09 October 2020

Without Torah, There Is No Reason For This World to Exist

21 Tishrei 5781
Erev Shabbat HaKodesh
Hoshanah Rabbah

If you go to any Israeli English news website this morning, you will see blood splattered everywhere, the virtual pages of the online newspapers are dripping with hatred and the spilled blood of Torah-faithful Jews.  

What is taking place on social media and in the news media today is the virtual equivalent of a massive pogrom!  I can't emphasize enough how important it is for us to recognize this fact.  And "rabbis" and other "religious" Jews are participating in it!!!  

I am not on social media and as a result, I am not able to comment on news sites which are now linked to Facebook.  So, this is my public declaration that "my hands did not shed this blood."  I fully support all who continue to pray in a synagogue and who try their best to fulfill all the mitzvot of the holidays while trusting HKB"H to handle His world in the same way He always has without the intervention of scientists and politicians.

There is much more I'd like to say, but I'll keep it short for the sake of preparing for Shabbat and Chag Shemini Atzeret.

This IS the War of Gog uMagog - the war that comes to Eretz Yisrael and is meant to finally wipe out the pesky Jews who cling to God's Torah!  

Behold the cause of all the world's anguish...

...A 3,333 year-old Book that requires humanity to restrain itself and not be ruled by the Yetzer HaRa, but they do not want to be restrained.  They prefer to embrace their Yetzer HaRa instead of their kind and loving Creator, and the hatred they feel for those who insist on perpetuating its presence in the world leaves them no rest until they can destroy it and those who are dedicated to it.

Think on this when you are celebrating Simchat Torah.  They just don't get it.  Without the Torah, there is no world.

~ ~ ~ 

Major Israeli Chasidic Posek: The Mitzvah Protects Us in Traditional Simchat Torah Gatherings

Rabbi Moshe Shaul Klein, Rav of the Or HaChaim neighborhood in Bnei Brak, a Dayan and a Posek who is accepted by all the Haredi communities, declared on Thursday, the eve of Hoshana Rabba: “I don’t say what you should do in practice, I only explain what the view of the halacha is: It is not a problem to convene according to the Halakhah for the purpose of a mitzvah because the mitzvah protects.”

He explained that according to the coronavirus data, the disease is not considered Shchiach Heizeka (commonly present danger).

Rabbi Klein taught a lesson on Jewish Law that was broadcast live on the religious Kol Chai Radio. B’Hadrei Haredim published a summary of his remarks (הפוסק החסידי: אסור לסגור בתי כנסת וישיבות; אי אפשר להתפלל בחוץ).

Rabbi Klein did not spread illusions about the expected consequences of violating the rules of the Health Ministry in favor of observing the mitzvot: “If the Chief of Staff was in a war, would they say that he is in isolation, he is sick with the corona, therefore the soldiers are not allowed to gather in groups of more than ten, in which case he will not manage the fighting?” he asked, and answered: “We understand that this constitutes Pikuach Nefesh (danger to life). We know there will be certain death, so we do not say it.”

“The outlook of the medical people is not that of the Torah,” Rabbi Klein said. “Those who are not Torah scholars do not understand that Torah and mitzvot are the source of life for the people of Israel. Regarding the authorities, we should heed the advice of the doctors, but regarding mitzvot the outlook is different.”

“If they understood that Hoshana Rabba is the Day of Judgment when we must be engaged in more prayer, nothing is more essential than this, it’s like the army, and they will only succeed if we let them pray and study – and if they don’t, that’s the real danger to lives – the abolition of Torah and mitzvot,” Rabbi Klein added.

He insisted that “synagogues must not be closed, yeshivas must not be closed, it’s like fish without water. Praying in the street is the wrong alternative, yeshivot are our lifeblood, you can’t say pray outdoors, you can’t pray and study properly outdoors, and so the yeshivas and synagogues are our life.” (Source) 



  1. From the same source...

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in an interview with the religious radio station Kol Barama: “There’s no such thing as ‘herd immunity’ – herd immunity is herd death.”

    [Though this has been the way of sickness and disease in the world since it was created.]

    Ahead of Simchat Torah, the prime minister added, he is “asking everyone who is listening – protect yourselves, there will be no dances on Simchat Torah. There would be no greater blasphemy than if because of Simchat Torah we would lose lives. Pray outdoors, keep the guidelines, and thus sanctify both the Torah and life.”

    Rasha! Cloaking his despotic edicts in the Torah - this is the blasphemy!!

  2. It is disgusting the way people pervert a lofty principle (pikuach nefesh) into permission to abrogate and negate all that we hold dear on the word of so-called experts who hate us and our way of life.

    The A7 web site this morning, not so different than many mornings nowadays, featured a headline breathlessly reporting that the mayor of Beitar Illit, where I used to live, was spotted publicly in a large gathering (gasp!), not practicing social distancing (the horror!), and with many of those present maskless (!!!).

    I told my wife they might as well be called Arutz Lashon Hara, for all that they spew hatred by reporting pointless "news" (even when true) that serves no purpose other than to stir up hatred.

    I am no longer in Beitar, where people are more resistant, but in a place that does not particularly like Charedim. I have been on the receiving end of such ill will. To the extent possible, I refuse to wear a mask, ever. I hate them, and they do not protect anyone, and will more likely make the wearer sick. I do, for the sake of shalom in gatherings, wear one of those ridiculous plastic face shields. I know these are "permissible" by the authorities, because my wife was wearing one on a bus once, when the police raided it, ignored her, and ticketed the driver and several passengers. Nonetheless, people have told me and my wife that they don't like my presence at shul (when we still "permitted" in them) or in outside prayer groups with it. I think they resent my unwillingness to completely bend to tyrannical dictates. But that is as far as I will go for the sake of peace.

  3. The pm has sold out and sold his soul, just to acquiese to the ptb. He has no fear of G-D and does not even realize the consequences of his actions. It is the Torah that keeps the medina going; army is just the plus when it comes to actual warfare. But, warring against H' is a NO-WIN war to those who go up against the Almighty. Torah is what keeps this whole Universe going; in a nano-second, it could disappear. The pm would be wise to take the advice and order of the holy Rav and take back his evil decree and instead make sure that the shuls and the yeshivot will all be open. This virus is a planned agenda to control the populations and to, c'v, eradicate Torah Judaism. As sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, the enemies of G-D and Yisrael will FAIL.

  4. Yasher koach, Shimshon! I agree with you 100%!

  5. I believe that Netanyahu is being fed lies by certain officials at the health ministry, and because he is deficient in Torah he trusts them and does not know the truth. They also deny “herd immunity”. It’s because the majority of Israelis did NOT get the virus despite their manipulation of the blaring numbers they use to scare people into thinking everyone is getting infected. I think the scare tactics and depression (plus spousal abuse, child abuse, overdosing, and more) is sending so many to the hospitals. The approach they are taking is killing people more than the virus. The survival rate is over 90%, except for those with underlying conditions. The virus is real, but how they are handling this whole balagan is outrageous.

    1. He's not stupid. And he knows the Torah, unfortunately. It would be better if he were deficient and am ha'aretz. But he is not. He rebels. He speaks about being at war. He is at war with HKBH. He will do anything to remain as PM, even if it means sowing seeds of chaos and confusion. Don't give him credit and believe he is misled. He knows exactly what he is doing. Galut erev rav is our most painful galut of all. It requires all our strength to survive it.

  6. Netanyahu is a horrible dictator. The worse kind. There are dictators who deprived their people of freedom like Kadafi in Lybia, but was giving them money from the oil so at least they were living well financially.
    That rasha Netanyahu is depriving us of everything: freedom of movement, no money forbidden to work, and he cancelled freedom of religion.
    Everything is organized to be worse and worse.
    Where are the rabbis? All busy shutting up when they close synagogues and yeshivot.
    They can't give us lessons of mussar now.
    The time is not far when it will be completely forbidden to pray in synagogues.
    Shas and Agudat Israel will shut up of course, their checks are too good.

  7. Neshama, Netanyahu is many things, but an unwitting dupe is not one of them. He, personally, benefited more than almost anyone alive in the entire world from the "pandemic." No pandemic, no coalition. There was talk, very likely to translate into action, of voting in law that would bar an indicted person from being PM. It had the easy backing of a majority of the current Knesset.

    Samson, Kadafi was wildly popular in Libya. Disabuse yourself of Western notions of freedom. Judaism is against free speech, for example, among many other principles that Westerners hold dear. It is not democratic.

  8. Shimshon democracy doesn't exist and never existed, it is only a show, only words. Of course Kadafi was popular in Lybia, for the reasons I wrote: he was generous with his people unlike the godless zionists who lied to the Jews and induced them to give up judaism. They also took their children to the army for the same reason and to fight useless wars in order to conserve their power on the people.

  9. B"H

    Regarding Social Media: I think that you should be on Facebook!
    I am not in favour of Facebook myself by it reaches a wider audience.

    You can still keep your account private and not let everyone see what you write. However, it would give you the possibility to comment.

    Youtube is also a great tool and I started making Youtube podcasts about various subjects. You don't have to show your face and www.streamyard.com is a great free tool and easy to handle.
