01 November 2015

Binyamin: "World War Three Broke Out" - Q and A, Pt 2

19 Marcheshvan 5776
Shavua tov!


Yerushalayim, Yom Shlishi, Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan
with Binyamin

World War Three Broke Out
(See original for highlighted sources)

Redemption Soon

Q. In recent weeks it was publicized about the youth who returned to life from clinical death, and he tells about a lot of things that they said to him in Heaven about the War of Gog uMagog being very close, and more. What do you think?

A. Very many things that he says are correct, that is to say that according to the prophecies it's correct. There are things that I don't know if it's exactly right or not, but it doesn't matter, it's written that before Mashiach comes, there will be all kinds of people who will dream, will get all kinds of interesting dreams, etc., etc.

Q. And it happened precisely to a secular kid who before this, he had no clue about Judaism, and suddenly he receives like this abundance of knowledge and understanding...

A. Yes, it's written that there will be things like this before Mashiach comes, and it exists. Now it exists. And it's not just him, davka there were many who received dreams like these and etc.

Q. There are those who are speaking about the 10th of Tevet...

A. I just know that this year, not 2015, the current Jewish year [5776], will really be the year of redemption. The geulah - I don't know when exactly, but it has to be. Because the world is simply disintegrating. And when it collapses, there will just be a mess, a mess. Listen, it's a mess with evil people who are ruling, and even if they thought that they are together, it's possible that at some stage they wll go against each other, and just listen, it's really like giving rifles to little children. They will simply start shooting at each other, it's also a thing that could be. How exactly it will be - I don't know. I know that the evildoers will disappear.

Q. How can we identify who is receiving true dreams and who is speaking foolishness?

A. First of all, if the dream is not true, but it's going according to the prophecies, so be it... And what's not suitable, like... that I don't read it much at all [not found in the prophecies], it's really nonsense. But, a lot of chareidi Jews run after him, want to hear what he has to say, and he says what they want to hear...

Q. That's because of the situation being so empty, and there's no guidance, no nothing, so they're caught by any nonsense...

A. But, they don't want something serious. If you try to draw them towards seriousness - it doesn't interest them. Only if you would allow them to go to a soccer game, I'm concerned that a lot of them would want it... They want something where they don't need to think, that they don't need to get into deeply, this way it gives them a momentary pleasure.

Q. The question is, at this moment, at this stage, how can we expect a European or American Jew to come to Israel if they're hearing all that's happening here?

A. An American Jew, they're still in a good sleep, even though they know the truth that the clock is going against them, that in a little bit the hour will arrive when they will begin to fill the concentration camps that they built all over the US, that now it's clear that they have them. Even on a US government website there is a detailed list of every single one of these places, the concentration camps, and that they can hold 50 million people. And if they simply decide to liquidate people, so they simply do 50,000 who-knows-how-many-times. And they have there piles-piles-piles of plastic containers, caskets, that in each one you can put five bodies, so do the math...

Q. How is it that the whole world is silent, and all America is silent?

A. What is 'America'? It's already not America, it's not a democracy at all. They're completely confused, and most of the people there - are either black or brown, and it doesn't matter which color they are, but they usually come from the least educated groups, and from places like Guatemala and Mexico. There are also more intelligent people among the blacks as well as the browns and also among the whites, but they don't have the strength. It's really amazing, and interesting, and frightening, how America, the United States, fell into the hands of the evildoers so easily, without any problem.

Q. You're always saying it will be harder outside of Israel, and also here it will be hard, but not like abroad...

A. But, understand one thing, that here it's just starting now, actually, it started already a year ago, or perhaps it started already a few years ago. Always it wasn't simple here, since the founding of the state and even before that. But you should understand, in America - it will be the worst, and in Europe - it will be the worst, especially for Jews, so it's impossible to compare.

Q. Do the Jews who live there understand this?

A. The chareidi Jews, they're still supportive of Obama... Not everyone, but very many. And especially those like film actors and singers, etc., and the rich, a type of rich business people, who are among the evildoers. And it's full of Jews among the evildoers. They're prominent in it. So, what will I say, there are a lot of Jews who have really gone down a terrible way in their kedushah, so they're happy that the twisted black man [Obama] like 'approved' their crookedness, he's 'liberal' in the extreme.

Q. But if we will continue to live this way, we will lose our lives...

A. You don't understand, it's a little more, it's war! It won't be a garden of roses.


  1. Jonathan Pollard's Lawyer Speaks

    ...Lauer says Pollard has been spending the past few days preparing for the happy coming day in November. He informed the parole board that he had found a proper workplace in the New York area which is willing to take in the released prisoner. Beyond that, and due to considerations he asked not to reveal, the rest of the details about the day and manner of release remain confidential.

    Pollard will be released according to the conditions set by the parole board. These conditions may be changed over time in the form of less supervision and even an exit permit from the country, or may not be changed if the person is considered a danger to his surroundings. In order not to be subjected to the parole board's authority, Pollard must rely on President Obama's generosity.

    "We will welcome any gesture on behalf of President Barack Obama in the form of mitigating the sentence in a way which will simplify the process, because there is no reason for Pollard to stay in a supervised early release program. The president has the authority, as a goodwill gesture, to limit the sentence to 30 years and thereby end it completely, allowing Pollard to become a free man and to fulfill the dream he has told me about many times - to make aliyah to Israel."

    ...Rav Mordechai Eliyahu, ztz"l told Esther Pollard that when Jonathan goes free, it will be the beginning of the Ketz of America and the Geula of Israel.

    - a voice in the wilderness

  2. Chareidi Jews from what I know are not, and never have been pro Obama... so i don't know what he is saying... Also, can someone please give me evidence, some kind of proof that there are concentration camps in America?
    Finally, no one knows the keitz except maybe for hidden tzadikim... We are not allowed to say it will be this year or that year. That it will be soon and that the war of Gog u'Magog has started everyone can see just by reading the news. We know that we are in the end of times. If it will be a year, a month, a week, or 15 years or more... we don't know. Moshiach is a process and we in the process... Hshem can shorten it or lengthen it as He in His wisdom sees fit. Look at how many more baalei teshuva, geirim have come on board. When Mashiach comes there will be no opportunity to return as far as I understand... Leah R

    1. I agree. I don't know ANY chareidi jews here in America that are pro Obama! Ever.

      About the rest, I've begun to take the 'autistic messages' only as a reminder that time is short. While he's always 'rushing everybody' to move to EY, gedolim are not doing that, and the boy in the ND experience actually brought across the message that ALL who believe and trust in Hashem will be saved. So maybe the autistics ARE seeing things, but they pass it on a bit fuzzy and distorted.

      Sarah G K

  3. May Yehonatan ben Malka be completely free! Amen, and amen, Voice!

  4. The logic that 5776 must be the year of redemption is compelling. The most powerful nation on earth legalized toevah marriage in 5775. Hashem is merciful only to a point.

  5. The consentration camps he is talking about are all throughout the states now. They r known as FEMA camps there to "protect" u. I saw these mass coffins was talking about on YouTube.

    1. Have people actually been in these camps? If so, what did they find? And put the corpses in plastic coffins, for what? Why not just burn the corpses nazi-style? And me'z found no link on this on the usgov website.
      In wwII, The nazi's said they would potect the jews in emergency camps and you know what happened after that.

  6. They r known as FEMA camps There for your "protection" of course.
