25 July 2024

This Is What Holds Back Redemption

19 Tammuz 5784

Perpetuating the Exile
("Cliff Notes" of Netanyahu's Speech to Congress)

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Some thoughts...

Here is my prediction for the November 2024 US presidential election, if an election even takes place.  Trump is going to lose.  He already served his purpose as president in the four years he was allotted (2016-2020).  [However, that's not to say that he is not serving other purposes in his present capacity.]

With Biden's election in 2020, the world moved into a period of judgment (ב-דין) and now we are coming to the period of destruction with Harris (הרס).  The suddenness of the shift shows that it doesn't want to wait.

An observation...  

We really can't trust any English-speaking rabbis on the internet, except Rabbi David Bar Hayim and Rabbi Yehudah Richter, both of whom I know and have learned from personally for the past 25 years.

The Dominoes Keep Falling

"Bishop" Robert Stearns/Eagles' Wings Ministry (Search this blog.)

Robert Stearns is an American pastor and Evangelical Christian leader who founded Eagles' Wings Ministries located in Clarence, New York and currently pastors the historic Tabernacle Church in Orchard Park, New York. A "leading voice in the Christian Zionist movement," Stearns is the leader and co-founder of the annual Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem: The single largest international Christian Zionist event and during which thousands of churches worldwide pray for the peace of Jerusalem. ... lived in Jerusalem in the 1990s volunteering for the International Christian Embassy. ...says he sees an even stronger relationship between Jews and Christians in the near future. ...He established the "Israel Experience," a Christian equivalent of Birthright Israel, which brings college-age Christian students to Israel.


  1. You are the reason why moshiach is not here all the hate and garbage you spew

    1. Truth hurts those who live lies.

    2. Anon 25/7/24 11:36 AM:

      Comments like yours need to have a name (or at least a nic) attached for the rest of us to take them seriously.

      No, this is not my blog, but I've been its friend for years.

  2. In the past, you endorsed the teachings of Rabbi Alon Anava. So did Rabbi Richter. Has your opinion changed?

    1. Yes. Some time ago. It started with his public endorsement of a Jewish missionary's book repeating a misrepresentation of the Torah's position on Jew/Gentile relations and I gave up giving the benefit of the doubt when he spent long minutes in one shiur describing his mighty battle to control his rage which (he claims) almost resulted in murder, this after admitting that he and his son(s) had bags of weapons with them. And this supposedly took place at the kever of the Besh"t. I don't recall Rabbi Richter ever endorsing him, but if he ever did, he wouldn't now.

    2. You don't have to take my word for it. I've found it HERE, starting at 48 minutes til about 1 hr and 2 minutes.

    3. Thanks. He gives a fascinating shiur but often the content is questionable. Rav Richter in a video shiur once referred to him as a true talmid chacham which enhanced his credibility in my eyes. I accept your admonition and thank you.

    4. Reuven, that doesn't sound at all like Rabbi Richter. I'm not even sure he knows who Alon Anava is. I'll ask him to clarify ok?

    5. Reuven, Rav Richter says he actually have a few lectures refuting Alon Anava.

    6. Devora Chaya,
      One final comment about Rabbi Alon Anava. I don't think he is important enough to spend a lot of time discussing, although he has become an intriguing and popular figure in the landscape of internet Torah lectures. His teachings, largely based on those of the Ari Z"L, Hasidut, and Kabbalistic writings, may be helpful to some in the area of personal or character development. Although I am not a rabbi, I, too, would refute many of his statements such as those about Har HaBayit and other national issues which I find misguided.
      Around 1980 I became a student of Rav Meir Kahane, A"H, ZT"L, HY"D. IMHO he has been the greatest Jewish visionary and leader from the last half of the 20th century until today. Unfortunately, a large part of the Jewish world, especially the so-called leaders rejected his view. This rejection explains the position in which we find ourselves today. Also unfortunately, no Jewish leader of his stature has arisen, so it seems to me, sadly, we will continue upon the same downward trajectory with all the negative consequences you outline in your blog, until there is a massive change of heart among our leaders especially. May it be soon!

  3. All traitors WILL be defeated and WILL be brought to justice! Binyamin Netanyahu among them!!

    Jonathan Pollard: The Bombing of Yemen by Israel: The Good, The Bad, & the Ugly

  4. I agree with you, Trump will lose the election. All those pinning their hopes on him to bring Moshiach will be very disappointed. Unless he changes tactics, very quickly, he will totally blow the chance that he had to return to the White House. And, I just don't see him doing that. I think Kamala will be the "king that did not know Yosef." The one Hashem designates to hit us with the stick until everyone finally returns to Him.

  5. Why is Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff appearing together with this fellow Robert Stearns?
