05 July 2024

About Jewish Leadership

29 Sivan 5784
Erev Shabbat - Rosh Chodesh I
Parashat Korach

In parashat Korach we have the story of those who challenged Moshe and Aharon's leadership and in the haftarah we read about the installation of our first king.

On the one hand, we see what comes of taking a popular vote - those who put themselves forward for leadership positions are usually after only the power and kavod.  Furthermore, they attempt to attain position by starting rumors, casting doubts and setting people against each other.  On the other hand, we fare best as a nation when we allow HKB"H to appoint a leader of His choosing.  

The myth of a "Jewish and democratic" Israel is dying before our eyes.  The day will surely come when it, too, is swallowed up in the earth, and we will yet see a King appointed to the throne of David!  May it come without further delay.



Chodesh Tov


  1. Thinking of all those "rabbis" who appear to be more interested in kavod (honor) than the Torah itself.

    Their kippahs come in assorted colors, too.

    Frustrating to say the least. Can hardly keep up with them. But like Tomer Devorah told me, we have to try.

  2. Especially in these times, you can be sure that anywhere and everywhere in the world, those who seek to lead are in for the
    power and glory they live for. But, there are those who like the
    power but who really care for their people and for their nations.
    The democratic rule or parliamentary are better than the alternative; total dictatorship.
    But, we are a nation that dwells alone and we are beholden to the
    Almighty. Sadly, the state that was established is unJewish and the
    extreme opposite of what our Torah Commands. Hopefully, your words of the imminent collapse of this latest wicked insane governance will come sooner than later. Loved, in particular, your
    last paragraph. Amen!
