20 August 2015

The Pope's Assassins and Saboteurs?

5 Elul 5775

The Jesuits are the military arm of the Vatican. They've been described thusly...

They are overlords of chaos. In a nut shell the Jesuits are Warlords, Assassins, Teachers, Infiltrators, Tyrants. 

Can we add saboteurs to this list?

It's clear who is in the Pope's pocket and who isn't. Of the three big powers, the US is right up top and though Russia tries to pretend otherwise, it's on board, too.

Judging solely on the basis of personality, Pope Francis and Russian President Vladimir Putin may seem an odd geopolitical couple. Francis is a man of compassion and peace, while Putin is quite possibly the single world leader you most wouldn’t want to run into in a dark alley.

Yet when Francis and Putin meet on Wednesday in the Vatican, it will bring together two figures who’ve forged an improbably strong partnership. (Source)

But what about China? A year ago...

Pope Francis...invited the President of China, Xi Jinping, to meet him in the Vatican to discuss world peace, but he has also expressed his own willingness to travel ‘tomorrow’ to Beijing for this same purpose if that were preferable.

He issued the invitation in a letter which he signed and entrusted to Ricardo Romano, a leader of Argentina’s Justicialist Party ..., accompanied by José Lujan, a representative to the Academy of Chinese Sciences to the Mercosur. Mr. Romano handed the letter to a Chinese diplomat that is understood to enjoy the full trust of President Xi Jinping.

...The decision of the Pope to send the letter of invitation to the Chinese leader arose out of a 90 minute meeting held at Santa Marta, the Vatican guesthouse where Francis lives, on the evening of September 3. The meeting focused on the geopolitical situation and the conditions for bringing about a lasting peace in the world, Infobae reported.

Besides the Pope those at the meeting included Ricardo Romano and José Lujan from Argentina, and two of the most senior Vatican officials: the Italian Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State (a rank equivalent to that of Prime Minister) who knows the situation in China very well having held that brief in the Secretariat of State for several years in the first decade of this century, and Archbishop Dominque Mamberti, the Moroccan born Secretary for Relations with States (the Vatican’s ‘Foreign Minister’).

Ricardo Romano, speaking to Infobae, recalled that one of the conclusions reached at the meeting was the importance for the Vatican to develop good relations with China and its leadership so as “to contribute to the taking of decisions of a multi-polar nature that would guarantee a greater degree of governability in the service of a more fraternal world society and with a greater level of social equity.”

They also concluded on “the need to consolidate a multi-polar world as an element to support a new governability that would reduce the conflicts, the violence and the suffering inflicted on peoples through this ‘piecemeal’ Third World War which the Pope has denounced.”

Mr. Romano recalled that during their discussion at Santa Marta the Jesuit Pope repeated what he had said on the plane from Korea on August 18, “Yes, I said I would like to go to China. Tomorrow! ” He then added, “I am a general doctor but, on themes that relate to Asia, Monsignor Parolin is the surgeon!”

The Pope then decided to write a letter to President Xi Jinping, in which he expressed his esteem for “this noble and wise people” and invited the Chinese leader to come to the Vatican to talk with him and to reflect together about world peace but, at the same time, he also expressed his own willingness to go to Beijing for this same purpose if that were preferable.

The Argentine news-site, Infobae, reported that three days after that meeting in the Vatican the Chinese Government in Beijing designated one of its diplomats with broad Latin American experience, who had organized the visits of the Chinese leader to Latin American countries and who is said to have the total confidence of President Xi Jinping, to receive the Pope’s letter from José Lujan and Ricardo Romano.

After handing over the letter to the Chinese diplomat, Mr. Romano told Infobae that he had come to the conclusion that “in spite of the conflicts between Beijing and the Vatican the recognition that the stature of the Holy Father has reached (in the world) is such that, sooner or later, the President of China will visit Francis in the Vatican or receive him in Beijing.

It remains to be seen how the Chinese President will respond. (Source)

Well, there was no response from China And then this happened...

A few days later, the following was being reported by Vatican news...

In a rarity that may suggest an opening in Vatican/China relations, Chinese TV networks dedicated airtime to the pope Saturday, reporting Francis’ words on a tragedy that rocked the coastal city of Tianjin, where a chemical plant exploded late last week leaving more than 100 people dead.

According to the Italian Catholic blog Il Sismografo, journalists living in Beijing described the reports on China’s state-sponsored television as an important gesture, with no memory of a similar broadcast dedicated to the pope in recent years.

“My thoughts go out, in this moment, to the people of the city of Tianjin, in northern China, where several explosions in an industrial area have caused numerous deaths and injuries, and extensive damage,” Francis said Saturday.

“Those who have lost their lives, as well as all those touched by this catastrophe, are in my prayers,” he added....

To date, the Vatican has diplomatic relations with 180 of the 193 states recognized by the United Nations, and in a list that includes Vietnam, North Korea, and Saudi Arabia, China is the biggest prize among the remaining holdouts. (Source)

I leave the conclusion to you.


  1. BS"D

    (originally from http://shiratdevorah.blogspot.com/2010/11/korea-fulfilling-prophecy.html) :

    Zohar Va'era

    In the future the children of Yishmael will stir great wars in the world. And the children of Edom [the West] will gather against them, and make war with them, one on the sea, and one on the land, and one near Jerusalem; and each one will prevail over the other but the Holy Land will not fall to the hands of the Christian nations.

    During that period of time, a nation from the "edge" of the world will be awakened against wicked Romi. And it will make war against her for three months, and many nations will gather there, and they will fall by her hand, until all the children of Edom will gather against her from all corners of the earth. And after, G-d will awaken Himself against them, as it says, a "a sacrificial slaughter for the Lord in Batzra", and it says, "to shake the corners of the Land."

    Zohar HaKadosh:

    A nation will arise from one end of the world against the wicked Rome and will war against them for 3 months. Other nations will join in this war and will fall into the hands (of the nation from edge of the world), till all Edom will unite against this nation. Aterwards, Hashem will 'arise' against them, as it says, A gigantic massacre in the land of Edom.

    .....is that wicked Rome the Vatican or Rome, Maryland (now known as D.C.) or both particularly if they have the same puppet masters?

    Also does the Vatican have relationship with Iran? Yoma 10a states as Persia falls into the hands of Rome ... Wicked Rome expands their rule over the whole world for 9 months as the final 9 months and birthpangs of Moshiach. This seems to be a necessary precondition.

    As of now who stands in their way? China...Iran?

    -a Yid

  2. BS"D

    Also this-

    Excerpts from a phenomenal book I just got as a gift called "The End of Days" by Shmuel Raber:

    "In the End of Days, the King of Babylon and Assyria will challenge the world hegemony ruled by Edom and Yishmael. Due to this insolent provocation, Gog, the leader of Meshech and Tubal of the Western states, will wage a furious war against him. With ships, many vehicles, and a very great army he will fight the King of Babylon and Assyria with great bravery, defeat him decisively and rule his land and treasures...

    Not all footnotes cited, one of them is "And the king of the north will storm upon him" (Daniel 11:40).

    ((Desert Storm rounds 1 and 2?))

    Gog's second campaign will be directed against Persia which lies on the other side of the Euphrates (Prat) and the Tigris (Hidekel) Rivers. It is also decreed that the Kingdom of Persia will fall into the hands of the Kingdom of Rome at the End of Days. Upon hearing the sounds of war emanating from the east and north, Gog and his army will set out with a great fury to destroy and do away with the Kingdom of Persia, and it will fall before them in the battle.

    Footnotes include Bamidbar 24:24 and Rashi there, Yoma 10a, Avodah Zara 2b, Tosafot.

    Footnote: "But tidings from the east and north will alarm him, and he will go out with great anger to destroy and annihilate multitudes" (Daniel 11:44) Ibn Ezra explains: "This is Babylon and Persia."

    "It will be heard by him that war is coming upon him from the east, and that is the 'small horn' which is the Kingdom of Yishmael that is mentioned above. He will also hear that war is coming upon him from the north; these tidings will scare him and cause him to go out towards them with great anger to destroy those many gentiles" (Metzudat David).

    "While he will be there he will hear that hordes of people will come from the east...he will go out to wage war against them..." (The Writings of the Ramban, vol. 2, p. 517)

    "In the third campaign, Gog will make his way to the Kingdom of Israel..."

    (Some personal comments - following the latest happenings between the antagonism and all out threats arising against the US and NATO from both China (east) and Russia (north) recently could these be the "tidings" and "sounds of war" drills and exercises that are to be the catalysts for Gog's hit on Persia? Interesting how Russia and China are both allied now with Iran and recall the Zohar about a 'nation' from the edge of the earth waking up to war against the wicked Rome (for 3 months) as all Edom piles on against it as allies of Rome.

    - a Yid

    1. You make excellent points. I also have that book. It is excellent!! Can't wait for Part 2.

  3. I'm almost finished on a similar post, with different conclusions. :-). Our thoughts do cross similar paths sometimes.

  4. And the Vatican is listed as observers of the UN.

  5. Just like his predecessors. Checking in.

  6. Was Mohammed Atta a Franciscan? How is this big illusion linked -- Islam and and the Vatican?


    1. I'm not sure I understand the question. I don't think Mohammed Atta was anything but a scapegoat. There is no connection between the Vatican and Islam that I can see. One's Eisav and the other is Yishmael and they are at war with each other. In my view, if it weren't for Yishmael being so wild and unable to be controlled, the Vatican would have already taken over here. That's why there are wars in all the Muslim countries. They're trying to kill them off.

    2. There are conspiracy theories that the *Church* - i.e. Vatican actually created the entity called *Islam* in order to do their bidding and kill off the Jews.

      Lots of videos on the subject.

    3. Vatican/Catholics don't appear to be Esau but some form of demonic entity. Whatever that may be in the Torah - perhaps someone can shed some light on the subject. Armilus perhaps?

    4. The Catholic Church is the very epitome and Eisav/Edom/Rome.

  7. Just want to go on record as stating the next US President will be Elizabeth Warren. I know it's off topic.

    1. Well, since you said it, now you have to tell us why. ;-)

    2. America will need a soothing mothers voice to comfort them after the great shaking.

    3. After the great shaking, the rabbis have already stated those that survive will they themselves set fire to the churches and places of idol worship because of their shame.

  8. Why is the Vatican involved with the University of Arizona - in creating a weaponized telescope with infra-red, holographic - technology?


  9. BS"D

    There is a custom attributed to the Baal Shem Tov that Chabad adheres to during the days of Elul to recite 3 Tehillim per day from start to finish culminating during Yom Kippur with more said at that time (you can look it up for more details). It's amazing pay attention to the words (in English or your own language) and you can see current events playing out through David Ha Melech's Ruach Ha Kodesh! May they be fulfilled L'Kavod Hashem!!

    -a Yid

  10. Interesting his name is Adolfo; sound familiar?

  11. once again a chemical factory in china sette up on fire. one person died and some injured!! someone is not happy after the stock caos!!!!!

    1. Yeah, you keep thinking that. That's exactly what they want you to think.

      Either you didn't read my post or you disagree with it. If it's the latter, let me give you another clue to what's really going on and it's got nothing to do with stocks. Peter Schiff recounted a couple of days ago how he was contacted by a major news outlet and asked to do an interview about what is causing the stock market chaos in the US. When they found out he wouldn't discuss how CHINA is the cause of the turmoil ("because it isn't!") they cancelled the interview.

      Now, ask yourself, why is the MSM putting out this story and who gains from it???

      U. S. Stock Market Correction Not Made In China
