06 September 2024

"Restoring" Our Judges

3 Elul 5784 
Erev Shabbat Kodesh
Parashat Shoftim
Judges and officers shall you appoint in all your cities - which Hashem, your God, gives you - for your tribes; and they shall judge the people with righteous judgment.  You shall not pervert judgment....  (Devarim 16.18-19)

Apropos to this week's parashah, we have news on the judicial front...

Speaking to the Israel Bar Association, President Isaac Herzog warned the government against reviving its controversial judicial overhaul legislation from last year, urging unity and emphasizing that “the soul and future of the nation are at stake.”
He's so right! The soul and future of the nation are at stake. Will it be Israeli or Jewish? Is there really a choice? As an Israeli State it is doomed to destruction because it violates the will of God. Only as a Jewish (Torah) nation can we survive.

Israel Realtime Updates yesterday provides more ammunition for the judicial reformists...
▪DISTURBING JUSTICE REVELATIONS.. disturbing revelations: Ch. 12 brought evidence of prohibited meetings and secret activity surrounding the appointment of Mandelblit to the position of Attorney General. The recordings that were revealed paint a difficult picture of manipulations, conflicts of interest, and improper interference in appointment procedures for the most sensitive position in the law enforcement system. (Movement for Quality Govt.)

.. Revealed: The chairman of the Bar Association put someone on his behalf in the search committee and passed on to Mandelblit the questions that would be asked by the committee.

.. Revealed: The chairman of the committee, Mandelblit's friend, made sure to talk to the judges of the High Court and make it clear to them that they should reject the petition against Mandelblit's appointment because whoever is appointed in his place will be bad for the system.

.. Revealed: Mandelblit made it clear to the top of the attorney's office what would happen if they were not in his favor, he would be replaced by a candidate who would not align with the system.
We pray three times a day in the "Eleventh Blessing of the Amidah"...
Restore our judges as in earlier times, and our counselors as at first. Remove from us grief and sighing, and reign over us – You, Hashem, alone – with kindness and compassion, and treat us charitably in judgment. Blessed are You, Hashem, Who loves righteousness and judgment.
Our prayer has already been answered but it comes with a caveat that we must be prepared for...
Therefore - the word of the Lord, Hashem, Master of Legions, Mighty One of Israel:
Oh, I shall be relieved of My adversaries, and I shall avenge Myself of My enemies!  I will turn My hand against you, until I refine your dross as with lye and I remove all your base metal.  Then I will restore your judges as at first, and your counselors as at the beginning; after that you will be called 'Çity of Righteousness', 'Faithful City'.  Zion will be redeemed through justice, and those who return to her through righteousness; but calamity awaits rebels and sinners together, and those who forsake Hashem will perish....  (Yeshayahu 1.24 - 28)
Today, we are in the midst of the birrur and the resultant cleansing and purifying of the remnant.  Almost to the end of it now!  Hold on a little longer!  Don't lose faith!!



  1. Did you listen to the story Yehonaton Pollard told Rabbi Bar Chaim.....about the Israeli girl that was violently assaulted by an "Israeli" Arab serving in the army. The facts were undeniable and corroborated, but the story was covered up by the corrupt news media as a collective. Worse still the female judge ( Today's portion of Shoftim warns against appointing female judges) held mediation instead of prosecuting the violent animal and made he victim forgive him so he could continue his life and his service in the army. I am SICKENED!!!
    Yet they are persecuting Israeli soldiers in the spurious Sdei Teiman Case on the testimony of nuqba terrorists. The real solution is that all mechablim need to be executed according to Torah law then we wouldn't be in these circumstances.

    1. I actually did not listen to that one due to the title. There is just so much that even I can take.

    2. Wow this so sad and evil. Mosiach pleading for you to come soon

  2. Thus Says The God Of Israel/Habbakuk 2:1-3
    א עַל-מִשְׁמַרְתִּי אֶעֱמֹדָה, וְאֶתְיַצְּבָה עַל-מָצוֹר; וַאֲצַפֶּה, לִרְאוֹת מַה-יְדַבֶּר-בִּי, וּמָה אָשִׁיב, עַל-תּוֹכַחְתִּי. 1 I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will look out to see what He will speak by me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.
    ב וַיַּעֲנֵנִי יְהוָה, וַיֹּאמֶר, כְּתֹב חָזוֹן, וּבָאֵר עַל-הַלֻּחוֹת--לְמַעַן יָרוּץ, קוֹרֵא בוֹ. 2 And the LORD answered me, and said: 'Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that a man may read it swiftly.
    ג כִּי עוֹד חָזוֹן לַמּוֹעֵד, וְיָפֵחַ לַקֵּץ וְלֹא יְכַזֵּב; אִם-יִתְמַהְמָהּ, חַכֵּה-לוֹ--כִּי-בֹא יָבֹא, לֹא יְאַחֵר. 3 For the vision is yet for the appointed time, and it declareth of the end, and doth not lie; THOUGH IT TARRY, WAIT FOR IT; because it will surely come, it will not delay.'"

  3. אמן!!!


  4. Amen!
    Must add 'corrupted to its core'. Doesn't it seem as though
    the State has been hijacked? It is not normal in any normal society
    that the enemy has the upper hand and the citizen is victimized by its own government! There is definitely something very sick in Denmark, NO, me thinketh 'in the so-called state of israel'.
