the nations."

Well, think again!  Think again!!  Because while engaging in this love affair with the god Technology, the noose has been slowly but surely closing around all our necks!!!

While we have been 100% distracted with war and politics, TPTB have been reducing the number of farms around the world.  (Do you think it is a coincidence that agriculture in Israel has taken one of the hardest hits over the past nine months?)  [See: The number of farms in the world is declining, here’s why it matters to you; Bill Gates is the biggest private owner of farmland in the United States. Why?]

How else are they going to convince people to buy the lab-grown beef and the lab-grown chicken and the lab-grown fish?  Reduce the amount of animals available for slaughter and push the prices so high that the poorer you are the less access you have to real (healthy) food.

And Israel (Hashem yerachem!) leads the way...

And just as a side note...
As Queen Esther (7:4) would say: "For we have been sold, I and my people,..." Which brings us to The World Economic Forum (WEF) and C4IR Israel...
The Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Israel is an initiative established by the Government and led by the Innovation Authority.

The centre aims to create and share knowledge, experience and best practices related to innovative technologies’ regulation by establishing collaborations between governments, leading corporations, the private sector, and experts from around the world.

Launched 19 September 2019
Host Institution Israel Innovation Authority
Centre Head Daniella Partem
C4IR Israel
Program's Description

The world is in the midst of the fourth industrial revolution – a period during which technological breakthroughs and industrial disruptive technologies are blurring geographical borders and challenging existing regulatory frameworks. Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and autonomous transportation are rapidly changing our lives, creating new risks and opportunities, and raising ethical issues. Government regulations must keep up with the rapid pace of technological changes and bring progress to Israeli citizens.

To help government regulation adapt to the rapidly changing technology, the World Economic Forum founded a network of Centers for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (C4IR). This network aims to create and to share knowledge, experience and best practices related to innovative technologies’ regulation by establishing collaborations between governments, leading corporations, private sector, and experts from around the world.

The C4IR network began operation in San Francisco in 2017 and operates centers in China, Japan, and India. Alongside the official centers, there are other countries that joined as ‘Affiliate Centers’ including South Africa, Colombia, Brazil, the UAE, Norway, and Saudi Arabia.

In January 2019, as part of Government Resolution No. 4481, it was decided that the State of Israel would join the C4IR. Accordingly, in August 2019, the Innovation Authority established the Israeli Center for Regulation of Innovative Technologies that serves as an Affiliate Center in the C4IR network.

Participation in the network will enable to advance the readiness of the Israeli market to new technologies, specifically innovative disruptive technologies that will significantly influence life in Israel. The Israeli center will work with local regulators to assist them in adopting flexible and innovative regulations that are suitable for technological developments and that allow for the promotion of innovation, research and improved services while preserving public interests (such as safety and privacy).

The Innovation Authority believes that creating a flexible, innovative regulation environment that is adapted to technological developments provides a significant opportunity to advance an innovation ecosystem for growing technologies. This environment is necessary for the Israeli high-tech industry to be able to maintain its leading technological position in these fields but also to enable the State of Israel to provide its citizens with the tremendous benefit promised by technological progress.

The Israeli Center, established in 2019, promotes technological fields at the heart of the International Center’s (C4IR – WEF) activity, the development and application of which influence productivity and growth in the State of Israel. The Center promotes collaborations with the Ministries of Transport, Health and Justice in the fields of regulation of smart transportation, autonomous vehicles and drones, and in fields of Artificial Intelligence and information economics.
Did this bastion of democracy called Israel ever bother to bring this to a vote of the people? Hell no!! How many citizens of Israel even know about it? This from the sell-out, traitorous Erev Rav regime under the leadership of Binyamin Netanyahu - the right-wing "King" of Israel - darling of the shuk crowd.  We have no idea how many secret agreements this illegitimate government has signed us up for and obligated us to.  But, when we find out, we individually have a moral obligation and responsibility to educate our fellow Jews so that their dangerous delusions of change coming about through elections can be destroyed once and for all.  

People, there is no time left.  HKB"H, The Master and Creator of All, will never allow this plan to succeed to the point of no return.  Recall how He let the Generation of the Tower of Bavel build that tower massively high before He stopped them in their tracks.  All the more reason to believe Mashiach is literally coming through the door.  As the Prophet Yirmiyahu (31:16) said, "There is hope for your future."

The following video is where I learned about this.  If you can't afford the time to watch it in full, at least see the first 10 mins!

Their Sinister PLAN To Eliminate 
ALL Meat Was Just Released!

18 June 2024

"Jews Have More Than One Enemy"

12 Sivan 5784

In true Amalek style, the missionaries always go for the low-hanging fruit - the poor, tired, hurt and helpless on the fringes of society.  They are coming now for the ones Yishmael did not finish off!!

Evil never takes a rest. It's time to catch up on what the Eisavian enemy has been up to lately.

A Jew (usually Anglo) always makes the connection between Christian spiritual predators and vulnerable Jews.

Remember JH-Israel? They have now expanded beyond gaining access to our next generation, grooming them to become good Judeo-Christians.

  1. In collaboration with the Ministry of Education and based on the life of the patriarchs, we are updating our regional and national high school programs to include grief, loss, healing and restoration components anticipating the end of the war.

  2. In collaboration with the Ministry of Defense, we are developing a Widows & Orphans program that will help IDF families with grief and healing. This has a matching grant component and will also require hiring mental health professionals at the war’s end.

  3. Two infrastructure air raid bunkers are needed to accommodate guests at the National Leadership Center at the conclusion of the conflict.

  4. Area of Greatest Need.

Birmingham-based JH Israel is helping Israel Defense Forces (IDF) widowed spouses and orphans with a modified program meeting wartime recovery needs.

The Naomi Project is a collaboration between JH Israel and Israeli leaders supporting innovative educational initiatives. Due to the current circumstances, the multi-day program has been modified to include trauma counseling and grief components.

Organizers hope the program will help with healing and hope.

Regional and national high school programs will include grief, loss, healing and restoration components as part of the program. There will also be a new widows and orphans program to connect families with mental health professionals.

The plan is to retain employees of the National Leadership Center while it remains closed. The center is closed during wartime, but the staff is needed to help those suffering.

JH Israel also wants to install two infrastructure air raid bunkers at the National Leadership Center.

The current need to start the program is $600,000, and the Israel Ministry of Defense will provide a matching grant starting at $300,000.


16 June 2024

More "Yehudit"...

10 Sivan 5784 

Yehudit's "Prophecy"...

* North of Israel will burn up from missiles from the Iranian Hizbulla,....
* IDF (Israel Defense Force) reaction will be worthless.
* IDF will be very angry with the 'non-government'.

▪OFFICER ON CH. 14… A senior officer fighting in Rafah to News 14: "We have to speak the truth with courage: either we let the IDF conquer everything and win, or we get out of Gaza. We no longer have strength for intermediate positions. The price of indecision is hurting to us. We are pained by the lack of leadership. Decide now - and whatever you decide we will implement it for the best. Decisions now!' (Israel Realtime Updates, 10 Jun 24)

* The United States will be severely struck because of their pride.
* The dollar will lose its value and the inflation will severely escalate.
* America will become bankrupt.

* The severe strikes on the U.S. will come thru wars and even more, thru powerful weather disasters.

14 June 2024

"The Ultimate Blessing of Peace"

8 Sivan 5784
Erev Shabbat Kodesh

Parashat Nasso begins with the instructions for the Levite families (4:21-49), then with general purity and morality of the Israelite camp, concluding with the Nazirite (5:1-6:21).
And then comes Birkat Kohanim, the Priestly Blessing: “Hashem spoke to Moshe saying: Speak to Aaron and to his sons, saying: Thus shall you bless the Children of Israel –  say to them: ‘Hashem bless you and keep you; Hashem shine His face upon you and be gracious to you; Hashem raise His face to you and grant you peace’. Thus they shall place My Name on the Children of Israel, and I will bless them” (6:22-27).

This is the Blessing with which, until today, the Kohanim – Aaron’s sons – bless the Congregations of Israel every day (in Israel; in most communities in exile, only on Festivals). This is the Blessing with which, traditionally, every Jewish father blesses his children on Friday night, at the onset of Shabbat, immediately before Kiddush.

This is a three-fold Blessing, with each line subdivided into two Blessings:
1. (i) Hashem bless you (ii) and keep you;
2. (i) Hashem shine His face upon you (ii) and be gracious to you;
3. (i) Hashem raise His face to you (ii) and grant you peace.

There is a progression here, an ever-increasing blessing:

1. (i) “Hashem bless you” – may He bless your physical property that you become wealthy (Targum Yonatan, Ibn Ezra, S’forno, Malbim); (ii) “and keep you” – having accumulated wealth and physical property, it will remain with you (ibid.).
2. (i) “Hashem shine His face upon you” – may He smile upon your spiritual endeavours, help you in your Torah-study (Targum Yonatan, Rashi, S’forno), that there be no separation between Israel and God (Ohr ha-Chayim), that He grant you that which you ask of Him, that when you request anything of Him He will regard you favourably (Ibn Ezra); (ii) “and be gracious to you” – that He will reveal His secrets to you and relate to you (Targum Yonatan), that He give you favour (Rashi ), grant your requests (Ibn Ezra), and forgive your sins (Ohr ha-Chayim).
3. (i) “Hashem raise His face to you” – for eternal life (S’forno), may Hashem turn to you favourably when you pray to Him (Targum Yonatan), overcome His anger (Rashi), not hide His face from you (Rashbam, Ibn Ezra); (ii) “and grant you peace” – throughout your borders, which implies specifically in the Land of Israel (Targum Yonatan), that you not be damaged or harassed by stones, dangerous animals, or enemies (Ibn Ezra), that you not be divided among yourselves (Ohr ha-Chayim), that you have the tranquillity of lasting peace (S’forno).

That is to say, this blessing progressively increases: it begins with the physical (property, wealth), then perpetuates this physical blessing (the wealth not be taken away). Then the second line progresses to the spiritual. Both of these apply to the individual Jew.

Then the third line progresses to the level of eternity, and finally to the national level – peace throughout our borders, peace both among ourselves and with our external neighbours.

Seeing this three-fold Blessing in Hebrew, it is instantly obvious that the words and letters themselves increase consistently – from 3 words in the first line to 5 in the second to 7 in the third, and from 15 letters in the first line to 20 in the second to 25 in the third. The very words and letters indicate the increase in blessing:

יברכך ידוד וישמרך
יאר ידוד פניו אליך ויחנך
ישא ידוד פניו אליך וישם לך שלום

It is of course significant that this Blessing concludes with Shalom, peace. As the Talmudic sage Rabbi Shimon ben Halafta said, “The only vessel to hold blessings for Israel which God found is peace, as it says ‘Hashem will grant might to His nation, Hashem will bless His nation with peace’ (Psalms 29:11)” (Uktzin 3:12, the concluding words of the entire Mishnah).

We can learn from the Ohr ha-Chayim why of all blessings, peace is the vessel which contains all the others: “All the blessings mentioned in the Torah could be bestowed, yet without bringing any benefit. If, for example, the people are harassed by wars, then even though one year they can plough and sow their fields, the next year they cannot plough and harvest; one year affects the next – and the result is that the blessing has no effect. Therefore the Torah says ‘you will dwell securely in your Land’ (Leviticus 26:5) – no one will harass you, and year by year you will have these blessings” (Ohr ha-Chayim, commentary to Leviticus 26:5).

Indeed, without peace, all the other blessings, both the physical and the spiritual, become so transient as to be illusory.

As we noted above, the three lines of Birkat Kohanim increase from three words to five to seven, for a total of 15 words. The Ben Ish Chai (Rabbi Yosef Chayim, Baghdad, 1832-1909) sees a deep metaphysical significance in the number 15, which is the crescendo of a long discussion.

The Ben Ish Chai analyses the tzitz, the head-plate of pure gold engraved with the words “Holy to Hashem” (Exodus 28:36), which the Kohen Gadol (High Priest) would wear whenever carrying out his priestly duties (except for certain Yom Kippur services).

“The tzitz would surround [the Kohen Gadol’s head] from ear to ear, an allusion that the redemption will come…in the merit of the Oral Torah, which depends on the ear… And he places it on his מצח [forehead], because below the letters מצח [i.e. the letters directly following them] are the letters קטן [small], an allusion that the redemption will be in the merit of humility. And therefore it is written, ‘it [the tzitz] will face the מצנפת [turban]’ (Exodus 28:37), because above the letters מצנפת [i.e. the letters directly preceding them] are the letters עם שפל [humble nation], and as it is written, ‘You will save a poor nation’ (Psalms 18:28) – when they are a poor and humble nation, then they will merit the redemption. And an additional reason that [the Kohen Gadol] places [the tzitz] beneath the turban is an allusion to ‘and You will humiliate arrogant eyes’ (Psalms ibid.), because the mashiach will only come when arrogance will cease (see Sanhedrin 98a). This is the reason that [the Kohen Gadol] places [the tzitz] beneath the turban – the turban atones for arrogance (see Zevachim 88b). And the explanation for all this is that the Name YUD-HEH, whose numerical value is 15, the same as גאוה [arrogance], is rectified through humility – which means that the arrogant ones violate the Name YUD-HEH. And in the future time to come, in the elevated world of perfection, Hashem Himself will be elevated to the appellation יהיה (He-will-be), because the vav [in the Name of Hashem] will be elevated to a yud… And this is the reason that Birkat Kohanim contains 15 words, corresponding to the Name YUD-HEH” (Ben Ish Chai, Halachot, Parashat Tetzaveh Year 1).

By making this connexion between the Divine Name in the time of the redemption and the Birkat Kohanim, the Ben Ish Chai implies very strongly that he too agrees with the above-cited commentaries (Targum Yonatan, S’forno, Rashi, Rashbam, Ibn Ezra, Ohr ha-Chayim), that the final phrase – “and grant you peace” – indeed refers to the Jewish nation as a whole, living on its own Land, as opposed to the first two lines which are blessings directed towards the individual Jew.

And herein we find perhaps the greatest blessing of them all. All the words in the Hebrew blessing are in the singular: יברכך, וישמרך, אליך, ויחנך – all are singular verbs. The last line too – אליך and לך are both in the singular.

This raises the question: if this line applies to the nation, then should these words not be pluralised? אליכם instead of אליך, and לכם instead of לך?

– No! Because the greatest blessing of peace is that we are unified, a single nation. This is the lesson that we derive from the Giving of the Torah on Shavuot, which we celebrated at the beginning of this week.

The Torah describes our journey to Mount Sinai: “They travelled [plural] from Rephidim, and they came [plural] to the Sinai Desert, and they encamped [plural] in the desert – and there Israel camped [singular] facing the Mountain” (Exodus 19:2).

Why the switch from plural to singular? – Because when getting ready to receive the Torah, they were “as one person with one heart” (Rashi ad. loc., following Vayikra Rabbah 9:9).

And such will be again when we will be ready for our final redemption – “as one person with one heart”. This is the ultimate blessing of peace: “Hashem raise His face to you and grant you peace”.