26 September 2024

OMG!! The Judeo-Chr*stians Won't Stop!!

22 Elul 5784

High Holy Days bring them out of the woodwork in droves anyway but this year has its own complications.  Jews beware and be aware!!

“We want to be the hands and feet of Jesus as we cover our Jewish brothers and sisters and lend our support. We wish to make our city a place where our Jewish neighbors feel loved and protected.”

The October 7th Coalition is a movement of Christian shepherds, leaders, influencers, and neighbors, committed to public and private support and protection of the Jewish community, whom we recognize as brothers and sisters in our Judeo-Christian history and tradition, and our shared ancestors of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel. We recognize Israel’s right to exist and we emphatically and vociferously reject all antisemitism. We are here to unite, promote, and encourage meaningful public and private action in the Christian community to strengthen relationships with our Jewish friends and neighbors. This goal will be achieved through a number of ecumenical opportunities that aim to educate, find common ground, and encourage Christians to find ways to support the Jewish community in their sphere of influence. (October7Coalition)

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An Esther Call On The Mall on Yom Kippur 2024
(Tell me this is not replacement theology.)

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  1. It keeps getting worse. I saw the clip about the Mezuzah and was sickened to my stomach. They just don't give up.

  2. A kosher Jew should feel their stomach churning and their skin crawling. I hate the way they appropriate our religion, and for nefarious purposes. And the way they exploit our vulnerability in the circumtances to prey on us.
    For those who wonder why we need to know about such things: anyone who can take practical steps should do so, and this should strengthen all of our tefillot for Moshiach Now for Malchut Hashem to be revealed to the whole world. All their avoda zarah will go up in flames.
