21 September 2024

"Third Lebanon War": Fourth Day

19 Elul 5784
Shavua Tov!                     

Thank you to everyone who responded to my unofficial poll.  Much appreciated.  I'll start a new post after sunset as needed, but will close these posts to further comments as these are strictly for sharing emergent information.  If you have important info to share, email it to me (tdnjslm@gmail.com) and I will, be"H, add it to the post so no one misses it.


Beginning at this point I am going to be posting the latest news first.  All the earlier post-Shabbat reports can be found below the line.

@ 14:40 (IST)

@ 14:26 (IST)

@ 12:37 (IST)

@ 07:59 (IST)

@ 07:34 (IST)

@ 07:09 (IST)

(06:01)...⚠CHANGE - HOMEFRONT COMMAND ORDERS - increase to alert level 3 - HAIFA, TIBERIUS, and north, including the Golan, Safed, etc.  

- School: closed.
- Workplaces: only where it is possible to reach a protected space in 1 minute.
- ⁠Restriction of gatherings - in a building up to 10 people, in an open area up to 100 people.
- The IDF also cancels agricultural work in the areas near the border in the north.
⭕ 3 rounds of HUGE ROCKET BARRAGES, latest at 5:10 AM, from HEZBOLLAH at the Jezreel Valley area, reaching Ramat David, Migdal Hamek, Yakneam, Kfar Yehoshua.
.. continues to be a major differential in rocket count - Arab sources say 100+ per round, IDF saying 5-15 per round BUT the large Fajir 1 and 2 rockets.
⭕ 1 round of SUICIDE DRONES at the GOLAN from SHIA MILITIAS - IRAQ, intercepted.
♦IDF attacking Lebanon up to Zoter and De’ir Seryan, by the Litany river.
♦IDF continues waves of attacks in southern Lebanon.

▪IDF forces raided Al Jazeera offices in Ramallah, issuing a closure order.  Hamas Communications Bureau in Gaza: We condemn the occupation's decision to close Al Jazeera and prevent its activities in Ramallah.

▪INJURIES - total injuries for the night so far: 5, including a woman and baby injured running to a protected space, and a direct hit in Beit She’arim on a cow barn - 5-10 cows killed and more injured.

.. Car accident due to the barrage - possible fatality, Ramat Yishai. 

~ ~ ~

@01:29 (IST)

A major rocket attack has struck Northern Israel, with the area of Ramat David Air Base coming under heavy fire. The attack is reportedly being carried out by Hizbullah, significantly escalating tensions in the region. Casualties and damage are still being assessed as emergency services respond to the situation.

(01:41)...♦HEZBOLLAH FIRES MASS ROCKET BARRAGE - - Most towns south and east of Haifa, Carmel area, Ramat David air base, Afula.

HIT - Migdal HaEmek.

HIT - Kfar Baruch.

HIT - Ilot.

FIRE - Nazareth (burning trees)

FIRE - Afula

~ ~ ~ 


...Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, the IDF Spokesperson, stated that Aqil and the Radwan Force commanders were the masterminds behind Hezbollah's plan to attack northern Israel. This plan involved infiltrating Israeli territory, seizing control of Galilee communities, and carrying out violent attacks against Israeli civilians, similar to the Hamas assault on October 7th.

 ~ ~ ~

(21:36)...📌 HOMEFRONT COMMAND ORDERS - alert level 2 - HAIFA, TIBERIUS, and north, including the Golan, Safed, etc.  

- Studies and workplaces only where it is possible to reach a protected space during the defined defense time for that place.

- ⁠Restriction of gatherings - in a building up to 30 people, in an open area up to 300 people.

⚠ENEMY reports.. in Lebanon, there are reports of a movement of Hezbollah forces.

⚠Kinneret, Haifa, Nahariya, Acco, Krayot - beaches and nearby parking lots CLOSED due to the security situation.

⚠Homefront arrives at soccer game (football for non-Americans) between Tiberius and Sakhalin and shuts it down due to the security situation.

⚠Some towns further north are cancelling school tomorrow.  Call your city - 106 - or school if in the north and unsure.

♦IDF spox: We are destroying more and more of Hezbollah's launch capabilities. Today we attacked 400 Hezbollah launchers with thousands of rockets.

⭕ROCKET HIT.. from Hezbollah, in front of the synagogue in Bira on Shabbat.  Thank G-d, after services - building damage. 

🔹Israel warns Hezbollah: if it launches towards Haifa - Beirut will catch fire.

🔹PM - major security discussion at 22:00 in the Kirya (IDF HQ). 

 ~ ~ ~

(21:06)...IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari warned of potential rocket launches and other threats in the coming hours, advising that additional changes to guidelines could occur depending on developments. Hagari emphasized the importance of adhering to Home Front Command guidelines and staying informed about any further updates.

...⚠ In a special emergency situation declaration, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant signed new measures for the home front. A high-level security meeting, chaired by the Prime Minister, key government ministers, top IDF officials, and other security agencies, is scheduled to take place soon at the IDF’s Kirya HQ. Senior officials have indicated that a dramatic escalation could be imminent.


@19:53 (IST)...

🟧After Shabbat first report - Saturday - events from Israel   

ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime

▪HOMEFRONT COMMAND lifts restrictions for the Golan and Upper Galilee. (19:15)

⚠15 minutes later, warnings for the north (no specific Homefront order).

▪PROTEST - TEL AVIV HOSTAGE SQUARE.. Musicians playing, crowd singing - for deal now.

▪PROTESTORS CONTINUE TO HARASS.. MK Yuli Edelstein as he walks to synagogue on Shabbat, for the 2nd week in a row - pro-deal demands.

▪US CONFUSION.. Washington Post: The White House was impressed by the pager attack, but senior White House advisers told the newspaper that they were unsure of Israel's broader strategy in Lebanon, and some expressed frustration with Israel's action in the face of negotiations for a hostage deal. It was also reported that some American officials wonder how much support the US should provide to Israel if the fighting in the north is expanded.

.. AND.. The US national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, on the assassination of the senior Hezbollah official also wanted by the US: "It's a good result, it's good that justice was done. We hope not to reach an all-out war.”

▪TURKEY CONDEMNS, AGAIN.. Erdogan attacks Israel following the attack in Lebanon during a press conference before flying to the US. He accused Israel of behaving like a terrorist organization and not like a state… He called on the international community, especially the Western countries, to act against Israel.

▪LEBANON SAYS.. Informed political sources told the Lebanese Al-Lua' newspaper: "The military escalation phase began on Tuesday with the explosion of the radios and was completed yesterday with an attack on Hezbollah commanders, especially Radwan Force commander Ibrahim Akil. This phase is approaching several possibilities, including an increase in the level of escalation. Hezbollah will  not stand idly by, and hence the coming days may be warmer.  In view of the insistence on open confrontations - there is no room for any political efforts and the reality on the ground reflects this. The issue of total war is not accurate, but an escalation in the military actions of both sides is highly expected."

🔹ISRAELI AIRSPACE.. north of Hadera is closed to civilian air traffic.

♦IDF RELEASES.. names of the 15 senior Hezbollah commanders killed in Beirut yesterday, including senior commanders of the Radwan invasion force (Hezbollah’s Radwan force is one specifically designed to invade and terrorize.)

♦IDF ATTACKS LEBANON.. Shabbat day - IDF spokesman: About 180 targets and thousands of launchers were destroyed - the IDF completed a series of attacks in southern Lebanon. In addition, artillery fire was fired at several areas in southern Lebanon.

♦IDF IN GAZA.. The IDF continues to attack dozens of terrorist infrastructures in the Gaza Strip; Division 162 and Division 252 eliminated terrorists in the center and south of the Gaza Strip.

🔸DEAL NEWS.. US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan: "There is a way to reach a ceasefire in Gaza, but we are not at the point of putting anything on the table in talks right now.  We are still working on a mediation initiative with Qatar and Egypt - not sure that what currently exists will bring the parties to agree to the outline. Qatar and Egypt are talking with Hamas, and the US with Israel.”

⭕ROCKET HITS.. in Kadita, home hit, large fire.  Plus 4 forest fires started.  Hit to a building in Ramot Naftali.  

⭕ROCKET ATTACKS - yesterday over 200 rockets fired by Hezbollah, today over 100 so far from Hezbollah - vast majority at civilian villages - over 15 rounds of attacks with rockets and suicide drones.

@20:00 (IST)... 

@20:42 (IST)...

❗HOMEFRONT ORDERS, ALL THE NORTH INCLUDING HAIFA - After Shabbat 2nd report - Saturday - events from Israel  

ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime

⚠ HOMEFRONT COMMAND ORDERS - alert level 2 - HAIFA, TIBERIUS, and north, including the Golan, Safed, etc.  

- Studies and workplaces only where it is possible to reach a protected space during the defined defense time for that place.

- ⁠Restriction of gatherings - in a building up to 30 people, in an open area up to 300 people.

No changes in other areas, HOWEVER be alert there may be rockets.  People should be aware of protected spaces.

▪OPPOSITION LEADER MK LAPID.. Tonight at 20:30 I will meet with opposition party leaders Lieberman, Gantz and Eisenkot to coordinate moves (to collapse the coalition govt).  

▪ON MK SA’AR BECOMING DEFENSE MIN - HE DECLINES.. “in view of the recent developments on the northern border…, I have decided to inform the Prime Minister that in the current situation I am renouncing his offer for the position of Minister of Defense. I do not want the minds of those who bear the burden of managing the campaign at this time to be distracted for an indefinite period of time... Andas we witnessed last week - time will be used for a campaign of incitement and delegitimization (against me), and with no possibility to respond under the circumstances.  (( Respect )) (( And this does not mention whether he still might join the coalition. ))

🔹MDA raises operations to alert level 4 in all parts of the country.

🔹City of Netanya and Tiberius open public shelters.

♦IDF: "This evening we informed the families of the 6 abductees who were murdered in captivity that we eliminated two terrorists who were holding the abductees in a tunnel in the Rafah area 

♦According to Sky News, Mohammad Raza, deputy commander of the (Iranian) Quds Force of the Revolutionary Guards, was also killed in the IDF attack in Beirut on Friday.

♦Lebanese report that Israeli drones have been hovering without interruption over the attack site in Dahiya in Beirut for almost 24 hours at low and medium altitude... this worries them.

♦A particularly violent wave of IDF airstrikes against Hezbollah in the last half hour.

♦GAZA.. jets of the Air Force attacked terrorists of Hamas who were operating in a command and control complex established in the area that was previously used as the "Alfalah" school in Gaza City.  Prior to the attack, measures were taken to reduce the chance of harming civilians.

♦GAZA - AID HIJACK STOPPED.. IDF forces identified armed men looting a humanitarian aid truck.  In a quick closing circle, the forces directed drones who located the armed men who escaped in a vehicle and eliminated them using an Air Force aircraft.

⭕A number of anti-aircraft missiles were launched at the IDF Air Force jets.

⭕ROCKET HIT - Rosh Pina.

⭕Highway 90 in the Ayelet HaShahar area was closed to northbound traffic due to a missile strike in the middle of the road.

Strikes continue in Lebanon... 

Stay tuned...