24 September 2024

"Who Is This Coming From Edom?"

 21 Elul 5784

HKB"H is fighting for us every single day, in every single way...

Initial Reports that the USNS Big Horn (T-AO-198), the only Replenishment Oiler with the U.S. Navy currently Deployed to the Middle East, has “Run Aground” off the Coast of Oman in the Arabian Sea and suffered possible Serious Damage; with her currently being Towed to Dubai.

I still believe the US and Saudi Arabia are behind everything that is happening here, including the Simchat Torah Massacre, and the goal is to eliminate all the "zealots" on both sides and install a "moderate" Arab presence so the money can flow without hindrance.

BREAKING: H.R. 3433 was passed today in the House of Representatives without objections.

The establishment of an FDA bureau in the Abraham Accords region was tasked as part of Title II of HR 3433.

USIEA eagerly anticipates the Senate’s quick response, as the bill now moves to the upper chamber for a vote and then to the President’s desk for final sign off.

USIEA has educated Members of Congress on friendshoring U.S. medical supply lines to Israel and the Abraham Accords nations since 2021.

In January of this year, Rep. Diana Harshbarger (R-TN) and Rep. Juan Vargas (D-CA) introduced the United States-Abraham Accords Cooperation and Security Act of 2024, which calls for the establishment of a U.S. FDA Bureau in the Abraham Accords region to open up a staging ground for collaboration.

Reps. Harshbarger and Vargas were inspired to introduce the bill after attending USIEA’s 2023 Congressional Tour.

Their bill led to the eventual passage of today’s Act. USIEA provided the initial research for these members and proudly endorses today’s bill.

This bill will authorize the establishment of an FDA bureau in the Abraham Accords region to:

- Create a staging ground for the United States to friend-shore to the Abraham Accords countries.

- Secure critical pharmaceutical supply chains and support improved public health solutions.

- Shift America’s medical supply chain dependence away from adversary countries to amicable and strategic allies.

[Note that this organization is also behind the National Leadership Center in Ariel, Israel which has as its stated goal to indoctrinate all Israel's future leaders with Western (Chr*stian) ideas and values!!] 

Think about it, Hamas and Qatar (the "ceasefire" negotiator, funder of Hamas and home to Hamas leaders) are Sunnis like Saudi Arabia.  Hezbollah and the Houthis are Shia like Iran and Syria.  Iran and Saudi Arabia are vying for the leadership of the Muslim world.  East v. West.  

DUBAI, Sept 18 (Reuters) - Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on Wednesday said the kingdom would not recognise Israel without a Palestinian state and strongly condemned the "crimes of the Israeli occupation" against the Palestinian people.

"The kingdom will not stop its tireless work towards the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, and we affirm that the kingdom will not establish diplomatic relations with Israel without that," the crown prince, known as MbS, said.

After the eruption of war last October between Israel and the militant Palestinian group Hamas that rules Gaza, Saudi Arabia put on ice U.S.-backed plans for the kingdom to normalise ties with Israel, two sources familiar with Riyadh's thinking said earlier this year, in a swift reordering of its diplomatic priorities.

MbS, Saudi Arabia's de facto ruler, had said just weeks before the fighting broke out that Riyadh was getting closer to a deal.
And there's more to it. In order to make this "deal," Saudi Arabia wants the US to provide them with a nuclear umbrella (against the day Iran gets nukes) and they want the control of Har Habayit taken out of Jordan's hands and transferred over to them. (Riyadh seeks to reboot Temple Mount status quo with peace deal)
Notwithstanding the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, and perhaps even because of it, diplomatic contacts aimed at advancing a normalization agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia have continued. The US administration has worked hard to move this process forward after Hamas’s attack on October 7, which was intended to thwart the move, and after Iran, through its various proxies, joined the conflict. However, after six months of combat, it is possible to make the following cautious assessment: The fundamental motivation of the United States and Saudi Arabia in this context has not changed. The United States wants to forge a new regional order, which it will lead, to make it easier for itself and for Middle Eastern nations to deal with Iran—and also to indicate that it is not abandoning the region. Saudi Arabia, for its part, wants to cement its regional standing and bolster its status and security, particularly vis-à-vis Iran, by strengthening its ties with Washington.

...Saudi Arabia—Riyadh is primarily concerned about the benefits it will receive from the United States. These include a defense pact to ensure the kingdom’s security against Iran; the provision of advanced American arms and ammunition, including F-35 fighter jets; and American assistance in establishing a civilian nuclear infrastructure, including operating a nuclear fuel cycle within Saudi Arabia. In addition, the Saudis have several demands of Israel. The main one is that Jerusalem agrees to advance the two-state solution and recognize the “renewed” Palestinian Authority as the responsible entity for the Palestinian arena. Previously, the Saudis had wanted Israel to express implied support for the two-state solution, while maintaining diplomatic flexibility; however, since October 7, they have been demanding practical steps from Israel, such as transferring the administration of the Gaza Strip to the Palestinian Authority, in order to stabilize the Palestinian arena. It appears that Riyadh has accepted that the resumption of the normalization process with Israel will be linked to greater Saudi involvement in Gaza and planning for “the day after Hamas.” Of course, all of this depends on the Americans accepting the Saudis’ demands and on Israel’s agreeing to certain aspects of the demands that it may find problematic, such as allowing Saudi Arabia to acquire nuclear capability and the erosion of Israel’s relative military advantage.

United States—Washington is demanding domestic reforms from Saudi Arabia, as well as a stable oil supply and a reduction in Saudi ties with China in various areas, including technological, military, and nuclear cooperation. In return, the Biden administration is seeking Saudi agreement to normalize relations with Israel as part of a regional integration process aimed at countering Iranian influence. Additionally, the United States expects Saudi Arabia to play a role in the new regional order by assisting with the Palestinian arena, particularly in stabilizing, administering, and rebuilding the Gaza Strip, as well as helping the Palestinian Authority reform itself and become an effective governing body.

...The Biden administration recognizes that the Israeli government is facing challenges in making significant strategic decisions due to domestic political considerations. Therefore, they are working to advance certain actions without the agreement of the Israeli government and are willing to impose measures that Israel may find difficult to accept. In this context, they are expanding humanitarian aid to Gaza, establishing a temporary port on the Gaza coast, supporting reforms in the Palestinian Authority, working toward the establishment of a new technocratic government, and preparing for the formation of a Palestinian force to maintain public order in the Gaza Strip, with the involvement of Jordan and Egypt. (Source)
The US has been very open and public about running this war on their own terms, with their own military and political leaders having a constant presence in our own War Room!  When they told us immediately that this was "Israel's 9/11,"  that was clue #1.  It means this was an inside job and that is why elements of both the military and the political echelons ignored the warnings and why their response was delayed for so long.  If you'll recall, Saudi Arabia was involved there, too!  It also explains why there was no coordinated invasion by Iran's proxies despite the initial claims that Hamas "jumped the gun."  

When Binyamin Netanyahu loudly proclaims "We are fighting for Western Civilization," believe him!!
...It was to this city [Washington, D.C.], the Rome of our time, that the head of the tiny Jewish state came to warn the world and awaken it from its slumber. Will the world hear? Benjamin Netanyahu's speech spoke to us Israelis and his American hosts, but his words were aimed at the entire world. Israel is not just fighting war for its survival, it is fighting the war of the free world, [free of God's sovereignty!!] of Western civilization against barbarism as the Prime Minister said in his speeches. Judeo-Christian civilization is fighting for its life.  (Source)
This is all so much bigger than us.  Were it not for HKB"H and His protection, all would be lost.  But the Master of the Universe still reigns on high and He promised to take Edom down.  They won't rule over us forever...

This week's haftarah:  
...Who is this that comes from Edom, sullied of garment from Bozrah [capital of Edom]?  It is this One Who was majestic in His raiment, Who was girded with His abundant strength?  - "It is I Who speaks in righteousness, abundantly able to save."  Why the red stain on Your raiment?  And Your garments - as one who treads in the wine vat!  "A wine press have I trod by Myself, and from the nations not a man was with Me;  I trod on them in My anger and trampled them in My wrath, their lifeblood spurted out on My garments, and I soiled My raiment.  For the day of vengeance is in My heart and the year of My redemption has come...."