24 July 2024

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18 Tammuz 5784 

There is a copious amount of chatter across social media, from rabbis as well as influencers and experts in certain fields, about an event (possibly false-flag) "greater than 9/11" which will serve to kick off WW3 with Iran.  This could take place in days or even hours.

Top off your cash stash, batteries, candles, non-perishable foods, water, medicines, etc.  Forewarned is forearmed and it's always better to be prepared and not need it than to need it and not be prepared.  Just pretend a storm is coming, cuz it is.

Hashem melech, Hashem malach, Hashem yimloch
le'olam va'ed!  Ayn od milevado!!


  1. Are there specifics given or just rumors and general fear mongering with no teeth? Rfael Yaakov

    1. I and all my family members spent the day doing what I've suggested you to do. Take it for what it's worth.

  2. Funny, I didn't see anything on Israel Realtime today about it...

    1. It's not within their purview. This is MY recommendation based on MY analysis of what I have seen and heard over the past few days.

    2. Israel Realtime may comment snarkily to some of the more absurd government actions, but they otherwise report the official line on everything.

      The government wants you to be fearful when there is no reason to be fearful, and calm when there is no reason to be calm.

    3. Can you be more specific, Devorah Chaya?

  3. I do remember a shir by Rabbi Kessin that the Rabbi fears that if Hashem wants the U.S. to enter into an all-out war with Iran that Hashem will create an event much greater than 9/11 which will cause the U.S. to have no choice but to directly attack Iran. Rfael Yaakov

  4. I am not on social media so I haven't heard about anything.

    1. I am. You can take my word for it ...or not.

  5. Yup
    Deep state wants civil war

  6. People's reactions here remind me of the Jews in Germany just before WW2. Was it not clear since at least 10/7 that this is where we are headed??!! Devorah Chayah, it may be helpful if you added some links for those who are still stuck in "lala" land. Suri

  7. What "positive" points he made were a violation of Torah Law? He did say Israel does not seek to resettle Gaza and Gaza should have a civilian administration run by Palestinians who do not seek to destroy Israel. That is dangerous for Israel - 'Palestinians' by drfinition want Israel destroyed. Halachically, Israel has no right to give away control.

  8. I didn't listen to the speech. Can you give a few cliff note highlights that support what you wrote in your post? Thanks.

  9. As long as Biden is the president the US won't attack Iran.

    1. 1. Biden is president in name only.
      2. It's not about an attack on Iran, it's about an attack by Iran, either real or contrived. One with such devastating results that it will result in WW3. ("Paras goes and destroys the world.)"

      Maybe at the opening ceremonies at the Olympics in Paris or maybe a CrowdStrike-style cyber attack 100 times worse than what happened a week ago.

  10. I agree Raphael. In his speech he said he was proud to state that during his presidency America has not been at war. Remember, he withdrew from Afghanistan. So, he doesn't want that on his watch. If it happens, it will happen during Kamala's term, if she wins.

  11. Was Hashem's Name mentioned in his speech - don't think so. What a
    chilul H' to proclaim in front of the world that his plea for help is from human beings but nowhere did he ask for the only true help which only comes from G-D Almighty.
    When the Jew abandons G-D and the world forgets there is a G-D,
    you can be sure that G-D will abandon the world, then woe unto to all.
    Hashem will never abandon His people, Yisrael, but the punishments
    await. Hashem Yerachem. Jews, wake up!!!

  12. I am much more aware than some people think I am from my comment above, and I take DC seriously (you know she's subscribed to Israel Realtime; so am I). My husband has done a large part of the preparations, even though I haven't told him about this!

    But I think we all know by now. Thankfully, I've heard there will be some supermarkets open to give out emergency supplies from my neighborhood group. Has anyone else, and what do you think of that?

    1. "...interactive map from the Ministry Of Economy showing the designated supermarkets that will be operational during emergency situations no matter what :"
