13 December 2015

Hanukah and the Beit HaMikdash

1 Tevet 5776
Rosh Chodesh Bet
7th Candle of Hanukah

When the Greeks took over Jerusalem, they did not tear down the Beit HaMikdash. They replaced the pure, holy avodah of Hashem with impure, unholy sacrifices to their false gods. Instead of the nations conforming to the demands of Torah and bringing up korbanot in accordance with the Creator's wishes, they tried to force the Jews to conform to the 'enlightened values' of the nations and allow anyone to worship any god in any way they so chose.

Again, this spirit of impurity - the antithesis to Hanukah - has once again gone out into the world and seeks to defile the Holy House and the Holy People. Don't be fooled! This Universalist-Judaism and its "House of Prayer for All Nations" is an anti-messiah, anti-Torah movement which is none other than the globalists' One World Religion which would destroy real-Jews and Torah Judaism, were that possible.


  1. if you click that video on youtube and click the user jewish unity project Unbelievable! It's Happening! We are Uniting! is that by Mrs. Lori Palatnik from Aish standing beside the singer? GoldieZP

    1. I don't know. I don't know her. Some people could get caught up in this 'innocently' wanting to unite Jews, but when it extends to uniting Jews with the rest of humanity, it's wrong and a danger and it is people ignorant of Torah and Torah sources who fall for it. Note the immodest mixing of men and women.

      To really unite Jews, we have to separate from the goyim and the Erev Rav, return to Hashem in holiness and unite around the Torah Truth. No other kind of "unity" is kosher for us.

  2. Dear dvash,as you mention the erev rav in your comment, is there any information how they will be exposed and how they will be destroyed with the coming of the real mashiach? Thanks

    1. King David says in the Psalms that we will see them disappear right in front of our eyes.

  3. Exactly, Dvash - this kumbaya type of hippy love fest goes against everything that is true Torah. Anyone who has any inkling of Torah learning knows that. Really frightening times, both physically and spiritually - H' y'rachem. nili
