Compare the following to the current agreements which have been made with Hamas and Hezbollah/Lebanon and tell me Trump or Netanyahu are messianic figures. When Mashiach is revealed and comes forth to lead this nation, worldwide hatred of Jews and Israel will soar to unimaginable heights hatred and why? Because Mashiach will never concede or compromise even one centimeter!!
Parashat Bo – No concessions! by Rabbi Meir Kahane, ztz"l, Hy"d
G-d's name cannot be sanctified through concession or compromise. The essence of Kiddush Hashem is complete trust in G-d, without the least fear of mortal man. The moment a person is ready to concede, when crowning G-d Supreme King would require total submission by the non-Jew [in this case, Pharaoh], his concession robs G-d of complete sovereignty. And if his concession stems from any kind of fear, his sin is sevenfold.
After nine Plagues which brought wicked Pharaoh and his land to the brink of collapse, that evildoer finally broke down: “Pharaoh summoned Moses and said, 'Go – serve the L-rd, only your flocks and herds stay behind. Let your little ones also go with you'” (Ex. 10:24)
Should this not have been a source of great joy? Could Moses not agree? Israel had been slaves and foreigners for 210 years. Now the violent despot had capitulated, opening the prison gates. With the light of freedom shining on them, could it be that due to this one minor condition, “only your flocks and herds stay behind”, Moses would remain stubborn? Must freedom and tranquility be postponed for the sake of flocks and cattle?
If this small concession is the price for going out from servitude to redemption, why not pay it? Yet Moses responded: “You yourself must give us sacrifices and burnt-offerings that we may sacrifice unto the L-rd our G-d. Our cattle also shall go with us. There shall not be a hoof left behind.” (Ex. 10:25-26).
G-d's main purpose in redeeming Israel from Egypt was much more profound than just to redeem them from slavery. G-d wished to prove to Pharaoh, his kingdom and his world, all of whom arrogantly proclaim, “I do not know the L-rd” (Ex. 5:2), that there indeed exists a G-d in Israel, Whose kingdom rules over all, that indeed , all life is in His hands.
The point of the Exodus was for G-d's name to be magnified and exalted. Kiddush Hashem!The Torah teaches us that when Kiddush Hashem is at stake, there are no concessions or compromises. In our own modest times, who is wise enough to grasp this?
Another halachic principle applying to Kiddush and Chilul Hashem is this: Kiddush Hashem must be performed triumphantly and shamelessly. Kiddush Hashem on a national level cannot possibly take place in secret. The very idea of sanctifying G-d's name is something that must be done before nations. When it is performed in secret out of fear, it turns into Chilul Hashem and is better off not being done at all.
After Moses rejected Pharaoh's compromise, Egypt was struck by the terrible tenth Plague, the smiting of the firstborn. “There was a great cry in Egypt, for there was not a house where there was not one dead.” (Ex. 12:30). In panic, in the middle of the night, Pharaoh totally capitulated and called to Moses, “Rise up, get you forth from among my people, both you and the Children of Israel...Take both your flocks and your herds, as you have said” (Ibid., 31-32). Pharaoh wished Moses to leave right then, in the middle of the night!
It was now clear that the oppressive foe had totally capitulated. This was unconditional victory. The men, women, children, sheep and cattle – all would leave. Ostensibly, Moses should have agreed and right then and there marched the myriads of Israel to freedom. Yet G-d's thinking is different from our own: “G-d said to Moses, 'Shall you take My children out at night? You shall not! Take them out openly, at midday!” (Shemot Rabbah, 18:10).
Moses said to Pharaoh, “Are we thieves that we should leave by night? We shall leave triumphantly, for all of Egypt to see!” (Tanchuma, Bo, 7). Similarly, we find in Mechilta (Bo, Mesechta DePischa, 13): Moses said to him, 'We have been warned to leave only publicly: ”None of you shall exit the door of his house until morning”'(Ex. 12:22).
May we live and survive to witness with our own eyes that great day of Kiddush Hashem when our righteous Mashiach will once and for all, loudly and publicly, reject all concessions and compromises with the nations of the world and thereby bring on the Geulah Shleimah!
Family and friends gathered at her home to await her release broke out in celebration with prayers of thanks upon the welcome and long-awaited news. We join them in spirit!
Source: meaningfulminute instagram
Agam Berger, at age 19, had only been in the IDF for three months and actually on the base for only two days prior to her abduction.
(TOI) ...With her cousin Agam Berger on the list of the 33 hostages expected to be released in the first stage of the ceasefire deal, YouTuber Ashley Waxman Bakshi headed to Tel Aviv Hostages Square on Thursday night for another evening of baking challah and praying for the safe return of the captives.
“We’ve been doing hafrashat challah events for the entire 16 months, but this is the most important one,” said Waxman Bakshi, referring to the tradition of separating a piece of challah dough to bless it. “We’ve been inviting everyone because this is the one that matters.”
Religious practice has not always been a part of the YouTuber’s life or played a major role in Agam Berger’s family life either, but according to Waxman Bakshi it has offered them all much succor in the last 16 months.
“I was completely atheist two years ago, but Agam has really inspired all of us,” she said.
When 105 hostages were released from Hamas captivity in November 2023, some of those who were held alongside with Agam told her family that she was saying blessings over her food, and that she had told her captors she wouldn’t cook food for them on the Sabbath.
These testimonies on Agam’s acts of faith and religious ritual have inspired the rest of the family since she was taken hostage during the Hamas terror onslaught on October 7, 2023, which started the Gaza war.
“We’ve done a lot of praying over the last year,” said Waxman Bakshi, who started going to synagogue for Shabbat services.
Agam’s parents, Shlomi and Merav, have been observing Shabbat since Agam was taken hostage, taking their faith “to the next level,” said Waxman Bakshi.
The month of a special month that has great salvations hidden inside it. Shevat is the month of miracles, blooming and renewal. Shevat means stick in Hebrew, like the stick of salvation that can literally rest in your hands.
Our sages tell us that there were 10 things G-d created at the end of the 6 days of creation right before the onset of the first Shabbat in the world. Among them was the staff with G-d’s name engraved on it which Moses used upon leaving Egypt. Before leaving the Garden of Eden Adam took a branch from the tree of knowledge and that is the staff that went from Adam to Enoch. Enoch gave it to Noah who gave it to Shem who gave to Abraham to Isaac to Jacob. Of This staff Jacob said: “With my staff I crossed this Jordan River (and now I am two encampments)”...
The staff went to Yehuda and was given as collateral to Tamar. It got to Yosef in Egypt and when Yosef dies all his possessions were taken to Pharaoh’s palace including the staff. Yitro who was one of Pharaoh’s astrologers saw the staff with the letters engraved on it and he desired it for himself. He took it and planted it in his garden in Midian. The Midrash says that no one could approach the staff and remove it from its place until Moses came along.
Moses goes to Yitro’s house and prays in the garden. He notices the staff (made of sapphire) planted in the garden. He approached it and saw the name of G-d engraved on it. He took it out easily and it became something always with him and ultimately something inseparable from the process of redemption which continues till this very day. The staff will be given to Moshiach in the final redemption, we hope real soon.
The heritage of the Land where our national destiny could be fulfilled was dear and precious to Moshe Rabbeinu. In his final discourse to Bnei Yisrael, he began with the Land and he ended with the Land. And look today, how everything is focused on taking that Land away from us.
On the first of the month, Moshe, inspired by prophecy from G-d, began to recite the words of the Book of Devarim to Israel. ...For thirty-seven days, Moshe spoke these words to all Israel. He began the first of Shevat and ended the seventh of Adar. His first words were:
"You have dwelt long enough on this mountain. Turn and take your journey, and come to the Amorite mountain and all its neighbors, in the Aravah, on the mountain, and in the lowland, and in the south, and at the seacoast; the land of the Canaanite and the Lebanon, until the great river, the Euphrates River. See! I have given the Land before you; come and possess the Land that Hashem swore to your forefathers, to Avraham, to Yitzchak, and to Yaakov, to give them and their children after them."
His concluding words were:
"There is none like G-d, O Yeshurun; He rides across heaven to help you, and in His majesty through the upper heights. That is the abode of G-d immemorial, and below are the world's mighty ones; He drove the enemy away from before you, and he said, 'Destroy!' Thus Israel shall dwell secure, solitary, in the likeness of Yaakov, in a land of grain and wine; even his heavens shall drip with dew."
"Fortunate are you, O Israel: Who is like you! O People delivered by Hashem, the Shield of your help, Who is the Sword of your grandeur;your foes will try to deceive you, but you will trample their haughty ones." (Devarim 33).
The later Sages have, therefore, said that the first of Shevat is comparable to the day of the giving of the Torah. Just as the sixth of Sivan, on which the Torah was given to Israel, remains forever suitable for the renewed acceptance of the Torah, similarly is the heart of the Jew newly receptive to the Torah on the first of Shevat, because on that day they began to receive the Book of Devarim from Hashem, through Moshe.
Because the period of transmission of the Book of Devarim was this thirty-seven day interval, all the days from the first of Shevat until the seventh of Adar are especially well suited for renewed inspiration in the study of Torah and the doing of Mitzvot.
". . . One who comes to purify themselves is assisted [by Heaven]."
— Babylonian Talmud, Yoma 38b
It made me sad to think that after Agam Berger's mom's plea regarding chillul Shabbat, she didn't get her daughter back after all and might have to wait another week. It seemed like a punishment, but how could that be? Of course, it could not be, as pointed out by my very wise daughter, HKB"H has arranged it so she was not forced to make any chillul Shabbat upon her release.
Agam Berger is among the hostages expected to be released on Shabbos. Her mother, Merav, made a tremendous Kiddush Hashem and made a video urging Israeli media to honor Shabbos by refraining from coverage.
Merav said “We are waiting with bated breath for our daughters…. We also know that it will apparently happen on Shabbos, and not for no reason, either: Our enemies apparently intended that. To me it is important, and I have spent no small amount of time on this in recent days, how I will do it without desecrating Shabbos.”
“I will wait for Agam, with Hashem’s help, when she comes, with as little Chillul Shabbos as possible….”
Merav also appealed to the public and media, asking them to respect Shabbos:....
Israelis celebrated across the country on Saturday morning, rejoicing upon the release of four of the five Israeli IDF observer hostages: Liri Albag, Daniella Gilboa, Karina Ariev, and Naama Levy.
However, the happiness wasn’t complete since one name was missing: Agam Berger, the fifth soldier and the "mysterious braider," who will remain in captivity until next week.
An enigma, Berger has become a symbol of strength for those still held hostage in Gaza. Quiet strength, politeness, and unbreakable spirit woven together all make up her story..
. . . Yet, Berger became a source of strength and comfort to others. One released hostage told Israeli media, "Agam braided our hair before we left. It felt like she was giving us a piece of her strength to carry with us.”
It has also been revealed that Berger has kept her religious values throughout her captivity. Hidabroot reported that once, her Hamas kidnappers ordered her to cook on Shabbat. At the risk of further persecution, she refused, adhering to her faith.
Agam Goldstein, a former captive, recalled: "She prayed a lot, blessed the food, and refused to light a fire on Shabbat." This quiet rebellion reflected her commitment to her faith and values.
It has been announced that Agam Berger will go free on Thursday - Rosh Chodesh Shevat, B"H!!!
There were a few items of interest left over from last week that I wanted to share, but which were overshadowed by more important matters at the time. I'll just slip them in here. (I highly recommend reading the cited articles in full.)
The United States is building the second largest embassy in the world in BEIRUT!!
. . . At over 40 acres, the new Beirut embassy, a 19-structure ziggurat that dwarfs any government facility in Lebanon, is the second largest in the world after Baghdad’s. Its billion-dollar estimated budget rivals the cost of the US embassy in London, and it is about four times its size, despite Britain having ten times Lebanon’s population and 130 times its GDP.
No specific reason has been offered for building such a massive compound in Lebanon. According to the State Department’s website, the “primary purpose” of any US Embassy is to “assist American citizens,” visiting or living in the host country.[1] But such explanations are belied by Lebanon’s relative size and economic status. Rather, the new embassy, like that of Baghdad, speaks to longstanding US military interests and activity in Lebanon and the wider region.
. . . Less than 60 miles south of the new embassy, the Lebanon-Israel border region is also home to major European military interests, namely, the sprawling multinational military base at Naquora hosting the over 10,000-strong United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), led by France, Italy and Germany. Asian nations, too, have become increasingly large stakeholders in Lebanon. China is building its own sprawling cultural center, comprising an opera house and music conservatory on the new marina harbor front north of Beirut. Turkey and several Arab Gulf states have also been vying for Lebanese hearts and minds with soft power cultural projects, including plans to fund museums and cultural spaces.
The global competition over Lebanon extends to its natural resources, as exploration of gas fields buried under the eastern Mediterranean Sea is rapidly progressing. The United States arbitrated a long-standing dispute over demarcation and ownership of the fields in 2022, resulting in a historic maritime border deal between Israel and Lebanon after years of uncertainty and even threats of war. A consortium involving French, Italian and Qatari oil firms began drilling exploratory wells in 2023, and although no significant reserves have been tapped, the process is set to continue in 2024. Israel on the other hand, has already begun extraction.
An Israel Hayom article from 2023 resurfaced which highlights a critical but often overlooked aspect of the Abraham Accords - the transfer (or sharing) of sovereignty over the Temple Mount with Saudi Arabia. This isn't going away.
Here are two less well-known, historical stories, that have stood the test of time and regained a considerable degree of relevance this week, somewhat surprisingly, especially in view of the ongoing secret negotiations towards normalization between Israel and Saudi Arabia being brokered by the US.
The first story has a distinctly international flavor and it is connected with three businessmen: Al Schwimmer (the founder of Israel Aircraft Industries), Hank Greenspun (the real estate mogul from Las Vegas), and Ya'akov Nimrodi (Israeli businessman and former intelligence officer) who passed away last month.
his group of businessmen met with then Prime Minister Menachem Begin in the early eighties, following talks with the fourth king of Saudi Arabia, Khaled, and with Adnan Khashoggi, a Saudi billionaire and one of the largest arms dealers in the world. The Saudis, so the three men reported, were willing to invest 100 billion dollars in the development of a Middle East of peace and tranquility, on the condition that the Saudi flag would fly over the Temple Mount. By having its flag fly there, Saudi Arabia, so the businessmen told Begin, seeks to give expression to the fact that the third holiest site in Islam – after Mecca and Medina, which are already located in its territory and under its control – belongs to it, and to exert its influence over Jerusalem too. Begin, as Nimrodi would later tell, thought that the very act of raising this idea was disgraceful and duly "showed them the door."
The second story has a more local aroma to it even though its impact is much more far-reaching. Several years before Begin rejected the Saudi proposal, a 200-page document was submitted to Yitzhak Rabin, then during his first term of office as prime minister. The report contained details of no less than 35 different options for reaching an arrangement on the future of Jerusalem and the status of the holy sites, above all the Temple Mount. The inter-ministerial committee that prepared the report was headed by the then Director General of the Ministry of Justice, Zvi Tarlo. In the proposals submitted, his working group combined ideas that in practice would have granted Jordan, as the representative of the Muslim world, the custodianship of the Temple Mount, along with the possibility of flying the Jordanian flag there. But Rabin too, just like Begin after him, rejected the idea of a foreign flag flying over the Mount.
When Nimrodi, Al Schwimmer, and Greenspun, acting on behalf of Saudi Arabia, offered Israel a 100 billion dollar deal for a Middle East of peace, in return for the Saudi flag over the Temple Mount – Begin sent them packing.
As fate would have it, later on, that same report was used by the negotiation teams working on the peace agreement with Jordan during Rabin's second term as prime minister. They took from it, among others, the idea that Rabin proposed to Jordan's King Hussein, to establish an international religious directorate, on which Muslim representatives from various countries would sit, and together they would be responsible for the religious autonomy enjoyed by the Muslims and the Waqf setup (responsible for administration of the Muslim holy sites on the Temple Mount), though it would be under the patronage of the Israeli authorities.
This time, it was Hussein's turn to reject the idea. The King of Jordan was not overly taken up by the possibility of Jordan and Israel sharing a partnership in the rule over the Mount, and that is putting it lightly. His stance was accepted: The peace agreement he signed with Israel granted a clear preference for the historic Jordanian role at the holy places to Islam in Jerusalem, and in practice – even though the term "custodianship" was not mentioned in it – it did grant Jordan some form of custodianship as the senior representative of the Muslim world. That agreement cost Israel the wrath of Saudi Arabia, Morocco, and the Palestinian Authority, who all regarded themselves as having a status on the Mount, and as such believed that they had been hard done by as a result of the peace agreement.
Now, as part of the ongoing negotiations towards normalization between Israel and Saudi Arabia, the USA is once again trying to square that particular circle . . . .
Finally, we've got one more declaration of war on the World of Torah; another effort of the Erev Rav to redefine Jewish peoplehood and unity outside of any Torah framework, and it is being organized in part by the most prominent Zionist entities - the Office of the President of Israel, the World Zionist Organization and the Jewish Agency.
. . . Launched last year, the initiative said it aims to bring together Jewish voices from around the world to highlight the unity and resilience of the Jewish people in the face of unprecedented challenges.
The new council, which includes members from Israel, North America, and various other countries from across the world, will lead a two-year mission to address the most pressing issues facing the global Jewish community, Voice of the People added.
In February, the council is expected to convene for a virtual kick-off, followed by an in-person five-day conference in Israel in March.
“The selected council members represent not only an extraordinary range of skills and strengths but also a wealth of diversity, of complementary differences that I am confident will make the 'Kol Ha'am' Council much greater than the sum of its parts,” Herzog said.
In light of the growing polarization between and within Jewish communities and the general weakening of Jewish identity, in April 2023, The President of Israel, H.E Isaac Herzog announced the launch of “Voice of the People: The President’s Initiative for a shared Jewish future.”
Under the leadership of Israel’s President, H.E Isaac Herzog, “Voice of the People” aims to engage a diverse range of Jewish voices from 6 continents, working together to collectively identify, discuss and creatively address the most pressing immediate and long term challenges affecting the Jewish people.
In the wake of transformative events on October 7th, which have reshaped paradigms and raised profound questions, the relevance of this initiative has significantly increased. Amidst rising Anti-Semitism, digital media battlefields, and a generation of our future leaders grappling with the significance of their Jewish identity, there’s an urgent call to action – and we respond to it. The council will come together for a 4-day conference in March 2025 leveraging collective wisdom to address shared challenges. Committed to inclusivity and diversity, “Voice of the People” aims to spark global conversations and initiate action that will impact Jewish communities worldwide, cultivating the future leadership of the Jewish people.
(TOI) Reports say US security contractors, Egyptian firm to be tasked with monitoring Netzarim corridor to ensure Palestinians traveling between southern and northern Gaza aren’t armed
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. . . After several hours of deliberation, Israel's political-security cabinet concluded a meeting in Jerusalem focused on Lebanon. No definitive decision has been made. For now, Israel will maintain its current stance but has warned that any blatant violation by Hezbollah will result in a strong response. Coordination with the Trump administration is ongoing, and decisions may follow soon based on further developments.
. . . After President Trump assumed office, Israeli sources revealed that the new administration has not yet approved the release of arms shipments previously halted by the Biden administration. Earlier reports suggesting otherwise were incorrect, according to Israel Hayom.
The Trump administration has indicated a preference for a diplomatic resolution to halt Iran's nuclear program rather than resorting to military action. However, all options remain open. President Trump stated, “Iran will hopefully make a deal, and if they don’t make a deal, that’s okay too.” (Israel Realtime Updates)
[The following was first posted last year at this time, but it doesn't really matter whether the ruling "Paro" is Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Obama or Biden, or even Trump - it really doesn't matter - everything remains basically the same at the most fundamental level where Israel is concerned.]
"Egypt is a weak reed" - That's a very famous saying and it comes out of this week's haftarah.
"...all who dwell in Egypt shall know that I am Hashem, because they were a reed-like support for the House of Israel. When they grasp you in their palm, you will be snapped, and you will pierce their every shoulder; and when they lean on you, you will be broken and will force all their loins to stand straight." (Yechezkel 29.6-7)
This is especially meaningful right now as yet another world power which is currently treating us like a vassal people entirely under their control is fulfilling this very prophecy. Through trickery and political pressure, the United States created a situation where Israel became dependent upon them. Yet the moment we relied upon them, they failed to support us and we were injured as a result. But, what I never noticed until now is that the very act of our reliance injures them as well - they are broken and we are forced to find the courage to finally stand upon our own two feet.
"Therefore, thus says my Lord Hashem/Elokim: Behold! I shall bring the sword against you and cut off from you man and beast. And the land of Egypt shall be desolate and waste and they shall know that I am Hashem, for he has said, 'The River is mine and I have created,'...." (Yechezkel 29.8-9)
In our own time, he has said, "There will be a two-state solution!" with all the capitulation this entails.
The Stone Edition Chumash Commentary says on this haftarah...
The sidrah that begins the process of tearing down the arrogance and power of Egypt is accompanied by a Haftarah that foretells the downfall of a latter-day Egypt and castigates Israel for relying on the bogus friendship of that disloyal ally.
The connection between theparashahand thehaftarahis the beginning of the judgment on ancient Egypt and this "latter-day Egypt".
Even before being inaugurated into his second term as US President, Trump was already talking about the Abraham Accords. And lest we forget, Biden was also holding talks on the subject with Saudi Arabia right before the Simchat Torah Massacre. Both Biden and Trump were/are just carrying out their own orders. Any differences between them are scripted and staged. This initiative is part of a long-term plan which exists at multiple levels, but it's what is ultimately going to bring them all down in defeat. And since they are wasting no time, HKB"H surely won't either.
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on Wednesday became the first foreign leader to hold a phone call with US President Donald Trump since his return to office this week for a second term.
The decision to first speak with the de facto Saudi leader, known by his initials MBS, indicated the Trump administration’s priorities, with the president expressing his desire to expand the Abraham Accords with a normalization agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia.
The deal would likely be part of a massive defense agreement that Riyadh is looking to sign with Washington, which would provide Saudi Arabia with security guarantees from the US if it faces attack and also lead to huge investments into the American economy.
But the Saudis have long made clear that such a deal would require the establishment of a pathway to the eventual establishment of a Palestinian state. Since the outbreak of the Gaza war sparked by Hamas’s October 7, 2023, terror onslaught, Riyadh has intensified that rhetoric, with those in touch with the crown prince saying he would no longer be able to accept more symbolic steps from Israel, and that concrete steps would be required. Moreover, Saudi Arabia has made clear that an end to the war in Gaza is also a necessity before normalization talks can proceed.
. . . Bin Salman told Trump during their Wednesday call that Saudi Arabia would like to expand its investments in the US over the next four years to $600 billion and that the figure could further increase “if additional opportunities become available,” according to a readout published on Saudi state media.
Trump told the Saudi crown prince that he looks forward to working with Riyadh to advance common interests, the Saudi readout added.
Days after a report that the US is considering temporarily relocating some of Gaza’s two million residents in Indonesia while the post-war construction of the enclave takes place, US Secretary of State Marco Rubio holds a phone call with Jakarta’s Foreign Minister Sugiono.
“Rubio welcomed Indonesia’s willingness to engage on Middle East peace and post-conflict reconstruction,” says a US readout on the call.
Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto said last year that his country was willing to send peacekeeping troops to enforce a ceasefire in Gaza if required.
The Times of Israel revealed in 2021 that the Trump administration was on the verge of brokering a normalization deal between Israel and Indonesia but ran out of time before the end of the term.
You have to see where this is leading. It will be the end of America, as well as the Erev Rav regime. Here is another warning shot across their bow . . .
Roughly 31,000 people were ordered to flee an area north of Los Angeles on Wednesday after a fast-moving wildfire exploded, growing to more than 10,000 acres within hours, officials said.
. . . In addition to the approximately 31,000 people under mandatory evacuation orders, another around 23,000 were under evacuation warnings, meaning they should be prepared to leave if told to do so.
While the leader of the West gnaws on his Abraham Accords bone, the Erev Rav are doing the same thing with their own bone of contention - the one that will likely precipitate their downfall as well.
The Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee convened on Tuesday to discuss the recruitment law presented last week by Defense Minister Yisrael Katz.
. . . The head of the IDF’s Personnel Directorate, Maj. Gen. Dado Bar Kalifa, spoke saying . . . “We are making an enormous effort. I am convinced that as we progress and succeed in recruiting our Chareidi brothers, they will enlist with us. What we are preparing for them will enable successful recruitment. We have invested millions, tremendous resources, and will expand as needed.”
Bar Kalifa demanded “more effective” sanctions against Chareidim, saying: “We will need much more effective sanctions that affect the individual so that it will really make an impact.”
The meeting became very heated when Yesh Atid MK Simon Davidson said:”I’ve already spoken about this to the head of the Education Committee – if in the context of a Chareidi draft law, we don’t do serious work regarding the issue of the chinuch of Chareidi children, we won’t accomplish what we want.”
“Ultimately, when a child grows up in Chareidi society and his parents were not in the army and his siblings were not in the army, and in school he doesn’t learn about citizenship, Zionism, the Israeli flag, nor the meaning of the IDF – he will reach the age of 18 and he won’t want to serve in the IDF even if it’s imposed on him.”
Shas MK Yinon Azulai immediately reacted and cried out: “You want to influence our chinuch! That is exactly the problem we are arguing about here, that you want to influence the chinuch of Chareidi children.”
When Azulai responded: “we won’t let you harm our children’s education,” the conversation turned into shouts and screams, with another Yesh Atid MK screaming that “Chareidi children are harming the education of secular children” by not serving in the IDF, and called Chareidim “parasites.”
UTJ MK Yaakov Asher said: “There are people sitting around this table who don’t want a solution to the problem but to perpetuate the problem in order to bring down the government and harm the Chareidi public.”
Asher added: “Threats of sanctions against children who have been educated since the day they were born that the Torah is what protects the people of Israel will not shake their emunah.”
Following the meeting, Katz spoke in the Knesset plenum, saying that he wants to preserve the Olam HaTorah but at the same time, called for sanctions against all yeshivos and individuals.
Evil is wearing itself out, tearing itself down. In our lowly generation, it is the wicked who will bring the geulah shleimah. We just have to be patient a little while longer. Hold onto our faith in HKB"H and His Goodness and Kindness and Mercy, knowing His plan is the one which will prevail. Be busy, busy, busy with Torah and mitzvot and soon Mashiach will be revealed.
I stayed up last night to hear Trump's big announcement live. Wow! The Stargate Project. What a name. Are they implying that AI is a gateway to the stars - to reach some pinnacle of human accomplishment, to choose our own successors?
I had already read some background recently about the energy needs for AI advancement, so I was not surprised at Trump's references to private power generation on site at the "Data Centers."
For those who missed the announcement, see here. For those who want a little more background, proceed.
An AI data center may refer to either a cutting-edge facility designed to accommodate the intense computational demands of artificial intelligence (AI) workloads or a separate class of facilities that may emerge.
AI workloads consume a lot of data center resources like space, power, cooling, and data/power port connections. Some current data centers can support these high-density workloads, but as GPU-based deployments continue to push rack densities higher, there may be a need for new facility designs.
Characteristics of an AI data center may include:
High-density deployments. AI data centers may need to accommodate power requirements as high as 50 kW per rack.
Innovative cooling solutions. Traditional air cooling is insufficient for the amount of heat generated by AI workloads. Liquid cooling is becoming a more attractive option to efficiently remove heat.
Advanced networking infrastructure. AI workloads heavily rely on parallel processing which demands robust cabling infrastructure within GPU clusters and between racks.
Modern data center management tools. Manual spreadsheets and diagrams will be a thing of the past as data center managers continue to switch to modern Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) software.
Streamlined operations and workforce optimization. AI-driven solutions have the potential to address the industry challenge of a skills shortage by automating various tasks. [More here.]
Almost every industry is now looking for new AI functionality that can streamline processes and improve results. In this new digital landscape, data centers are uniquely positioned to both provide and benefit from AI applications.
Training and delivering AI requires enormous amounts of computing power and data storage. Both future and traditional data centers will provide these functionalities as the backbone of a tech-driven world. But this increased demand also requires that data centers themselves use new technologies—such as AI systems—to provide a more effective, secure, and efficient service. (More here.)
Money to go towards developing campus in Texas, reportedly leased to Oracle
So, these Titans of Industry, no doubt vastly underestimating the ability of the 99% to grasp what all this really means for humanity, had a bone to throw out to the masses. This is all going to be a big benefit to humanity through an AI-created VACCINE for CANCER.
If they could just figure out a way to clean up the filth that technology has produced across the planet - poisoned air, poisoned food, poisoned water, no one would need a "vaccine." But then that would defeat the entire purpose of ever more business opportunities delivering ever more wealth into the hands of the 1% at the top of the pyramid they built.
I bet you had no idea when you saw The Matrix some 25 years ago, that what you were looking at was a vision of the world run by AI with humanity providing for the energy needs while stored in a massive Data Center.
But no worries! This generation, like the one that built the Tower of Bavel, will reach the limits HKB"H has set for it. The Sun will erupt and the lights will go out and all the computers will fizzle and fry taking AI with it. All of the false gods will fall and be like they never were . . .
. . . The wickedness of your heart enticed you, who dwell in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high, who says to himself, "Who will bring me down to the earth?" If you go up high like an eagle, and if you place your nest among the stars, from there I will bring you down, says the Lord. (Ovadyah 1:3-4)
Please don't forget that Elon Musk is hell-bent on merging man with machine through his neural link tech!
The present government in Israel can't or won't protect its own people. 1900 terrorist prisoners with blood on their hands are to be set free upon the population over the next six weeks while two-thirds of the remaining hostages in Gaza are left behind.
Via Israel Realtime Updates . . .
▪HAMAS COMES OUT OF HIDING - video show Hamas vehicles and personnel coming out of hiding and moving through the streets of Khan Yunis, southern Gaza - to cheers from the population.
❗CEASEFIRE HAS NOT STARTED - IDF Spokesperson: The names of the hostages to be returned has not been passed on to Israel. The ceasefire will not take effect as long as Hamas does not fulfill its obligations to the agreement.
.. Contrary to the Prime Minister's statements and the IDF spokesman's briefing, officers in Gaza are reporting that the IDF has been holding fire in most of the Strip for many hours. This is in addition to the complete withdrawal from the northern Strip. (Amit Segal)
▪COURT PETITIONS - against the release of specific mass murdering terrorists were all quickly rejected. Further, multiple lawyers pointed out a law that specifically prohibits releasing or pardoning terrorists who have committed exceptionally horrible crimes as recognized by the sentencing court - that specifically made it illegal to release some of the terrorists. Ignored.
.. The Forum for Voters of Bereaved families and Victims of Terrorism stated: "Apparently, if we had petitioned to improve the conditions of the terrorists, the High Court would at least hold a hearing, but we are just families whose murderers of loved ones are being released, so it's less important. What we said in the petition is that the reckless decision was made, the streets will be filled with murderers, and there is no one to save us. Not the political echelon, not the security echelon, and not the legal echelon. We call on all Israeli citizens to hug their children tightly and arm themselves.”
May Hashem show great mercy to His helpless children! He is our only hope!
Fifteen months have passed since the October 7 disaster, and we have seen the enormous gap between the generation of heroism - our fighters in the field, and the generation of defeat - the leadership that leads them.
Netanyahu promised a complete victory, but instead we got another round of prisoner swaps and defeat. I'm telling you, Bibi - that's it!
To win, you need a vision. You need to believe that this is our land, to believe in the destiny and tradition of the Jewish people. You can't win when you are afraid of the dream of world improvement that has accompanied us throughout all generations.
I say it most clearly - there is no victory without occupation, expulsion, sovereignty and settlement. 30 years ago I stood at the forefront of the struggle against the Oslo Accords, and today, when we all see the deadly results, it is time to complete the task.
I call on all national parties and movements - let's unite. Let's establish together a leadership of identity and freedom, which will annul the Oslo Accords, expel our enemies from our land and establish full sovereignty. Only in this way can we rise from the ashes, restore the genius of Israel and guarantee our children a safe and prosperous state.
To my friends on the right, I say - it's time to withdraw from the coalition and overthrow the government. Let's join together for the future of the country. Zehut will only sit in a government that commits to canceling the Oslo Accords, applying full sovereignty in Judea and Samaria, and leading a policy of extensive settlement.
This evening in Petah Tikva, I announced Zehut's return to the political arena. I could no longer remain silent in the face of the unbearable situation to which the defeated government had led us.
It's time for winning leadership.
Itamar ben Gvir via "X" . . .
[Translated from Hebrew by Google]
The deal that is taking shape is a reckless deal. It includes the release of hundreds of murderous terrorists, the return of thousands of terrorists to the northern Gaza Strip, a withdrawal from the Philadelphia axis, and a cessation of fighting, and thus the deal will effectively erase the achievements of the war.
Not only that, it does not lead to the release of all the hostages, it leaves the fate of the remaining hostages who are not included in the deal uncertain, and it will lead to an end to the war when Hamas has not yet been defeated, with a significant ability to rebuild itself.
When you see the jubilation of Hamas supporter Ayman Odeh, the dancing in Gaza, the celebrations in villages in Judea and Samaria - you understand which side surrendered in this deal.
Therefore, if this reckless deal is approved and implemented, the Otzma Yehudit party will not be part of the government and will withdraw from it.
If the war on Hamas is renewed with force in order to decide and realize the war's unachieved goals, we will return to the government.
I also call on members of the Religious Zionist Party, as well as the ideological Knesset members in the Likud, to act similarly, and together with us to prevent the implementation of the reckless surrender deal.
The willingness to pay heavy prices for the release of the hostages also exists with us. We are ready to do anything that will lead to their release, as long as the price does not include a much heavier price. The existing deal increases Hamas' appetite and motivation to carry out another 7.10 massacre, thereby subduing Israel time and time again - this is in addition to the number of terrorist attacks that will, God forbid, shed a lot of Jewish blood.
In order to release the hostages, humanitarian aid being delivered to Gaza must be completely stopped. Not "control the aid mechanisms," not reduce it, but stop it. Stop the transfer of fuel, electricity, and water.
Only in this way will Hamas release our hostages without endangering the security of the State of Israel, alongside a powerful military crushing. Only in this way will we defeat this murderous terrorist organization.
Therefore, even at this time, I still call on the Prime Minister to come to his senses, to avoid this terrible deal, and to take these steps that will lead to the defeat of Hamas and the release of our hostages without surrendering to it.
If he does not do so and when the government and cabinet decision is made, as mentioned, Otzma Yehudit under my leadership will not overthrow Netanyahu, and will not act together with the left and its goals against the government, but it will not be able to be part of a government that approves a deal that constitutes a huge prize for Hamas, and which could bring upon us the disaster of the seven next October - and will withdraw from it.
If the war on Hamas is renewed with force in order to decide and realize the war's unachieved goals, we will return to the government.
Unlike so many of my compatriots, I am not at all shocked by either Trump's actions or Netanyahu's agreements. However, what does shock me is that so many have so quickly accepted the inevitable. That's a nes in itself. It was predictable if you accept the long-established Torah viewpoint that Eisav has to fall for Yisrael to rise. And the Erev Rav, who are attached to Eisav, will go down with him.
The speed at which this is all happening - even before Trump actually takes office - is very encouraging. HKB"H is barely restraining Himself. The fires of LA are without any doubt the fires of His wrath ready to consume Eisav's domain. The Jews there should understand that the judgment was never meant for them, but like Lot, they lack the merit to be saved in the midst of Sodom. They are meant to flee these condemned places.
It had to be Trump presiding over the ultimate sell-out (even though it is technically illegal, as he is not yet back into office), because too many Jews had put faith in him rather than in HKB"H. He will suffer a very bad fall as a result.
The next step is just as predictable because it is being shouted everywhere. The Gaza ceasefire it meant to pave the path back to the Oslo Abraham Accords and what is not being shouted out is that control of the Temple Mount is to be turned over to Saudi Arabia so they will control all of the three holy Moslem sites. It was already hinted at in the Arab name for October 7th - Al Aqsa Flood.
And did we not get multiple reports from our soldiers how every Gazan seemed to have a picture of the Temple Mount prominently displayed in their homes?
There will most certainly be a Third Messianic War, like 1948 returned us to Eretz Yisrael, and 1967 returned us to holy Yerushalayim, 2025 will return us to Har Habayit with Mashiach Tzidkeinu!
And on Mount Zion there shall be a remnant, and it shall be holy, and the house of Jacob shall inherit those who inherited them. And the house of Jacob shall be fire and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau shall become stubble, and they shall ignite them and consume them, and the house of Esau shall have no survivors, for the Lord has spoken. . . . And saviors shall ascend Mt. Zion to judge the mountain of Esau, and the Lord shall have the kingdom. (Ovadiah 1:17-18, 21)
This is the evidence I present to substantiate my conclusion that October 7th was a false flag attack orchestrated and carried out by the US (Eisav), Saudi Arabia (Yishmael) and Erev Rav elements, both political and military. I think Israel was perceived as too recalcitrant and in need of some inducement to soften its stance. I do, however, believe that Hamas was grossly underestimated.
Before “Operation Al-Aqsa Flood,” launched by Hamas on October 7, 2023, the Biden administration was attempting to conclude a diplomatic groundbreaking deal involving Saudi Arabia and Israel. Although negotiations were underway for several weeks, a final agreement had not yet been reached. Speculation swirled regarding potential concessions to the Palestinians within the deal, although the specifics remained vague. The groundwork for this deal was laid with the announcement of an initiative at the G20 summit aimed at connecting India to Europe via the Middle East through railways, high-speed data cables, and energy pipelines—a move intended to counter the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative in the region.
According to several media reports, the three-way deal would require the United States to sign a defense treaty with Saudi Arabia, that would involve binding commitment to Saudi Arabia’s security, agreeing to a Saudi civilian nuclear program, and the sale of advanced weapons. In return, the Saudis would agree to normalize relations with Israel, scale back their relationship with China, and be more aligned with US interests in the region. Israel would give “undefined concessions” to the Palestinians and in return stand to gain from the wider political and economic impact of normalizing relations with a key Arab and Muslim country.
The events of October 7 significantly disrupted the ongoing negotiations and the deal encountered great obstacles. But the Biden administration remained steadfast in its commitment to seeing the deal through. (Source)
So, here we are again, circling right back around to the same scenario with the same players and they are wasting no time. Hashem yerachem!
. . . Saudi Arabia has conveyed to the United States the imperative of progress toward a Palestinian state as a prerequisite for the deal. The Saudis may acquiesce to a path that falls short of formally declaring a Palestinian state, but they will not agree to a deal without concessions that resonate with Arab public opinion and making them able to justify normalization.
Netanyahu remains supportive of the deal, but he believes the defeat of Hamas is the priority and the prelude to normalization. He fears any concessions to the Palestinians could fracture his coalition, precipitating the collapse of his government and the end of his political career. The plan proposed by him regarding the “day after” in Gaza illustrates his commitment to rejecting any concession that would lead to the establishment of a Palestinian state. Nevertheless, normalization with Saudi Arabia represents a potential achievement that he can tout to the Israeli public, mitigating some of the fallout from the events of October 7. (Source)
. . . Saudi Arabia has conveyed to the United States the imperative of progress toward a Palestinian state as a prerequisite for the deal. The Saudis may acquiesce to a path that falls short of formally declaring a Palestinian state, but they will not agree to a deal without concessions that resonate with Arab public opinion and making them able to justify normalization.
Netanyahu remains supportive of the deal, but he believes the defeat of Hamas is the priority and the prelude to normalization. He fears any concessions to the Palestinians could fracture his coalition, precipitating the collapse of his government and the end of his political career. The plan proposed by him regarding the “day after” in Gaza illustrates his commitment to rejecting any concession that would lead to the establishment of a Palestinian state. Nevertheless, normalization with Saudi Arabia represents a potential achievement that he can tout to the Israeli public, mitigating some of the fallout from the events of October 7. (Source)
This is what is driving the "ceasefire" agreement, not any idea of rescuing the hostages. It's the "DEAL" Trump wants on "Day One." I don't think he is going to get it though, and that's going to make Trump very angry and very dangerous.