25 July 2024

1.5 Billion Pairs of Eyes on Paris

19 Tammuz 5784 

Opening Ceremonies of the 2024 Summer Olympics begin Friday, 26 July 2024:  "The Ultimate Celebration of Human Achievement."  Just the kind of idolatrous pride that inspires Islamic terrorists as well as HKB"H's judgment.

It's going to be open-air viewing along the River Seine with space for 300,000 invited guests, the general public not included.  The publicity is focused on it being "an opening ceremony like no other."  That could turn out to be an unwitting prophecy if things go wrong.

Interestingly, there is only an hour difference in time between Jerusalem and Paris, but because they are so far north of us, their candle-lighting is at 9:19 pm (10:19 in Israel) while we bring in Shabbat at 7 pm (6 pm in Paris). Therefore, it would seem that the Western Jews (Europe and North/South America) will be able to observe the ceremonies when they begin at 7:30 pm Paris time.  The Jews of Eretz Yisrael will already be an hour and a half into Shabbat, so we will be oblivious to whatever might occur there until Shabbat goes out.


  1. I had never head this before, but it explains everything. Here.

  2. FM says ‘Iranian terrorist proxies’ might attack Israeli athletes, tourists in Paris

    I was watching the Munich Olympics live in 1972 when the Israeli athletes were taken hostage. I was 18 but I had no idea why they were singled out or what the terrorists wanted. It was just a criminal action taking place without any context at all for me.
