04 May 2017

HaYovel Quick Reference

9 Iyyar 5777
Erev Shabbat Kodesh
Day 24 of the Omer

Quick Reference Guide to Recent Statements by Tommy Waller of HaYovel Ministry

Tommy Waller Says They Have to Change How the Jews See Christians

Tommy Waller Says It Is All About Relationships


  1. My gosh, if they will only realize how blasphemes this garbage really is they would be so embarrassed.
    The utter silliness of thinking Mary has a prayer 3x a day. Where in the world do they come up with this stuff?

    1. That's how much sense it makes to me, too, Leah. Kol tuv and Shabbat shalom! :-)

  2. You know seeing these video's in one way makes me lol this guy talks like he knows and the fact is he knows nothing... Even when it comes about JC he things he knows him but in reality what does he know? Nothing.. we as Jews understand more about JC what he did then this guy JC used his knowledge and created a whole big balagan and we see the result over 2 thousand years when a Jew goes of the derech, him being a Jew and knowing the truth where he is his soul must suffer tremendously.. I agree with a comment from somebody at the other post that our holy land will spit these people out, erez hakodesh was given to us and hopefully soon Moshiach zadikeinu will set the record strait....Shabbat Shalom

    1. Yes, Jewgirl and what comes immediately to mind is the reference to the moneychangers at the Temple. It's really inconceivable that this event ever really happened or if it did, then JC was truly a madman. Xians who know nothing of the history or the situation see it as JC cleansing the Temple of sacriligious mixing of the material and the physical, like businesses opening in a place of worship.

      But, Judaism does not make this separation. A business can be raised to the level of holiness and spirituality by enabling the performance of mitzvot, which was the case here. The Temple complex included offices and storage rooms, etc. Everything to keep it all running. The moneychangers were performing a very necessary service there.

      When the Jews would come from abroad, especially for the three pilgrimage festivals, they needed to change their dollars and pounds and rupis into sheqels in order to purchase their korbanot. How would that be possible if a madman comes screaming and tossing all the tables and money and swinging a whip around and shouting, "My Father's house is a house of prayer." Well, that works for the churches and the monasteries - kicking out the moneychangers - but, it won't work for the Holy Temple and its daily services!

    2. No, actually we Christians don't see it as the mixing of material and physical. We know why they were there. But in true pharisaical fashion, the love of making a profit was more than their love for HaShem and they were overcharging. And people weren't allowed to bring their own spotless sacrafice, they "had to" to buy one under the false pretense to "ensure purity", all for the love of money!

    3. And you know this how, Anonymous? Because the text you claim to revere says otherwise.

      "When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. In the temple courts he found people selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money.

      So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. To those who sold doves he said, "Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father's house into a market!"
      John 2

  3. Good Erev Shabbat, after a week of much intense work.

    1. Thanks, Neshama. Shabbat shalom umevorach! :-)

  4. Reincarnation, our worst nightmare will come true.

    1. Also evil incarnates of all kinds in general.

  5. Yimach shmo's only excuse is that he didn't exist.

  6. As per Rabbi Ades' youtube video we need go on offence against that cursed Roman religeon.For openers we might point out that yeshu notzri(of nazereth) ישו נוצרי and yeshu pantera ישו פנטרא (pantera being his father) each
    equal gematria 666.Let them swallow that.

    1. The gematria of Ha Torah
      Is 616

      If you add some 50 levels of filth, like with a situation where a mamzer abuse the wisdom of Jews,then indeed you come up with 666.
      Now some trivia:
      Which Bethlehem was the real birth place, of Yuda like our king, or...the one in Galil, near Nacret, Natzret=Nazaret, where many mamzerim still live and know about the place of birth of the most filthy mamzer in our history?
      You do the guess...
      If you speak about reincarnation, you might find it there.
      But in yhis case i hope i am wrong!

  7. re above comment yeshu pantera is spelled ישו פנטירא total gematria 666.
