25 October 2020

"Weaving Secret Deals"

 7 Marcheshvan 5781

"The Erev Rav Government will deceive the nation and secretly weave dangerous deals. They will hand over holy places, including Yerushalayim, and this will cause a 'storm' in Am Israel." (Yehudit's Prophecy)

Anyone who thinks Israel is not footing the "bill" for this "historic breakthrough" of "peace" with the "moderate" Arab nations is in for a rude awakening.

It is certainly no surprise to me that the Prime Minister who signed away Hevron and voted to expel Jews from Gush Katif is now ready to make a "deal" over Yerushalayim.

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump announced Friday that Sudan will start to normalize ties with Israel, making it the third Arab state to do so as part of U.S.-brokered deals in the run-up to Election Day.

...It was a foreign policy achievement for Trump just 11 days before Election Day. Previously, the Trump administration engineered diplomatic pacts between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain — the first since Jordan recognized Israel in the 1990s and Egypt in the 1970s.

Trump said at least five other countries want to come into the deal, which is collectively called the Abraham Accords.

The new recognitions of Israel unify Arab nations around their common enemy, Iran. They also upend the traditional Arab strategy of refusing to normalize relations with Israel before an independent Palestinian state is created. 

...Netanyahu said. “This is a new era, an era of true peace — peace that is proceeding and widening with additional Arab countries. Three in the last few weeks.”

That's all well and good for Trump and Netanyahu, but the crown jewel of this wheeling and dealing will be when Saudi Arabia signs on... 

...Trump said at least another five Arab nations wanted to join the diplomatic bandwagon, which saw the inking of similar agreements involving Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates last month.

“We have at least five that want to come in,” Trump told reporters in the White House.

“We expect Saudi Arabia will be one of those countries,” he added, as he praised the country’s “highly respected” rulers King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Trump’s comments come a day after a senior Israeli defense official also predicted the Saudis were close.

...“Soon Sudan and later Saudi Arabia will come out of the closet,” the official, who spoke to reporters as Defense Minister Benny Gantz visited America, was quoted saying by Hebrew media, without further elaborating.

Saudi leaders have publicly ruled out forging ties with Israel before a Palestinian state is created, even as they have welcomed the normalization deals between the Jewish state and Gulf Arab states signed in Washington last month.

Last week, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo encouraged Saudi Arabia to recognize Israel.

“We hope Saudi Arabia will consider normalizing its relationships as well. We want to thank them for the assistance they’ve had in the success of the Abraham Accords so far,” said Pompeo, while hosting Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud in Washington.

Saudi Arabia has already named their price and the traitorous Israeli government has already agreed.  Now, all they have to do is get King Hussein on board.

Saudi Arabia and Israel are conducting negotiations to allow Saudi representatives to join the Jerusalem Waqf Islamic religious trust that controls the Temple Mount and Al-Aqsa, according to a report Monday by Israel Hayom.

"These are sensitive and secret discussions conducted with ambiguity and low intensity with a small team of diplomats and senior security officials from Israel, the US and Saudi Arabia as part of negotiations to progress the Deal of the Century," said senior Saudi diplomats to Israel Hayom.

While Jordan had strongly objected to any change in the makeup of the Waqf, in recent months their stance changed after Turkey became involved in east Jerusalem and the Temple Mount.
That means we are gazing fully into the face of this prophecy...
"The word of HASHEM, Who stretches out the heavens and lays the foundation of the earth, and Who fashions the spirit of man within him [in other words "The Master of the Universe"]: Behold, I am making Jerusalem a cup of poison for all the peoples all around...I will make Jerusalem for all the peoples a burdensome stone, all whose bearers become lacerated; and all the nations of the world will gather against it." (Zechariah 12.1-3)
How ashamed these men would be of their actions today, if they only understood what was really happening...

Historic letter by leading Rabbonim in America in support of President Trump is released ahead of the elections.

The letter which includes the signatures of the Admorim of Pupa, Bobov, Munkach, Vizhnitz, Skver, Rachmistrivka, both Satmar Rebbes, the Dayan of the Crown Heights Bais Din as well as the Rosh Hayeshiva of Lakewood, Philadelphia, and South Fallsburg is an unprecedented joint letter of appreciation and blessing, spearheaded by Rabbi Moshe Margareten of the Tzedek Association.

The letter was first drafted in the summer and signatories were added until recently and signed by an unprecedented union of Rabbonim before being publicly released tonight. None of these Rabbonim have ever been involved in politics before.

This excerpt says it all, but the full letter can be viewed by clicking on the link below this image.

(See the Letter in full here.)

The thing about being willingly in Exile is that you acknowledge another Master in place of HKB"H.  And this is clearly demonstrated by the remarks in this letter from the rabbonim and how they thank the US President for protecting their "rights." 

We were freed from slavery to Egypt so that we could be wholeheartedly "enslaved" to HKB"H.  And this is also why the NWO is trying to enslave the whole world and keep us forever in the Exile.

Whoever does not feel HKB"H's pain over His House laid in ruins - to this very day - and who does not desire above all things to see an end to the Exile which desecrates His Name daily has no connection to Him and cannot fulfill His will.  Those who use all their strength to perpetuate the chillul Hashem that is the Exile, not only are their prayers, their Torah learning and their mitzvot worthless, they have become enemies of HKB"H.

Eisav/Edom's Vision of Jerusalem : Hi-Tech Money and Materialistic Pleasures
Thousands of hi-tech jobs coming to Jerusalem with First Station expansion
Jerusalem’s First Station complex to add housing, hotels, retail
The Orient Jerusalem Hotel

God's Holy City made over in the image of Man's basest desires.  Eisav/Edom feels that if they can destroy the kedushah - they will have defeated God.  Hashem yerachem!!  And there are people with kippot and black hats, mitpachatot and sheitels who are celebrating this today.  Some of them even use the title "Rabbi"!  Hashem yerachem!!


  1. I read your post and think of Rabbi Meir Kahane, ZT"L, HY"D, who fought this erev rav with everything he had. He gave his very life in this fight. His 30th yahrzeit is coming up in November and I think it would be worthwhile for anyone who follows your blog to look into his writings, his work, and his life. We need a leader of such stature today, please G-d.

  2. I was not privileged to know Rabbi Kahane, ztz"l, Hy"d in life, but I learned with his son Binyamin, ztz"l,Hy"d in Yerushalayim until his assassination. Thanks to him and thanks to the Tzaddikim Menachem Gottlieb, Lenny Goldberg, Levi Chazen and Rabbi Yehuda Richter - Rabbi Kahane's students - and thanks to every book published by this Torah giant, I was given the best Torah foundation possible for a convert to Judaism. I will be forever grateful to all these great men of God - Maccabim in spirit every one.

    Rabbi Kahane's aptly named magnum opus - The Jewish Idea - is THE weapon in this "war for hearts and minds."

    Amen to all your sentiments. His yahrzeit is 18 (CHAI) Cheshvan and falls out this year on November 5th.

  3. Excellent Post. Everything you wrote here is absolute truth!
    No wonder Chazal tell us that at keitz hayamim MOST of the rabbis will be Erev Rav. That' why they don't seem to mind or think about the 'state' literally turning into another country of all its citizens, as it will completely lose any Jewish character & identity of any kind and will just be another mini US. It's already about 80% about there, r'l. So we have an Erev Rav regime and Erev Rav religious leadership, both within Israel and in the diaspora. That the leaders of such frumme and highly regarded rabbis of so many communities could actually write such a letter and not realize this is everything that is going against the wishes of the Ribbono Shel Olam! When Chazal also tell us that at this time (keitz hayamim) we have to declare and inwardly realize that there is absolutely no one or anything to rely on except our FATHER IN HEAVEN, Emunah & Bitachon is what we must have! For such highly regarded leaders to amplify and emphasize making shalom with dictatorships and those who truly really, really hate us and call it a good thing is mind boggling. The only thing here with a silver lining is this will hasten the Geulah, where sooner than we think the nations will come up against Yerushalayim and H' Yisbarach will undo it all.

  4. Lubavitch would not be on this list because the Lubavitcher Rebbe would never have sanctioned it; he was totally against 'land for peace'.

  5. I have question (you can ask Shirat Devorah) for her opinion:

    Isn’t Trump considered “The Tov Shel Eisav? That what Rabbi Medel Kessin, Shlita seems to be continuing to say.

    Yes, it is all in HKBH’s Hands - no question about that.

    Re the rest of the blog, I agree with you and see the scenario you are writing about?


  6. Beezrat Hashem you will have more reasons to cry when Trump gets reelected and more Arab nations sign peace with Israel.

  7. A very formidable list of teachers.Yasher Koach on your learning and endeavors. Continued success, BE"H.

  8. Like in America, the actions and beliefs of the evil of the dems and progressive ds are being Displayed for all to witness and be repelled by. This is the strategy of DJT and the military close to him, and as the Torah says, in the end days the evil will become manifest only to be taken down and removed from our world. The same revealing is occurring in Eretz Yisrael with the Erev Rav and their adherents, to be finally taken down. The Vilna Gaon said this would be the last war for us, the destruction of the Erev Rav. And our last war is Gog UMagog.

  9. Ginno, insofar as there is not really an "election," only an illusion of one, I expect Trump to remain in office as President because HKB"H is not finished teaching his wayward Jews their lessons.

  10. These people are so far gone, I'm not sure anything can bring them back.

    “MAGA! MAGA! MAGA! USA! USA! USA!” Guests at a Jewish wedding show their support for

    See it HERE.

  11. There is nothing "wayward" about showing gratefulness to Hashem and other people when they do good for Am Israel. On the contrary, it is an OBLIGATION from the Torah. It must be horrible being so bitter in life like you. Even when there are reasons to celebrate you complain. I hope you don't behave like that with your family.
    I love the Jewish MAGA song! And it's contagious!

  12. Anonymous, I don't know how many more ways to prove to you that they are not "doing good for Am Israel." On the contrary, they mean to destroy us, no less than HAMAN!! Why can't you get that?!

  13. This is all leading up to the fulfillment of Isaiah 60:7, whether "they" are aware of this or "they" are not: Thus Says The God of Israel/Yeshayahu 60:7 "All the flocks of Kedar [Ishmaels' Second Born Son] shall be gathered together unto thee [Children of Israel], the rams of Nebaioth [Ishmael's First Born Son] shall minister unto thee [Children of Israel]; they [Offerings of Kedar and Nebaioth] shall come up with acceptance on Mine [God of Israel's] altar, and I [God OfIsrael] will glorify My Glorious House [Third and Final Israelite Temple of Jerusalem which will stand FOREVER, as per Vision of Our Prophet Ezekiel, please see Ezekiel Chapters 40-48]". http://mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt1060.htm

  14. p.s. WHEN the Third and Final Israelite Temple of Jerusalem is under reconstruction ALL foreign religious buildings will be REMOVED from Jerusalem. The Third Israelite Temple of Jerusalem will STAND ALONE on the Temple Mount. The Temple Mount is not a strip mall or miracle mile where one has a MacDonald's next to a Burger King next to a Kentucky Fried Chicken. Should they not be removed WILLINGLY by the Leaders of their Religions HaShem will remove them HIS way. Either way, the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque may be removed to Arabia, the Mormon Center back to Utah, ALL the churches built during the 19th and 20th centuries back to the countries that built them, and ALL the churches built by the Byzantine Christians will be REPATRIATED to their countries of origin. There is NO wiggle room here. Let NO ONE doubt that He Who Created the Elohim (Celestial Powers) Heavens and the Earth (please see Genesis 1:1) has the POWER to do this. HE created us ALL. He WILL fulfill His Vision as stated CLEARLY by Our Israelite Prophets. And This Ancient Israelite Autist believes that HE will do this SOON.

  15. Aryeh Yosef, I disagree about the disposition of temples to avoda zara...

    Those entities you have named ("the Leaders of their Religions") will no longer exist...

    "On that day the L·rd will be One and His name One.”

  16. Anonymous - there's nothing wrong with being appreciative of a host country that gives us freedom, but when we start thinking of ourselves as an integral part of the culture of that country we are playing a very dangerous game, as history has shown again and again.

  17. Freedom "given" is freedom that can be taken away.

  18. Right. They will no longer exist.

  19. Devash @ 1:07 pm - You are definitely 100% right! We say this every day in the 'Aleinu' prayer! This was the reason for creation that all creation will know that there is ONLY H'!

  20. Devash -

    I'm willing to bet that all those who are saying Jews should be grateful to Trump for these "piece deals" with the Arab countries are Ashkenazim who have no idea what the Arabs/Muslims are about. Heck, our government is full of these as well.

    Clue: Lying is part of the muslim religion if it serves it.

  21. I dont know. When I read and study Megillat Esther, it seems clear that had not Mordecai and Esther not used wisdom to get politically favourable outcome from the king, the jews would have been decimated. So even as Mordecai and Esther recognised how much of a rasha and antisemite the king was (till death), they nevertheless played politics. Without Mordecai and Esther intervening, Hashem would have let many jews die before salvation came. Therefore, it doesn't make sense to me that you seem to want Rabbis to be openly confrontational to Trump. Hashem doesn't seem to work that way. Even Yakov made a plan to appease Eisav and not think just because he is a tsadik, Hashem will save him.

  22. UX-log, the situations have nothing at all in common. Mordechai's and Esther's actions saved the Jewish people. What American Jews are doing is sacrificing the Jewish People and the Land of Israel for their own short-term gain.

    To maintain the status quo for their exile communities, they are willing not only to see the Land of Israel ripped from the Jews who are settled on it, but agree to it being given as a gift to thieves and murderers of Jews who have sworn to see every Jew annihilated from off of it for all time, and not just that, but they then proceed to publicly praise and honor and beg God for long life and success for the very person overseeing the entire process!!!!!!!

    It would make no difference if Trump were a morally upstanding individual. He can claim to be pro-Israel and a friend of Jews all day and all night, but actions speak louder than words and the actions taken on behalf of his Deal of the Century are acts of war against the Jewish mission in this world, the Jewish destiny and the will of the Jewish GOD - the Creator of All - as plainly and clearly expressed in His Holy Torah.

    Do you disagree?

  23. UX-log, as further answer, the rabbis in exile should act like the guests that they are and keep their opinions to themselves. They don't have to be "confrontational", but neither do they need to be so openly and vocally in favor. It has been repeated many times in the press media that the moves Trump has made, ostensibly on behalf of Israel, were a concession to his Evangelical supporters - those very ones who have missionary intentions towards Jews, to add insult to injury. So, therefore, there is not even any real need for them to give public thanks for his policies on Israel which I might add, are still so very detrimental to the Jews who actually live here that they might just as well be thanking him for planning the future shoah in Eretz Yisrael, God forbid!!

    They need to sit down and be quiet before the Master of the Universe decides to "bless" them in the same way Trump is "blessing" Israel.


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