30 July 2024

Stop the Tit-for-Tat and Finish Hezbollah!!

25 Tammuz 5784


Before the IDF has avenged the death of 12 Druze children, another Israeli has died today due to Hezbollah fire.  Why did anyone ever think that these casualties would have any more worth than the 40 others who have perished in northern Israel?

Here is the horrifying Israeli response that the entire world has been anticipating for the past three days!

Israel sent a drone into the Beirut suburbs this evening and made a "pinpoint strike" that damaged several floors of a building aimed at eliminating the Hezbollah "#2" who ordered the hit on Majdal Shams.  Current reports are that the target was taken out, but some are still uncertain.  Either way, central Israel is now being put on alert for Hezbollah's further response.

If this war was actually being fought, they'd have no remaining ability to respond.  Like the deadly serious "game" that it is, the ball is now in Hezbollah's court.  Hashem yerachem!

 REPORT "Likelihood of at least some targeted rockets at Haifa or Tel Aviv or Jerusalem is HIGH."


  1. If you designed this comic/meme, PLEASE add your name or URL to it, so that we can distribute it around, and get you more publicity. It's perfect!

  2. I put it together with pieces I took from other places, so I can't really take credit for it.
