21 October 2024

The Most Important Thing

19 Tishrei 5785
4th Day Chol HaMo'ed Sukkot

Chazal say that Eisav will come to Ya'aqov at the End of Days and offer to join forces.  They should each make compromises in order to move closer together and become like one - "no daylight" between them.  (This is the description we often hear from the US administration with regard to the relationship between the US and Israel.)

This is the "brotherly kiss" of Eisav that disguises the deadly poisonous bite to come.  The most important thing is not to be fooled and to maintain our distance.

We've seen with our own eyes, no one needs to tell us, how undependable and self-serving they are as an "ally."  The most important thing to remember that we have no one upon whom to depend except our Father in Heaven.

No less than the Chafetz Chaim warned us about any attachment to Eisav...

The Rosh Yeshivah, Rav Aharon Kotler zt"l, would say in the name of the Chofetz Chaim zt"l that in the final war, only a true ben Torah, one who is totally disconnected from the umos ha'olam, will be saved.  Rav Nosson Wachtfogel zt"l repeated this and added that he has a tradition handed down to him from Rav Yehoshua Lieb Diskin zt"l that in the last battle before the arrival of Mashiach, all "ehrliche Yidden" will be saved.  Who is defined as an ehrliche Yid?  One who separates himself from the goyim, who has no connection to their culture, their interests, their newspapers, music and books.  Hashem says about him, "This one is Mine," and the non-Jews will have no jurisdiction over him.  (The End Illuminated by Rabbi Yisroel Moshe Sorotzkin, Chapter 20)

In the footnotes, the author clarifies:  "...the term ben Torah used in this context has nothing to do with how much a person learns; rather, it refers specifically to the concept that is being discussed here - the degree to which one is connected to 'Torah values'."

The most important thing to learn from this is not to be attached to them in our hearts, to see ourselves as separate and apart, and to acknowledge that as Diaspora Jews, we are foreigners in a strange land not our own.  Our focus and goal should always be on attaining to service of Hashem in a rebuilt Beit HaMikdash, in the Holy City of Yerushalayim, in the Holy Land of Israel.  

And that's why we want Mashiach so desperately, because only he will be equipped by HKB"H to lead us there.  That's the most important thing!

Mo'adim l'Simchah!  ~

19 October 2024

Shavua Tov and Mo'adim L'Simchah

18 Tishrei 5785
3rd Day Chol HaMo'ed Sukkot

Continuing from Friday...

.. American officials: The Pentagon secretly sent US commandos to Israel to advise on efforts to locate the abductees.  American intelligence officers later joined those commando fighters in Israel. 6 US MQ-9 drones performed missions to help locate the abductees.

.. US Sec State Blinken will arrive in Israel and is expected to discuss the renewal of the negotiations for the hostage deal.  (Israel Realtime Updates)

 ▪PM NETANYAHU SAYS.. The agents of Iran who tried to assassinate me and my wife today made a bitter mistake. This will not deter me and the State of Israel from continuing the war of revival against our enemies to ensure our security for generations.  I say to the Iranians and their partners in the axis of evil:   Anyone who harms the citizens of the State of Israel will pay a heavy price for it.

▪DEF MIN GALLANT SAYS.. Iran's attempt to assassinate the prime minister is a direct declaration of war, tonight at the cabinet meeting we will make new decisions.   (Israel Realtime Updates)

18 October 2024

I Have a Bad Feeling About This

16 Tishrei 5785 
Chol Hamo'ed Sukkot
Erev Shabbat Kodesh 

The best news, Sinwar's death, with the real hope the hostages might finally come home, may turn out to be the worst news as the war on Iran seems to have morphed into yet another push to force a premature end to the fighting in Gaza and Lebanon.  Except that now we have thousands more American troops on our soil.  What was that really for, I have to wonder.  They cannot be trusted.
"It shall be on that day, on the day that Gog comes on the soil of Israel - the words of my Lord Hashem/Elohim - My raging anger shall flare up."
(Haftarah Shabbat Chol HaMo'ed Sukkot)
~ Mo'adim LeSimchah and Shabbat Shalom ~

17 October 2024

Mo'adim LeSimchah!!!!!

16 Tishrei 5785 
Chol Hamo'ed Sukkot
Erev Shabbat Kodesh

B"H!!  All of the honor belongs to HaKadosh Baruch Hu.  He chose the lowliest of soldiers to do His bidding.  And so shall be the end for all our enemies!!!!

Joe Truzman@JoeTruzman 
New details about the elimination of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar:

Yesterday morning, a soldier from Battalion 450 spotted a suspicious individual inside a building and opened fire on him. Later, in the day , the fighters observed three figures attempting to move stealthily between houses. Troops quickly identified these individuals as terrorists. Two of them were covered with blankets, likely not Sinwar, and were ahead, trying to clear the path for him. Troops engaged them with gunfire, injuring the terrorists, who began to scatter. Two of them took refuge in one building while Sinwar entered another.

Troops opened fire from a tank, providing light gunfire support as well. Sinwar was alone in his building and ascended to the second floor. The troops launched a shell and then rolled two grenades into the area. They also deployed drones to assist in the operation.

One drone captured a glimpse of a masked figure with a wounded arm sitting inside a room. Realizing a drone was approaching, the terrorist grabbed a piece of wood and threw it at the drone. The fighters responded by firing a shell at that location.

In the morning, troops entered the room and uncovered the body’s face, ultimately revealing it to be Sinwar.

Report by @ItayBlumental

16 October 2024

Sukkah vs. Gog

14 Tishrei 5785
Erev Chag Sukkot

The War of Gog and Magog:
The Haftara of Shabbat Chol Ha-mo’ed Sukkot

By Harav Mosheh Lichtenstein
Translated by David Strauss

The haftara for Shabbat Chol Ha-mo’ed Sukkot (Yechezkel 38:18-39:16), which deals with the war of Gog and Magog, is one of the most famous prophecies in Scripture. It has succeeded in taking hold of the human imagination and penetrating deeply into our cultural and religious consciousness. The destruction of the existing and imperfect world, the ultimate war against evil, the heavy price of blood, and God's victory over men of flesh and blood are powerful images that leave a profound impression on the human soul. Thus, this prophecy has become part of the inalienable property of the Jewish and general world.

It is quite understandable, then, that this prophecy was included in the haftarot cycle. However, its relationship to the festival of Sukkot is not at all clear, and is even surprising, for what is the connection between a blood-drenched world war and the festival of Sukkot? How does the sukka of peace connect to war, and what is the relationship between the refuge and shelter of the sukka and the destruction and desolation described in this prophecy?

The reading of the haftara of Gog and Magog on Shabbat Chol Ha-mo’ed Sukkot is not merely a custom, but an obligation of Talmudic law. The gemara in Megilla (31a) mentions it along with the other haftarot read on the various holidays to this very day; we thus see that Chazal already saw an essential connection between the prophecy and the festival.

In answer to this question, Rashi (Megilla 31a, s.v. be-yom) identifies the war of Gog and Magog with the war fought in the end of days that is mentioned at the end of the book of Zekharia in the chapter that serves as the haftara on the first day of Sukkot. As Rashi puts it, "'On that day, when Gog shall come' is the war mentioned in Zekharia in 'Behold, the day of the Lord comes.'" Indeed, there is significant correspondence between these two prophecies. Both deal with a future war of defense fought against nations oppressing Israel in which God Himself rises to fight against the enemies of Israel, making use of very similar methods of fighting. Both campaigns are decided by way of supernatural means introduced by God, the focus of which is a great earthquake that utterly overturns the regular natural order, as a result of which pandemonium breaks out, causing "every man's sword to be against each other." From this perspective, we can certainly speak of very similar accounts issuing from the mouths of Yechezkel and Zekharia, and conclude from this that we are dealing with the same war, as is argued by Rashi.

Based on this, we can explain why we read the story of Gog and Magog on Shabbat Chol Ha-mo’ed Sukkot, for the prophecy in Zekharia makes explicit mention of the festival of Sukkot. According to Rashi, the two haftarot read on the festival of Sukkot deal with the terrible war that will take place in the future, "on that day," for they are one and the same war. On the first day of Sukkot, we read the account of that war as it appears at the end of the book of Zekharia, mentioning the festival of Sukkot at the conclusion, and on Shabbat Chol Ha-mo’ed, we read Yechezkel's account of the same war.

[Read the rest here. ]

* * *

The sukkah is the safest place to be!!!!  We are protected while doing a mitzvah and in this case, we are surrounded with the mitzvah!!


15 October 2024

Don't Be Confused

13 Tishrei 5785 

If you follow the news, and I understand why many don't, the announcement about the US sending a THAAD array to Israel might cause some confusion.

...The deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense missile system, or THAAD, is the latest indication that the United States expects the Israeli assault to be “so comprehensive that the Iranians will have to respond,” said Aaron David Miller, a Middle East expert who has advised multiple Republican and Democratic administrations. 

...“The THAAD Battery will augment Israel’s integrated air defense system,” said Pentagon spokesman Pat Ryder. “This action underscores the United States’ ironclad commitment to the defense of Israel, and to defend Americans in Israel, from any further ballistic missile attacks by Iran.”

[Harrison] Mann said the risk to U.S. soldiers who will crew the THAAD system is clear.

Those soldiers will be operating from Israeli military bases, which Iran already demonstrated the will and capability to strike, at a time when additional Iranian strikes are expected imminently,” he said. “Even if we make the unreasonably optimistic assumption that this THAAD battery can defeat any and all missiles headed its way, the Israeli military cannot guarantee the safety of these troops from drones, which have successfully penetrated Israeli bases in the past.”

First they tell us only diplomacy can work, there must be a ceasefire, (even now in Lebanon!), but at the same time they continue to send war materiel to Israel. To understand how to possibly resolve the confusion, it is helpful to backtrack to 2008 to "Site 512"...

According to previous reports, the primary function of the military base known as "Site 512" is to operate a long-range radar facility for the United States. This facility is tasked with monitoring any ballistic missile launches by Iran or its proxy groups against Israel and other allies in the Middle East.

(DEFENCE SECURITY ASIA) — Located atop Mount Har Qeren in Israel’s Negev Desert lies a secret United States military facility, known only to defense observers as “Site 512,” approximately 20 miles from the Gaza Strip.

According to previous reports, the primary function of this base, “Site 512,” is to operate a long-range American radar system.

This system is designed to monitor any ballistic missile launches by Iran or its proxy groups against Israel and other allies in the Middle East.

In recent days, this long-range radar facility has been actively assisting Washington and Tel Aviv in detecting Iranian ballistic missiles aimed at Israel.

The main objective of “Site 512” is to track ballistic missile threats; however, it is not equipped to monitor the thousands of rockets launched by Palestinian militants against Israel.

...Capable of detecting targets from 540 miles to nearly 1,860 miles away, the AN/TPY-2 radar is among the most powerful on the market for tracking ballistic missiles.

Specifically developed to detect and track short, medium, and long-range ballistic missiles, the radar operates in the X-Band of the electromagnetic spectrum, which allows for clearer target visibility.

...Months before the recent escalation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the U.S. Army allocated $32 million (equivalent to approximately RM153 million) to construct additional housing facilities for its troops stationed at this secret military site.

This likely indicates efforts to increase the presence of U.S. military personnel at “Site 512” and to expand its long-range radar capabilities in Israel.

There is also a potential plan to add about 1,000 U.S. troops to “Site 512”. — DSA

My best guess, and one that makes a lot of sense in my opinion, is that this THAAD Battery is coming to protect Site 512 and its contingent of American military personnel.  It makes sense even more so when you consider the damage done to a base in the Negev in the last onslaught of Iranian ballistic missiles.

Apparently, I'm not the only one asking this question or coming to the same conclusion.  [See Why the US is giving Israel a powerful Thaad anti-missile system.]

The upshot of all this is that there is no need for confusion as long as you keep your mind focused on one overriding fact:  the USA is not our friend and is only ever looking out for their own best interests, especially when they conflict with ours.

I guess we'll find out soon enough.

If you haven't already read my 2013 blog post on American military bases in Israel, I invite you to do so now:  "Not-so-secret US Military Involvement in the Jewish State".

* * *

I noticed this yesterday. Everything is in motion right now.  And GoguMagog was always connected to Sukkot!
Israel Realtime Updates (15/10/24 AM)

❓WORLD WAR EVENTS that may indirectly affected Israel:

.. North Korea threatening South Korea, and blowing up bridges and roads that cross the borders.
.. Russia brings a military alliance pact with North Korea, who is supplying them with heavy ammunition for use against Ukraine, to their parliament.
.. Russia is “clawing back” Russian territory invaded by Ukraine over the summer and pushing hard on the Ukrainian fronts.
.. China, in a ‘drill’, encircled Taiwan with mass military and air forces - and directly describes the exercise as practice for an invasion and takeover.

.. Effect on Israel: The US has ally commitments to South Korea and Taiwan, and is a major supplier of war equipment to Ukraine. Some resources may be redirected.

.. Could these events be coordinated? Possibly.

14 October 2024

"Truth About Christianity!..."

13 Tishrei 5785 


Greetings everyone!! This class was filmed 2 months ago, but never uploaded as our camera team was drafted into the army.  It is Part 5 of an extremely important subject never dealt with before in English.  The Tur in his law book (Orach Chaim 417) explains how the 3 major festivals correspond with our 3 forefathers.  Sukkot is represented by Jacob.  Jacob, more than anyone else, represents separating from the evil nations and religions.  Esav desired Jacob to join him; however, Jacob refused....  A great new year to all.  Yehuda
"...Holding No Punches!"

HOLIDAY REMINDER:  The Chr*stian Sukkot invasion will be most noticeable on October 21st when, instead of the traditional parade, the Municipality has designated Gan Sacher for the marchers and their festivities.  Advise the Jewish public to be anywhere else that day!!

13 October 2024

It's Not Just Hurricanes

11 Tishrei 5785

Going from Earth Weather to Space Weather, the aurora borealis is not just a beautiful atmospheric display.  It is indicative of a geomagnetic storm.  In the aftermath of Category 4 Hurricane Milton's landfall, the United States saw the results of a G4 geomagnetic storm.  Don't know why the NBC Nightly News broadcast chose to include their report on it in their segment for "Good News."

Red and green Northern Lights have been seen across the U.S. and the world from regions that rarely see displays after one of the most powerful geomagnetic storms in the last twenty years.

...Every U.S. state save for Hawaii glimpsed an aurora borealis display overnight on Thursday, Oct.11, through Friday, Oct. 12, while all of Europe — as far south as Turkey — and China also witnessed the event.

...A G4 (Severe) and possibly even more potent geomagnetic storm occurred after a particularly fast-moving coronal mass ejection — a cloud of charged particles from the sun — erupted from the sun on Oct. 8 in the wake of the strongest solar flare in the current solar cycle.

That CME moved at 2.5 million miles per hour, according to NOAA. “It’s the fastest CME we have measured in this solar cycle thus far,” said Shawn Dahl, Service Co-ordinator at NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center, in a press briefing on Wednesday.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration published a forecast for a G4 (Severe) geomagnetic storm for both Thursday and Friday, though the latest prediction is for the aurora to be visible at low latitudes only in the early hours of Friday, Oct. 11.

That proved correct, with displays of aurora — including vast red pillars — waxing and waning throughout the night, varying in intensity and occasionally reaching severe storm conditions.

The CME struck Earth at 11:17 a.m. EDT (1517 GMT), disrupting the Earth's magnetic field and quickly achieving G4 (severe) geomagnetic storm conditions at 12:57 p.m. EDT (1657 GMT), according to NOAA.

NOAA warned on Oct. 10 that the upcoming severe geomagnetic storm conditions disrupt satellite communications, power grids and GPS services, possibly affecting ongoing recovery efforts for Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton.

...During the night it reached Kp 9 — the highest there is — which NOAA defines as aurora moving towards the equator to become very bright and active.

...Geomagnetic activity is at its strongest for 20 years because the sun is close to a particularly intense "solar maximum" — the peak of its 11 year solar cycle — and also close to the equinox, when Earth’s axis is tilted side-on to the sun.

...More frequent and powerful geomagnetic storms, leading to intense and widely observable Northern Lights, are expected to continue through 2026.


DNA Proof: Columbus Was Jewish

11 Tishrei 5785 

So the centuries-old rumor turned out to be true.  Cristobal Colon (Christopher Columbus) was a Spanish Jew.

This news was revealed only yesterday, fittingly on Columbus Day...

...The 15th explorer was Jewish and from Spain, according to Columbus DNA: His True Origin, a programme broadcast on national broadcaster RTVE on Saturday to mark Spain celebrating its national day and commemorating Columbus’s arrival in the New World.

Researchers led by forensic expert Miguel Lorente tested tiny samples of remains buried in Seville Cathedral, long marked by authorities there as the last resting place of Columbus, although there had been rival claims. The team compared them with those of known relatives and descendants.

Countries have long argued over the origins and the final resting place of the divisive figure who led Spanish-funded expeditions from the 1490s onward, opening the way for the European conquest of the Americas.

Many historians have questioned the traditional theory that Columbus was from Genoa in north-west Italy. Other theories ranged from him being a Spanish Jew, Greek, Basque or Portuguese.

Lorente, briefing reporters on the research on Thursday, had confirmed previous theories that the remains in Seville belonged to the explorer.

He said: “Today it has been possible to verify it with new technologies, so that the previous partial theory that the remains of Seville belong to Christopher Columbus has been definitively confirmed.”

Research on the nationality had been complicated by a number of factors including the large amount of data but “the outcome is almost absolutely reliable,” Lorente added.
For further exploration, see the following...
Was Columbus secretly a Jew?

(CNN) - Today [May 24, 2012] marks the 508th anniversary of the death of Christopher Columbus.

Everybody knows the story of Columbus, right? He was an Italian explorer from Genoa who set sail in 1492 to enrich the Spanish monarchs with gold and spices from the orient. Not quite.

For too long, scholars have ignored Columbus’ grand passion: the quest to liberate Jerusalem from the Muslims.

...Columbus, who was known in Spain as Cristóbal Colón and didn’t speak Italian, signed his last will and testament on May 19, 1506, and made five curious – and revealing – provisions.

Two of his wishes – tithe one-tenth of his income to the poor and provide an anonymous dowry for poor girls – are part of Jewish customs. He also decreed to give money to a Jew who lived at the entrance of the Lisbon Jewish Quarter.

On those documents, Columbus used a triangular signature of dots and letters that resembled inscriptions found on gravestones of Jewish cemeteries in Spain. He ordered his heirs to use the signature in perpetuity.

According to British historian Cecil Roth’s “The History of the Marranos,” the anagram was a cryptic substitute for the Kaddish, a prayer recited in the synagogue by mourners after the death of a close relative. Thus, Columbus’ subterfuge allowed his sons to say Kaddish for their crypto-Jewish father when he died. Finally, Columbus left money to support the crusade he hoped his successors would take up to liberate the Holy Land.

...Columbus’ voyage was not, as is commonly believed, funded by the deep pockets of Queen Isabella, but rather by two Jewish Conversos and another prominent Jew. Louis de Santangel and Gabriel Sanchez advanced an interest free loan of 17,000 ducats from their own pockets to help pay for the voyage, as did Don Isaac Abrabanel, rabbi and Jewish statesman.

Indeed, the first two letters Columbus sent back from his journey were not to Ferdinand and Isabella, but to Santangel and Sanchez, thanking them for their support and telling them what he had found.

Two fleets set sail from Spain’s Port of Palos on August 3, 1492, floating together down the Rio Tinto. On one vessel was the final batch of expelled Jews, who, rather than repudiate their faith and become conversos (Christian converts) in the face of death if they remained in their home country, set out for an unknown fate in a new world. Leading the other ships, named the Pinta, Niña, and Santa María, was a little known explorer named Christopher Columbus.

Whether fact or legend, there are those who say that Columbus set out with the expelled Jews because he had stalled his voyage, originally set for August 2, by one day; that year, August 2 was the commemoration of Tisha B’Av, a fast day of mourning for the fall of the Jewish Temples.

For some scholars, the shared launch date is more than coincidental. Is it possible that Columbus too was a Jew in search of a better future?

Since the late 1800s, Columbus historians have diligently worked to unearth the true origin story behind the man who set sail for India in 1492 and instead unwittingly found a new world.

11 October 2024

Yom Kippur 5785

9 Tishrei 5785
Erev Yom Hakippurim

To all whom I may have offended or hurt over this past year, I beg your forgiveness as it was entirely unintentional.  My prayer is that I may be forgiven as I have freely forgiven all who have wronged, offended or hurt me.

* * *

(Excerpted from The Book of Our Heritage by Rabbi Eliyahu Kitov)

It's a mitzvah to eat and drink heartily on Erev Yom Kippur.  ...all who eat and drink on the 9th, and fast on the 10th, are considered by Scripture as if they had fasted on both the 9th and the 10th.

The reason why eating on the ninth is considered so great a deed that it is equivalent to having fasted, is that by doing so, we show our joy that the time for our atonement has arrived; ...since we cannot partake of a festive meal on Yom Kippur, we do so on Erev Yom Kippur instead; ...[it] provides us with the physical strength needed on Yom Kippur to focus ourselves on prayer, supplication and reflection that will lead us to teshuvah.

Rav Yehudah Richter says that if on Erev Yom Kippur we eat well (what is good for us and in proper amounts) and with proper intention and say all the brachot correctly and with intent, we can thereby make a tikun for all the sins we made with regard to eating for the entire past year. 

* * *

This is my favorite piyyut of the Yom Kippur service.  I love the words...

* * *
R. Nir Ben Artzi on erev Yom Kippur 5781: "On this Day of Atonement, every single Jew must ask the Creator of the world for our righteous Messiah. A Jew who is connected to Judaism and tradition will seek our righteous Messiah now in mercy! HaKadosh-Baruch-Hu believes in His children, the people of Israel, in their prayers on this special Yom Kippur, that they will ask for the Messianic King at the closing time! Let them ask for the Messianic King at the time of Neilah! That's the main thing!"

May our fast be easy and our atonement be complete.  

G'mar chatimah tovah! Chag sameach! 

10 October 2024

The US Conflict of Interest (Yankees Go Home!!)

8 Tishrei 5785

🔹US factors: Washington proposed to Israel that the US impose new economic sanctions on Iran instead of attacking and damaging economic targets.  (Israel Realtime)

To the United States, our children are nothing but cannon fodder for advancing American interests in the region.  Make no mistake!  They have their own plans which directly conflict with our own.  Therefore, they are not honest or objective brokers and have no business dictating to our leaders or micro-managing our war.  They cannot be trusted!!!  Just when I think I can't be shocked anymore...

April 10, 2024

On a late July day in 2023, amid the pine tree hills overlooking the Bay of Beirut, 14 bright yellow tower cranes and thousands of workers toiled over the construction site of the third US embassy in Lebanon.

At over 40 acres, the new Beirut embassy, a 19-structure ziggurat that dwarfs any government facility in Lebanon, is the second largest in the world after Baghdad’s. Its billion-dollar estimated budget rivals the cost of the US embassy in London, and it is about four times its size, despite Britain having ten times Lebanon’s population and 130 times its GDP.

No specific reason has been offered for building such a massive compound in Lebanon. According to the State Department’s website, the “primary purpose” of any US Embassy is to “assist American citizens,” visiting or living in the host country.[1] But such explanations are belied by Lebanon’s relative size and economic status. Rather, the new embassy, like that of Baghdad, speaks to longstanding US military interests and activity in Lebanon and the wider region. 

...Less than 60 miles south of the new embassy, the Lebanon-Israel border region is also home to major European military interests, namely, the sprawling multinational military base at Naquora hosting the over 10,000-strong United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), led by France, Italy and Germany. Asian nations, too, have become increasingly large stakeholders in Lebanon. China is building its own sprawling cultural center, comprising an opera house and music conservatory on the new marina harbor front north of Beirut. Turkey and several Arab Gulf states have also been vying for Lebanese hearts and minds with soft power cultural projects, including plans to fund museums and cultural spaces.
The global competition over Lebanon extends to its natural resources, as exploration of gas fields buried under the eastern Mediterranean Sea is rapidly progressing. The United States arbitrated a long-standing dispute over demarcation and ownership of the fields in 2022, resulting in a historic maritime border deal between Israel and Lebanon after years of uncertainty and even threats of war. A consortium involving French, Italian and Qatari oil firms began drilling exploratory wells in 2023, and although no significant reserves have been tapped, the process is set to continue in 2024. Israel on the other hand, has already begun extraction.

(This article is too long to quote in its entirety but it is a crucial "must-read" to have the whole picture of what is going on in our region and how it affects our children's future and the decisions made in the halls of government.  I strongly recommend it.)  

October 1, 2024

As of October 2024, U.S. defense officials said there were some forty-thousand service members in the Middle East, many on ships at sea in the region. In total, the United States has military facilities across at least nineteen sites—eight of them considered to be permanent by many regional analysts —in countries including Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and the United Arab Emirates. The U.S. military also uses large bases in Djibouti and Turkey, which are part of other regional commands but often contribute significantly to U.S. operations in the Middle East.

All host countries have basing agreements with the United States, except Syria, where U.S. forces are opposed by the government. Qatar hosts U.S. Central Command’s regional headquarters. Bahrain hosts the most permanently assigned U.S. personnel and is home to the U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet. As of early August, the navy had multiple large warship formations conducting operations in the region, including a carrier strike group and an amphibious assault group.

08 October 2024

Evidence of Interference

 7 Tishrei 5785

It appears that HKB"H is targeting Centcom in Tampa, Florida.  One guess why...

The U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) Coalition at MacDill Air Force Base (AFB) in Tampa, Florida, is one of the largest military coalitions in U.S. history.

Following the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001, the coalition began to form with a common purpose – to fight terrorism. “Beginning on Sept. 12, having worked our way to a plan, which we executed or started to execute on Oct. 7, by the time we reached the end of September, we had a coalition here in Tampa of senior national representatives of some 15 or so nations,” said Army Gen. Tommy Franks, CENTCOM Commander in 2001.

Since those early days the number of Coalition nations has grown to its present number of 46 nations, who are represented at CENTCOM. Members have contributed to many named campaigns to include: Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIR), Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), Operation Resolute Support and Operation Inherent Resolve, to name a few.

The strength and importance of the CENTCOM Coalition has continued for more than a decade. Having coalition members in Tampa has proved invaluable and helped ensure focused coordination and synchronization.

Coalition forces have made important contributions to fight terrorism across the spectrum of operations. Particular contributions include, but are not limited to, providing vital intelligence, personnel, equipment and assets for use on the ground, air and sea. Coalition members also have provided liaison teams, participated in planning, provided bases and granted over-flight permissions – as well as sizable contributions of humanitarian assistance.

The CENTCOM Coalition nations are working to promote peace and stability in CENTCOM’s area of responsibility and beyond. Their contributions are an example of how the international community is working together to enhance capabilities, share information, and address destabilizing issues in the region. [Israel is not listed among the coalition nations. (Source)]

United States CENTCOM chief Gen. Michael Kurilla landed in Israel this evening to meet with Israeli defense and military officials, amid preparations in the IDF for a response to Iran’s ballistic missile attack.

(September 7, 2021) US Central Command absorbs Israel into its area of responsibility

JERUSALEM — A realignment of U.S. Central Command means Israel now falls within its area of responsibility, and no longer U.S. European Command. The move comes as Israel and its neighbors work to improve diplomatic relations under the Abraham Accords.

Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi met with the head of U.S. Central Command, Gen. Kenneth McKenzie on Sept. 1 to discuss regional challenges, an IDF statement said.

“The Chief of the General Staff expressed his appreciation for U.S. commitment to the security of the State of Israel. The Generals expressed their expectation of deepening cooperation between the IDF and CENTCOM,” the statement read.

Now, the real clincher...

CENTCOM's main headquarters is located at MacDill Air Force Base, in Tampa, Florida. A forward headquarters was established in 2002 at Camp As Sayliyah in Doha, Qatar, which in 2009 transitioned to a forward headquarters at Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar.

Qatar - Home of Hamas!!

They must really be undercutting our position to bring this down on their heads as retribution, or a warning to cease and desist.  I doubt they'll get the message either way.  I'm sure they deserve whatever they get.  

"Historic!" ...of "Biblical Proportions"

6 Tishrei 5785 


* The United States will be severely struck because of their pride.
* The dollar will lose its value and the inflation will severely escalate.
* America will become bankrupt.
* The severe strikes on the U.S. will come thru wars and even more, thru powerful weather disasters.
* The quick escalation of Moshiach ben Yosef will contribute to antisemitism.
* Antisemitism will rise to unimaginable heights.
* Jews of the United States will be forced to flee like fugitives, because those who survived the weather disasters will not be able to survive the tremendous waves of hatred against them.
* The survivors will arrive in Israel with only the clothes on their backs and Moshiach ben Yosef will reach out to help them.

* * *

Orlando Is 4th Fastest Growing City in USA, and Its Jewish Community Is Growing, Too 

Why Orthodox Jews Are Leaving Brooklyn for Florida

Florida’s cultural shift invites orthodox Jewish migration

Among the clearest demographic trends ushered in by the pandemic is the migration of Orthodox Jews – mostly from New York, but also from Los Angeles and elsewhere – to Florida.

* * *

06 October 2024

Don't Be Fooled...

4 Tishrei 5785 

🔹Diplomatic leaks:  The Americans requested Iran allow a limited Israeli attack - to contain the situation.  The Iranians rejected.

~ We have no one to depend upon except our Father in Heaven!! ~

02 October 2024

Give All Honor to Our KING and Have a Blessed New Year!

29 Elul 5784
Erev Rosh Hashanah

Wishing all of Klal Yisrael a ketivah v'chatimah tovah, a shanah tovah umetukah and the geulah shleimah in 5785, if not before!!  


See you all next year, iy"H!!

29 September 2024

SEPARATE! Before It's Too Late!

27 Elul 5784

Israel Needs Regime Change

I know it doesn't look like it right now, when we appear to be on an upswing, supposedly no longer following US orders, as if the Prime Minister, after 20 years, finally grew a backbone.  But I think things are going to take a major turn down.  At least that's how it is going to look.  HKB"H is setting up a test.  Maybe the last one.

The Democratic Pluralistic Zionist State could only ever bring us just so far.  It was never going to be the vehicle to push us across the finish line.  If we're lucky, it will only run out of gas and stop dead in its tracks.  The alternative is that it might crash and burn. The best outcome would be for us to pull over and park right now and get into the one reserved and waiting to bring us across into the geulah shleimah.

We've had a Western-style, Western-oriented, Western-dominated regime here in the Land of Israel for what - 78 years now?  It has brought us to a situation of internal galut!  However, we had the Davidic Monarchy with a Holy Temple for 1,000 years!!  It's no myth or fable.  It's real.  Why does it seem so impossible and out of reach now?  It's nothing but lack of imagination, lack of faith, lack of will and a lot of ignorance!!

It is critical that people begin to grasp these truths because we are in geulah b'ita - redemption "in its time" - the worst case scenario.  The minority who get this and who are prepared for it are not going to be held back any longer by the majority who don't.  

In contrast to the calls for unity, especially unity at any cost or sacrifice of principles, not just in regard to Jewish unity but in the name of universal brotherhood, even with the enemies of God, c"v, the true calling of this hour is separation.  Think in terms of Korach.  Separate or descend into hell with the evildoers.

Judeo-Chr*stianity - Jew and Gentile Together - "One New Man"

Many, many (too many) Jews have fallen into this trap unwittingly while some have cultivated their connections maliciously.  I'm not here to judge who falls into which category.  But it would behoove every one of us to examine our ways and decide for the final judgment where we stand. 

This is a Maccabee moment as the Judeo-Christian Jews decide if they are going to abandon this modern Hellenism or if they are willing to break free from that fading, failing world and respond whole-heartedly to the call "Mi l'Hashem elai!!"

Maybe its because Eisav's offspring and power are concentrated in the English-speaking world, but American Jews seem to have the most trouble avoiding this pitfall - the attachment to Edom. The Jewish trait of giving the benefit of the doubt is, I think, why a lot of Jews get involved with the Evangelicals who are saying all the nice, comforting things their souls crave to hear from the world. They make a lot of excuses for them because of all the seemingly good things they do and say, and sincerely believe they are correct in building these relationships.

Maybe in the same way, we have been making excuses for them - our fellow Jews - for the same reasons,  but that time has come and gone now.  We can't afford to do it anymore - not for us and not for them either.  We're not doing them or ourselves any favors.  They've already broken the links in the chains of generational continuity.  We now have to let go of them and go our separate ways while leaving the door ajar so they can still join us if they come to their senses in time.

These Judeo-Chr*stian Jews, so similar to the Hellenists of the past, can have unity with their fellow Jews who remain 100% committed to Torah, or they can maintain their connection to their Edomite sycophants, but they can't do both.  Not anymore.

…the last war will be the beginning of the redemption, and a Torah-true Jew who is completely separated from the non-Jews will not be subjugated, as we find that in Egypt when two people drank from the same cup, one (an Egyptian) drank blood and the other (an Israelite) drank water. This shows that in fact there is no rule whatsoever over a Jew who is separated entirely from the non-Jews” (Rabbi Aharon Kotler, in the name of the Chafetz ChaimLeket Reshimot Channukah by Rabbi Noson Wachtofogel, p. 40).
I have a tradition passed down from one to another in the name of Maran HaGaon Rabbi Yehoshua Leib Diskin, z”l, that in the final war before the arrival of Mashiach all of the righteous Jews will be savedWho are ‘righteous Jews’? Those who are separated from the non-Jews! It does not mean that they must be one of the 36 righteous individuals, rather they must be separated from the ways of the non-Jews and have no contact with their culture! Not with their newspapers, their music and books; to be entirely separated from them. Then Hashem will say: You are Mine and you are under a different authority so no one else will rule over you” (Ibid., p.41)

No more riding the fence, no more having a foot in each world, no more interfaith relationships.   Just us and HKB"H in a 100% commitment to the Covenant we share together.  Then the geulah will come with all its precious promise.

But keep in mind that geulah b'ita comes whether we are ready or not.  There's no time to waste because we don't know how much is left.  Could be only days or even hours!!

Towards the End of Days the airev rav will be given great capacities and success in all its undertakings, like a false prophet for whom the sun stood still in the heavens.  They will enjoy a period of success to stand at the helm of the nation with the might and intoxication of power and dominion, in order to act as the last temptation to the Nation of Israel.  

...The great success of the airev rav will reach its zenith...when the time approaches for the spirit of impurity to be eradicated from the world, ....unaware that its end is near, that the complete redemption is close at hand, and with it the total elimination of evil and its forces from the world.  (Source:  The End of Days by Shmuel Raber)

This is what it feels like to be on the right side with HKB"H

26 Elul 5784 

AMIRAN 🇮🇱 @Amiran_Zizovi - This is how they start a television show on Channel 14 in Israel, at the end of the Sabbath, great joy and great pride for the nation of Israel 🇮🇱🩵✡️  (Source)

28 September 2024

Wiping Out Amalek!!

26 Elul 5784 
Shavua Tov!!

Slichot begin tonight for Ashkenazim - right after the celebrations in honor of Nasrallah's welcome demise.


Urgent/Iranian TV now:  "Iran is in a state of war, 
and we are currently living in the midst of it."

IDF preparing for ground invasion of Lebanon.

Netanyahu told the Iranians: "If you attack (Israel), we will respond on Iranian soil."

27 September 2024


24 Elul 5784
Erev Shabbat Kodesh
Parashat Nitzavim - Vayelech

Free Will – Rabbi Meir Kahane
See – I have placed before you today the life and the good, and the death and the evil, that which I command you today. To love Hashem, your G-d, to walk in His ways, to observe His commandments, His decrees, and His ordinances; then you will live and you will multiply, and Hashem, your G-d, will bless you in the Land to which you come to possess it... I call heaven and earth as witnesses! Before you I have placed life and death, the blessing and the curse. You must choose life, so that you and your descendants will live. (Deut. 30:15,16).
This warning was issued when the Jewish People were about to enter their land, to live there isolated from the nations' detestable practices. Unfortunately, even in Eretz Yisrael, we sinned greatly and exile was decreed, such that instead of being a “nation that dwells alone” (Num. 23:9), we ended up among the nations, and most of the Jewish People became like them. As a result, large parts of our people, in effect, lost the ability to choose. The free choice that was their lot in Eretz Yisrael, their land and birthplace, became a farce among the nations where they were conquered by foreign culture; and countless Jews became spiritual captives.

How can we expect Israel to repent as a people when they do not even have any questions? Why should G-d continue punishing His people for so long when not only is the punishment not beneficial, but, as we saw following the dreadful Holocaust, tens of thousands of believing Jews even became heretics? How can G-d draw near to Him a people that has lost its understanding to choose between good and evil, between life and death? Regarding the verse, “Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard his spots? Then may you also do good, that are accustomed to doing evil” (Jer. 13:23), Redak comments,“You have so accustomed yourselves to evil that it cannot leave you, as though it were a second nature to you.”  In this age of great scientific and technological advancement, when materialistic, cosmopolitan “realism” makes assimilation seem acceptable, it is clear that the Jewish captive to foreign culture will not improve his ways. Quite the contrary, he marches along proudly, far from the camp, far from the idea of repenting, almost cut off from every link to his origins. He has lost, so to speak, the power of free choice. He who was earmarked to be like the stars of the heavens, wallows in the mire.

The Torah's very defining good and evil in real, absolute terms constitutes a declaration of war against the culture of the nations and the Hellenists [westernized, secular Jews] who adopted it. That culture preaches that no one absolute good or evil can be determined, since all ideas and concepts, including those defining good and evil, are the product of human thought. Both those who deny the existence of a Supreme, Omniscient, Omnipotent G-d Who is the source of wisdom and truth, and those who admit the existence of a Supreme Being yet deny Torah from Sinai, i.e., that G-d set forth a blueprint in the Torah, hold that we cannot attach special status to one “good” over another. Tolerance and pluralism are the ultimate principles of that alien culture. Since followers of that culture cannot determine with certainty what evil is, they cannot eradicate it from the world. Clearly, tolerance and psychological flexibility regarding (almost) all views and lifestyles are their philosophical darling. For them, almost absolute liberty and freedom transcend all else. Included in this is a person's freedom and right to do whatever he pleases with his life so long as it does not “harm his fellow man”. Clearly, this approach is a disgusting philosophical abomination to G-d and Israel. G-d, the Creator, fashioned a world that rests on truth, an exact, defined truth, determined by Him. The world was created to put G-d's clear, precise ideas and attributes into practice, and whoever seeks to differ with them imperils his soul. It is not man who determines his path on this earth. He is not free to choose whatever lifestyle he pleases without facing the consequences– bitter punishment from His father in Heaven.

The Torah treats with contempt the idea of man having freedom over his body and his life. Our sages comment on the verse, “The tablets were the tablets of G-d, and the writing was the writing of G-d, graven [charut] on the tablets.” (Ex. 32:16): “Read not charut, 'graven', but cherut, 'freedom'. The only free man is the one who studies Torah” (Avot 6:2).A person is not free, he is not at liberty to act however he pleases. He is bound by the yoke of Heaven, the fetters of our holy Torah. Only by agreeing to serve G-d and accept His yoke does he become free. This alone liberates him from the empty bestiality which enslaves him to his own needs, to his own selfish ego, to abominable lust. G-d does not recognize man's right to do as he pleases as long as he does not harm his fellow man. G-d established that man's life does not belong to him. Man was commanded to live and given a path to follow. Not only is he forbidden to harm his fellow man. But he is forbidden to harm himself. As long as a person opposes his Maker, he harms himself. He takes his own soul, committing spiritual suicide, and he is not free to act this way. Life itself is not man's personal property. G-d blew into man the breath of life only so he would lead a well-defined life of goodness. As our sages said (Avot 4:29), “Perforce you were born and perforce you live.”  If a person says, “Since I was created against my will, if I do not wish to live I have a right to commit suicide,” G-d declares that man is not free either to live as he wishes or to die however he likes. Regarding one who commits suicide, our sages said (Semachot – Avel Rabbati 2:1): We do not eulogize him, but we stand in line for him and say the blessing for mourners, to show respect for the living. As a rule, whatever shows respect for the living we do, but nothing beyond that. Rambam (Hilchot Avel 1:11) and Tur (Yoreh Deah 345) ruled the same way. Thus we learn that even a man's life is not in his own hands, let alone his lifestyle.

A person is granted free will, and he has the right and duty to choose goodness and life and to loath evil, defilement and death. If, of his own free will, he chooses evil and defiles himself, G-d will not help him to avoid evil by closing the door to evil. Rather, G-d opens the way for him to do what he wants. It says in Yoma 39a:If a person defiles himself a little bit, Heaven will defile him a lot. If he does so on earth, he will be defiled from Heaven. If he does so in this world, he will be defiled in the World-to-Come. The Rabbis learned, “Make yourselves holy and remain sanctified” (Lev. 11:44): If a person sanctifies himself a little bit, Heaven will sanctify him a lot. If he does so on earth...That is what is meant by “Heaven gives him an opening”.  The more he defiles himself and sins, the more his defilement and sin become habit, and ultimately second nature. All this applies to the Jew, and all the more so to the non-Jew. Moreover, if a non-Jew profanes G-d's name by reviling and humiliating a Jew, and he refuses to desist, then when the time of redemption and revenge arrives, G-d will not only open the way for him to continue, but will even entice him to do so, for his fate has already been sealed. Certainly, if Gog announces that he is accepting the yoke of Heaven and submitting to G-d, and he subjugates himself to G-d and Israel, thereby bringing the world the great and final Kiddush Hashem, G-d will certainly let him repent in this way. Yet, as long as he does not do this, as long as he and the world continue in arrogant chilul Hashem, G-d will set the time for His revenge and, then, will entice him into receiving his punishment.

Rambam explains in Hilchot Teshuva 6:3: 
[...] Why then did G-d address him [Pharaoh] through Moses, saying “Send out Israel and repent,” when He had already made it clear that He knew Pharaoh would not send them out, as it says, “I realize that you and your subjects still do not fear G-d” (Ex. 9:30); and, “The only reason I let you survive was to show you My strength” (Ex. 9:16)? It was to inform mankind that when G-d prevents the sinner from repenting, the sinner cannot repent, but must die for the wicked deeds he performed previously of his own free will. It was so with Sichon. In accordance with his sins, he was denied repentance: “The L-rd your G-d hardened his spirit and made his heart firm (Deut. 2:30). The same applies to the Canaanites. In accordance with their abominations, G-d denied them repentance until they waged war against Israel: “It was the L-rd's doing to harden their hearts, that they should come against Israel in battle, that He might destroy them utterly” (Joshua 11:20).
Here we learn a major principle of free choice regarding a wicked non-Jew who profanes G-d's name. An evildoer can submit to G-d in one of two ways. First, he can repent and crown G-d King, accept G-d's sovereignty and subjugate himself to G-d and mitzvot. Clearly, such repentance is appropriate and desirable, and G-d will not prevent his submitting in this way. The second way is for him to submit, not out of repentance and acceptance of G-d's yoke, but only out of fear and weakness. Certainly, this does not constitute sufficient repentance from his wickedness and Chilul Hashem, for until he rises and proclaims openly that Hashem is G-d and King, bending his knee before Him, G-d's name is not sanctified in the world. Therefore, if his whole submission is out of weakness and fear, he will still deserve punishment and revenge. G-d will, therefore, harden his heart so that he does not submit out of fear. Thus, G-d hardened Pharaoh's heart, because Pharaoh never accepted the yoke of G-d's kingdom. By the same token, G-d did not let him escape his sin and punishment through mere fear, but hardened his heart, so that G-d's name would be sanctified. It will be similar with Gog, who will stand firm in his chilul Hashem, and the time of Kiddush Hashem will arrive. It thus says, “I will bring you against My land, O Gog, before their eyes” (Ezek. 38:16). [The ensuing punishment and revenge we find described in this week's Haftarah]: “I alone have trodden a wine press, not a man from the nations was with Me; I trod them in my anger and trampled them in My wrath, and their lifeblood spurted out on My garments, so I soiled all my garments. For a day of vengeance is in My heart, and the year of My redemption has come...” (Isaiah 63:3,4)

This is the greatest, most terrifying Kiddush Hashem there can be, and it is this which will make all the nations accept G-d's sovereignty.

-[Source: Compiled by Tzipora Liron-Pinner from "The Jewish Idea" of Rabbi Meir Kahane HY"D]-