01 September 2024

I've Been Waiting My Whole Life For This

28 Menachem Av 5784 


I've been waiting a long time for this...

From a 13 Elul 5773 (18 Aug 2013) blog post:

In January 1989, Rabbi Meir Kahane, ztz"lHy"d, held a conference about which he said, "We did not declare a state.  We declared our intent to declare a state if and when Israel will leave the areas." [Yehuda, Shomron and Aza - Yesha]

To the government of the State of Israel, he said:
"You will not be able to sign an accord with the Palestinians giving up parts of the Land of Israel - you will not be able to.  This is not Sinai, this is not Yamit.  Here, we're not dealing with two or three thousand people. Here, you are speaking of 65,000 settlers who live there, including 100,000 Jews who live right across the border who will pour into the area to ensure that it will not be given up because they know that the day after a Palestinian state arises in Judea and Samaria, the next day, the Palestinians will say, "now to the next."
It's clear that while Rabbi Meir Kahane put no faith in the Israeli government, he put a lot of faith in his fellow Jews.

Twenty-four years later, we're not still talking about 65,000 settlers.  We're talking about 350,000 settlers. And today, we are no longer talking about 100,000 Jews living on the Green Line, but the entire population of 7.5 million who are in rocket range!  And even so, still the government is continuing with the same insane and unfeasible policies.

Why? Well, maybe the government knows something today that Rabbi Meir Kahane did not know in 1989. For one thing, no replacement has ever been found for Rabbi Meir Kahane since the US and Israeli governments colluded to silence him permanently in November of 1990.

Second, Rabbi Kahane was speaking in a time before the Madrid Conference and before Oslo took it's terrible twenty-years of terrorism toll; before the US and Israeli governments colluded to train and arm a Palestinian-Arab army on our doorstep. And before the US Ambassador to the UN suggested quite openly that the US introduce a "massive protection force" to impose a solution on the parties.

Third, Rabbi Kahane did not live to witness the ease with which 8600 Jews were forcibly expelled from Gush Katif, along with the complete and utter destruction of seventeen Jewish communities, including the removal of graves.

Finally, perhaps Rabbi Kahane did not have the distinct pleasure of knowing the woman from Efrat whom I overheard telling another that as long as her settlement's future was secure, she wasn't going to concern herself with the others.  And surely, he never had the honor of meeting Micha Drori. This is how a Yahoo News article describes him:
Micha Drori is living the Israeli dream: a house, a yard, a wife and three kids. The 42-year-old businessman has found an affordable alternative to Israel's booming real estate market in a quiet community he loves, with a commute of less than half an hour to his job near Tel Aviv.

What's the catch? He's a West Bank settler.

The fate of Jewish settlements took center stage this week with the resumption of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks aimed at establishing a Palestinian state. In contrast to the prevailing image of settlers as gun-toting religious zealots, the majority are in fact middle-of-the-road pragmatists seeking quality of life. Many shun the settler ideology and say they will uproot quietly, if needed, for the sake of peace.

"We will not sit here and burn tires if the government will tell us to leave. We will just leave," Drori said in his quiet garden, smack in the middle of the West Bank.

...But Drori is not concerned. He's skeptical a peace accord will be reached, and if it is, he is open to various options, including living alongside Palestinians. He says he has moved many times before, and will do so again if required.

"God is not my guide," he said. "My guide is conscience and economy and community."
When you take all of this into consideration along with the outpouring of avodah zarah in the Shomron facilitated by the Jewish 'leadership' there, I'm not sure Rabbi Kahane would hold out much hope for us.

I'm not even hearing any discussion this time around. I'm wondering, is it because people are already convinced that a Palestinian state is inevitable and cannot be stopped or is it because they are convinced that the settlements are already too big to remove, so there is nothing to worry about or maybe they are counting on the Arabs to once again "never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity."

Whatever the case, I think each of these viewpoints is extremely dangerous and ill-advised.

In the year 2000, when it appeared that Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak was prepared to give the Arab enemy the lands of Judea and Samaria for a Palestinian state and half of Holy Jerusalem for their capital, a handful of people living in Yesha sought to revive Rabbi Meir Kahane's vision of the State of Judea - Medinat Yehudah.

This marks the end of that 2013 blog post.  Continuing from today...

I was privileged to be a very small part of that effort and even though it did not gain a following then, I hope that enough has changed today that we can finally start to talk, not about saving a just part of our nation, but the entirety of it!

I'm sharing now something I composed for the cause in 2000 in the hope that it might inspire an opening of the Jewish mind, not just to the justice and righteousness of this endeavor, but to the possibilities.  Note that I have modified the text from it's original focus on Medinat Yehudah to the messianic vision of Malchut Yisrael.

[* In 2024, it's now 35 years later, and the number of "settlers" is currently 450,000 in Yehuda v'Shomron with an additional 220,000 in "East" Jerusalem.  The total population of 9.6 million (14 million including "Palestinian" areas) is in rocket range.]


 "And Judah will dwell forever and Jerusalem from generation to generation." (Yoel 4:20)

 WHEREAS, the State of Israel denies its G-d given destiny, thereby denying the world the right to repair and redemption; and,

 WHEREAS, the State of Israel has relinquished the holiest sites of the Jewish people in Eretz Israel---Yericho, Shechem, Hevron, and Har Habayit---to the enemies of Judaism; and,

 WHEREAS, the State of Israel is relinquishing the heartland of our sacred heritage in Eretz Israel---Judea, Samaria, and "East" Jerusalem---to the enemies of the Jewish people; and,

 WHEREAS, the State of Israel has expressed its willingness to forcibly transfer Jewish citizens from their homes or to hand them over to a foreign, hostile entity; and,

 WHEREAS, the State of Israel debases its people, its heritage, and its G-d, by bowing to pressure exerted by foreign powers; and,

 WHEREAS, the State of Israel denies true justice for its citizens by allowing terrorist murderers of Jews to go free; and,

 WHEREAS, the established institutions, i.e., educational, judicial, executive, and legislative, provide no relief or recourse to the concerned citizen; and,

 WHEREAS, the State of Israel allows enemies of the State to hold positions of power within the government and freedom of speech to incite to the destruction of the State, while outlawing and persecuting any voice of dissent within the Jewish electorate; and,

 WHEREAS, the State of Israel is relinquishing critical water resources to those sworn to its destruction; and,

 WHEREAS, the State of Israel is risking the lives of all of its citizens on the gamble of "peace" with a people who is not even at peace with themselves; and,

 WHEREAS, the only alternatives within the established infrastructure---revolt or total surrender---are unacceptable to us;

We, the Jews of Eretz Israel, do hereby declare that we will create for ourselves, with the help of G-d, the True Jewish State---The Kingdom of Israel (Malchut Yisrael)---in the Arab-occupied land of our forefathers which will exist, please G-d, to correct all the wrongs of the present State of Israel. This holy endeavor will, with the help of G-d, be accomplished as a result of the following goals which we have set for ourselves:

 WE WILL refuse to recognize any agreement which relinquishes Jewish sovereignty over any part of Eretz Yisrael; any such agreement being illegal and non-binding in our eyes.

 WE WILL, those of us who live in the GolanYesha and the Jordan Valley, continue settling and inheriting these parts of Eretz Yisrael.

 WE WILL resist in any and all ways any attempt to evict Jews from their homes in any part of Eretz Yisrael; any such action being immoral and illegal in our eyes.

 WE WILL proclaim and establish a truly Jewish nation, The Kingdom of Israel, on any and all parts within the Biblical borders of Eretz Yisrael.

 WE WILL, in order to enable the Jewish people to fulfill their destiny in Eretz Yisrael, establish Torah law to be the law of The Kingdom of Israel.

 WE WILL defend The Kingdom of Israel through any and all available means. We implore all Jews who agree with these principles to come to our assistance by settling in every part of Eretz Yisrael and to otherwise do everything in their power to protect and strengthen "the cities of our G-d."  

"Be strong and let us be strong for the sake of our People and for the sake of the cities of our G-d, and Hashem will do what is good in His eyes." (Shmuel II 10:12)

It's not a far-fetched idea.  Our next-door neighbor is the Kingdom of Jordan.  Then there are the Kingdoms of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, and each of the seven emirates which make up the United Arab Emirates. That's to the east of us.  To the west of us there are the Kingdoms of Morocco, Eswatini, and Lethoso in Africa. 

"Today slightly more than a quarter of constitutional monarchies are Western European countries, including the United Kingdom, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, Denmark, Luxembourg, Monaco, Liechtenstein and Sweden."

They are all modern, prosperous and fully accepted by the world community of nations.  Why should we expect any less for ourselves, especially in light of the fact that the laws of the Torah are superior in every way to anything the gentile nations have.


  1. Can someone from Israel please clarify how come Ultra-Orthodox (haredim) Jewish men protest against the draft ? Why do they refuse to go to the army when there's an existential threat ??


    1. Because everyone here in Israel knows and understands well that the IDF is used as a means to "integrate" (assimilate/brainwash) Jews into being Israelis. (1) They have no need for the yeshivah students; (2) they can't (and won't) accommodate their religious needs; (3) they are not going after the large numbers of secular "draft-dodgers" (just yeshivah students); (4) those learning Torah are providing the most critical defense for our nation. Consider it another branch of the military defense. The ONLY reason they are after the yeshivah students is to further weaken us, to further assimilate us, to make use of the opportunity to rid themselves of the "primitive" elements which they hate. A great percentage of this military is outright goyim, the women are now integrated into combat units, abortion is available and encouraged, gay and trans people are actively recruited, there is lot of Christian missionizing from fellow soldiers. It's a wonder they can fight at all. Most people who go into the army religious, come out less than they went in. It's not an environment conducive to holiness. In short, it's not a Jewish army, it's an Israeli army and the soldiers are sent in with one hand tied behind their backs through control by those who want to turn the whole country this way and the chareidim are the last hurdle preventing that.

  2. If someone's house and burning and his siblings are getting killed , why is it that the haredim don't bother to come help extinguish the fire and to save the family ?

    How come that the majority of haredim don't present themselves as volunteers in civil services while youngsters from the galut are coming over to help in factories, kibbutzim, or any other places where they can be of any help ? According to Halacha it's even obligatory to interrupt Yom kippur service to save a life.


    1. There is no equivalency here. None at all!

      You imply that the nation's physical survival depends on chareidim leaving the beit hamidrash and taking up guns, but the opposite is actually true. We need their learning!

      I've already answered this above. Maybe you missed it.

      The problem with people who think this way is that they give no value at all to Torah learning. They have no faith at all in the protective power of Torah learning for the Jewish nation. The idea is to win and end the war not just fight it and prolong it as long as possible. As we learned in last week's parashah, our failure to adhere to the Torah is exactly what has gotten us into this mess. Pulling all the Torah learners into it just weakens us further. It's no solution. To the contrary!

      The arguments for forcing chareidim into the IDF are based on completely false assumptions all around in my view.

      You're likely not going to agree with me but I hope at least that you are understanding me.

  3. I just got to reading the comments here and am so disappointed in Jews asking these questions. With all the news for all to read, see and hear, so many know 'nothing'. Disgraceful. Aside from that, all those who do not understand the problems going on in Israel, PLEASE READ DEVORAH CHAYA'S EXCELLENT COMMENTS ABOVE IN THIS ARTICLE. SHE ANSWERS ALL YOUR QUESTIONS! then please PASS IT ON TO OTHERS.

  4. Wow, that statement of intent gave me chills! Amen!
