11 October 2020

"The Religion of Public Health"

 23 Tishrei 5781

In the Name of Public Health — Nazi Racial Hygiene

In democratic societies, the needs of public health sometimes require citizens to make sacrifices for the greater good, but in Nazi Germany, national or public health — Volksgesundheit — took complete precedence over individual health care. Physicians and medically trained academics, many of whom were proponents of “racial hygiene,” or eugenics, legitimized and helped to implement Nazi policies aiming to “cleanse” German society of people viewed as biologic threats to the nation’s health. Racial-hygiene measures began with the mass sterilization of the “genetically diseased” and ended with the near-annihilation of European Jewry.
Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith : The Great Reset explained, in eloquent simple language.



  1. Shauva Tov to you and yours Devash.

    Sitting alone all by myself, listening to this Rabbi, I am in awe... He speaks so boldly and honestly.

    Hashem bless him with more courage and strength. Amen.

    I am a non-Jew, and my heart felt so glad when he spoke of us too.

    It is time people who think and feel so strongly about the evil that is going on in the world today, like the Rabbi does, Its really time to come together and come with a strong voice to stand up to those who are trying to overthrow Gd, and think they can become rulers.

    I salute this Rabbi.
    I hope more start speaking this way, opening the eyes of those blinded and lead us to stand with courage with one voice, and looking and dependng only on God. Amen.

    Thank you Rabbi.

    Thank you Devash, for putting this video on your blog.

    Hashem bless you and yours, and all good peoples of the world Amen.


  2. Excellent. I heard this last night. Rabbi Levin said some very interesting things. More people need to hear this.

  3. Holland IS herd immunity. most people are in such denial because of all the propaganda, lies and disinformation.

  4. Thank you Dvash it is the first time I saw a rabbi giving a lucid and useful analysis and solution to the situation. He is a brilliant man and a great Jew.
