31 January 2018
30 January 2018
The Connection Between Shevat, Devorah and the Final Redemption
15 Shevat 5778
I was born on TU b'Shevat. In the year that I was born - 5714 - it fell on a Tuesday, right between Parashat Beshallach and Parashat Yitro. I was named for Devorah Haneviah whose famous song is recounted in the haftarah of Parashat Beshallach. The very next parashah mentions Tziporah bat Yitro in its opening pasukim.
The juxtaposition of these two women in the Torah readings is interesting because of the history they share. It is recounted that Tziporah was greatly distressed at being caused to miss out on Shirat HaYam, after having been sent back home to await the redemption from Egypt. To compensate her, Hashem reincarnated her soul in Devorah Haneviah and gave her a song of her own to sing - Shirat Devorah.
Devorah Haneviah was also a reincarnation of Tamar bat Shem. Devorah Haneviah's custom of sitting under the palm tree to judge Yisrael was a rectification for Tamar's sitting at the crossroads like a prostitute.
It's also interesting to me that the land allotted to Yitro's offspring was located near Yericho, the City of Palm Trees, in the same area where I currently live. (See the banner above.) And Devorah Haneviah reputedly owned groves of date palms in this same area.
Speaking of dates...
by Rabbanit Chagit Shira
The month of Shevat...is a special month that has great salvations hidden inside it. Shevat is the month of miracles, blooming and renewal. Shevat means stick in Hebrew, like the stick of salvation that can literally rest in your hands.
Our sages tell us that there were 10 things G-d created at the end of the 6 days of creation right before the onset of the first Shabbat in the world. Among them was the staff with G-d’s name engraved on it which Moses used upon leaving Egypt. Before leaving the Garden of Eden Adam took a branch from the tree of knowledge and that is the staff that went from Adam to Enoch. Enoch gave it to Noah who gave it to Shem who gave to Abraham to Isaac to Jacob. Of This staff Jacob said: “With my staff I crossed this Jordan River (and now I am two encampments)”...
The staff went to Yehuda and was given as collateral to Tamar. It got to Yosef in Egypt and when Yosef dies all his possessions were taken to Pharaoh’s palace including the staff. Yitro who was one of Pharaoh’s astrologers saw the staff with the letters engraved on it and he desired it for himself. He took it and planted it in his garden in Midian. The Midrash says that no one could approach the staff and remove it from its place until Moses came along.
Moses goes to Yitro’s house and prays in the garden. He notices the staff (made of sapphire) planted in the garden. He approached it and saw the name of G-d engraved on it. He took it out easily and it became something always with him and ultimately something inseparable from the process of redemption which continues till this very day. The staff will be given to Moshiach in the final redemption, we hope real soon.
I was born on TU b'Shevat. In the year that I was born - 5714 - it fell on a Tuesday, right between Parashat Beshallach and Parashat Yitro. I was named for Devorah Haneviah whose famous song is recounted in the haftarah of Parashat Beshallach. The very next parashah mentions Tziporah bat Yitro in its opening pasukim.
The juxtaposition of these two women in the Torah readings is interesting because of the history they share. It is recounted that Tziporah was greatly distressed at being caused to miss out on Shirat HaYam, after having been sent back home to await the redemption from Egypt. To compensate her, Hashem reincarnated her soul in Devorah Haneviah and gave her a song of her own to sing - Shirat Devorah.
Devorah Haneviah was also a reincarnation of Tamar bat Shem. Devorah Haneviah's custom of sitting under the palm tree to judge Yisrael was a rectification for Tamar's sitting at the crossroads like a prostitute.
It's also interesting to me that the land allotted to Yitro's offspring was located near Yericho, the City of Palm Trees, in the same area where I currently live. (See the banner above.) And Devorah Haneviah reputedly owned groves of date palms in this same area.
Speaking of dates...
Dates are also associated with Devorah the Prophetess who is mentioned in the haftorah of the Shabbat before TU b'Shevat. For she is described as judging the people "under the date palm of Devorah." She shares a connection with the ultimate Redemption for through her efforts, "the land was at rest for forty years," and forty is associated with the Redemption.An excerpt from Shevat: The Month of Salvation and Miracles
by Rabbanit Chagit Shira
The month of Shevat...is a special month that has great salvations hidden inside it. Shevat is the month of miracles, blooming and renewal. Shevat means stick in Hebrew, like the stick of salvation that can literally rest in your hands.
Our sages tell us that there were 10 things G-d created at the end of the 6 days of creation right before the onset of the first Shabbat in the world. Among them was the staff with G-d’s name engraved on it which Moses used upon leaving Egypt. Before leaving the Garden of Eden Adam took a branch from the tree of knowledge and that is the staff that went from Adam to Enoch. Enoch gave it to Noah who gave it to Shem who gave to Abraham to Isaac to Jacob. Of This staff Jacob said: “With my staff I crossed this Jordan River (and now I am two encampments)”...
The staff went to Yehuda and was given as collateral to Tamar. It got to Yosef in Egypt and when Yosef dies all his possessions were taken to Pharaoh’s palace including the staff. Yitro who was one of Pharaoh’s astrologers saw the staff with the letters engraved on it and he desired it for himself. He took it and planted it in his garden in Midian. The Midrash says that no one could approach the staff and remove it from its place until Moses came along.
Moses goes to Yitro’s house and prays in the garden. He notices the staff (made of sapphire) planted in the garden. He approached it and saw the name of G-d engraved on it. He took it out easily and it became something always with him and ultimately something inseparable from the process of redemption which continues till this very day. The staff will be given to Moshiach in the final redemption, we hope real soon.
29 January 2018
27 January 2018
25 January 2018
A Worrisome Trend
10 Shevat 5778
Erev Shabbat Kodesh
Parashat Beshallach
I had something entirely different prepared for this spot just before Shabbat. Hopefully, I'll be able to post it motza"sh. But, right now, I have to ask a question.
Since when is there a "US ambassador for international religious freedom?" Well, it seems at least since yesterday according to this article I just happened to stumble across.
You know, Americans have constitutional guarantees for this sort of thing. This is not about ensuring religious "freedom" in America where these people live and make their laws, This is about attempting to impose American values on everybody else in the world.
There are actually quite a few people who want to live under shariah law. There are even some people who would like to live under Torah law. Neither of which allows for idolatrous polytheism - the basis of Christianity. But, this man is not going to go to bat for Muslims' religious freedom to abide by shariah law; neither will he uphold Jewish religious freedom to adhere to Torah law. They are not even prepared to ensure Jewish rights to pray on Har Habayit as Pence just assured King Abdullah of Jordan on his visit this week that they respect his custodianship of the holy places in Jerusalem!
So, what if they want to turn America into a Christian nation?
PLAN FOR THE TAKEOVER OF AMERICA - Jim Garlow Explains 7 Mountains Dominionism
So, let them. Just keep it there in the US and stop trying to impose it everywhere all over the world and especially here in Eretz Yisrael where it is forbidden to believe in multiple gods and to worship a man as god.
You think Israel has any hope of stemming the tide of missionaries and missionary funds into this country?! If there ever was, it has decreased to near zero with this newest move by the Trump/Pence administration!
Somewhere I think it says that at the final redemption we will see miracles even greater than those that we saw in Egypt. Hashem, this would be a good time. You took us out of Egypt, now, please take Egypt out of us!!
Erev Shabbat Kodesh
Parashat Beshallach
I had something entirely different prepared for this spot just before Shabbat. Hopefully, I'll be able to post it motza"sh. But, right now, I have to ask a question.
Since when is there a "US ambassador for international religious freedom?" Well, it seems at least since yesterday according to this article I just happened to stumble across.
Brownback narrowly confirmed as US religious freedom envoy
WASHINGTON — The Republican-led Senate on Wednesday narrowly approved Sam Brownback’s bid to be US ambassador for international religious freedom,....
With two Republican senators absent, Vice President Mike Pence traveled to Capitol Hill to cast the tie-breaking vote to confirm Brownback, a favorite of Christian conservatives for his views on same-sex marriage and abortion. The vote was along party lines, 50-49, underscoring the narrow margin Republicans hold. Pence’s vote also was needed earlier in the day to get Brownback’s nomination over a procedural hurdle.
...“I’m glad to have the vice president in my corner,” Brownback told reporters.... He added later, “I’m happy. It’s a critical job. I’m excited about being able to do it.”"Critical" to whom?
You know, Americans have constitutional guarantees for this sort of thing. This is not about ensuring religious "freedom" in America where these people live and make their laws, This is about attempting to impose American values on everybody else in the world.
There are actually quite a few people who want to live under shariah law. There are even some people who would like to live under Torah law. Neither of which allows for idolatrous polytheism - the basis of Christianity. But, this man is not going to go to bat for Muslims' religious freedom to abide by shariah law; neither will he uphold Jewish religious freedom to adhere to Torah law. They are not even prepared to ensure Jewish rights to pray on Har Habayit as Pence just assured King Abdullah of Jordan on his visit this week that they respect his custodianship of the holy places in Jerusalem!
"...Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., said Wednesday that he was concerned Brownback would focus solely on protecting Christian minorities."Yep. I'd say that's a very safe bet.
Pence: America will prioritize protecting Christians abroad
Vice President Pence sought on Thursday to reassure Christian leaders looking for the White House to focus more on the plight of persecuted Christians abroad.
“Protecting and promoting religious freedom is a foreign policy priority of the Trump administration,” the vice president said during a morning address at the World Summit in Defense of Persecuted Christians....
Advocacy on behalf of people persecuted for being Christian is a topic “of enormous importance to this administration,” Pence said. Turning to speakers at the conference who were there to share their personal stories of persecution abroad, he said: “You have the prayers of the president of the United States. The suffering of Christians in the Middle East has stirred Americans to action, and it brings me here today.”
Pence is very popular among the Christian leaders gathered at the conference at the Mayflower Hotel, which was organized by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Several said they trust that the administration wants to help Christians because they know that Pence cares about their cause.
The Rev. Franklin Graham, who led the conference, said in his introduction of Pence: “What I appreciate so much about our vice president is his strong faith in God and his belief in Jesus Christ as the son of God. As a nation, we are very fortunate to have a president that believes in God and a vice president who strongly supports all of us in the church and is not afraid to express his faith.”
...During his speech, Pence repeatedly reminded the attendees that he spoke on behalf of Trump,.... He said that Trump calls the persecutors of Christians by the name “radical Islamic terrorists,” which drew applause.VP Mike Pence has already made it abundantly clear in very frank statements that he is a Christian "first", above everything else. This should have disqualified him from office in the United States of America. He should not be allowed to use his high office to advocate on behalf of one particular religion. Especially one whose overriding goal is to convert everyone else to that same religion.
So, what if they want to turn America into a Christian nation?
PLAN FOR THE TAKEOVER OF AMERICA - Jim Garlow Explains 7 Mountains Dominionism
So, let them. Just keep it there in the US and stop trying to impose it everywhere all over the world and especially here in Eretz Yisrael where it is forbidden to believe in multiple gods and to worship a man as god.
You think Israel has any hope of stemming the tide of missionaries and missionary funds into this country?! If there ever was, it has decreased to near zero with this newest move by the Trump/Pence administration!
Jim Garlow and his group started a Bible study in Israel's KnessetWHO WILL ENSURE JEWISH RELIGIOUS FREEDOM IN OUR OWN LAND?
Bible Study at Knesset Can Unite Christians, Jews by Tuly Weisz
Pastor Jim Garlow, a member of President Trump's faith advisory council, and his wife Rosemary Schindler Garlow, reached out to Member of Knesset Rabbi Yehuda Glick from Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Likud party, about hosting a Bible study at the Knesset.
Because of the sensitive nature of Christians and Jews studying Bible together, my organization, Israel365, which serves as a bridge between Christian Zionists and Israel, was called in to collaborate on the program."Collaborate" is an excellent choice of words. HASHEM YERACHEM!!
Somewhere I think it says that at the final redemption we will see miracles even greater than those that we saw in Egypt. Hashem, this would be a good time. You took us out of Egypt, now, please take Egypt out of us!!
24 January 2018
About "Religious Coercion"
9 Shevat 5778
However, we are not a state like all others. This is supposed to be a Jewish state built on holy ground. If you want to see what that is supposed to look like, you need only go back to the last time we returned from a stay in the exile. It is most instructive to read the accounts of the first return from exile in the writings of Ezra and Nechemiah.
(Nechemiah 12.15-22:)
In those days, I saw in Judea [people] treading winepresses on the Sabbath and bringing stacks [of grain] and loading them on donkeys, and also wine, grapes, and figs, and all types of loads and bringing them to Jerusalem on the Sabbath day, and I warned them on the day they sold provisions.
And the Tyrians [who] sojourned there were bringing fish and all [types of] merchandise and selling on the Sabbath to the people of Judea and in Jerusalem.
And I quarreled with the dignitaries of Judea, and I said to them, "What is this bad thing that you are doing - profaning the Sabbath day?
Did not your ancestors do this, and our God brought upon us all this calamity, and upon this city, and you are increasing the wrath upon Israel by profaning the Sabbath?"
Now it came to pass when the gates of Jerusalem cast shadows before the Sabbath, that I commanded, and the doors were closed, and I said that they should not open them until after the Sabbath, and I stationed some of my youths over the gates so that no load should enter on the Sabbath day.
So the traffickers and the vendors of all types of merchandise lodged outside Jerusalem once and twice.
And I warned them and said to them, "Why are you lodging opposite the wall? If you repeat [this], I shall lay a hand on you." Since that time, they did not come on the Sabbath.
And I commanded the Levites that the watchers of the walls should purify themselves and come to hallow the Sabbath day. This too remember for me, my God, and have pity on me according to Your abundant loving-kindness.
Rabbi Riskin Calls for Public Transportation on Shabbat
Chief Rabbi of Efrat, in Gush Etzion, Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, one of the most prominent liberal rabbis in religious Zionism, is warning against religious coercion of secular Israeli Jews. He points an accusing finger at the Chief Rabbinate, among others, which he says keeps pouring gasoline on the fire.
In an interview on Tuesday with Israel Hayom, Rabbi Riskin said that “there’s a serious problem with religious coercion, in fact this is an oxymoron – if it’s coercion, it can’t be truly religious.”
...“It is impossible to compel Shabbat observance through a state law,” Riskin said, adding, “I would be very happy if everyone kept Shabbat and did not work, but the state must be careful about what it requires by law.”Many citizens of Israel are confused on this matter and because of the assimilation of western values and ideals, they feel that so-called "separation of religion and state" should be the desired goal.
However, we are not a state like all others. This is supposed to be a Jewish state built on holy ground. If you want to see what that is supposed to look like, you need only go back to the last time we returned from a stay in the exile. It is most instructive to read the accounts of the first return from exile in the writings of Ezra and Nechemiah.
(Nechemiah 12.15-22:)
In those days, I saw in Judea [people] treading winepresses on the Sabbath and bringing stacks [of grain] and loading them on donkeys, and also wine, grapes, and figs, and all types of loads and bringing them to Jerusalem on the Sabbath day, and I warned them on the day they sold provisions.
And the Tyrians [who] sojourned there were bringing fish and all [types of] merchandise and selling on the Sabbath to the people of Judea and in Jerusalem.
And I quarreled with the dignitaries of Judea, and I said to them, "What is this bad thing that you are doing - profaning the Sabbath day?
Did not your ancestors do this, and our God brought upon us all this calamity, and upon this city, and you are increasing the wrath upon Israel by profaning the Sabbath?"
Now it came to pass when the gates of Jerusalem cast shadows before the Sabbath, that I commanded, and the doors were closed, and I said that they should not open them until after the Sabbath, and I stationed some of my youths over the gates so that no load should enter on the Sabbath day.
So the traffickers and the vendors of all types of merchandise lodged outside Jerusalem once and twice.
And I warned them and said to them, "Why are you lodging opposite the wall? If you repeat [this], I shall lay a hand on you." Since that time, they did not come on the Sabbath.
And I commanded the Levites that the watchers of the walls should purify themselves and come to hallow the Sabbath day. This too remember for me, my God, and have pity on me according to Your abundant loving-kindness.
Traitors to God, Traitors to Am Yisrael
8 Shevat 5778
Colluding with our enemies. Hamevin yavin.
Working hand-in-hand with the Pope and his emissaries to replace the truth of Judaism with a new world religion inclusive of all, but with Christianity at it's head...
Jewish Members of the Elijah Board of World Religious Leaders
Chief Rabbi Eliyahu Bakshi-Doron, Israel
Rabbi David Bigman, Israel
Rabbi Yuval Cherlow, Israel
Rabbi Menachem HaCohen, Romania
The International Jewish Committee On Interreligious Consultation, USA
Rabbi Arthur Green, USA
Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar, Russia
Prof. Rabbi Richard Marker, USA
Rabbi Michael Melchior, Israel
Rabbi David Rosen, Israel (He serves on the permanent bilateral commission of the State of Israel and the Holy See)
Gilla Rosen, Israel
Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, England
Chief Rabbi Shmuel Rene Sirat, France
Rabbi Awraham Soetendorp, The Netherlands
Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg, UK
Past Members: Rabbi Eliyahu Yosef She’ar Yashuv Cohen, Israel (1927–2016); Rabbi Mordechai Piron (1921-2014)
Additional Leaders Who have Participated in Elijah Events: Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar, Israel; Rabbi Joseph Azran, Israel; Rabbi Dr. Naftali Brawer, England; Judith Hertz, USA; Rabbi Daniel Kohn, Israel; Chief Rabbi Israel Meir Lau; Rabbi Dov Singer, Israel
I've singled out Jonathan Sacks above in order to clue you in to what is really going on here...
(h/t Yaak) Former British Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks Major Contributor to Pence Speech
An emissary of the Pope - "Evangelical Catholic" Mike Pence - receiving help from the enemy within to word his speech so as to lure in and snag gullible Jews. R"L! It's working!!
All this "love" of Israel does not translate to love of Judaism as the sole truth in the world. It is part of the web of lies meant to snare and entrap Am Yisrael at the End of Days.
In the future, Esau will wrap himself in a tallis, sit down next to Yakov and say to him, "You are my brother"....Yakov will say to him, "My brother, you will not be like me. I will lead you to death, I will be the pestilence that leads you to Sheol (Hoshea 13,14). Had I upheld decrees that you promulgated against me, I would have been guilty at the eyes of Heaven. Had I violated them, you would have killed me (Yalkut Shimoni, Yirmiahu 333).
"That was Esau's intention when he told Yakov, 'Let us travel together and I will go before you' (Genesis 33,12). He wanted them to join together in both this world and the world to come, to meet each other halfway, with each modifying his conduct until they were alike (Yalkut Shimoni, Genesis 133).
Are YOU willing to meet Eisav halfway??? The Final Birur will separate between those who are willing to betray their God and their people and those who are not.
Colluding with our enemies. Hamevin yavin.
Working hand-in-hand with the Pope and his emissaries to replace the truth of Judaism with a new world religion inclusive of all, but with Christianity at it's head...
The Elijah Interfaith Institute
The spirit of Elijah is wisdom, inspiration, friendship and hope across religious traditions. Elijah deepens understanding among religions. Elijah’s mission is to foster unity in diversity, creating a harmonious world. Elijah’s message: The world’s great religions radiate wisdom that can heal the world. Deep level spiritual conversation across interreligious lines enriches our inner lives, enhances our prayer and opens our hearts. Discover unity and embrace diversity. We are many and we are one.
...Elijah seeks to create a community of religious leaders, scholars and practitioners from all faiths, who are inspired to find novel ways of sharing the wisdom of their traditions with each other and to create bridges between faith and society.
Elijah recognises the power of sharing wisdom, revealed in its many forms, to foster mutual appreciation, respect, deep friendship and peace between religious communities. We see the creation of the Center of HOPE in Jerusalem as an expression of the power of religion to be a force for peace and harmony.(See also Elijah Principles of Faith)
Jewish Members of the Elijah Board of World Religious Leaders
Chief Rabbi Eliyahu Bakshi-Doron, Israel
Rabbi David Bigman, Israel
Rabbi Yuval Cherlow, Israel
Rabbi Menachem HaCohen, Romania
The International Jewish Committee On Interreligious Consultation, USA
Rabbi Arthur Green, USA
Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar, Russia
Prof. Rabbi Richard Marker, USA
Rabbi Michael Melchior, Israel
Rabbi David Rosen, Israel (He serves on the permanent bilateral commission of the State of Israel and the Holy See)
Gilla Rosen, Israel
Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, England
Chief Rabbi Shmuel Rene Sirat, France
Rabbi Awraham Soetendorp, The Netherlands
Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg, UK
Past Members: Rabbi Eliyahu Yosef She’ar Yashuv Cohen, Israel (1927–2016); Rabbi Mordechai Piron (1921-2014)
Additional Leaders Who have Participated in Elijah Events: Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar, Israel; Rabbi Joseph Azran, Israel; Rabbi Dr. Naftali Brawer, England; Judith Hertz, USA; Rabbi Daniel Kohn, Israel; Chief Rabbi Israel Meir Lau; Rabbi Dov Singer, Israel
I've singled out Jonathan Sacks above in order to clue you in to what is really going on here...
(h/t Yaak) Former British Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks Major Contributor to Pence Speech
An emissary of the Pope - "Evangelical Catholic" Mike Pence - receiving help from the enemy within to word his speech so as to lure in and snag gullible Jews. R"L! It's working!!
All this "love" of Israel does not translate to love of Judaism as the sole truth in the world. It is part of the web of lies meant to snare and entrap Am Yisrael at the End of Days.
In the future, Esau will wrap himself in a tallis, sit down next to Yakov and say to him, "You are my brother"....Yakov will say to him, "My brother, you will not be like me. I will lead you to death, I will be the pestilence that leads you to Sheol (Hoshea 13,14). Had I upheld decrees that you promulgated against me, I would have been guilty at the eyes of Heaven. Had I violated them, you would have killed me (Yalkut Shimoni, Yirmiahu 333).
"That was Esau's intention when he told Yakov, 'Let us travel together and I will go before you' (Genesis 33,12). He wanted them to join together in both this world and the world to come, to meet each other halfway, with each modifying his conduct until they were alike (Yalkut Shimoni, Genesis 133).
Are YOU willing to meet Eisav halfway??? The Final Birur will separate between those who are willing to betray their God and their people and those who are not.
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23 January 2018
Welcome to Davos - Duck!
7 Shevat 5777
PM Netanyahu just got back from India and now he is off to Davos! I hope he packed some snow shoes!!
Heads of State and C.E.O.s in Davos Beware: 6 Feet of Snow in 6 Days
DAVOS, Switzerland — It may be tempting fate to try to gather 60 heads of state and hundreds of global business leaders in the dead of winter in a Swiss mountain valley. This year, the World Economic Forum’s luck seems to have run out.
Fat, damp snowflakes have been tumbling down for the past six days, burying the town in six feet of snow, three feet of it in the last two days alone. Snow was still falling fast on Monday night, and the steep, pine-dotted slopes were so heavily laden that some neighborhoods here in Davos had to be evacuated for fear of avalanches.One of the subjects they'll be discussing is... You guessed it! Global warming!!
22 January 2018
VP's Visit: It Makes One Wonder
7 Shevat 5778
Today, in his speech before Israel's Knesset, Vice President Mike Pence made several references to Jerusalem as Israel's capital, to much applause from the Israelis. One key word, however, was not included and that is "undivided,' as in Israel's undivided capital. In fact, during his visit with King Abdullah of Jordan on Sunday, VP Pence reiterated the words of President Trump...
Pence defends Trump's Jerusalem choice to Jordan's King
Of note, the media is making much of the fact that VP Pence is being treated like, and being accorded the honors due to, a head of state. It makes one wonder.
Despite President Trump's denials that the US Embassy will move to Jerusalem in 2019, VP Mike Pence insists that it will. It makes one wonder who really has the final word between these two. I've never known a more visible VP. It makes one wonder...
News Report on Pence's Arrival in Israel
What one need not wonder about, however, is VP Mike Pence's commitment to his Christian faith and to his fellow believers around the world. Any attempt on Israel's part to curtail or eliminate missionary activity in Israel will certainly not be tolerated under this American administration. Not if VP Mike Pence has any say in the matter.
Pence Addresses Israeli Knesset on Faith
In this instance, I'm in agreement with the Arabs. Yankee go home!
Today, in his speech before Israel's Knesset, Vice President Mike Pence made several references to Jerusalem as Israel's capital, to much applause from the Israelis. One key word, however, was not included and that is "undivided,' as in Israel's undivided capital. In fact, during his visit with King Abdullah of Jordan on Sunday, VP Pence reiterated the words of President Trump...
Pence defends Trump's Jerusalem choice to Jordan's King
- The borders of what constitutes "Jerusalem" are still up for negotiation.
- The present status quo on the Temple Mount will be maintained.
- The US remains "committed" to a Two-State Solution
Of note, the media is making much of the fact that VP Pence is being treated like, and being accorded the honors due to, a head of state. It makes one wonder.
Despite President Trump's denials that the US Embassy will move to Jerusalem in 2019, VP Mike Pence insists that it will. It makes one wonder who really has the final word between these two. I've never known a more visible VP. It makes one wonder...
News Report on Pence's Arrival in Israel
What one need not wonder about, however, is VP Mike Pence's commitment to his Christian faith and to his fellow believers around the world. Any attempt on Israel's part to curtail or eliminate missionary activity in Israel will certainly not be tolerated under this American administration. Not if VP Mike Pence has any say in the matter.
Pence Addresses Israeli Knesset on Faith
In this instance, I'm in agreement with the Arabs. Yankee go home!
21 January 2018
The Pain and Joy of Birth
6 Shevat 5778
The following is excerpted from Redemption Unfolding by Alexander Aryeh Mandelbaum (Chapter 11, "Birth pangs of the World of Mashiach"):
The Pains of the Transition Process
In the writings of the Maharal [1520-1609] we find a profound insight into this issue.
He wrote (Netzach Yisrael, Chapter 36) that in nature, all transitions, from one condition to another, involve yissurim. For example, the period of transition from summer to winter, or winter to summer, often brings on physical and/or emotional ailments. Similarly, the period of transition from childhood to adulthood is known to be a very difficult time, during which the teenager and everyone around him or her are prone to tensions and misunderstandings.
So, too, wrote the Maharal, the transition to the system of the Messianic Age will involve yissurim.
The Messianic Era
Many of us were brought up to think that in the Messianic era, the world will continue to exist as it exists today, albeit with a few improvements. Wealth and peace will be abundant; life will be full of happiness and contentment. However, the Maharal (Netzach Yisrael, Chapter 47) wrote, this is a superficial and unrealistic understanding of the times of Moshiach. In reality, a complete change will come over the world, to the extent that the world of Moshiach will be considered a new creation in comparison to the world as we know it.
Our Sages said (see Maharal, ibid.) that the world of Moshiach will be a spiritual world of true reality. It says in Tehillim (126:1): "...with the return of Zion [we understood that we had been] dreaming." When we witness the spiritual world of Moshiach, we will understand that our current world was superficial, unreal - a fantasy dream (Machsheves Charutz 3).
The Changeover of Systems
In that new world all the old systems will undergo regeneration.
An example of such a changeover of systems is the birth of a baby. At the exact moment of birth all of the life support systems of the fetus (respiratory, blood systems, etc.) undergo a radical change. The systems that enabled life in the womb would cause instant death outside the womb. Likewise, if the new life support systems took over inside the womb, they, too would cause death to the fetus.
Our Sages called the troubles before the coming of Moshiach, 'birth pangs of the Moshiach.' Just as birth pangs precede and actuate the changing of the life systems, so too the troubles of Ikvesa DeMashicha allow for the changeover of world systems, from our present world to the world of Moshiach.
The World of True Reality
The transition to the world of Moshiach necessitates the negation of all of the false systems which abound in our world.
In this vein, Rav Eliyahu Dessler wrote (Michtav Me'Eliyahu, Part 3, page 205): "The destruction of Edom [our last exile] will only come through the destruction of this world [as we know it]. The Holy One Blessed be He will cause the very foundations of life on earth to collapse. Tranquility will be disrupted, personal lives will be filled with worry, fear and yissurim, and the entire world will cower in dread of destruction and devastation.... Only then will the light of Moshiach be revealed - 'and the saviors shall go up to Mount Zion to judge the mountain of Eisav....' (Ovadya 1:21).
"For only by achieving nullification and obliteration of this world will mankind be able to rise up and see with a true spiritual perspective. Then the kingdom of Edom will be destroyed, and the light of Moshiach will be revealed."
The following is excerpted from Redemption Unfolding by Alexander Aryeh Mandelbaum (Chapter 11, "Birth pangs of the World of Mashiach"):
The Pains of the Transition Process
In the writings of the Maharal [1520-1609] we find a profound insight into this issue.
He wrote (Netzach Yisrael, Chapter 36) that in nature, all transitions, from one condition to another, involve yissurim. For example, the period of transition from summer to winter, or winter to summer, often brings on physical and/or emotional ailments. Similarly, the period of transition from childhood to adulthood is known to be a very difficult time, during which the teenager and everyone around him or her are prone to tensions and misunderstandings.
So, too, wrote the Maharal, the transition to the system of the Messianic Age will involve yissurim.
The Messianic Era
Many of us were brought up to think that in the Messianic era, the world will continue to exist as it exists today, albeit with a few improvements. Wealth and peace will be abundant; life will be full of happiness and contentment. However, the Maharal (Netzach Yisrael, Chapter 47) wrote, this is a superficial and unrealistic understanding of the times of Moshiach. In reality, a complete change will come over the world, to the extent that the world of Moshiach will be considered a new creation in comparison to the world as we know it.
Our Sages said (see Maharal, ibid.) that the world of Moshiach will be a spiritual world of true reality. It says in Tehillim (126:1): "...with the return of Zion [we understood that we had been] dreaming." When we witness the spiritual world of Moshiach, we will understand that our current world was superficial, unreal - a fantasy dream (Machsheves Charutz 3).
The Changeover of Systems
In that new world all the old systems will undergo regeneration.
An example of such a changeover of systems is the birth of a baby. At the exact moment of birth all of the life support systems of the fetus (respiratory, blood systems, etc.) undergo a radical change. The systems that enabled life in the womb would cause instant death outside the womb. Likewise, if the new life support systems took over inside the womb, they, too would cause death to the fetus.
Our Sages called the troubles before the coming of Moshiach, 'birth pangs of the Moshiach.' Just as birth pangs precede and actuate the changing of the life systems, so too the troubles of Ikvesa DeMashicha allow for the changeover of world systems, from our present world to the world of Moshiach.
The World of True Reality
The transition to the world of Moshiach necessitates the negation of all of the false systems which abound in our world.
In this vein, Rav Eliyahu Dessler wrote (Michtav Me'Eliyahu, Part 3, page 205): "The destruction of Edom [our last exile] will only come through the destruction of this world [as we know it]. The Holy One Blessed be He will cause the very foundations of life on earth to collapse. Tranquility will be disrupted, personal lives will be filled with worry, fear and yissurim, and the entire world will cower in dread of destruction and devastation.... Only then will the light of Moshiach be revealed - 'and the saviors shall go up to Mount Zion to judge the mountain of Eisav....' (Ovadya 1:21).
"For only by achieving nullification and obliteration of this world will mankind be able to rise up and see with a true spiritual perspective. Then the kingdom of Edom will be destroyed, and the light of Moshiach will be revealed."
Why Point A Finger At The Jew?
5 Shevat 5778
This is going to be a Q Anon update. If you don't know what I'm talking about, begin here.
In the wake of the exposure of the FISA Court Memo to US House Representatives, 'Q' made another large intel drop in the wee hours of the morning on Friday. Most of the messages seemed to be addressing this development. But, right in the middle, there appeared a series of photos without caption or explanation or reference to the original source. They included some famous, "evil" characters like David Rockefeller, George Soros, Jacob Rothschild and the current Pope, but most of those pictured were impossible to accurately identify. Since no hint was given to the relevance of these pictures to the messages conveyed by 'Q', one is left to conclude that he means to draw a connection between the NWO evildoers to the downfall of the leftist liberals in America.
As is typical of this "phenomenon," everyone is left to his or her best guess.
Those people who have moved to the forefront in disseminating the material through live podcasts go line by line giving their best guess as to what it means and who it references with input from viewers' comments. But, there is no way to confirm if the guesses are correct.
Back to the pictures I mentioned before. One was quite shocking to me. And this is really the reason I am addressing this issue again in a blog post. It is this one here...
There were three people providing commentary on this podcast to "decode Q." I'm going to transcribe the entire commentary for this photo, because I think it is very important for you to hear.
Actually, the woman who wanted to imply that this scene took place at some perverse Illuminati "party with a Hell background" was not completely remiss. It was at Yad Vashem and I guess parts of it could be used as a "Hell background." It's easier to identify from this uncropped image where more of the background is actually visible...
In fact, this is decidedly NOT Jacob Rothschild. He doesn't even look like Jacob Rothschild. A simple Google search revealed the following about this man's identity...
The only reason to include this photograph was to elicit the very reaction that it garnered. Ergo 'Q' and whatever shenanigans they and their masters are up to does not bode well for the Jews.
"Forewarned is forearmed."
This is going to be a Q Anon update. If you don't know what I'm talking about, begin here.
In the wake of the exposure of the FISA Court Memo to US House Representatives, 'Q' made another large intel drop in the wee hours of the morning on Friday. Most of the messages seemed to be addressing this development. But, right in the middle, there appeared a series of photos without caption or explanation or reference to the original source. They included some famous, "evil" characters like David Rockefeller, George Soros, Jacob Rothschild and the current Pope, but most of those pictured were impossible to accurately identify. Since no hint was given to the relevance of these pictures to the messages conveyed by 'Q', one is left to conclude that he means to draw a connection between the NWO evildoers to the downfall of the leftist liberals in America.
As is typical of this "phenomenon," everyone is left to his or her best guess.
Those people who have moved to the forefront in disseminating the material through live podcasts go line by line giving their best guess as to what it means and who it references with input from viewers' comments. But, there is no way to confirm if the guesses are correct.
Back to the pictures I mentioned before. One was quite shocking to me. And this is really the reason I am addressing this issue again in a blog post. It is this one here...
There were three people providing commentary on this podcast to "decode Q." I'm going to transcribe the entire commentary for this photo, because I think it is very important for you to hear.
Woman #1: "Somebody commented that the background looks like Hell, ...like they had a party and it's a Hell background."
Woman #2: "Now, notice that the Pope is kissing that guy's hand rather than the other way around."
Guy: "Yep, Jacob Rothschild."
Woman #1: "Oh, that's a good find."
Woman #2: "That is significant, that is very significant."
Guy: "What is up with that, people? What does that tell you? And we've seen that picture a number of times, I'm sure most of you have, in the chat, that's a pretty famous picture among this community."
Woman #2: "Everybody kisses the Pope's ring. When do you see the Pope kissing just a normal person's hand? That tells us a lot."
Guy: "I'd say it's no normal person apparently. Right? We know exactly who that is.So, did they take from this photo exactly what 'Q' intended they should take from it. If so, he is no "white-hat" patriot, at least not where the American Jewish community is concerned. Because it's all a lie.
Actually, the woman who wanted to imply that this scene took place at some perverse Illuminati "party with a Hell background" was not completely remiss. It was at Yad Vashem and I guess parts of it could be used as a "Hell background." It's easier to identify from this uncropped image where more of the background is actually visible...
In fact, this is decidedly NOT Jacob Rothschild. He doesn't even look like Jacob Rothschild. A simple Google search revealed the following about this man's identity...
This photograph has been circulating online for several years, and is frequently accompanied by anti-Semitic messages promulgating various conspiracy theories about the Rockefeller and Rothschild families, among others.
...In actuality, this photograph does not feature Rockefeller, Rothschild, or Kissinger. This image was taken on 25 May 2014 at Jerusalem’s Holocaust memorial center Yad Vashem, and it shows the Pope making a historic visit to greet survivors of the World War II genocide. The original photograph is available via Alamy, where it was posted with the following caption:
Pope Francis visits the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem, attended by Israeli President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on May 26 2014. In his first Middle East tour since his anointment in 2013, Pope Francis held a historic prayer service with the Ecumenical Patriarch in Jerusalem on Sunday. This was the first reunion between the two Christian sects in fifty years.
The following is an excerpt from a EuroNews.com report about the Pope’s 2014 visit to Yad Vashem:
Pope Francis navigated the minefield of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and bowed to kiss the hands of Holocaust survivors on Monday, the last day of a trip to the Middle East laden with bold personal gestures.
“Never again, Lord. Never again!” he said in the dimly-lit Hall of Remembrance in the Yad Vashem Museum which commemorates six million Jews killed by the Nazis in World War Two.
According to Yad Vashem, the Pope met with six Holocaust survivors during his visit: Avraham Harshalom, Chava Shik, Joseph Gottdenker, Moshe Ha-Elion, Eliezer Grynfeld, and Sonia Tunik-Geron. The viral picture appears to show the Pope kissing the hand of Mr. Grynfeld: (Source)If anything nefarious was going on, it was with the Pope staging such a potentially incendiary photo op, whatever lame excuse he gave for it. He had to know how it would be misinterpreted and used against Jews. He is not naive!
The only reason to include this photograph was to elicit the very reaction that it garnered. Ergo 'Q' and whatever shenanigans they and their masters are up to does not bode well for the Jews.
"Forewarned is forearmed."
17 January 2018
16 January 2018
"Storm" Analysis
1 Shevat 5778
Rosh Chodesh
I get the impression that some of my readers think that the sources I use in my blog posts represent the sum total of my research on these subjects. Let me tell you now. Nothing could be further from the truth. I research long and diligently - all sides - before I feel comfortable to draw any conclusions. Not only have I been looking into some of these matters for years, in some cases, I have actual personal experience from the inside. Any source I choose to include in a blog post is for demonstration purposes to show the readers that I'm not making something up out of thin air.
That said, I'd like to move on and try to connect a few dots with regard to the subject matter of the past three days - "The Storm."
In case it was not clear before, "The Storm" is the public expression of what has been developing in secret or under the radar for many decades, if not longer. "The Storm" will be considered to have arrived when indictments are unsealed and public arrests are made involving thousands of people, especially high-profile people, like Bill and Hillary Clinton who have now outlasted their usefulness, and many with Jewish names or Jewish connections, r"l. One of the highest priorities for the rank and file of Trump supporters is the arrest of those with rumored ties to child trafficking and purported pedophile rings.
I must digress here and ask a thought-provoking question. Who is the head of the most far-reaching, longest-acting pedophile ring in the world? Answer that and you'll know who sits at the very top of the pyramid.
When these arrests begin to take place, it is commonly assumed that a violent push-back will result from the aptly named "anti-fa" crowd. The plan is purportedly for Trump to act via executive orders and for the military to enforce them and maintain order across the country through the imposition of martial law. Where it goes from there, your imagination is as good as mine I'm sure. So, that is "The Storm."
You may be wondering what the point is of all this? Well, there is a sizable portion of the American population that believes their country is in danger and that this is the only way to save it. They are willing to risk everything to that end. The rank and file at the bottom, many of them decent people, have no clue that they will actually bring about the very thing they abhor the most - the New World Order. Everyone is being used. The lower the person is on the totem pole, the less he understands the true nature of the beast. It controls both sides. There is no escape from it. Not in the West.
At the Clintons' level, they know the game is rigged. I think they told Hillary that she was going to be the next president. It was in the bag. Trump was selected to be opposite her to insure her election would be most plausible. And I have no doubt he was in on it, too. Somewhere along the line, he accepted some help with his business that left him with a debt to repay and this is how the lender wanted to collect. He knew it was supposed to be an act, a game like his reality show. No one was more surprised by his win than Trump and Hillary Clinton.
That's why she was so smashed up over the loss. They wanted them to believe it totally to make it seem as real as possible. Since the Powers That Be were getting very near their ultimate goal, it had to be played masterfully. And when the moment of truth arrives, she and Bill both, along with many other gasping, squirming fish will be caught in the net and hauled away to some American gulag - maybe even Guantanamo - if they don't get something worse.
If all of this turmoil results in an outright civil war in America, all the better for the Powers That Be. Destroy the old order and from out of the chaos will come a new order. It's entirely possible that the coup will succeed without too much resistance, at least in the beginning. That's the point of this Q phenomenon, in my view - urging the radical right to cooperate because these are patriots acting in their name and on their behalf. They are wearing "the white hats."
This is not an America which will be kind to Jews. Here is a sampling of comments taken from this group of "patriots" on Monday:
It's always right there, smoldering just beneath the surface - that old New Testament antisemitism. These are not the Israel-loving Christians many Jews have become familiar with. These are Christians who answered the Pope's call for the Crusades in the Middle Ages. Is there a Jewish reader here who does not understand the significance of that?
Can it happen on US soil? Do you really want to wait to find out?
It may just be a coincidence that a very popular Neo-Nazi website is known as "Stormfront." But, we don't believe in "coincidence."
This is what a lot of people want very badly. It's what a lot of very powerful people want very badly. Will they succeed? Only God stands between them and the realization of their plans and only God knows how far He is willing to let them go before He reins them in and puts a stop to their evil once and for all.
The words have come from many respected sources, not the least of which is our Tanakh. Israel is the safest place for Jews. Israel is where all Jews belong.
Related - Dr. Jerome Corsi - Analysis of Recent Q-anon Postings
If any part of this is unclear, you are welcome to email your questions or comments: tdnjslm@gmail.com
Rosh Chodesh
"Grant not, Hashem, the desires of the wicked one; do not cause his conspiracy to be carried out, for them to be exalted, Selah." - Tehillim 140.9
I get the impression that some of my readers think that the sources I use in my blog posts represent the sum total of my research on these subjects. Let me tell you now. Nothing could be further from the truth. I research long and diligently - all sides - before I feel comfortable to draw any conclusions. Not only have I been looking into some of these matters for years, in some cases, I have actual personal experience from the inside. Any source I choose to include in a blog post is for demonstration purposes to show the readers that I'm not making something up out of thin air.
That said, I'd like to move on and try to connect a few dots with regard to the subject matter of the past three days - "The Storm."
In case it was not clear before, "The Storm" is the public expression of what has been developing in secret or under the radar for many decades, if not longer. "The Storm" will be considered to have arrived when indictments are unsealed and public arrests are made involving thousands of people, especially high-profile people, like Bill and Hillary Clinton who have now outlasted their usefulness, and many with Jewish names or Jewish connections, r"l. One of the highest priorities for the rank and file of Trump supporters is the arrest of those with rumored ties to child trafficking and purported pedophile rings.
I must digress here and ask a thought-provoking question. Who is the head of the most far-reaching, longest-acting pedophile ring in the world? Answer that and you'll know who sits at the very top of the pyramid.
When these arrests begin to take place, it is commonly assumed that a violent push-back will result from the aptly named "anti-fa" crowd. The plan is purportedly for Trump to act via executive orders and for the military to enforce them and maintain order across the country through the imposition of martial law. Where it goes from there, your imagination is as good as mine I'm sure. So, that is "The Storm."
You may be wondering what the point is of all this? Well, there is a sizable portion of the American population that believes their country is in danger and that this is the only way to save it. They are willing to risk everything to that end. The rank and file at the bottom, many of them decent people, have no clue that they will actually bring about the very thing they abhor the most - the New World Order. Everyone is being used. The lower the person is on the totem pole, the less he understands the true nature of the beast. It controls both sides. There is no escape from it. Not in the West.
At the Clintons' level, they know the game is rigged. I think they told Hillary that she was going to be the next president. It was in the bag. Trump was selected to be opposite her to insure her election would be most plausible. And I have no doubt he was in on it, too. Somewhere along the line, he accepted some help with his business that left him with a debt to repay and this is how the lender wanted to collect. He knew it was supposed to be an act, a game like his reality show. No one was more surprised by his win than Trump and Hillary Clinton.
That's why she was so smashed up over the loss. They wanted them to believe it totally to make it seem as real as possible. Since the Powers That Be were getting very near their ultimate goal, it had to be played masterfully. And when the moment of truth arrives, she and Bill both, along with many other gasping, squirming fish will be caught in the net and hauled away to some American gulag - maybe even Guantanamo - if they don't get something worse.
If all of this turmoil results in an outright civil war in America, all the better for the Powers That Be. Destroy the old order and from out of the chaos will come a new order. It's entirely possible that the coup will succeed without too much resistance, at least in the beginning. That's the point of this Q phenomenon, in my view - urging the radical right to cooperate because these are patriots acting in their name and on their behalf. They are wearing "the white hats."
This is not an America which will be kind to Jews. Here is a sampling of comments taken from this group of "patriots" on Monday:
It's always right there, smoldering just beneath the surface - that old New Testament antisemitism. These are not the Israel-loving Christians many Jews have become familiar with. These are Christians who answered the Pope's call for the Crusades in the Middle Ages. Is there a Jewish reader here who does not understand the significance of that?
Blackwater's Christian Crusaders
Can it happen on US soil? Do you really want to wait to find out?
It may just be a coincidence that a very popular Neo-Nazi website is known as "Stormfront." But, we don't believe in "coincidence."
This is what a lot of people want very badly. It's what a lot of very powerful people want very badly. Will they succeed? Only God stands between them and the realization of their plans and only God knows how far He is willing to let them go before He reins them in and puts a stop to their evil once and for all.
The words have come from many respected sources, not the least of which is our Tanakh. Israel is the safest place for Jews. Israel is where all Jews belong.
Related - Dr. Jerome Corsi - Analysis of Recent Q-anon Postings
If any part of this is unclear, you are welcome to email your questions or comments: tdnjslm@gmail.com
15 January 2018
Is "The Calm Before the Storm" About to End? (Part 3)
29 Tevet 5778
Erev Rosh Chodesh
Yom Kippur Katan
[See Part I - Preparing For the Storm
and Part II - Storm Clouds Gathering]
The Storm Unleashed
Q Anon's most important message seems to be...
Trust Trump. Trust the military. When martial law comes down, don't fear it, welcome it, it is for your own protection. Spread this message far and wide so people's minds will be eased when they realize what is happening.
And believe it or not, a whole lot of gullible people are swallowing this message whole.
Trump likes to surround himself with generals and compliments the military every chance he gets. However, he is the Commander-in-Chief after all.
Is Q Anon for real? Are we weeks, days or even hours from a military coup in America that will leave a Dominionist regime in power? We'd better pray not because this will not be good for the Jews.
Your questions and comments are welcome at tdnjslm@gmail.com
Erev Rosh Chodesh
Yom Kippur Katan
[See Part I - Preparing For the Storm
and Part II - Storm Clouds Gathering]
The Storm Unleashed
Q Anon's most important message seems to be...
Trust Trump. Trust the military. When martial law comes down, don't fear it, welcome it, it is for your own protection. Spread this message far and wide so people's minds will be eased when they realize what is happening.
And believe it or not, a whole lot of gullible people are swallowing this message whole.
Trump likes to surround himself with generals and compliments the military every chance he gets. However, he is the Commander-in-Chief after all.
Too Many Generals In Trump Administration?
President Donald Trump named retired Marine Gen. Jim Mattis as Defense Secretary, the highest-ranking civilian position in the Pentagon. Retired Marine Gen. John Kelly was named first to head the Homeland Security Department and then replaced Reince Priebus as White House Chief of Staff.
Army Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster replaced Air Force Gen. Mike Flynn as the Trump Administration’s National Security Advisor. And Attorney General Jeff Sessions has nominated Army Maj. Gen. Mark Inch to head the Bureau of Prisons. If approved, as he likely will be, there will be four military generals serving in top positions normally held by civilians. Relatively speaking, that’s a lot.
Several key National Security Council positions are going to retired military officers as well. Questions have already been raised about whether too many generals and overall military influence risks tipping the delicate civil-military relations balance that has kept America strong.See, that's the thing though. As Commander-in-Chief, Trump is in absolute control of the military. And the military is known for being, well, militant. What happens when you mix militancy, nationalism and religion? (The Jews know only too well.)
Donald Trump’s election has led to such a steep rise in fundamentalist Christian evangelizing and religious bigotry in the U.S. armed forces that the matter is reaching the level of a “national security threat,” according to information shared exclusively with Newsweek by an organization that represents and advocates for secular and minority religious views in the military.
...“With the advent of Trump as the commander in chief of our armed forces, M[ilitary] R[eligious] F[reedom] F[oundation] has experienced a massive influx of new military and civilian personnel complaints of religion-based prejudice and bigotry, most of them coming from non-fundamentalist Christians being persecuted by their military superiors for not being ‘Christian enough,’” [lawyer Michael] Weinstein tells Newsweek.
He says noncommissioned officers at one Air Force base reported that their superiors told them Trump would make it USAF policy that in order for “disbelieving Jews” to be allowed into the USAF or deemed fit for promotions, they would have to show via objectively established behavior that they were at least honestly “considering the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
...The military recently backtracked on an edict requiring thousands of married couples in a marital program called “Strong Bonds” to participate in Protestant prayer sessions. As of 2014, more than 37,000 Army personnel participated in the Strong Bonds program.
...The commingling of radical Christianity and the U.S. war fighter has been under way for some time now. In 2007, the Department of Defense’s inspector general issued a report regarding a cadre of ranking DoD officials and officers who “abused their authority” by promoting a video for “Christian Embassy,” a Washington-based, high-level evangelizing outfit with a website designed to make it look like an arm of the U.S. government.
Fundamentalist views are decidedly in the minority in the general population, but they have adherents in some of the U.S. military’s most powerful positions, especially in and around Washington, D.C., and in Colorado Springs, home of the U.S. Air Force Academy and the nation’s nuclear command center.
The U.S. military has long been seeded with radical Christian fundamentalists—sometimes called Christian Dominionists or Christian Reconstructionists—who believe a “Warrior Jesus” has their backs while they fight against Islam. They believe they are establishing a “Kingdom of God” on earth, starting with the United States,....[See also: DOMINIONISM RISING: A THEOCRATIC MOVEMENT HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT]
Is Q Anon for real? Are we weeks, days or even hours from a military coup in America that will leave a Dominionist regime in power? We'd better pray not because this will not be good for the Jews.
Your questions and comments are welcome at tdnjslm@gmail.com
Is "The Calm Before the Storm" About to End? (Part 2)
28 Tevet 5778
[Advance warning: This is a very big subject which there is not room on a blog to explain in depth. I would, however, like to give you enough of a heads-up about what's going on to forewarn you if it turns out to signal trouble ahead for the Jews. If you want to investigate for yourself, follow the internal links provided here or google it.]
[See Part I - Preparing For the Storm]
Part II - Storm Clouds Gathering
The "Q Anon Phenomenon" is of very recent origin, but according to one source, it already has attained a following in the hundreds of thousands.
Over the last month and a half, the Storm has spread from the depths of 4chan and 8chan to Reddit, YouTube, and Twitter, where it’s found hundreds of thousands of devout followers. Some of the most popular explainer videos boast nearly 200,000 views, and the QAnon hashtag has gotten so popular, it’s honestly difficult to track. (I signed up for one of those freebie “Track Your Hashtag Now!” services and #QAnon hit the 2,000-post limit within four hours.) Some poor soul even took the time to write a 117-page book charting Q’s rise to power, which I’m guessing has been seen at least as many times as this very aggressive Imgur guide, which was at 137,000 views as of Sunday night.This is a sign of the growing popularity of Christian Nationalism on the American political right.
Q Anon may be new, but the movement which has given rise to him (them) is not. "Q" is the culmination of a long-sought plan for Christian domination of the United States of America. (Google Dominionism and Christian Reconstructionism.) And they really believe that they have their chance with President Donald J. Trump.
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Even Huffpost was clued in early on...
How Dominionists Gained Control Of The Trump Campaign
Whether Donald Trump knows it or not, Dominionists are now in control of his presidential campaign. In recent weeks, Trump has appointed Stephen Bannon to the position of campaign CEO and Kellyanne Conway as campaign manager. Both of these individuals are members of the Council For National Policy, a secretive Dominionists organization. In fact, Kellyanne Conway sits on the executive committee.
Dominionists believe that America is a Christian nation and they oppose the separation of church and state.It was to and for this constituency that Trump spoke in his 2017 Christmas speech...
...They mix well with Christian Reconstructionists who want to impose strict biblical laws on America including execution for adultery, blasphemy, and homosexuality. These two fringe religious groups make up the majority of the Council’s 500 member base; along with a colorful array of extreme activists on the far right. The Council’s goal is to manipulate government agenda from within.
Why Christian nationalists love Trump
...But where did this cross-toting, flag-waving, and sometimes confusion-inducing form of Trumpian Christian nationalism come from, and why does it appear to resonate with throngs of Americans? And how in the world did Trump, hardly a paragon of conservative Christian virtue, end up as its champion?
A “dominionist” project decades in the making
American Christian nationalism has many forms and iterations, but it was birthed by the same spark that ignited the American Revolution. Some of the earliest revolutionaries were firebrand poets who imagined America as an all-encompassing theocracy and insisted freedom from the English crown could transform the colonies into a Protestant Holy Land. Their dream ultimately died in the hands more secular-minded men we now call the Founding Fathers, but the broader tradition of faith-infused politics continued to thrive throughout American history. From the ecstatic preachers of the various Great Awakenings to the founding of America-centric faith traditions such as Mormonism (which regards the Constitution as a divinely inspired document), Americans have a rich tradition of blurring God and country.
But as pervasive as these fusions of religion and politics were, the Christian nationalist scaffolding currently propping up Trump is far more specific, and relatively new. It shares many theological ideas with the broader spectrum of evangelicalism, but adds a different brand of intensity and emphasis (especially domestically). Its origins are also more recent, beginning with the rise of the Religious Right in the 1970s, when leaders such as Jerry Falwell, Sr. and Pat Robertson characterized America as a “Christian nation”....Part 3 - The Storm Unleashed
Christian nationalism is by no means inherent to evangelicalism — not all Religious Right leaders are Christian nationalists per se, and their culture war battles weren’t all rooted in Christian nationalism. But among their ranks exists a subset that preaches an unusually dogged—and arguably far more subversive—vision of Christian nationalism, beginning in the 1980s. In her 2006 book Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism, Slate writer and author Michelle Goldberg documented the emergence of a small but influential religious community that gained momentum under the tenure of President George W. Bush. She pointed to a constantly shifting menagerie of conservative Christian pastors, homeschool groups, political action committees, and even judges who made it their mission to “restore” America to something that matched their deeply conservative understanding of Christianity.
...Goldberg said that even the rise of Mike Pence, a politician once described as a “theocrat” and who both [Journalist Jeff] Sharlet and Goldberg linked to Christian nationalism, would have shocked her when she published her book roughly a decade ago.
“[Back then], Mike Pence as a Vice President was unimaginable,” she said.
See also: Historians of Christian nationalism are alarmed by its appearance in American pulpits
email me with questions or comments: tdnjslm@gmail.com
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