"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

28 August 2019

(Election) Summer Re-Runs or How Will It All End for Israel?

29 Menachem Av 5779

Not having a television now, I can't say for sure, but I don't think it's quite the same as it was when I was a kid back in Texas in the sixties.  Being from a poor family, there was no money for summer camp or vacations.  I had a bicycle, but riding my bike around the neighborhood could get real boring real fast, especially as I was not allowed to go more than a block in any direction.  Houston was a big, bad city even then, and my mother worried.

Needless to say, I and my five siblings watched a lot of television.  Back then, we only had three stations.  There was no cable, no satellite, etc.  And all the shows went on what was called a "hiatus" in the summer months, and we were stuck watching "re-runs" of the same shows we'd already seen during the year.  This election season in Israel reminds me of that; hence, the title.

March 2019
High Court bars far-right party head, lets Arab party run
Netanyahu fails to form new government, forcing new election
August 2019
Court Disqualifies Otzma Candidates, Allows Joint Arab List
Poll 3 Weeks Ahead of Elections for 22nd Knesset Shows Deadlock
See? Election re-runs.

But, the really important story is not revealed here. 

We've known since forever that The Regime will never disqualify an Arab party no matter how "anti-Zionist/pro-Terrorist" it is.  And we've known since at least 1988 when Rabbi Kahane, after serving as a Member of Knesset, was banned from future elections and his party ruled "racist," that anything too far to the "extreme right," i.e. too much in favor of bringing Torah out of the synagogue and into the public domain, would not be tolerated.

What has been flying mostly under the radar, however, is how complicit the regime has been in activity meant to turn Israel from a Jewish State into a state of all its citizens by infiltrating it with "loving and supportive" Christians.  That would be bad enough, except that's not all.  Their ultimate end-game is to destroy Judaism altogether by this same method; replacing traditional Torah-True Judaism with a new "Biblical Judeo-Christian" faith. 

We've already talked about the Christian Allies Caucus in the Knesset and the monthly Knesset Bible Study between Christian missionaries and MKs, as well as the cooperation of government officials all over the world with the various Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast initiatives.  Of the latter, says one reporting website:
Inspired by the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C...., the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast Movement is coordinated by Albert Veksler who says he is “focused on building an atmosphere of unity and mutual understanding.” ...The purpose of the gathering was to build bridges of blessing between Christians and Jewish leaders around the world.

Albert Veksler was born Albert Türnpu in Estonia. He made aliyah to Israel with his family in 2003, changed his last name, finished his education and became a business success. He has served variously as CEO and Founder of JPBM Consulting, Founder of the Israel Empowerment Fund, CEO of the Israel Empowerment Lobby, and is currently Director of Global Aliyah. (See more here.)
Would it surprise you at all to know that he was a major Church leader in Estonia before his "aliyah," or that he attends the original Messianic Congregation in Jerusalem, or that he appears in photographs with various high-level Dominionist leaders, or that his current job is all about making it possible for those who can't prove Jewishness to become citizens of Israel?
As head of the Israel Empowerment Lobby, he was "supported by Knesset parliamentarians and, along with city mayors, businessmen, other high officials and diplomats, promotes better understanding between Jews and Christians, by building broader support for Israel through special events and other shared activities. IEL is committed to reaching out to Christians all around the world, in order to mobilize greater support and understanding for the State of Israel and the Jewish people."

In addition to being the Director of the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast Global Movement, Albert Veksler was also a keynote speaker at The Commonwealth of Israel - International Christian Chamber of Commerce Leadership Conference.

Breaking Israel News (BIN) - the propaganda arm of Israel365 which promotes the new one-world Judeo-Christian religion - reported on this event as follows:
As the Genesis maxim relates that those who exalt Israel will be exalted, blessings were in abundance at this year’s International Christian Chamber of Commerce (ICCC) conference in Jerusalem, themed “The Commonwealth of Israel – Becoming a Blessing to the Nations.”
...It brought people together from all over the world whose businesses and working lives have become a manifestation of an inward walk of faith. Timo Plutschinski of the WEA Business Coalition, spoke about business as a way to express God’s characteristics and Biblical principles such as accountability, trust, forgiveness for mistakes, excellence, responsibility, goodness and love.
Business, he posed, can act to expand the covenant between God and the Jewish people, but as business is all about relationships, this aim cannot be reached alone.
Knesset Member Robert Ilatov similarly commented on the intertwined destiny of the Jewish and Christian peoples,...
Jan Sturesson, Chairman of International Board of the ICCC: ... Jews and Christians “have a common history and dialogue, and most importantly, a common future.” He thus called on Christians to stand up for their Jewish roots and Judeo-Christian values by “promoting business between Christians and Jews” and “standing together” in strategic partnerships.
Tuly Weisz, Israel365: “We provide equal rights to all our citizens, Jewish, Christian or Muslim and we are creating technology not to improve our lives, but to be used all over the world and to increase the quality of life in developing nations so that we don’t become the richest nation, but a light unto the nations.”
How about that?  It's not the Torah which is the Light we bring to the World, it's Technology and material wealth!!

You might wonder, as I did, why the word "Commonwealth" was used. A dictionary definition of the word says:  "commonwealth refers to any group of people organized under a single government, particularly a republic. ...Nowadays, a commonwealth has come to mean any government in which all people involved have a say, or a loose formation of nations with a shared loyalty."  We can only guess at their true intent.  But, this quote by Albert Veksler might offer a clue:

I believe that 21st century religious life is characterized by a consensus among different churches based on the truth of God's Word. It is not so much a matter of joining organizations, but rather working together for a common purpose, where the basis of cooperation is the honoring of God's Word and one another. At the same time, however, there is a confrontation with formal Christianity, which, while having the face of godliness, denies God's power. I believe that we can see churches rise and solve social and economic problems that seem impossible. The miracles so often found in the gospels can often occur again in churches where it is doctrinally wrong. I believe that the phenomenal church growth seen in South Korea has been God's "pilot project" for the harvest of the end times, and we can see churches growing to hundreds of thousands all over the world. 
The only branch of Christianity that is growing and expanding is the Evangelical-Charismatic branch and it has already crossed all denominational lines as evidenced by Vice President Mike Pence's proud claim to be an Evangelical Catholic. And every Evangelical-Charismatic group and leader has some kind of attachment to Israel or presence in Jerusalem.

Furthermore, the Zionist State of Israel has become their gateway into traditional Torah Judaism.

From President of the United States Donald Trump to President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro, something very strange is going on.

Not only religious movements, but even governments are now being brought under the "Judeo-Christian" banner as those who would "take dominion" and become "co-regents with God" are preparing for the Second Coming of their Failed 'Messiah" to Jerusalem and the mass slaughter of all Jews who refuse to bow the knee to him.

So, what does this have to do with the summer re-run elections?

We won't find any help or solutions from our elected leadership.  This Erev Rav Regime is riddled with infiltrators who collaborate with our sworn enemies.  It will take a revolution to clean up this mess.  Only HKB"H knows how it will come, but come it must.  And Mashiach will lead it!


  1. Yes, yes, this was the most informative post of all. We've all heard even Netanyahu say that he wants it to be state for all of its citizens, r'l. Everything you brought up here has been written about and known for quite a while, mostly, B'H, thanks to your blog, Devash. This will surely be the last straw and will, hopefully, bring us MBY, to undo this mageifah. H' yerachem that it be with rachamim aleinu! Just one question, why are so many asleep not realizing what's happening? We know all this is under cover but people from the Otzmah party, etc. should make this known by publicly writing about it or when interviewed, telling the public what's really happening. Am sure the typical guy in the street knows nothing or cares to, r'l. Heaven help us! To me, it's been obvious for years that the main goal in undoing Torah/Judaism, so why are so many blind to this obvious agenda?

  2. The world has decided "If you can't beat 'em (the Jews), join 'em." But, of course, they don't really mean that. They have no idea what a Jew is and neither do many Jews themselves. The secular Zionist State calling itself "Israel" and "Jewish" is a large part of the reason.

    Secular people need a way to become Jewish
    A set of cultural and political mechanisms should allow non-Jews to lead a meaningful Jewish life outside of synagogue

  3. Bottom line: The mixing of Jews with non-Jews with the goal of destroying us. One way of looking at the Erev Rav is that its the Jewish contribution to the globalist (ie. anti-nationalist), one-world government agenda.
