18 September 2024

Apparently It's Not Over Til It's Over...

15 Elul 5784

UPDATE @ 20:00 (IST):

🔴 MORE EXPLODING DEVICES in Lebanon.. .. 20:00 - more explosions in Baalbech (northern Lebanon - Hezbollah stronghold), larger ones.

.. The Lebanese media: several V180 devices (larger walkie-talkie type encrypted 2 way radios) exploded in several places in the city of Baalbek in Lebanon. A number of injured from the explosion.

.. The explosions also reached the director of the office of the Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament.

.. Devices keep exploding throughout Lebanon.

.. A security source said that the explosions occurred with wireless devices and there were hundreds of casualties.

.. At least 60 apartments caught fire, 15 vehicles went up in flames, dozens of motorcycles exploded.

.. Reports of explosions at the base of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Imam Ali, in the area of ​​Deir ez-Zor in eastern Syria. Unknown if it is related.

.. Analyst: (Arab Desk) The number of casualties is much greater than what is advertised, Hezbollah has an interest in hiding the magnitude of the damage to the organization.

.. IDF Chief of Northern Command (others attribute it to IDF Chief Of Staff): "We have many capabilities that we haven't activated.”

.. Report from Yemen - explosion in a weapons storage building.

.. WhatsApp outages in Lebanon.

.. UN Security Council will hold an emergency meeting on Friday to discuss the events in Lebanon. (But not to discuss Hezbollah firing rockets and suicide drones daily at Israeli civilians.)

.. The civil defense teams in Lebanon put out at least 60 fires in Nabatia district as a result of the explosion of the radios.

~ ~ ~

REPORTED BY Israel Realtime Updates @ 17:25 (IST): 


.. Radios (walkie-talkie style)

.. Another large number of injured Hezbollah operatives in Lebanon.

.. Reports of explosions that were also heard in the Beka’a area, radio-operated devices.

.. FOG OF WAR - - could be pagers that were turned off during the last round and just getting the alert.

.. FOG OF WAR - - some reports phones, laptops and ordinary devices that are not related to beepers / pagers.

.. Noting some cell phone stores on fire in Beirut.

.. Car fires in Beirut.

.. Multiple apartment fires in Beirut.

.. Sky News in Arabic reports: Explosions took place during the funeral of the son of Hezbollah MP Ali Ammar who was killed by the beeper/pager attack.

.. Hezbollah operatives are hysterically urging each other to stay away from any device with a battery.

.. One report says the exploding devices are iPhones.
AND @ 18:04 (IST):


.. Explosions larger than the beeper/pager explosions (maybe by size of device or battery?)

.. Panic in Lebanon, Hezbollah operatives throw away walkie-talkies and phones.

.. Hezbollah: We ask all brothers to throw away wireless devices quickly.

.. Many videos of store fires, particularly cell phone stores, and apartment fires, in Beirut.

.. Early reports: at least 500 explosions and injured, at least 6 dead.

.. Possibly senior Hezbollah officials eliminated.

.. (Amit Segal) Hezbollah is now an organization that cannot communicate for fear of exploding.

.. A security source told Reuters: The walkie-talkies were purchased by Hezbollah about five months ago - about the same time the pagers were purchased.

.. Hezbollah leader Nasrallah cancels his planned speech tomorrow.

.. Additional reports, likely fog-of-war but who knows, show exploding power-banks and exploding door-entry sensors.

.. Mainly wireless devices belonging to the "ICOM" company were damaged

.. Lebanese sources: The explosion of communication devices today is more powerful and destructive than yesterday.

.. Reports from Syria that the Syrian Arab Army has ordered all of its units to cease usage of two-way radios and instead rely on reliable communication systems - such as landlines and other radio systems from the 1980s and 70s/60s.


  1. Maybe this all has a dual purpose giving way for everyone to start using their minds instead of depending on tech for everything. Whatever,
    H' is in charge and is showing the world: 'you think you can get away
    with all your evil, but there is a Higher Power that in the end you have to realize we control nothing because G-D is the One in total control'.
    Evil always loses and only good is eternal and wins out.
    Blessed be Hashem!

  2. בס"ד
    I highly doubt that any explosive material was necessary to cause the batteries to explode. Lithium ion batteries are prone to overheat and combust. You may remember a number of years ago that a faulty batch of samsung batteries from the Chinese manufacturing plant exploded in several countries. There was a case in the US where a cell phone exploded and the unfortunate user had the side of his head turned to hamburger. Thankfully he survived but there were some deaths reported.
    Lithium batteries can become unstable, overheat and explode when subjected to some frequencies and vibrations. I would say that this is probably the method used to trigger the blasts rather than implanted explosives. But, I guess we will find out, or maybe not, because this would mean that anyone could be a potential victim at some future time.


  3. בס"ד

    Given the wide variety of devices that exploded in the second wave, it is extremely unlikely that explosives were planted either in manufacturing or in transit. I suspect that a pulse emitted by 5G infrastructure at a certain frequency caused the batteries to explode.

    This capability is probably widely known by many other state agencies worldwide and any lithium ion powered devices are vulnerable to such pulsed frequencies. Interesting developments indeed.

    Israel should quickly capitalize on the chaos and confusion in Lebanon and strike hizballah while their communications are in disarray. It would be a grave tactical error to squander a golden opportunity to deal them a swift and crushing blow.


  4. SO WHY DO THEY WANT TO EMPTY THE NORTH OF AM YISRAEL? Shocking Developments: Army Prepares to Evacuate the North, from Yad Ezra V’Shulamit https://www.yadezra.net/donation_e.php?occasion=rh_24 NESHAMA

    1. There's no date on this. Don't you imagine this has been up on the website since they first moved people out? Nothing to say this is anything new on the horizon.
