09 September 2024

Doesn't Matter Who Wins, They Are All Losers!

6 Elul 5784

It is now two months to the U.S. Presidential election.  During a speech last week, Donald Trump made the following remarks... 

“I will keep America safe, and I will work with you to make sure that Israel is with us for thousands of years,” Trump vowed. He warned that if a Democratic ticket led by Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz wins, “Israel is gone. You can forget about Israel.” 
Trump added, “We’re going to make America great again. And we’re going to, frankly, help Israel become great again,” while criticizing the current state of affairs under the Biden administration. “Right now, what you’re going through is horrible, with all the death, destruction, and waste, and ruining a civilization. You have to win but you need a partner.” (Source)

Actually, we have a "Partner" - the Master of the Universe!!  And we exist and we survive and thrive at His pleasure, not man's.

The egomania behind all this hyperbole is truly astounding, even all these years later.  Such rhetoric is not without its consequences, because Donald Trump has now raised himself above HKB"H!  He should be shaking in his boots and looking for a hole in the ground to save him from the results of his own chutzpah!

American Jews really have no choice in this election.  A vote for the lesser of two evils is still evil.  A Jew is not aligned with any political party.  A Jew is aligned with Torah and mitzvot and HKB"H.  We are holding out for a righteous leader for the entire world - for Mashiach Tzidkeinu - and we need to convince HKB"H that we will no longer settle for anything less!!

If you can't abstain from voting, all it says about you is that you put more trust in the electoral process than you do in HKB"H.  You don't really believe Mashiach can or will come.  You don't really believe there is no choice to be made here.  Such a gaivadik person who makes such pronouncements cannot be supported and certainly neither can his opponent.  

Remember, Eisav and Ya'aqov can never be in ascendance at the same time.  The only way to Make America Great is to Keep Ya'aqov Down.  Here is an example of how that is accomplished.  From Aug 2018...

"If there's ever going to be peace with the Palestinians, then this was a good thing to have done," Trump said about the embassy move. "We took it off the table. In past negotiations, they never got past Jerusalem. Now Israel will have to pay a higher price, because it's off the table. The Palestinians will get something very good, cause it's their turn next."

In April 2024, commenting on the current situation... 

Former President Donald Trump offered a tough message to Israel over its war against Hamas on Thursday, urging the country to: “Get it over with.” In an interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, Trump said that Israel is “absolutely losing the PR war” and called for a swift resolution to the bloodshed. Get it over with and let’s get back to peace and stop killing people. And that’s a very simple statement,” Trump said. “They have to get it done. Get it over with and get it over with fast because we have to -- you have to get back to normalcy and peace.”

(Please re-read this 2019 blog post Indictable Offenses.)


  1. I'm not voting here in Israel quite some time showing to Hashem that I'm interested only in Malchut Shamayim...But there are jews and rabbis that are really waiting for mashiach to come but they think differently, '' while mashiach is not here we have to survive somehow''...And I cannot swallow this, we are already at the edge, we have to pull God and His Kingdom towards us showing Him that we need only You, nothing else...

  2. I keep trying to tell people this. The Trump cheerleaders are unwilling to see past their own eyes, believing that "we'll worry about that later," or worse, the Trump has only Israel's best interests at heart. Of course, this is not true. He may have the U. S.'s best interests at heart, but this does not include Israel's. The Jewish collaborators with Evangelicals may be the most far gone in this delusion.

    The only difference between Trump and Harris is the approach and the final objectives: Globalism vs. U. S. imperialism.

  3. Thus Says The God Of Israel/Yeshayahu-Israel 14:12-17 https://mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt1014.htm
    יב אֵיךְ נָפַלְתָּ מִשָּׁמַיִם, הֵילֵל בֶּן-שָׁחַר; נִגְדַּעְתָּ לָאָרֶץ, חוֹלֵשׁ עַל-גּוֹיִם. 12 How art THOU fallen from heaven, O day-star, son of the morning! How art THOU cut down to the ground, that didst cast lots over the nations!
    יג וְאַתָּה אָמַרְתָּ בִלְבָבְךָ, הַשָּׁמַיִם אֶעֱלֶה--מִמַּעַל לְכוֹכְבֵי-אֵל, אָרִים כִּסְאִי; וְאֵשֵׁב בְּהַר-מוֹעֵד, בְּיַרְכְּתֵי צָפוֹן. 13 And THOU saidst in thy heart: 'I will ascend into heaven, above the stars of God will I exalt my throne, and I will sit upon the mount of meeting, in the uttermost parts of the north;
    יד אֶעֱלֶה, עַל-בָּמֳתֵי עָב; אֶדַּמֶּה, לְעֶלְיוֹן. 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High.'
    טו אַךְ אֶל-שְׁאוֹל תּוּרָד, אֶל-יַרְכְּתֵי-בוֹר. 15 Yet THOU shalt be brought down to the nether-world, to the uttermost parts of the pit.
    טז רֹאֶיךָ אֵלֶיךָ יַשְׁגִּיחוּ, אֵלֶיךָ יִתְבּוֹנָנוּ: הֲזֶה הָאִישׁ מַרְגִּיז הָאָרֶץ, מַרְעִישׁ מַמְלָכוֹת. 16 They that saw THEE do narrowly look upon THEE, they gaze earnestly at THEE: 'Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;
    יז שָׂם תֵּבֵל כַּמִּדְבָּר, וְעָרָיו הָרָס; אֲסִירָיו, לֹא-פָתַח בָּיְתָה. 17 That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?'

  4. Just FYI nobody here in America wants Trump to win so that we do not need to make Aliyah. That's completely insane and ludicrous! We all want Moshiach this second and lots of us are waiting for him 'every single day' just like the rest of our brethren in Eretz Yisroel. The difference in the 2 candidates simply makes us feel and think that if Harris wins, it will be a very scary and hard way towards Geulah.... and if Trump wins, it may be more of a smooth process where the Yidden are helped along by the gentiles. However, in no way do we assume that we can possibly know Hashem's plans and the truth of the matter. It is just a feeling.
    But honestly I do not think living in Israel gives you clarity in this area either.

