"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

10 August 2015

Evil Is Bringing About Its Own End

25 Menachem Av 5775

Once again, it appears that a synagogue is going to be razed in Eretz Yisrael. While the burning of a house of idolatry over a month ago still raises angry voices of condemnation, it appears that only HKB"H hears the cries and the pain of the Jews over their house of worship. Eretz Yisrael should be the safest place in the world for a synagogue to exist. And this is happening under the rule of the most "right-wing government" ever voted into office, supposedly.

According to reports, this synagogue was built twenty years ago with all required permits right outside of Jerusalem. Same old story we hear all the time - some leftist organization brings an Arab to claim it's on his land. Various claims are paid out - over and over again. And still one can come years down the road, claim it's his and refuse to "sell" and the High Court of (In)Justice repeats the most evil words ever spoken in hearing of Jerusalem - "Raze it to the ground!" These are the words spoken by Rome over our Beit Hamikdash and the same words are repeated time and time again in our land regarding the mikdash me'at. This is decidedly NOT a Jewish court! In fact, it's NOT a Jewish government and it's NOT a Jewish state either. 

The sooner that every Jew wakes up to this reality, the sooner salvation will arrive. And make no mistake about it, it WILL arrive! These are the weeks of consolation when we read over and over again the promises of HKB"H to rescue His children from the clutches of evil and to restore to us all that has been lost.

But, that's not all. It wasn't enough for the evil regime to attack another holy place. That evil deed is not even done and now they've kidnapped a religious girl to offer on the altar to the IDF which is worshiped throughout the land. The religious Sephardi girl's school left her name off its list of students eligible for an exemption and they came like a thief in the night - at 2 am - and took her by force from her home to the army. This is the army which  we read only this week has had a record enlistment of Xians and which is publicly advertising for homosexuals! It's the same army in which serves four young Israeli women who publicly posted pictures of themselves together wearing nothing but a bit of cloth and a strategically placed machine gun. The pictures have spread all over the internet. For a pure Jewish daughter, or any pure Jewish neshamah, this is nothing less than hell on earth!

This evil is hastening its own end in two ways: 1) it's increasing the suffering and tears of Am Yisrael, and 2) it's quickly using up any merit that it earned over the years. Evil is actually bringing the complete redemption!

May our teshuvah, tefillah and tzedakah bring it even more quickly, NOW, in our days!!


  1. All of this is meant to wean Jews off their trust in and dependency on the current regime and its organs so that they will be ready to transfer their allegiance to Mashiach when he is revealed.

  2. A partial list including only SEVENTY FIVE of SHOMER HATZAIR kibbutzim occupying *Palestenian Land*
    In Hebrew - anyone who can translate this will be helpful

    1. Good point. Thanks. Of course, did you ever hear of any kibbutz being "evacuated" to give the land back to Arabs???

  3. We will know that Moshiach has arrived when the Dati Leumi and Chareidim join forces.

    1. This actually happened this year when tens of thousands of chareidim and dati'im joined together and voted for YACHAD. Of course, their votes were stolen because there's no way these elections are not rigged.

  4. Now... Amen!!!

  5. And yet all those rabbis will continue to chant come back to israel. Hashem knows when the right time for us to come back is, no one else.

    1. And yet it will be a thousand times worse for those in Diaspora America. If they ever start another draft, women will not be excluded as in the past. And from there, they will send them to Arab countries.

      At least in the IDF, there is still some accommodation to religion. In America it is becoming the law not to even separate men and women in restrooms and sleeping arrangements!

      It will always be worse there than here. Edom is under judgment. Israel is being redeemed!!

    2. trust me, the rest of the world is no living fantasy right now; every place is ruled by wicked maniacs and do not even get me started with 'america and nyc'. not only nyc, but all the major cities in america are declining as well. full of violent people, twisted people, vicious people, backwards retards, etc etc. twisted marriage is fully permitted and the rulers are out of control and do literally whatever they want. america is finished.

      we need the moshiach now to redeem and the almighty to clean the whole planet and set the right order. the wicked's suffering will be legendary and they will never receive rest not even on shabbat and sacred holidays

  6. Yishai: Must Stop Leftists from Destroying Givat Ze'ev Synagogue

    Head of Yahad and former MK Eli Yishai visited the Givat Ze'ev synagogue to protest its scheduled destruction. He used the opportunity to criticize left-wing organizations.

    "We need to ensure that if there is no actual landowner, leftist organizations cannot stand in his place," said Yishai.

    - a voice in the wilderness

  7. Some religious girls tried to fulfill their duty to the state by doing national service and it's even been suggested for hareidi men in place of army, but they are just making it impossible for religious people to serve in any way as a religious person, only if you accept their tainted values.

    First Transgender Volunteers Begin National Service

    - a voice in the wilderness

    1. Absolutely. They make some accommodations to the religious in order to get them in all the while planning to assimilate them into the State's 'democratic' anything-goes mentality during their time of service. That's also what's behind the push to get chareidim into work-training programs as well. It's all about assimilation. Time and exposure wear down people's resistance and gradually change their minds about what's 'normal'. They've been very open about the IDF being a change-agent and an assimilationist tool for Israeli society.

    2. Case in point:
      When I made aliyah, I tried very hard to get into Sherut Leumi, but I was blocked. This proved to me that their desire for national service is bunk. I was forced to go to a kibbutz instead that took the aliyah money and refused to help the olim gain employable or Hebrew skills.
      I know they are trying to make us secular, but seeing as me and all the Russian victims of this scam ended up in chareidi seminaries and yeshivas, it seems like their scheme is good at making the oh-so dreaded chareidim!
      So the joke's on them, only they don't realize it yet.
      "V'tischak l'yom acharon."
      But I'm not waiting for the last day; I'm laughing now.

  8. UPDATE: "The Elad girl taken from her home by military police in the middle of the night last week and inducted into the IDF has been released from military service." (YWN)


  9. And now they're putting the final touches - from Nachshonim to the mass burial place - a few meters away -
