12 October 2020


24 Tishrei 5781

The politicians want to lay all the blame for the rising mortality rate on the public's "failure" to adhere to government mandated restrictions; however, while that could explain the rising infection rate, the mortality rate has more to do with the FAILURE OF THE MEDICAL COMMUNITY'S TREATMENT of the disease or lack thereof.  And nothing is more indicative of that than the doubling of the numbers of those on ventilators!

RELATED: Secret ultra-Orthodox program treating thousands of COVID patients at home


  1. It's already been proven that the ventilators are the big killers. Instead of being able to use the Hydroxychloroqin cocktail to combat this virus immediately; they want to depopulate and use these ventilators and all, the doctors, etc., etc. are all complicit. They are also getting a fortune for every patient that passes on in the hospitals; it's a horror and it must be stopped; otherwise, it's a world dictatorship already. Moshiach must come immediately and we, the Bnai Yisrael, must unite and demand and show H' how much we need and want Moshiach once and for all and just as H' heard our pleas and cries at yetziat Mitzrayim and saved us, so HE will do again very soon for our ultimate Geulah. Amen!

  2. It's ridiculous how some authorities have been labelling those without masks as being "rodfim". They compare that to people who smoke. But it's not at all the same. The former is just being natural and passive by wishing to breath normally, whereas the latter is an acquired habit and aggressive.

    Furthermore, to offer an analogy, don't people PRE-EMPTIVELY demand seat-belts & air-bags in a car?

    Likewise, why isn't everyone labelling the true culprits "rodfim", i.e. those authorities who've been suppressing info. and withholding genuine treatments? Why don't people PRE-EMPTIVELY demand that HCQ and anti-cholesterol meds. be made available everywhere, for whenever anyone suspects the onset of possible symptoms?
