02 August 2015

Menachem: "Our Secret Weapon"

17 Menachem Av 5775


Facilitated Communication with Menachem
Jerusalem, 4 Menachem Av 5775

Our Secret Weapon

I'm very anxious. I go to sleep with difficulty, I get up in a panic, I think all day about what's going to be. It's so frightening that there are no words for it. And when I think about what's already happening, about how the evildoers are ruling over the world - I simply lose control, and cry, and cry, and cry. Very few at all are capable of coming close to HKB"H, very few, and the vast majority of this group are Jews, there are almost no gentiles who are capable of understanding the truth and being saved, but in any case there are some gentiles who will survive and accept the truth, but with the Jews, only those who stood at Har Sinai, only these souls will survive, like we always said.

And in this period, so difficult, I just want to say to the true-Jews, like Ben (Binyamin Golden) and Daniel and I already said, we are approaching the time that we will need to fight over our Yiddishkeit, and this time already started, but it will reach to very, very difficult situations. And we will need to even endanger ourselves and not abandon the Yiddishkeit. We don't need to fight against the evildoers face-to-face in wars before Mashiach comes, because Mashiach will already be the messenger of Hashem to fight the wars, but we, in this period, before Mashiach is revealed, our war will be to remain close to HKB"H, to separate between our families and the families of the Erev-Rav, and of the Edomim - Bnei Eisav, and to separate ourselves from the Amalekim and etc., and it won't be easy.

And we're seeing in our schools, of the Chareidim, many from the false Torah, Torat HaSheker. They took the externals of Judaism - and inside they accepted a false Torah, and these are the high schools and yeshivahs and primary schools of the Chareidim. And we need to separate between our children and children of the falsehood, we need to separate between us and the communities who accepted the lie. And it's not easy.

We're a tiny people. All the evildoers all over the world, they are so many, with their armies, and with helmets, and with advanced rifles, and with bullet-proof vests, and with atomic bombs, nuclear bombs, and with all kinds of weapons that I don't even know what they do or how they do it, like lazers and various things, so who are we? What are we? A tiny people. And I'm not talking about all those who live in Eretz Yisrael, because a serious part of them are Erev Rav, I'm talking about true-Jews who are located across the world and also in Eretz Yisrael. We are itty-bitty compared to the Erev Rav, compared to the gentiles, compared to the Amalekim. But we can be very strong, we can be stronger than all the armies and all the various types of rifles and tools of war.

When we put the gentiles on the scale, with all their technology, with all their helicopters, with all everything-everything-everything, it's a mighty weight! Something huge! Only their armies are much more, the armies of the evildoers is much more than all the Jews that there are in the world! And it's without a doubt much weightier than us. But when we connect with HKB"H, and we live only in order to do His will, and we feel that we are one with Him, then we receive all the weight of eternity, of the Torah, of holiness, of the connection with the Almighty, with the Master of the World. And there's none, no scale in the world that can be more than this. So - we are weak, but when we make a connection with the Almighty, with the Master of the World - we are stronger than them, and weightier (more significant) than them, and no one can hurt us or annihilate us.

So, Am Yisrael, don't be afraid! Our secret weapon - it's to make a connection to HKB"H. That's our armor, that's our 'cannons', that's our everything. To be one with Hashem, to do His will, out of love, out of our huge love for HKB"H, the desire of every Jew to make a connection with Him, and to be one with Him. End.

[Questions and Answers to follow, iy"H]


  1. I'm having a hard time discerning what he means by: "And we're seeing in our schools, of the Chareidim, many from the false Torah, Torat HaSheker. They took the externals of Judaism - and inside they accepted a false Torah, and these are the high schools and yeshivahs and primary schools of the Chareidim." which chareidim ? What schools and yeshivas? Can anyone clarify?

    1. All I can give you is my take on it. My guess would be that there's not a Jewish institution anywhere that has not been infiltrated by the Erev Rav. They are everywhere the true-Jews are and just like real Jews, they are secular, ba'al teshuva, chareidi, national religious, Reform - you name it, they're in the thick of it. I doubt most of them are even aware that their soul differs from yours in any way. Many of them can no doubt reel off the names of important rabbis and leaders in their family trees. Because it's not a question of DNA.

      All of us in this generation who identify as Jews are from the souls who stood at Har Sinai. The Erev Rav were there, too, but they stood off to the side and did not accept the Torah. Their souls are not suited to it and that's also why when they do learn Torah, their twisted minds and twisted hearts pervert its purity and truth into something else - something that looks like Torah on the outside, but inside it misses the mark entirely.

      The best example I can think of right now is the story I read last week about 200 religious girls in Elad (Ashkenazia as well as Sefaradia) sitting at home and crying because they have no school for the start of September. Why? Their fathers both learn and work and the schools there only accept children whose fathers learn full time. This is a perversion of the Torah. This idea is not based on any kind of Torah truth. All of our greatest rabbis both learned and worked for a living. Of course, they worked only just enough to provide for the essentials and did not give themselves over to business day and night in order to accumulate a fortune and that is the Torah way. But, even if their ideas about work were right, it is not a reason to keep children who come from otherwise Torah-observant homes from an education! There are other examples. You can probably think of some. But, like Menachem said, "it's not easy."

    2. Thanks, that was an excellent reference, about the girls. I think that is truly awful to do that to any Torah observant family.

  2. We really are outnumbered. It's crazy how much. But that already tells you that Hashem protects us.

    1. We were approximately 1.5 million (?) coming out off Egypt. One source I saw says the Erev Rav alone was 45 million. Don't know how plausible those figures are, but you get the idea.

  3. I'm confused about the 'chareidi erev rav'. How is it possible to know who they are? I wouldn't believe that we can 'label' any from jew who unfortunately is putting up a chareide facade, while inside they are spiritually decaying. Why can't it simply be a 'true Har Sinai jew' who succumbed to his Yetzer Horah. How can we differentiate between the two?

    Sarah G K

    1. Sarah, Menachem said it's not easy, but Hashem is helping by making the separation Himself.

      Remember the Gemara about Mashiach coming in a generation that is either all good or all bad and one rabbi asked how could Mashiach come to a generation that is all bad. And the outcome is that society will become so polarized (people choosing up sides) that they will be found in one of two camps - either all good or all bad. Hashem has Himself set up many situations in these final days in order to force people to choose sides.

      The societal conflicts we're seeing now everywhere are indicative of this. Whether it's a secular or a some style of religious Jew, if they express hatred of chareidim as a whole and ascribe to them the same awful antisemitic characterizations as Der Sturmer used to do, that is a clear sign to me that there is something wrong with that neshamah. Again, this is just one example. Some other things - willingness to give up or share our inheritance with the goyim, an admiration for western culture and a desire to mix it with Judaism as if it could only be improved on.

      If you have Torat Emet in your heart and mind, you will know it when you hear Torat HaSheker.

    2. It should be obvious who is real and who is fake. The true Jews are those who are all out for qedusha and don't accept societal Jewish norms that don't comply with the Torah of the tzadikim. They are the people who look to find the truth in its details and don't settle for less, regardless of familial and communal pressure and false expectations. There are not many people like that.

      In order to get there, you have to constantly revitalize yourself via a real connection to HaShem the engine for which is hitbodedut. You have to be real with HaShem constantly and be aware he actually is involved in everything and he knows everything that goes on. The way society is set up, even Haredi society at times, this reality is hard to realize.

    3. it is certainly not hard at all; I mean it is hard to tell the difference between a real jew and an erev rav but is is not hard to identify the wicked at all. the erev rav which also refers to the pseudo-ultra orthodox are very very cruel (and I mean completely immoral). they will do nothing but torment the real jews and try to kill them spiritually, mentally, and then physically. they influence the worst examples, they lie in the best ways and then do the exact opposite. they work together without tensions and support villains, they have the absolute lowest cravings, they have no limits and bounds, they are very very wild etc etc etc... take it from me; I used to work for someone like that and nothing good came out of it. it was a satmar man and the cruel manager was also satmar and this was in williamsburg brooklyn. 'no offense' but even a black has certain limits and would not go that low. I also learned that the satmar support neturei karta and follow their crooked ways.

  4. The arrest of Rebbitzin Grossman, at the gay pride parade, is an example of the evil taking over.

    1. As I understand it, the police arrived at her home motza"sh looking for her husband and not finding him, they tried to take her into custody by force and she was injured badly enough to need hospitalization. It was reported that they produced no warrant, but entered her home by force and also threatened her with bodily harm if she did not cooperate with them.

      Like everywhere in the world now, the police are drunk on their power over people and have inflated egos such that they are totally intolerant of having their authority questioned or refused.

      One must avoid dealing with them if at all possible, but if it can not be avoided, know that your very life could be at stake throughout the interaction. Be wise.

  5. Remember all the tzadikim battling the Bolsheviks in Russia in the last century. History repeats itself over and over again. Turn to Hashem in prayer and he will listen..

  6. 6 weeks to motzei shi'viis, but the autistics seem to be quiet on the subject of moshiach. It's interesting. Doesn't mean they are reversing their prediction. Could mean we need to focus on Hashem and not think predictions bring moshiach, only Hashem does.

  7. I posted something just on that issue: http://habayitah.blogspot.co.il/2015/08/pres-candidate-huckabee-was-right-but.html

  8. Mesirut nefesh.

    Haredi Man Arrested for Assaulting 'Messianic Jews'

    A 30-year-old haredi man from Netanya has been arrested on suspicion of attacking a group of "Messianic Jews" yesterday (Sunday). The group was distributing pamphlets explaining their beliefs. The suspect will be brought before a court today.

    Also Yishai Shlissel.

    - a voice in the wilderness

  9. Dvash - just got to reading what yiou wrote that some said that 45 million erev rav came out of Mitzrayim - have no idea where they could have gotten such a number which is completely illogical. I've always read where they were aboout '2 million'; no more than that. It is inconcceivable that there would have been that many, c'v. Even one was too many. They were led by Bilam's two miserable sons, Pharoah's court magicians (full of pure tumah).
