24 July 2012

A Clear Sign of Mashiach

5 Menachem Av 5772

The Erev Rav regime is self-destructing...

Did Mofaz Reveal Strategic Iran Secret?

"I expect a person who was Defense Minister to show the required responsibility and not do what he did. It is simply unacceptable. I do not remember this kind of lack of self restraint and inability to show self control in the past. But besides that, of course, it was Mofaz's decision to break up the unity government that led the entire state to this chaos we are in."

They won't survive this "imminent" war. When they go, Mashiach will come and he will begin to do everything that is hated by the West - everything that opposes their democratic and pluralistic (and depraved) "values." This is what will bring about the war of Gog uMagog. They will want to stop Mashiach's work, but they will not succeed.

Furthermore, it's very likely that many (or most, or all) of the so-called xian "friends" of Israel, believing our Mashiach to be the "anti-x," will be at the forefront of opposition against him.


  1. ....Furthermore, it's very likely that many (or most, or all) of the so-called xian "friends" of Israel, believing our Mashiach to be the "anti-x," will be at the forefront of opposition against him.

    Mashiac is made, endowed and sent by Hashem for the benefit of all humanity -not just to rescue Jews and a parcel of land in the middle east. His dominion is from sea to sea to the utmost ends of the earth.

  2. Righteous gentiles will benefit from the good that Hashem is bringing to the Jews, but the Messiah is coming to redeem Yisrael. If not for Yisrael, the world would not even exist.

    Everyone will not accept Mashiach's rule in the beginning. Those who are deeply invested in false religions will not appreciate having their bubble burst. Not to mention that their false testament has already set them up to believe the worst lie of all, that the Messiah will be an antiMessiah and satan himself.

    When all the wars are finished and Hashem's name has been made ONE in the world, everyone who is left alive will have accepted his rule, but this, too will be a process. It won't all happen at once. Until then....
