27 April 2016

"It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times"

20 Nisan 5776
5th Day Chol HaMo'ed
5th Day of the Omer

The title of this blog post is the opening line of Charles Dickens' novel A Tale of Two Cities. It could be talking about today.

One person's bad news is another person's good news. One person's "doom and gloom" is another person's "light at the end of the tunnel". Even the term "End Times" is open to individual interpretation. For one person, it's the end of the old and familiar world, but for another person it's the end of suffering, and the promise of a new and better world.

Which is it for you? Is it the "best of times" or the "worst of times" or maybe even both at the same time. I think that's what Dickens was implying.

Chag Shvi'i shel Pesach sameach! And may we all merit to experience our ultimate deliverance - NOW!


  1. Best of times, no doubt about it.

  2. Amen and Amen!!

  3. for many jews in the western world, the best and worst of times is living in some imaginary disney world all the time.

  4. OK, Devash, since you asked for it:

    For me, nearly my whole life has been the worst of times, and have always been begging to be put inside another type of life. I don't think there's one other soul among Orthodox Jews who share my mindset.

    I personally would love the type of world depicted by Foster Gamble (of Thrive fame). One not ruled by money and competition, yet which runs on Freenergy.

    But also, a world where there is genuine repaircare type of healing, rather than the current Unhealthcare-Sickcare-America sytem. A world where there's genuine diagnostics based on quantum physics. Where there's non-invasive surgery, such as perhaps guided laser, light-therapies, cord-blood MSC cells available to all, and so forth. That would define genuine repaircare. But most people just see what's here and now. They don't envision such futuristic stuff, thus no demand for it. More's the pity.

  5. P.S. Devash, have any more boys or girls had dreams similar to that 15 year old boy?

    1. I see.

    2. [IMG]http://i68.tinypic.com/2j4a4xg.jpg[/IMG]
      That's my amateur bumper sticker, and I made a bunch more on the theme of pointing things out.
      Among them are:

  6. "Devash, just now I saw you have a blog re: ADHD..."

    Nope, not me.

  7. That was me. Everyone confuses our blog posts and we each get blamed for the other's! :)

    1. :-) She wrote back that she saw it in the sidebar. But, the comment didn't fit the subject of the blogpost. I hope she made her point at yours.
