22 October 2020


4 Marcheshvan 5781

While Jewish-owned businesses are closed and actual schools are also closed, this US government-affiliated propaganda and indoctrination center for Israeli youth and "future leaders" was (and still is) open for business.

From the JH Israel newsletter...

From July 11, 2020... 

We are excited to announce that on June 14th, the National Leadership Center reopened its facilities to hundreds of Israeli students.

By the end of June, 31 groups had come through programs at the NLC. These students overcame personal fears, experienced the support of others on their team, and left with the challenge to live a life of purpose based on lessons learned from Biblical leaders – Abraham, Moses, Joshua, and David. 

COVID-19 has changed the way Israeli schools are approaching education. Teachers are much more willing to try new programs, and students are also eager for new experiences. The National Leadership Center meets this new need.

In addition to our traditional programming, the NLC has also hosted a variety of other groups. Students from one high school who had all their graduation activities canceled due to COVID-19 decided to have their end of school celebrations and prom at the NLC. Many even brought their tuxedos and evening gowns. Additionally, a group of at-risk youth (ages 14-18) from Beer Sheva came to the NLC as part of their educational training program. 

The momentum in our relaunch further emphasizes the growing influence of the NLC in Israel. To meet the expected increased demand in the fall, and to ensure that our program delivers the very best in education, we have begun expanding our content and delivery for both the in-school experience and the NLC journey. We are also recruiting and preparing additional trainers as we open the newly completed courses at the NLC.

Pray with us that God will continue to bless and prosper these opportunities while providing protection amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

From August 15, 2020... 

On September 1 the new school year will begin in Israel amid the current social and economic challenges. The National Leadership Center (NLC) is looking forward to a fresh start with new opportunities. Already 55 groups from 25 different schools are booked for September, and October is quickly filling up.
We are particularly excited this month about two programs for high school students. The first program for at-risk students continues to have an impact on youth who feel marginalized. A new program for student council leaders – the top students in their schools – will have a pilot launch in 25-30 schools beginning in September. With these two programs, the NLC is meeting specific needs outlined by the Ministry of Education.

From September 19, 2020... 

...in the midst of the current pandemic, celebration of the high holy days in Israel will be different and muted by restrictions. Beginning on Rosh Hashanah, gatherings will be once again limited to 10 people.

In spite of the challenges, for Eran and the team at the National Leadership Center, the year has ended on a positive note. The team has spent time preparing for what is ahead, and there is great anticipation for the opportunities that are coming in the New Year. 

In the coming weeks, you will be hearing more about our growing opportunities to respond to requests by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Defense, and the IDF to launch new initiatives. As our NLC team moves ahead with these initiatives, they will take the mission of the National Leadership Center to a whole new level of impact throughout Israel. Our vision of shaping Israel’s next generation of leaders is becoming a reality in ways we could not have anticipated even a year ago!

Thank you for your partnership with Eran and his team in making such a powerful impact on students in Israel!
This is a "Judeo-Christian" RELIGIOUS educational initiative!  How many Jews involved even understand this?  Our children and "future leaders" are being groomed to view themselves, their nation and their destiny through the lens of the New Testament!!  What kind of country will we have in 20 more years???  

I can tell you that if HKB"H delays Mashiach's arrival, it will be even less "Jewish" than it is today and an entire young generation will be lost, God forbid!

This is what our "good friend and ally" - AMERICA THE GREAT - has in store for us.




  1. Looking through some of the old posts and and I see in the video so-called religious Jewish children who are being indocrinated in our holy EY with avodah zorah; it is beyond nausea! No words for such wickedness. My question, where are the parents of these children? If they come from even a traditional Jewish home, the parents should scream to the highest heavens and demand the children not participate in this tumah and even lock them away from evil surroundings. Just terrible.
