08 September 2024

The U.S. Coup Playbook

5 Elul 5784
Shavua Tov!

This extraordinary documentary is well worth the time investment for the education it affords, especially in light of the fact that the U.S. is following the same playbook right now in Israel!!

COUP '53


  1. This just confirms what many of us have always known how the US and the UK (to a lesser response) is responsible for pretty much the worlds chaos and turmoil throughout the years. Not only the CIA is actively involved in this, but so is the Fed (which many people don't realize is completely independent from the government ) and controls the money supply. This is why there is so much economic chaos in the US and the world.

  2. בס"ד

    Thank you for posting this very informative documentary Devorah. This was so well researched and presented, that the smugness and arrogance of both the British and American political and intelligence operatives involved is evident in the interviews. Despite the fact that they created the monster that exists in Iran, they are unrepentant for their actions. It is obvious that the treacherous Americans are underhandedly using Iran and its proxies to maintain leverage over Israel.

    The real axis of evil in this world is the tri-state entity consisting of The Financial District of The City of London, Washington D.C., and Vatican City. 3 independent, sovereign states within 3 "independent" countries. The vatican fully intends to establish itself supreme in Jerusalem by any means possible. This is the primary and ultimate objective of this evil entity. The question that remains to be answered is how much collusion exists between elements within our government and judiciary and the vatican to achieve this objective.
    As reported by Barry Chamish, Joel Bainerman and others, such collusion has occurred in the recent past.
    You are absolutely correct that we are the intended victims of the American coup d'etat playbook. It seems that they are impatient that we haven't capitulated to their agenda in a timely fashion.
    Hashem yerachem.


    1. ...The real axis of evil in this world is the tri-state entity consisting of The Financial District of The City of London, Washington D.C., and Vatican City.


    2. 1. YES. 2. NOT MUCH LONGER ...
