03 September 2024

Hashem Brings About the Downfall of Our Enemies

1 Elul 5784
Rosh Chodesh Bet

"For the Lord, your God, is the One Who goes with you,
to fight for you against your enemies, to save you."  
(Devarim 20.4) 

According to blogger and researcher GeulahGirl, who is the expert in these matters, there are three main missionary organizations most intent on converting Jews via "The One New Man" assimilation method.  (This is achieved by promoting Judeo-Christianity through "relationship evangelism.")  

These organizations are:  (1) International House of Prayer (IHOP) - leader Mike Bickle; (2) Gateway Church - leader Robert Morris; and, (3) MorningStar Ministries - "Prophet" Chris Reed.  

Since the end of October 2023, all three have met their demise at the hand of HKB"H!

Number One

GeulahGirl writes:  

Remember that Mike Bickle was the face of the Isaiah 62 fast (for the salvation of the Jews) which culminated in the Pentecost 23 event.

The Pentecost 23 event was the Christian worship service that was held last year at the southern steps to the Temple Mount which was protested by 100-150 righteous Jews which, in turn, brought down world condemnation upon us with charges of Christian persecution.  

We did our part and HKB"H gave us the victory... 
International House of Prayer Kansas City to shutter in wake of Mike Bickle scandal: report

International House of Prayer Kansas City is reportedly winding down the operations of its movement and missions organization based in Missouri due to the financial impact of the *** abuse scandal connected to founder Mike Bickle, with whom the organization was forced to permanently cut ties last December.

Number Two

GeulahGirl writes:

Robert Morris, the pastor of the mega Gateway Church in Dallas/Fort Worth, maybe Tikkun's* largest donor. While Mike Bickle was more well known, and financially supported Tikkun, Morris is more involved with the messianics and has more influence in Israel and with Jews than Bickle.

Morris funds Tikkun and FIRM to the tune of millions of dollars a year. Morris has been supporting Tikkun for over 30 years. His net worth right now is 112 million.

He has been a leader in Jewish evangelism for decades.

He was on Trump's faith advisory board. He has been a speaker at the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast and praised by Michelle Bachman.

Yesterday he resigned from leading his church, after [certain admissions]....

(*Tikkun and FIRM are the two main messianic organizations in Israel.  They are the Jews for "J" here and raise these funds to evangelize other Israelis and build more messianic churches.)

In the wake of Robert Morris' resignation from his senior pastorship at Gateway Church, multiple new lawsuits and allegations against the megachurch have been brought to light. A woman accused Morris, the church's founder and senior pastor, of ... when she was 12 in the 1980s.

Now, with a spotlight on Gateway, the church's legal battles are being revealed.

Gateway Church settled a lawsuit in which at least five church staff members were accused of concealing the ... assault of a minor by an unnamed Gateway member, according to court records. That lawsuit was settled about two months before a woman accused Robert Morris, according to court documents.

This ministry is taking such a financial hit that those "tithes" supporting Jewish evangelism are going to dry up.  And that's even if the church survives this, B"H!!

Number Three

Chris Reed (pictured) has a mandate to train and equip believers to find their purpose and role in changing the world. Chris now serves as President and Executive Director of MorningStar Ministries in Fort Mill, South Carolina, has authored the new best-selling book, The Seven Spirits of God, and has been featured on The Jim Bakker Show, Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, The Eric Metaxas Radio Show, and Daystar.
In 2024, he wrote: “The Abrahamic covenant will come to full fruition in the millennial kingdom, when Jesus will return to earth and reign for 1,000 years (see Revelation 20). Despite the Jewish people's failings, there will be a final restoration to the land. At that time, the Jewish people will come into full repentance and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their Messiah—all of them. Ultimately, in the millennial reign, Christ will rule and reign over the earth from Jerusalem, and the Jew and Gentile will be in one body united under their belief and faith in Christ.”

MorningStar leader Chris Reed resigns citing *** abuse of minors by former volunteer

In a letter to MorningStar staff shared on X, Reed explained he was returning leadership of the ministry to founder Rick Joyner to focus more on what God called him to do, which is to “to prophesy, pastor, teach, preach, and write.”

And another one bites the dust! 

GeulahGirl writes:

The Morningstar scandal has just started, but hopefully, it will meet the same fate as IHOP and Gateway Church.  Morningstar has been financially supporting messianic ministries in Israel at least since 1997

Reed was very involved in the collaboration and preparation with Mike Bickle and Lou Engle for the Isaiah 62 fast and the refocusing of "revival" on Israel and the Jews.

According to the Torah, idolatry and sexual immorality go hand in hand.  

"I'm feeling very positive and hopeful from these developments. 
I think this is going to be the most important high holy days of all time."  
(Blogger GeulahGirl of The Key to Redemption

Me, too, GeulahGirl!  I'd like to also make note of yad Hashem in the matters of the recent failed bombings and the failure of the Gaza "floating pier."

  • Suicide bomber on the way to a Tel Aviv synagogue blew himself up instead, B"H!
  • Two car bombing attempts in Gush Etzion failed with the deaths of the perpetrators, B"H!
  • Attempted car bombing on a school bus at the entrance to Yishuv Ateret in Binyamin also failed, B"H!!
According to Wikipedia:
The Gaza floating pier was a floating dock facility created by the U.S. military after being proposed immediately before U.S. President Biden's 2024 State of the Union Address on March 7, 2024. It was in use between May and July 2024.

It was constructed by U.S. military forces based on ships offshore of the Gaza Strip, then connected to the shore by causeway, to enable the delivery of maritime cargo for humanitarian assistance to Gaza....

Over 1,000 U.S. military personnel were involved in the construction of the pier and 1,800 foot (550 m) long Joint Logistics Over-The-Shore (JLOTS) type modular causeway over 60 days.

...The U.S. military cost estimate to build the pier and operate it for 90 days was $320 million, roughly double the initial estimate.

...On May 25, 2024, the U.S. military announced that four boats that were part of the pier's support system broke off from the structure following choppy waters. The four boats became beached, with the military stating that the structure would remain operational. It also added that efforts were underway to retrieve the four vessels. 

On May 28, 2024, the U.S. military suspended aid delivery to Gaza after the floating pier was damaged by bad weather. The Pentagon confirmed that a portion of the causeway was damaged and broken off, and must be repaired before being returned to use.

Spokeswoman Sabrina Singh stated that the pier will be removed from the sea with help from the Israeli Navy and undergo over a week of repairs in Ashdod before returning. 

...The repaired pier was reinstalled by June 7.  ...On 22 June, parts of the pier washed up on Frishman Beach in Tel Aviv. The US said on 28 June that they were for the third time moving the pier due to weather conditions and said that it may not be restored.

It's gone now, B"H!

The world must know that whomever will set out to cause harm to God's children will only bring harm upon himself.  HKB"H fights for us!!!!

Climate Disasters Around U.S. 
Are Costing Americans Billions

...New Moons have You given Your people, a time of atonement for all their offspring, when they would bring before You offerings for favor and goats of sin-offering to atone on their behalf.  They would serve as a remembrance for them all and a salvation for their soul from the hand of the enemy....   (Musaf of Rosh Chodesh)

~ ~ ~ 

BONUS: TRUTH BOMB - Gaza Tunnel Revelations


  1. listening to this... now what? Clearly Hashem is behind all the "intrigue" and He is the only solution... so what purpose is there in hearing about all the betrayers? Batya

    1. I'm not entirely sure what you are asking, but I'll take a shot at answering what I think you're asking.

      We are in a partnership with Hashem. This is the world of "aseh" (doing). We had to put the blood over our doors in Egypt in order for Hashem's Angel of Death to pass over our houses and there are countless examples. We had to wade into the Red Sea up to our noses before Hashem split it.

      For us to do our part, we have to determine who are the betrayers so we can (1) separate from them and (2) bring them to justice. That even applies to the gentiles!

      If I still didn't answer your question, come back and state it more specifically.

  2. Thus Says The God Of Israel/Shoftim-Judges 5:31 https://mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt0705.htm
    לא כֵּן יֹאבְדוּ כָל-אוֹיְבֶיךָ, יְהוָה, {ר} וְאֹהֲבָיו, כְּצֵאת הַשֶּׁמֶשׁ בִּגְבֻרָתוֹ; {ס} וַתִּשְׁקֹט הָאָרֶץ, אַרְבָּעִים שָׁנָה. {ר} {ש} 31 So perish all Thine enemies, O LORD; but they that love Him be as the sun when he goeth forth in his might. And the land had rest forty years.

  3. Here is a Hebrew summary of the first part of this post for you to pass on to your Hebrew speaking friends.

    ה׳ מביא את נפילת אובינו / Hashem Brings About the Downfall of Our Enemies

  4. (TOI - 04/09/24) "Hezbollah pounds Galilee with over 70 rockets, causing heavy damage but no injuries"

  5. I never heard such a question as the commenter above writes: 'Why bother with hearing or learning about the betrayers?' I would think that's a must!
    Know who your enemies are and especially those from within is vital. If there are those who are undermining us - they must be exposed and held accountable. HaShamayim Shamayim L'Hashem, v'haAretz natan l'bnei Adam. In other words, we are the caretakers in this world by
    abiding to G-D's Will. This is the part we were given.

    1. bc if somebody search all the long in the internet about this and that, it means he is not separated from them....that's the emet...He are still deeply attached to them...Teshuva is a MUST. l.d.

    2. (To Anon@11:50am) And you are here...why?

    3. BH
      You must not take it to heart what these people say to you. Believe they are missionaries following your site and can’t handle the truth. Personally I dislike that they hide there true intentions which is to chap as many Jewish Neshamas as they can Chas Veshalom. They are sneaky and conniving and should never be trusted ever. You are doing an excellent job at informing us Yidden what’s really going on. Besurus Tovos and Moshiach Now

  6. That is good news about the downfall of missionaries. Rav Adis shlita says that the war in shamayim is with the sar of Esav and anyone who wants to see yeshuot should daven for their downfall, Be'D the whole lot of them with all their avoda zara and online content. On Yom Hashoah, an ad popped up on a YT video, in Hebrew, with ostensibly an Israeli Jewish artist. He was singing a moving song, with Shoah imagery in the background. I clicked on the link thinking it was for his website. It was for ig-d yt channel, a huge missionary site. They make me ill.
    Two things are particularly stomach churning: Jewish men are being killed and maimed and Am Yisrael is suffering, all the while, these missionaries in Israel and abroad are gleefully exploiting our calamity as a once in a lifetime opportunity for them.
    The second thing is their religious appropriation of all things Jewish. Why are they not called out and cancelled for it. Braids are racist, but non Jews wearing tefillin and a tallit is not antisemitic?

  7. To Anon @ 6:17 - you're right and what about them buying property
    & apts. in E.Y. ? Torah Law does not allow this. Really believe they are
    usurping much of our Torah laws & customs to attach to their avodah zora. The Erev Rav have done a good job, r'l, in helping them to slowly
    integrate and infiltrate everything and now that they have invested so
    much, they think they can take over, r'l. Of course, that will never happen, because H' itanu. We need Moshiach NOW!
