08 November 2015

Binyamin: "Get Up and Go Up to Eretz Yisrael!"

27 Marcheshvan 5776


Communication with Binyamin
Jerusalem, 12 Marcheshvan 5776

Get Up and Go Up to Eretz Yisrael!
(See original for highlighted sources)

"...and the children return to their borders."

I'm really very much waiting already for the end. So many years our souls have reincarnated from Adam HaRishon until today. A very difficult tikun. But, with all that, B"H, B"H, it's really a miracle that there are still Jews who put on tefillin, who pray three times a day, and like those who pray three times a day in a minyan, or at least very much try to do it, Jews who celebrate the holidays, who try to do it really like it's supposed to be, Shabbats, holidays, trying to fast when it's necessary, trying to teach their children the right way, it's simply a miracle! If you think about all the years of the suffering of Am Yisrael, all the pogroms, and what the Romans did to the Jews, how they murdered two million Jews and ruled over the Land. They destroyed the Beit HaMikdash twice by the most difficult method, with a lot of blood of innocent Jews, and with all the hatred of all the peoples against the Jews, and of course, the Holocaust, which I don't know if there ever was such a thing in all of history.

And now we are again in a difficult situation. And this situation comes after years of 'over-the-top' materialism - materialism that simply turned into being avodah zarah [idolatry]! and still there is this materialism even though in a little bit it will disappear, really avodah zarah. And it's a miracle that Jews still make an effort, try to be Jews, because all the materialism brings down the majority of Jews, and it also very much brings down Judaism. And with all this, the Jews, or at least not-such-a-large-part-of-the-Jews are trying as much as they can to be okay.

And among them there are many Erev Rav, among the chareidim and even more among the secular. And we will see now in the near future who are the real-Jews and who are the Erev Rav, who's a real convert and who's remains a goy. And it will be a great surprise to a lot of people, not everyone, but a lot of people.

And we're already seeing all the signs that we've already reached the Third World War, and that we're not far at all from Gog uMagog. And seeing that everything is really exactly according to the prophecies, and we don't need the commentaries at all, it's really according to the pshat, with all the precise names. And every day there are more and more signs like these, whether it's from the prophecies, or it's from the Torah, or if it's from the Gemara, if it's from the Zohar, and etc., it really-really became obvious that we're at the end.

But, when we go in our streets, of the chareidim, here in Jerusalem, walking in Bnei Braq on Rabbi Akiva St., or walking on Avenue 13 in Boro Park, or in every place where there are Jews, in Stamford Hill, in Golder's Green, it doesn't matter where, most of the Jews are sleeping. Maybe they are beginning to fear a bit, because it's already very clear, but in any case they are in a deep sleep. It's hard for them to move, it's hard for them to think about it. And if someone wants to bring up the subject - then they don't want to hear. And I don't know how to wake them up, how to make them understand that it's impossible to fall asleep now, that they have to get up and do, spiritually as well as materially. If they want to save themselves - they have to move.

And correct, they're saying: 'Oh, Hashem will also save the Jews outside Israel,' they're sure that their houses will fly in the air and land in E"Y... That everything will be okay. But it's not exactly like that. They don't understand that if they will open their eyes and will begin to move in the direction of E"Y, because they know that at the end - it's the single place that it's possible to get through these times in more ease, because it's the single place that there is the promise of survival, if they come to E"Y and cry out, begging HKB"H to save them. Therefore if they come for the sake of these reasons - that is to say that they are coming l'shem shamayim, because they believe in and trust in Hashem. But a lot don't want to know, and the important among them, the real Jews, will arrive, but from within great suffering, because they weren't prepared to see that the time had come, that with all the signs that Hashem brought - they didn't want to see.

And there are a lot of reasons why not, it's not worthwhile... there's no money... how will I buy a house... and etc., but if everyone would come - it would seem different. There was already somewhere to put them. Like in Europe, all these, the Arabs, coming in the hundreds of thousands and finding somewhere to put them in. But to leave the materialism?!... to leave the easy life?!... Even though there is a lot of antisemitism, and there are these groups who already murdered a few people, in Europe especially, nevertheless it's hard to move. In America - they haven't yet murdered a Jew in a clear way because he is a Jew in recent time, but most of the real-Jews within their hearts know the time will come, that it will be very-very hard.

And it appears to them now that it's more dangerous here in Israel. Of course, the Russians are standing here in Syria, and the Chinese, and in general all the Arabs around us, and I'm telling them that it's not right, it will be much more dangerous, and today it's also dangerous in chu"l. Are you not believers? Do you not believe what's written?! Not in what I write, but it's written! Look what's written in the book of Yoel, he promises, the prophet promises, that whoever is present here in E"Y, and he cries out to Hashem to save him - He will save him.

And those who remain in chu"l and wait until the last minute, it's clear that part of them won't make it. Why? Because they waited too long, and didn't want to move. And even if Hashem takes them and pushes them - they're still not ready to move and they won't be ready to move. So, they won't arrive, they won't make it. And apparently the souls are not of Jews, they're of the Erev Rav. But, even those who will arrive at the last minute - they will be saved.

So, therefore, I beg, I beg from every Jew who has a Jewish heart, who has Jewish thoughts, who has a direction of holiness, who cries when he sees another Jew who suffers, who cries when he hears that there were once pogroms, and who cries when he hears that a Jew has been killed in an attack - a Jew like this is a Jew. I'm speaking to the heart and to the soul of every Jew, in all the world: Come back to HKB"H. Even if you think that you are close - it's not close enough, simply not close enough. We're not close enough. Also here in E"Y - not close enough to HKB"H. We have all kinds of calculations which are not good things, and not Heavenly calculations and we are going to not good directions.

It's enough that we, our women don't have enough modesty, there are even a few Jewesses more modest, but make a joke from modesty and from holiness. There are too many not nice stories, very not nice, things that are against holiness, and even make fun of it. It's forbidden, it's forbidden. It brings down our sensitivity, the 'erlichkeit' of the Jew. And it's become the 'norm' among chareidim something which also never was before. The youth especially, the young children, the young men, there are a lot with some rudeness that never was before. And this rudeness - it's goyishkeit, it's something that doesn't belong to a real-Jew.

So therefore I beg, beg and pray about all Am Yisrael, return in truth to HKB"H, leave your idols, all your avodah-zarah, the golden calf of materialism - return to HKB"H, and show Him that you believe 100% that it's already the end. Come to Eretz Yisrael. Come up to Eretz Yisrael. There are a lot of people who have the possibility to arrive, but not with the feeling of chutzpah, of 'I deserve everything', those in subservience, in a feeling of subservience, that it doesn't matter what Hashem will give - it's enough for me, and it will save me.

That's everything. That's all I have to say, because we're at the end. You need to save yourselves, you can't sit there anymore. You don't understand because in the US, they're already prepared to put the ropes around your necks. You don't understand this. They're closing upon you without your knowing. Everything is ready. Only there will be some something - they'll have reasons to put you within the camps. Indeed, there won't be just Jews there, they'll also put in goyim there - if it gives you a better feeling. I'm warning you - the end is very close.

I bless all the real-Jews that they will arrive to Israel, that they will be saved from the evil that's about to be even though Eretz Yisrael appears to be a dangerous place, but two-thirds of the world will be destroyed - not Eretz Yisrael. I beg HKB"H to have mercy on all Am Yisrael, to help them to return in teshuvah easily, and to arrive here in joy, groups and groups, who are excitedly expecting to receive Mashiach Tzidkeinu.

[Q and A to follow, iy"H]


  1. Baruch HaShem....

    Amen and Amen.... May it come so soon, in the perfect moment and time... and Hashem will do an "IEP" on each Jewish soul... individualized educational plan for each and every one of you... He surely knows the years of suffering and hardships you have experienced... but You are His Bride... and He loves you dearly... it surely seems that He is doing such a wonderful Work .... in His Time... it is coming... Baruch HaShem...

  2. I don't know if this will be to the liking of many. But, I thought that I may as well share it in case this 'will' be of help to some.

    I asked R' Mizrachi about the constant badgering of the autistics that we need to be in EY in order to be saved when Moshiach comes. It doesn't sit right with me because this is completely against everything i've always learned and known while growing up in the most Torah environment. His response was:

    They are not prophets
    The prophets said that messiach will collect all the jews to israel so you dont have to worry.

    Now, since this is exactly as I've always known it to be, I'm more than happy to believe it.

    May we greet Moshiach and come with him to EY very very soon, no matter where we currently live.

    Sarah G K

  3. This type of communication is clearly false. The Naviim clearly reference a gathering of exiles, where the Kings of the Nations bear the Children of Israel back to the land.

    If the Jews of H'ul learn their lessons, they will also be protected, but it may get harrowing.

    Moving to E"Y is not the solution. And never be too sure - the inyan of splitting Yaakov into two camps has not been nullified.

    We have to be humble that we just don't know who is going to survive, where, or how.

  4. To clarify, if a person has the resources, they should move to E"Y. Just be sure to have enough money or a lot of really good family or other emotional (and sometimes financial) support. If you've got these, then you must try to be koneh.

    1. one does not need to have "enough" (what is enough?) money or a lot of really good family, one needs only emunah, all of Israel is family, this is the switch in thinking required of Jews, especially from America, who always ask "so what kind of community is it?" there is only community here..Eretz Yisrael, All of Israel is family, strangers will jump in a second to help you because in truth no one here is a stranger, we are all family, there are ways to earn a living here, it is not true that you have to have some huge savings account because you cannot work, this is a lie, these are all lies set up as barriers to keep you in your place, the attachment to the material. You need only love...love for HKBH and love for the Land that He gave to us. Believe me, I know, I came with nothing, 3 bags and that's it. No family, family stayed behind. I have never thought for even one second, in the 7 years that I am here, B"H, of returning and in fact, I have never left from here since I arrived. Nor have I ever missed a meal.

    2. Ditto to Anonymous above. I move my family of 7 to Israel a few years ago with nothing but our NbN grant, Sal Klita, a mountain of Debt, and shaky emuna.
      Still no steady work, and living month to month on emuna only, but Baruch Hashem, we are still here and doing better than ever!

      Yosef from the Galil

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. They need to come anyway. The money and home will appear. This is the great test. Is such an individual willing to walk into the Yam Suf up to their nostrils before they see the waters part?

      Such a person needs to ask Hashem for the emuna to do it, and the vision to see the open doors when they appear. and, they will appear.

      Yosef from the Galil

    2. The money and home WILL appear if a person relies on Hashem, but WHERE oh WHERE does it say that they NEED to come anyway?

      Sarah G K

  6. "I'm warning you - the end is very close."
    So the autistics have been saying for almost a decade. I'm so worn out from being on constant high alert, I don't know how to believe it or care anymore.

    Yosef from the Galil

  7. Yosef from the Galil, how long was Noah warning the people before the flood happened?

    Everyone who feels safe in America, please listen to Rabbi Richter's shiurim on homosexuality--you in America are like the innocent babies in Sdom, exposed to a disease for which there is no protection.

    Everyone who feels you need money or family to move to Eretz Yisrael, very soon you may see that your money is worthless, or cholila lose your family there as happened in the holocaust. Did Avraham Avinu check to make sure he had the money to buy a house? Did Avraham Avinu have family here?--savta

    1. You said it! He warned people for longer than my grandparents have been alive. That doesn't make it any easier to wait now. The alarms seem to be louder and more constant than ever. Yet, still nothing. There's only so long I can be on red alert. I pray to Hashem for the strength to stay the course.

      Yosef from the Galil

  8. Savta and Anonymous reply to Bread from the Land!

    Anonymous your post is such emet!!!!! Thank you for saying it. You said the words in my heart. I want to feel like that. It is not easy but I WANT to feel that close to every Jew despite that we are all not perfect. Your post gave me tremendous chizuk... The autistics are saying what they are saying. I don't know ANYTHING, But when he says..." therefore, I beg, I beg from every Jew who has a Jewish heart, who has Jewish thoughts, who has a direction of holiness, who cries when he sees another Jew who suffers, who cries when he hears that there were once pogroms, and who cries when he hears that a Jew has been killed in an attack - a Jew like this is a Jew." I just started crying because we should all be Jews like that!!! Honestly, I am struggling like I think most people are... I see people's faces.. Am Yisroel is hurting... there are so many things... it is hard to stay strong, daven, etc... We are all in this... experiencing the birth pangs and the contractions are starting to come closer and closer, but we are not totally there yet either I think imho... almost but still have to push ... etc... it is HARD. I think in E'Y it is SO painful because we are more sensitive here, at least I am. Hshem is so close to us here and he gives us what we need... I don't care what anyone says. Yes, the medina here is what it is and the problems are not diluted like in chu'l and right in your face... but it is home and that's IT. . Everyone is trying to cool us off and we need to fight to keep focused. Yes, you can be in America, it is where I am from, and not be involved in materialism, etc.... but it is VERY HARD. it just sucks you in on different levels unless you lock yourself in the closet. Here too the chutzpah is up to the roof and it HURTS so much to see yiddishe kindlach acting like goim... BUT that is the matziv. STILL we are home and we are all together for better or worse. The place to work it all out is HERE. Mashiach is a process. So, ye you can stay wherever and fly here with your house when all is prepared but I am a realistic person when it comes to spiritual matters. I know that for me I NEED to be in a place of kedusha to the maximum level I can be... otherwise I will quickly get into all kinds of stuff... taking it easy and being kind to me in many different ways. Being in E"Y, in Yerushalaim ir hakodesh... there is a clarity what one must do. The materialism I am used to just feels very strange and wrong here. ...It helps me to stay clear about the goal. Sorry for the long diatribe. Savta and Anonymous you SOOOO inspired me. With people like you who come here with a few suitcases trusting in Hshem I KNOW we will make it to the other side, to the world that is all good where everyone will know ain od milvado...

    Leah R.

  9. in america we had two farms, two houses, two cars, food stamps and WIC benefits. In Israel we had the bare indication of a possible job and a shaky rental we had no idea how to pay for. my husband looked me in the eye and said "we could starve". We both thought about that and after a few minutes decided to go. my only regret after leaving all our stuff behind is that we didn't come sooner.--savta

    1. If you had 2 farms, and 2 houses, why did you need food stamps and WIC? Just curious.

    2. after you pay taxes on all this, and pay yeshiva tuition for the kids, and repair bills for all the things that break, and lawyer bills for all the litigation, and dentist bills, and you're far from HaShem, what is left for food?--savta

    3. I see, I just assume when you have a farm, let alone 2 farms, there would be food a plenty. I just dream of owning a farm to produce my own food. And maybe produce more to sell at an affordable price to others.

    4. Daniel, the failure of our two farms was good--if we had done well we might not have moved. And with HaShem's blessing your dream will come true--savta

  10. you can do it, Yosef ha Tzadik from the Galil!--savta

  11. isn't there a prophecy about Ashkelon somewhere zechariah 5 http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/headlines-breaking-stories/358750/video-and-photos-ashkelon-is-under-water---the-mayor-is-off-to-uman.html

    1. This is a reminder to all those who want to comment anonymously: pick another name or initials or whatever to designate your 'anonymous' from the others or your comment will not be published in the future. Thank you! :-)

  12. I don't know what will happen in America. Everyone seems to be having their cake and eating it too. I'm not talking about the low income people. I mean the regular middle class Orthodox Jews I know.
    Most of my US family wrote me off because they're so disconnected with Israel and immersed in their material world. These are Orthodox Jews. I suppose if they need to leave the US one day, they know where to find me.
    Hilltop Dweller
