16 May 2017

The Waller-War and Why It Matters - Part 2

20 Iyyar 5777
Day 35 of the Omer

Part 1

Today, if someone seeks to connect to their Hebrew roots, they mean to acknowledge that they are Ephraimites, Joseph ("Joes" rather than Jews). Other names are 2-House Israel, 10-Israel or 10-Tribers. They have decided, based on their own "ruach hakodesh", that they (Christians/Messianics) are actual descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. 

It has taken the traditional New Testament idea of being "grafted in" to a whole new level. Instead of viewing themselves strictly in terms of the "spiritual seed of Avraham Avinu" expecting spiritual rewards, now they imagine themselves to be actual physical "seed" entitled to their own share of their inheritance in the Land of Israel. 

And I say "imagine" because there is no way whatsoever to prove any of this. We see from the example given to us in Tanakh (Ezra 2.62) that when the Jews returned from Bavel, those Kohanim who could not prove their lineage were disqualified from service. 
"These who traced their genealogy sought their records, but they were not found, and they were disqualified from the priesthood."
Just like the anusim, there is a path of "return" open to the House of Israel. It's called conversion - the price one pays for the sins of his ancestors.

But, this won't work for these Ephraimites. Why? Because they remain Christians for all intents and purposes and won't give that up. Even though many people, some very well-meaning, have come to sincerely believe, at the urging of their leadership, that they really are descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel, a billion more believe Islam is correct and another billion believe Hinduism is correct. Belief does not determine Truth.

However, if it remained only a matter of belief, I would not be wasting my time writing about it. It has gone way beyond that. I have been following the development of this movement since 1999. Its proponents and adherents have been working steadfastly - under the radar - laying the groundwork to promote their "Right of Return" to Eretz Yisrael. And, of course, they have help from the Jews.

The following is a clip taken from an interview done three weeks ago. You can hear it in its entirety here.

Here are a few of the Jewish organizations helping and encouraging this "phenomenon":

Rabbi Avraham Feld's Kol HaTor
Chanoch Young's United2Restore
Ephraim & Rimona Frank's Israelite Return

Although to be fair, Ephraim Frank is not a Jew, although his wife Rimona is. I guess you could say this is the ultimate merging of Judah and Ephraim. More about "merging" later.

So, what does any of this have to do with Tommy Waller and HaYovel, you must be asking. 

Well, I'm getting to that.


  1. בס"ד

    Monday night we will count 42. Day of the OMER. On Tuesday, YOM SHLISHI, just day before Yom Yerushalayim is the 42.day, last of the week of YESOD, that keep the klipot away and opens gates straight to Heaven. Whats your prayer??? Tuesday 23 May, please, pray, Am Israel!

    There is no other side to attack us! That means, that you can fully concentrate to make you to us. Us, Am ISRAEL, we can unite in genuine PRAYER to ask ABBA to help us. Its time for mashiah, Hashem is waiting for our request!

    אורנה ניצבת

    1. With Am ISRAEL i mean legitime Jews= halachic Jews, born from Jewish mother, or accepted the process of orthodox conversion.
      Children of the G'd of Avraham, Itschak and Jaacov, neshamot that are part of the neshama of Moshe rabeinu, accepting the whole Orah Oraita, the 13 principles of Jewish faith, and every day hoping to crown the one Jew between us, that will be able to complete Yesod in Malchut, a halachic Torah Jew.
      May Hashem unite his children under the king choosen by Him, to represent His will, to finally clean the whole earth from its husks!
      Then the whole world will see the Truth, ha Torah!
      Unite AM ISRAEL, strengthen yourself with the pure words of Ha Torah, to let the sheker and the tuma be gone forever!
      Let go the mamon, let go the avoda zara.
      Be free to serve HASHEM!

  2. This is all being done with the support and blessing of the Israeli government, from Prime Minister Netayahu on down! I sent you a video with that Jew who converted to xtianity, Chai Malespin saying those very words. Helping the to buy property and to settle the land, G-d forbid! G-d help us!

  3. It is all being played now in front of our eyes. Today, the advisor, or something like that, said that the Kotel is in the west bank and is not part of Israel and Jerusalem belongs to the three faiths, blah, blah. When is the Geulah coming? Very soon, we hope - all the signs are here. Their big plan seems to be coming together. They seem to forget there is the CREATOR of everything and everyone and He is the only One who has the say. As is written, Yerushalayim will be burden to all - this is what they want - to inherit what we, the children Israel, inherited from H' for all eternity. The big loving lie has gone on for all these years since Israel's rebirth, but now the truth is out in the open. They want to internationalize Jerusalem and to discard Judaism, just as these blogs have been forewarning for so long.

    BTW, there will not be a return of the ten tribes; they are already within our midst and those who sincerely want to convert and having been doing so most likely stem from the ten tribes. Millenia have long passed and they would no longer be Jews whatsoever. All these conversions of late is what is meant by their return. Once Moshiach is here, there will not be any more conversions.


  4. I thought only the Mormons consider themselves the "ephramites." Rachmana litzlan!
