16 September 2024


13 Elul 5784

Not a lot of info is leaking out, but we do now have proof that Yair Netanyahu is attending the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast event in New York City. 

"Sun, Moon and Stars for Signs"

13 Elul 5784

The full moon is almost upon us for the month of Elul.  Not only will it be a Super Moon (closest position to earth in its orbital track), but it will also be seen in partial eclipse across the globe. 

The next partial lunar eclipse on Sept. 17-18 will be visible over Europe, much of Asia, Africa, North America, South America, the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian Ocean, the Arctic and Antarctica, according to TimeandDate.com
It will begin at 8:41 p.m. EDT (0141 GMT on Sept. 18), the maximum point of the eclipse will occur at 10:44 p.m. EDT (0341 GMT on Sept. 18) and the partial lunar eclipse will end at 12:47 a.m. EDT on Sept. 18 (0547 GMT). 
The total duration of the partial lunar eclipse is 4 hours and 6 minutes.  (Source)

Multiple sources are reporting that our Moon is about to have a companion - a "mini-moon" - for a period of 53 days...

Later this month, a new 'mini-moon' will revolve around the Earth, providing rare company to our very own satellite. Researchers Carlos de la Fuente Marcos and Raúl de la Fuente Marcos from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid have recently published a study which reveals that a small asteroid, named 2024 PT5, will temporarily be trapped by the gravitational pull of the Earth from September 29 to November 25 this year.

By virtue of this, the 10 metre-wide asteroid will orbit the Earth for 53 days, before floating back in to space in its usual course. "2024 PT5 will circle the Earth one time before it escapes back into space," the researchers of Universidad Complutense de Madrid were quoted as saying in their research paper.  (Source)

Moving from moons to stars, our own star - the Sun - will be in annular eclipse on Erev Rosh Hashanah... 

After the Great North American Eclipse comes a long "ring of fire" annular solar eclipse that can be seen in some iconic destinations.

On Oct. 2, 2024, an annular solar eclipse will pass over parts of the Pacific Ocean, southern Chile and southern Argentina.

During an annular solar eclipse, the moon drifts in front of the sun while it's slightly farther from Earth than during a total solar eclipse, so it doesn't completely cover the sun's disk. Instead, it leaves a distinct ring of light around the moon, hence why an annular solar eclipse is also known as a "ring of fire" solar eclipse. At the point of greatest eclipse in the Pacific, the moon will obscure 93% of the sun's center, creating a "ring of fire" visible for 7 minutes and 25 seconds.

...The ring of fire will be visible only within a path of annularity that passes across the Pacific Ocean, southern Chile and southern Argentina. This area will include the volcanic island of Rapa Nui/Easter Island, an iconic travel destination that's famous for the mysterious stone statues called moai, some of which reach 40 feet (12 meters) tall and weigh 75 tons. The island, which is only 63 square miles (163 square kilometers), is located 2,300 miles (3,700 km) from the Chilean coast, making it the most isolated inhabited landmass on Earth.  (Source)

But, before that happens, many geulah-minded Jews are hoping to see the Star of Jacob - the Kochav Mi'Ya'aqov heralding the Mashiach...

Any moment now, a star that was hiding for decades will light up the night sky! A nova eruption is about to occur in the constellation Corona Borealis.

...The event we're so eagerly anticipating is called a nova, specifically a recurrent nova. Simply put, a nova is the sudden brightening of a star. And a recurrent nova is a nova that happens in cycles of a few decades or less. Don't confuse it with a supernova, which is an explosion of a star when it dies.

For T Coronae Borealis, the cycle repeats every 80 years. The star tends to dim slightly for a year before an eruption, and it started dimming back in March 2023. So now, we're waiting for the nova to happen any moment.

During the nova eruption, the star T Coronae Borealis will brighten from magnitude 10 to 2, which is visible to the naked eye. (Source)

Many Jews speculate that this could be the Kochav miYa'aqov and that it will occur on the 25th of Elul in fulfillment of a prophecy in the Zohar (Balak 212b). 

We learned that in the future, HKB"H will build up Yerushalayim and will show 1 set star, shining on 70 planets (?), and it shines in the middle of the heavens in 70 directions, and 70 other stars will be swallowed up into it, and it will continue to shine for 70 days. And on the sixth day [Friday], it will be seen - on the 25th of the sixth month [Elul]
And on the seventh day [Shabbat], it will enter the end of the 70 days. 
On the first day [Sunday], it will appear in the city of Rome, and on that day, the 3 upper walls of the city of Rome will fall, and a great palace will fall, and the ruler of that city will die. 
Then, that star will spread to be seen in the world. And at that time, strong wars will be awakened in the world - in all 4 directions - and faith will not be found among them. And in the middle of the world, when that star will shine in the middle of the sky, a great king will arise and rule the world, and he will be arrogant over the other rulers, and he will initiate wars on two sides, and he will overcome them. 
And on the day that the star will be created, the Holy Land will shake 45 miles around the place where the Beit Hamikdash was, and an underground cave will be revealed. And from that cave, a strong fire will emerge to burn the world. And from that cave, a great, supreme bird will grow that will rule over the whole world, and the rulership will be given to him. And supreme holy ones will gather to him, and then, the King Mashiah will be revealed in the entire world, and the rulership will be given to him. 
And the people of the world - at the time that he will be revealed - will be caught up in trouble after trouble and the enemies of Israel will become stronger. Then, the spirit of Mashiah will be awakened upon them, and will cut off the wicked Edom and the entire Land of Se'ir, he will burn with fire. For then, it is written "while Israel doeth valiantly". That is what is meant with what is written, "And Edom shall be a possession, Seir also, even his enemies, shall be a possession" - the enemies of Israel. (Source) [My insertions in brackets.]

Halevai it should be this year!!

15 September 2024

Sherut Leumi Girls Serving Missionaries

12 Elul 5784

GeulahGirl reports...

"The Erev Rav State is giving the Daughters of Israel over to the missionaries."

Chaim Malespin and the Aliyah Return Center, a hub for the Israeli messianic movement in Tiverya is now hosting a group of fifteen sherut leumi girls from Yehudah v'Shomron. The girls will live at the ARC while volunteering with all their projects for the next year. 

As usual, I have written extensively about these organizations and missionaries before, but as a quick reminder please view this short video...

Chaim Malespin at the Aliyah Return Center:
Unabashedly Christian

Now meet the Sherut Leumi Girls who have been assigned to serve their national service duties on behalf of a missionary organization where Jews are purposely exposed to the tenets of the false religion with full approval of "The State."

If you know any of these girls or their families or rabbis, please give them fair warning of what they've become involved in.  No one else is going to do it.  Many thanks!  Tizku l'mitzvot!!

~ ~ ~

Chaim Malespin claims to have baptized over 1000 people in the Jordan River.  He is also the founder of the messianic congregation Vertical Galilee House of Prayer which was a sponsor of the Pentecost 23 event on the southern steps that launched a “decade of evangelism”. 

The Aliyah Return Center is also a headquarters for training missionaries (to target Jews) through their Ambassador Academy.

“Serve on location and get to know the Jewish people, history and tradition as you take part in the core project of the “Aliyah Return Center” – preparing a place for new immigrants, helping them with their firsts steps in the Land, and helping the neediest of the needy. Learn about Christian Zionism and the real meaning of “Aliyah”.

Our internship program (usually 3 months long) offers our interns the opportunity to practically serve the local community while at the same time learning about God’s amazing prophetic plan for Israel and the nations in a very real and powerful way.”

Chr*stians come from around the world to learn and volunteer at the Aliyah Return Center. Their teachers include Israeli messianic leaders - Guy Cohen, Arnie Klein, Eric Morey - who are part of the Tikkun Global messianic organization which was also a sponsor of Pentecost 23.

It's a crime for these precious Jewish neshamot to be exposed to these evil people!!!!!

14 September 2024

JPB - NYC: A Judeo-Christian Initiative

12 Elul 5784, Shavua tov!

Remember the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast?  I wrote about it in the past here, among other places (here, here, here and here).  Just as a quick reminder...

Initiated in 2017 and inspired by the National Prayer Breakfast in the United States, the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast is the brainchild of Albert Veksler, an expert on political consulting for businesses and NGOs, and co-chaired by Member of Knesset Robert Ilatov and former U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann.

The annual gathering aims to bring together government, civic and religious leaders from around the world to pray for peace in Jerusalem and discuss global challenges. Keynote speeches, panel discussions and prayer sessions promote interfaith dialogue and encourage common ground. For this year’s event, the meetings were divided into two days. The first day was held at the Knesset with 400 people gathered in the main auditorium, while the second day was held at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in the center of Jerusalem, with an open buffet breakfast. Influential Christian representatives, including a range of evangelicals and Catholics, gave solidarity speeches to the audiences. Politicians spoke as well – for example, Michele Bachmann, an American politician....
That was from a Ynet News article from June 2024 at the most recent event in Jerusalem. But, even though it's called the "Jerusalem" Prayer Breakfast, they are now being held throughout the year in various cities all around the world with one about to take place in New York City starting today.

Our researcher GeulahGirl writes...
The headline speaker of the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast in New York, Carter Conlon is on the board of "The Return" organization, not surprising since the founder of "The Return", Kevin Jessip and another board member Michelle Bachman, are also co-founders of the JPB.
(There is a "Return Israel," too, including the Jews in their aim to evangelize and "save" the entire world for JC.)

Scheduled speakers at the JPB - NYC  include so far...

Michelle Bachman

Robert Ilatov

Pastor Carter Conlon

MK Ohad Tal

MK Matan Kahane

MK Moshe Tur Paz

Congressman Lee Zeldin

Congressman Mark Green

Senator Rob Ort

UN Ambassador Danny Danon

Former Ambassador David Friedman

Consul General of Israel in New York Ofir Akunis

President of the World Jewish Congress Ron Lauder

Gila Gamliel

Amichai Chikli

Elie Cohanim

Yehuda Glick

Tuly Weisz

Rabbi David Fohrman 
Nick Vujicic (missionary)

Mario Bramnick (NAR apostle missionary)

(Yair Netanyahu is also rumored to attend.)


Its Jewish proponents write thus of it...
Since its inception, the JPB has been instrumental in fostering dialogue and unity between Jews and Christians, providing a unique platform for diverse voices to come together in a spirit of solidarity and shared faith

This year’s prayer breakfast comes at a critical time. The recent atrocities of October 7th have profoundly impacted both [?] Jewish and Christian communities worldwide, reminding us all of the urgent need for unity. 

...The Prayer Breakfast’s schedule is designed to foster engagement and reflection, with learning sessions offering deep dives into topics such as Israel’s place in global affairs and the power of prayer. The Celebrate Jerusalem Concert will provide a space for communal joy and worship, while the Founders Dinner will offer an intimate setting for attendees to connect, share stories, and strengthen bonds.

By participating in the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast, attendees are joining a global movement that transcends borders and denominations. It’s an opportunity to be part of something larger than oneself—a chance to contribute to a shared vision of peace, rooted in faith and collective action. As we gather in New York, we come not just as individuals or representatives of various organizations, but as a united community committed to standing with Israel.

Note well from the above list, all the "Jews" who are involved with this!  And keep in mind, this has been going on for years now!

Wonder if the Pro-Palestine orgs know about this.

~ ~ ~

13 September 2024

"Remembering Amalek"

10 Elul 5784, Erev Shabbat Kodesh, Parashat Ki Teitze

Remember what Amalek did to you, on the way, when you were leaving Egypt, that he happened upon you on the way, and he struck those of you who were hindmost, all the weaklings at your rear, when you were faint and exhausted, and he did not fear G-d. It shall be that when Hashem, your G-d, gives you rest from all your enemies around, in the Land that Hashem, your G-d, gives you as an inheritance to possess it, you shall wipe out the memory of Amalek from under the heaven – you shall not forget!” (Devarim 25:17-19)

Chumash Commentary...

...it is a positive commandment always to remember their evil deeds and their ambush in order to inspire hatred of them.  By tradition, the Sages derive that Amalek's treachery must be remembered orally, and not forgotten from the heart, for it is forbidden to forget their hatred and enmity (Rambam, Hil. Melachim 5:5....).


11 September 2024

Bringing the World Back Into Balance

8 Elul 5784

I read something somewhere yesterday but I can't give credit where credit is due because I can't recall where it was or who said it and could not find it again.  However, it was something to the effect that loads of people have done teshuvah since the events beginning on October 7th of last year and are now calling for Mashiach to come.  I find this very hard to believe and I don't think they have a clue what they are asking for.

A misconception about suffering and teshuvah seems to have developed, if I'm understanding people correctly.  Suffering does not replace teshuvah, it's another means toward doing teshuvah.  It's not like either we do teshuvah or we will suffer, but either way leads to salvation.  There is no salvation without teshuvah.

Ideally, we are supposed to do a regular self-examination, determine where we are lacking and change our ways, adjust our course,  as needed.  Going down the wrong path without any correction leads to massive suffering, which should bring us back around to step 1: self-examination for the cause of the suffering, leading to step 2: teshuvah, which does not simply mean feeling bad for our errors, but correcting them as well.  We have to leave the path of error and get back on the track of truth.  I'm not sure that is really happening on a massive scale.

It looks more like to me that people just want to stop hurting.  If they think about Mashiach at all, it's as a quick fix to end the suffering that they've brought upon themselves and others.  They want to actually bypass the teshuvah process, but that's impossible.  That's not how HKB"H runs His world.  And with the advent of Mashiach is actually going to come a whole lot more suffering, so that's not the solution they are after either.  They don't get that whereas up to now, Torah Law has only been self-imposed, in Days of Mashiach, it will be enforced upon everyone.  Those who rebel at the very idea have not done teshuvah at all.

The world is out of balance right now because of our sins (lawlessness) and geulah (the restoration of the rule of law) is going to bring it back into balance again.  There is currently too much chesed in the world and only more din will balance it.  Chesed is described by our sages as like water.  Without limits or boundaries which contain it and confine it to a particular place, it becomes a destructive force - a flood.  Do you think it is an accident or a coincidence that the Arabs called the October 7th attack Al Aqsa Flood?  Or that the entire planet is being inundated by flood waters?  Or that the national borders of Western countries are being flooded with illegal immigrants?  This is the message - too much chesed and not enough din.  You see it in the wild mobs protesting and the flash mobs stripping stores of their wares.  And people rightly ask: What has happened to the rule of law?  Where is the justice?

When Mashiach arrives, the world is going to learn quickly how The Law is going to be restored and applied and enforced globally.  The teshuvah that must be done is to regret and repent the rejection of HKB"H's Law and then to embrace it.  The "Free" West has more to learn than anyone.  They broke down their own dikes and then went about breaking them down all over the world, including in Eretz Yisrael, which was their biggest mistake.

Of course, those who are suffering due to the lack of din and who pray for it to be restored, they will rejoice with the coming of Mashiach and their pain will be relieved.  But those who want to be pain-free without teshuvah, while continuing to contribute to the problems, it is only going to get worse for them.  The West (Edom), as we know it now, will cease to exist and so will the State of Israel which is attached to it.  It simply has to because it is rotten to the core.  The Kingdom of Israel will arise out of it and be raised above it.  And the whole world will look to Jerusalem to learn how to live in balance with the New World, because...

Mashiach is going to make Torah great again!!  

10 September 2024

09 September 2024

Doesn't Matter Who Wins, They Are All Losers!

6 Elul 5784

It is now two months to the U.S. Presidential election.  During a speech last week, Donald Trump made the following remarks... 

“I will keep America safe, and I will work with you to make sure that Israel is with us for thousands of years,” Trump vowed. He warned that if a Democratic ticket led by Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz wins, “Israel is gone. You can forget about Israel.” 
Trump added, “We’re going to make America great again. And we’re going to, frankly, help Israel become great again,” while criticizing the current state of affairs under the Biden administration. “Right now, what you’re going through is horrible, with all the death, destruction, and waste, and ruining a civilization. You have to win but you need a partner.” (Source)

Actually, we have a "Partner" - the Master of the Universe!!  And we exist and we survive and thrive at His pleasure, not man's.

The egomania behind all this hyperbole is truly astounding, even all these years later.  Such rhetoric is not without its consequences, because Donald Trump has now raised himself above HKB"H!  He should be shaking in his boots and looking for a hole in the ground to save him from the results of his own chutzpah!

American Jews really have no choice in this election.  A vote for the lesser of two evils is still evil.  A Jew is not aligned with any political party.  A Jew is aligned with Torah and mitzvot and HKB"H.  We are holding out for a righteous leader for the entire world - for Mashiach Tzidkeinu - and we need to convince HKB"H that we will no longer settle for anything less!!

If you can't abstain from voting, all it says about you is that you put more trust in the electoral process than you do in HKB"H.  You don't really believe Mashiach can or will come.  You don't really believe there is no choice to be made here.  Such a gaivadik person who makes such pronouncements cannot be supported and certainly neither can his opponent.  

Remember, Eisav and Ya'aqov can never be in ascendance at the same time.  The only way to Make America Great is to Keep Ya'aqov Down.  Here is an example of how that is accomplished.  From Aug 2018...

"If there's ever going to be peace with the Palestinians, then this was a good thing to have done," Trump said about the embassy move. "We took it off the table. In past negotiations, they never got past Jerusalem. Now Israel will have to pay a higher price, because it's off the table. The Palestinians will get something very good, cause it's their turn next."

In April 2024, commenting on the current situation... 

Former President Donald Trump offered a tough message to Israel over its war against Hamas on Thursday, urging the country to: “Get it over with.” In an interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, Trump said that Israel is “absolutely losing the PR war” and called for a swift resolution to the bloodshed. Get it over with and let’s get back to peace and stop killing people. And that’s a very simple statement,” Trump said. “They have to get it done. Get it over with and get it over with fast because we have to -- you have to get back to normalcy and peace.”

(Please re-read this 2019 blog post Indictable Offenses.)

08 September 2024

The U.S. Coup Playbook

5 Elul 5784
Shavua Tov!

This extraordinary documentary is well worth the time investment for the education it affords, especially in light of the fact that the U.S. is following the same playbook right now in Israel!!

COUP '53

06 September 2024

"Restoring" Our Judges

3 Elul 5784 
Erev Shabbat Kodesh
Parashat Shoftim
Judges and officers shall you appoint in all your cities - which Hashem, your God, gives you - for your tribes; and they shall judge the people with righteous judgment.  You shall not pervert judgment....  (Devarim 16.18-19)

Apropos to this week's parashah, we have news on the judicial front...

Speaking to the Israel Bar Association, President Isaac Herzog warned the government against reviving its controversial judicial overhaul legislation from last year, urging unity and emphasizing that “the soul and future of the nation are at stake.”
He's so right! The soul and future of the nation are at stake. Will it be Israeli or Jewish? Is there really a choice? As an Israeli State it is doomed to destruction because it violates the will of God. Only as a Jewish (Torah) nation can we survive.

Israel Realtime Updates yesterday provides more ammunition for the judicial reformists...
▪DISTURBING JUSTICE REVELATIONS.. disturbing revelations: Ch. 12 brought evidence of prohibited meetings and secret activity surrounding the appointment of Mandelblit to the position of Attorney General. The recordings that were revealed paint a difficult picture of manipulations, conflicts of interest, and improper interference in appointment procedures for the most sensitive position in the law enforcement system. (Movement for Quality Govt.)

.. Revealed: The chairman of the Bar Association put someone on his behalf in the search committee and passed on to Mandelblit the questions that would be asked by the committee.

.. Revealed: The chairman of the committee, Mandelblit's friend, made sure to talk to the judges of the High Court and make it clear to them that they should reject the petition against Mandelblit's appointment because whoever is appointed in his place will be bad for the system.

.. Revealed: Mandelblit made it clear to the top of the attorney's office what would happen if they were not in his favor, he would be replaced by a candidate who would not align with the system.
We pray three times a day in the "Eleventh Blessing of the Amidah"...
Restore our judges as in earlier times, and our counselors as at first. Remove from us grief and sighing, and reign over us – You, Hashem, alone – with kindness and compassion, and treat us charitably in judgment. Blessed are You, Hashem, Who loves righteousness and judgment.
Our prayer has already been answered but it comes with a caveat that we must be prepared for...
Therefore - the word of the Lord, Hashem, Master of Legions, Mighty One of Israel:
Oh, I shall be relieved of My adversaries, and I shall avenge Myself of My enemies!  I will turn My hand against you, until I refine your dross as with lye and I remove all your base metal.  Then I will restore your judges as at first, and your counselors as at the beginning; after that you will be called 'Çity of Righteousness', 'Faithful City'.  Zion will be redeemed through justice, and those who return to her through righteousness; but calamity awaits rebels and sinners together, and those who forsake Hashem will perish....  (Yeshayahu 1.24 - 28)
Today, we are in the midst of the birrur and the resultant cleansing and purifying of the remnant.  Almost to the end of it now!  Hold on a little longer!  Don't lose faith!!


03 September 2024

Hashem Brings About the Downfall of Our Enemies

1 Elul 5784
Rosh Chodesh Bet

"For the Lord, your God, is the One Who goes with you,
to fight for you against your enemies, to save you."  
(Devarim 20.4) 

According to blogger and researcher GeulahGirl, who is the expert in these matters, there are three main missionary organizations most intent on converting Jews via "The One New Man" assimilation method.  (This is achieved by promoting Judeo-Christianity through "relationship evangelism.")  

These organizations are:  (1) International House of Prayer (IHOP) - leader Mike Bickle; (2) Gateway Church - leader Robert Morris; and, (3) MorningStar Ministries - "Prophet" Chris Reed.  

Since the end of October 2023, all three have met their demise at the hand of HKB"H!

Number One

GeulahGirl writes:  

Remember that Mike Bickle was the face of the Isaiah 62 fast (for the salvation of the Jews) which culminated in the Pentecost 23 event.

The Pentecost 23 event was the Christian worship service that was held last year at the southern steps to the Temple Mount which was protested by 100-150 righteous Jews which, in turn, brought down world condemnation upon us with charges of Christian persecution.  

We did our part and HKB"H gave us the victory... 
International House of Prayer Kansas City to shutter in wake of Mike Bickle scandal: report

International House of Prayer Kansas City is reportedly winding down the operations of its movement and missions organization based in Missouri due to the financial impact of the *** abuse scandal connected to founder Mike Bickle, with whom the organization was forced to permanently cut ties last December.

Number Two

GeulahGirl writes:

Robert Morris, the pastor of the mega Gateway Church in Dallas/Fort Worth, maybe Tikkun's* largest donor. While Mike Bickle was more well known, and financially supported Tikkun, Morris is more involved with the messianics and has more influence in Israel and with Jews than Bickle.

Morris funds Tikkun and FIRM to the tune of millions of dollars a year. Morris has been supporting Tikkun for over 30 years. His net worth right now is 112 million.

He has been a leader in Jewish evangelism for decades.

He was on Trump's faith advisory board. He has been a speaker at the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast and praised by Michelle Bachman.

Yesterday he resigned from leading his church, after [certain admissions]....

(*Tikkun and FIRM are the two main messianic organizations in Israel.  They are the Jews for "J" here and raise these funds to evangelize other Israelis and build more messianic churches.)

In the wake of Robert Morris' resignation from his senior pastorship at Gateway Church, multiple new lawsuits and allegations against the megachurch have been brought to light. A woman accused Morris, the church's founder and senior pastor, of ... when she was 12 in the 1980s.

Now, with a spotlight on Gateway, the church's legal battles are being revealed.

Gateway Church settled a lawsuit in which at least five church staff members were accused of concealing the ... assault of a minor by an unnamed Gateway member, according to court records. That lawsuit was settled about two months before a woman accused Robert Morris, according to court documents.

This ministry is taking such a financial hit that those "tithes" supporting Jewish evangelism are going to dry up.  And that's even if the church survives this, B"H!!

Number Three

Chris Reed (pictured) has a mandate to train and equip believers to find their purpose and role in changing the world. Chris now serves as President and Executive Director of MorningStar Ministries in Fort Mill, South Carolina, has authored the new best-selling book, The Seven Spirits of God, and has been featured on The Jim Bakker Show, Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, The Eric Metaxas Radio Show, and Daystar.
In 2024, he wrote: “The Abrahamic covenant will come to full fruition in the millennial kingdom, when Jesus will return to earth and reign for 1,000 years (see Revelation 20). Despite the Jewish people's failings, there will be a final restoration to the land. At that time, the Jewish people will come into full repentance and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their Messiah—all of them. Ultimately, in the millennial reign, Christ will rule and reign over the earth from Jerusalem, and the Jew and Gentile will be in one body united under their belief and faith in Christ.”

MorningStar leader Chris Reed resigns citing *** abuse of minors by former volunteer

In a letter to MorningStar staff shared on X, Reed explained he was returning leadership of the ministry to founder Rick Joyner to focus more on what God called him to do, which is to “to prophesy, pastor, teach, preach, and write.”

And another one bites the dust! 

GeulahGirl writes:

The Morningstar scandal has just started, but hopefully, it will meet the same fate as IHOP and Gateway Church.  Morningstar has been financially supporting messianic ministries in Israel at least since 1997

Reed was very involved in the collaboration and preparation with Mike Bickle and Lou Engle for the Isaiah 62 fast and the refocusing of "revival" on Israel and the Jews.

According to the Torah, idolatry and sexual immorality go hand in hand.  

"I'm feeling very positive and hopeful from these developments. 
I think this is going to be the most important high holy days of all time."  
(Blogger GeulahGirl of The Key to Redemption

Me, too, GeulahGirl!  I'd like to also make note of yad Hashem in the matters of the recent failed bombings and the failure of the Gaza "floating pier."

  • Suicide bomber on the way to a Tel Aviv synagogue blew himself up instead, B"H!
  • Two car bombing attempts in Gush Etzion failed with the deaths of the perpetrators, B"H!
  • Attempted car bombing on a school bus at the entrance to Yishuv Ateret in Binyamin also failed, B"H!!
According to Wikipedia:
The Gaza floating pier was a floating dock facility created by the U.S. military after being proposed immediately before U.S. President Biden's 2024 State of the Union Address on March 7, 2024. It was in use between May and July 2024.

It was constructed by U.S. military forces based on ships offshore of the Gaza Strip, then connected to the shore by causeway, to enable the delivery of maritime cargo for humanitarian assistance to Gaza....

Over 1,000 U.S. military personnel were involved in the construction of the pier and 1,800 foot (550 m) long Joint Logistics Over-The-Shore (JLOTS) type modular causeway over 60 days.

...The U.S. military cost estimate to build the pier and operate it for 90 days was $320 million, roughly double the initial estimate.

...On May 25, 2024, the U.S. military announced that four boats that were part of the pier's support system broke off from the structure following choppy waters. The four boats became beached, with the military stating that the structure would remain operational. It also added that efforts were underway to retrieve the four vessels. 

On May 28, 2024, the U.S. military suspended aid delivery to Gaza after the floating pier was damaged by bad weather. The Pentagon confirmed that a portion of the causeway was damaged and broken off, and must be repaired before being returned to use.

Spokeswoman Sabrina Singh stated that the pier will be removed from the sea with help from the Israeli Navy and undergo over a week of repairs in Ashdod before returning. 

...The repaired pier was reinstalled by June 7.  ...On 22 June, parts of the pier washed up on Frishman Beach in Tel Aviv. The US said on 28 June that they were for the third time moving the pier due to weather conditions and said that it may not be restored.

It's gone now, B"H!

The world must know that whomever will set out to cause harm to God's children will only bring harm upon himself.  HKB"H fights for us!!!!

Climate Disasters Around U.S. 
Are Costing Americans Billions

...New Moons have You given Your people, a time of atonement for all their offspring, when they would bring before You offerings for favor and goats of sin-offering to atone on their behalf.  They would serve as a remembrance for them all and a salvation for their soul from the hand of the enemy....   (Musaf of Rosh Chodesh)

~ ~ ~ 

BONUS: TRUTH BOMB - Gaza Tunnel Revelations

02 September 2024

A Few Things On My Mind

29 Menachem Av 5784 
Yom Kippur Katan

Americans OUT of Israel!

VIDEO: American Troops In Israel  (Short version, see from 19:00 - 31:00 mins)

Not-so-secret US military involvement in the Jewish State

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This Is the Third Messianic War! 

Long-time readers of this blog know what I call "The Third Messianic War."  If you don't recall that, please see here.  It's taking longer than I thought it would, but that may be because this is what reveals Mashiach Ben Yosef and activates him.  In point of fact, the current ruling regime is incapable of taking this war to victory because it involves annexing the reconquered lands and only MBY will have the faith and trust in HKB"H to carry this out to conclusion.  Therefore, we are very, very close.  Anytime now.

Smotrich Warns: “We’re A Step Away From Oct. 7th In Yehudah & Shomron”

Report: Jordan fears IDF West Bank ops, settler violence will drive Palestinians across border

Israel Radar reported a few hours ago:  "IDF deploys 23 battalions in West Bank due to escalation of terror threat, twice the number currently deployed in Gaza, @N12News reports; army plans to mobilize more forces to area, possibly delaying transfer of troops to Lebanon front, report says."

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Protestors Will Accept Nothing Less Than Complete Surrender - of Israel!

The media likes to call this a "cease-fire for hostages" deal, as if all Israel must do is stop what it's doing and all will be well.  They almost never mention the prisoner exchange!  The following report comes from Israel Realtime Updates...
🔶DEAL NEWS.. Hamas leader Sinwar's deputy, Khalil al-Hiya, who is in charge of negotiations in Hamas - “As long as the Palestinian prisoners are not released, as long as the war does not stop, as long as the army does not withdraw from the Strip and especially from Netzarim and Philadelphi - there will be no agreement.  There is no real negotiation. In the last two weeks, they are just grinding water.

We showed great flexibility - instead of our demand for the release of 500 Palestinian prisoners for each male and female soldier and 250 Palestinian prisoners for each civilian, we agreed to drop to 50 prisoners for each female soldier and 30 prisoners for each civilian.

A permanent ceasefire is a condition for the deal.”
That is SURRENDER!!!  In fairness, it must be emphasized that the defeatists do not represent all of the hostage families...
▪OTHER HOSTAGE FAMILIES SAY.. while we normally hear from distraught hostage families demanding an immediate deal, families of hostages from the Tikva Forum: "We demand that the government immediately announce the end of negotiations and increase the fighting."
There is simply no option to stop before the enemy is annihilated.  They've already in recent days made mention of "the upcoming Oct. 7th." This is our fight to the death and much as the world would love it, it won't be ours!

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Revisiting "The War of Thoughts"

We are currently engaged in the Final World War - The War of GoguMagog - The War of Thoughts.

01 September 2024

I've Been Waiting My Whole Life For This

28 Menachem Av 5784 


I've been waiting a long time for this...

From a 13 Elul 5773 (18 Aug 2013) blog post:

In January 1989, Rabbi Meir Kahane, ztz"lHy"d, held a conference about which he said, "We did not declare a state.  We declared our intent to declare a state if and when Israel will leave the areas." [Yehuda, Shomron and Aza - Yesha]

To the government of the State of Israel, he said:
"You will not be able to sign an accord with the Palestinians giving up parts of the Land of Israel - you will not be able to.  This is not Sinai, this is not Yamit.  Here, we're not dealing with two or three thousand people. Here, you are speaking of 65,000 settlers who live there, including 100,000 Jews who live right across the border who will pour into the area to ensure that it will not be given up because they know that the day after a Palestinian state arises in Judea and Samaria, the next day, the Palestinians will say, "now to the next."
It's clear that while Rabbi Meir Kahane put no faith in the Israeli government, he put a lot of faith in his fellow Jews.

Twenty-four years later, we're not still talking about 65,000 settlers.  We're talking about 350,000 settlers. And today, we are no longer talking about 100,000 Jews living on the Green Line, but the entire population of 7.5 million who are in rocket range!  And even so, still the government is continuing with the same insane and unfeasible policies.

Why? Well, maybe the government knows something today that Rabbi Meir Kahane did not know in 1989. For one thing, no replacement has ever been found for Rabbi Meir Kahane since the US and Israeli governments colluded to silence him permanently in November of 1990.

Second, Rabbi Kahane was speaking in a time before the Madrid Conference and before Oslo took it's terrible twenty-years of terrorism toll; before the US and Israeli governments colluded to train and arm a Palestinian-Arab army on our doorstep. And before the US Ambassador to the UN suggested quite openly that the US introduce a "massive protection force" to impose a solution on the parties.

Third, Rabbi Kahane did not live to witness the ease with which 8600 Jews were forcibly expelled from Gush Katif, along with the complete and utter destruction of seventeen Jewish communities, including the removal of graves.

Finally, perhaps Rabbi Kahane did not have the distinct pleasure of knowing the woman from Efrat whom I overheard telling another that as long as her settlement's future was secure, she wasn't going to concern herself with the others.  And surely, he never had the honor of meeting Micha Drori. This is how a Yahoo News article describes him:
Micha Drori is living the Israeli dream: a house, a yard, a wife and three kids. The 42-year-old businessman has found an affordable alternative to Israel's booming real estate market in a quiet community he loves, with a commute of less than half an hour to his job near Tel Aviv.

What's the catch? He's a West Bank settler.

The fate of Jewish settlements took center stage this week with the resumption of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks aimed at establishing a Palestinian state. In contrast to the prevailing image of settlers as gun-toting religious zealots, the majority are in fact middle-of-the-road pragmatists seeking quality of life. Many shun the settler ideology and say they will uproot quietly, if needed, for the sake of peace.

"We will not sit here and burn tires if the government will tell us to leave. We will just leave," Drori said in his quiet garden, smack in the middle of the West Bank.

...But Drori is not concerned. He's skeptical a peace accord will be reached, and if it is, he is open to various options, including living alongside Palestinians. He says he has moved many times before, and will do so again if required.

"God is not my guide," he said. "My guide is conscience and economy and community."
When you take all of this into consideration along with the outpouring of avodah zarah in the Shomron facilitated by the Jewish 'leadership' there, I'm not sure Rabbi Kahane would hold out much hope for us.

I'm not even hearing any discussion this time around. I'm wondering, is it because people are already convinced that a Palestinian state is inevitable and cannot be stopped or is it because they are convinced that the settlements are already too big to remove, so there is nothing to worry about or maybe they are counting on the Arabs to once again "never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity."

Whatever the case, I think each of these viewpoints is extremely dangerous and ill-advised.

In the year 2000, when it appeared that Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak was prepared to give the Arab enemy the lands of Judea and Samaria for a Palestinian state and half of Holy Jerusalem for their capital, a handful of people living in Yesha sought to revive Rabbi Meir Kahane's vision of the State of Judea - Medinat Yehudah.

This marks the end of that 2013 blog post.  Continuing from today...

I was privileged to be a very small part of that effort and even though it did not gain a following then, I hope that enough has changed today that we can finally start to talk, not about saving a just part of our nation, but the entirety of it!

I'm sharing now something I composed for the cause in 2000 in the hope that it might inspire an opening of the Jewish mind, not just to the justice and righteousness of this endeavor, but to the possibilities.  Note that I have modified the text from it's original focus on Medinat Yehudah to the messianic vision of Malchut Yisrael.

[* In 2024, it's now 35 years later, and the number of "settlers" is currently 450,000 in Yehuda v'Shomron with an additional 220,000 in "East" Jerusalem.  The total population of 9.6 million (14 million including "Palestinian" areas) is in rocket range.]


 "And Judah will dwell forever and Jerusalem from generation to generation." (Yoel 4:20)

 WHEREAS, the State of Israel denies its G-d given destiny, thereby denying the world the right to repair and redemption; and,

 WHEREAS, the State of Israel has relinquished the holiest sites of the Jewish people in Eretz Israel---Yericho, Shechem, Hevron, and Har Habayit---to the enemies of Judaism; and,

 WHEREAS, the State of Israel is relinquishing the heartland of our sacred heritage in Eretz Israel---Judea, Samaria, and "East" Jerusalem---to the enemies of the Jewish people; and,

 WHEREAS, the State of Israel has expressed its willingness to forcibly transfer Jewish citizens from their homes or to hand them over to a foreign, hostile entity; and,

 WHEREAS, the State of Israel debases its people, its heritage, and its G-d, by bowing to pressure exerted by foreign powers; and,

 WHEREAS, the State of Israel denies true justice for its citizens by allowing terrorist murderers of Jews to go free; and,

 WHEREAS, the established institutions, i.e., educational, judicial, executive, and legislative, provide no relief or recourse to the concerned citizen; and,

 WHEREAS, the State of Israel allows enemies of the State to hold positions of power within the government and freedom of speech to incite to the destruction of the State, while outlawing and persecuting any voice of dissent within the Jewish electorate; and,

 WHEREAS, the State of Israel is relinquishing critical water resources to those sworn to its destruction; and,

 WHEREAS, the State of Israel is risking the lives of all of its citizens on the gamble of "peace" with a people who is not even at peace with themselves; and,

 WHEREAS, the only alternatives within the established infrastructure---revolt or total surrender---are unacceptable to us;

We, the Jews of Eretz Israel, do hereby declare that we will create for ourselves, with the help of G-d, the True Jewish State---The Kingdom of Israel (Malchut Yisrael)---in the Arab-occupied land of our forefathers which will exist, please G-d, to correct all the wrongs of the present State of Israel. This holy endeavor will, with the help of G-d, be accomplished as a result of the following goals which we have set for ourselves:

 WE WILL refuse to recognize any agreement which relinquishes Jewish sovereignty over any part of Eretz Yisrael; any such agreement being illegal and non-binding in our eyes.

 WE WILL, those of us who live in the GolanYesha and the Jordan Valley, continue settling and inheriting these parts of Eretz Yisrael.

 WE WILL resist in any and all ways any attempt to evict Jews from their homes in any part of Eretz Yisrael; any such action being immoral and illegal in our eyes.

 WE WILL proclaim and establish a truly Jewish nation, The Kingdom of Israel, on any and all parts within the Biblical borders of Eretz Yisrael.

 WE WILL, in order to enable the Jewish people to fulfill their destiny in Eretz Yisrael, establish Torah law to be the law of The Kingdom of Israel.

 WE WILL defend The Kingdom of Israel through any and all available means. We implore all Jews who agree with these principles to come to our assistance by settling in every part of Eretz Yisrael and to otherwise do everything in their power to protect and strengthen "the cities of our G-d."  

"Be strong and let us be strong for the sake of our People and for the sake of the cities of our G-d, and Hashem will do what is good in His eyes." (Shmuel II 10:12)

It's not a far-fetched idea.  Our next-door neighbor is the Kingdom of Jordan.  Then there are the Kingdoms of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, and each of the seven emirates which make up the United Arab Emirates. That's to the east of us.  To the west of us there are the Kingdoms of Morocco, Eswatini, and Lethoso in Africa. 

"Today slightly more than a quarter of constitutional monarchies are Western European countries, including the United Kingdom, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, Denmark, Luxembourg, Monaco, Liechtenstein and Sweden."

They are all modern, prosperous and fully accepted by the world community of nations.  Why should we expect any less for ourselves, especially in light of the fact that the laws of the Torah are superior in every way to anything the gentile nations have.