18 July 2024

The 2,000-Year Dynasty

12 Tammuz 5784

Younger people likely won't know this.  The Baby-Boomers barely remember.  We were little kids when the controversy over JFK's chances for election was raging over whether a Catholic could become president of the United States.  It's such a non-issue today.  Which only goes to show the progress that has been made over time.  The generational memory of the danger of the power associated with the Catholic Church has waned to nothing.  The worry was where the Catholic's loyalty rested - with his country or his Pope. 

 "...John F. Kennedy was the first Catholic president and Joe Biden, the incumbent president, is the second." (Wiki)

The word "dynasty" could be considered a bit of a misnomer in the title as by definition it refers to a succession of ruling family members.  But then the word "Pope" comes from "Papa" and he is commonly referred to as the "Holy Father" and he addresses the Catholic public as "my children," his priests as "my son", so maybe not so far off after all.

I don't think of any of us can even begin to imagine the extent of power and wealth that an uninterrupted succession of leaders can accumulate to themselves over the course of 2,000 years when, unlike a sovereign nation, they have no expenditure of funds toward defense or provision for public needs, nor answerable to any electorate or army.

Vatican City is a landlocked sovereign country, city-state, microstate, and enclave within Rome, Italy. It became independent from Italy in 1929 with the Lateran Treaty, and it is a distinct territory under "full ownership, exclusive dominion, and sovereign authority and jurisdiction" of the Holy See, itself a sovereign entity under international law, which maintains the city-state's temporal power and governance, diplomatic, and spiritual independence. The Vatican is also a metonym for the pope, the city-state's and worldwide Catholic Church government Holy See, and Roman Curia.

With an area of 49 hectares (121 acres) and as of 2023 a population of about 764, it is the smallest state in the world both by area and by population. It is also the second-least populated capital in the world. As governed by the Holy See, Vatican City State is an ecclesiastical or sacerdotal-monarchical state ruled by the Pope, who is the bishop of Rome and head of the Catholic Church. The highest state functionaries are all Catholic clergy of various origins. After the Avignon Papacy (1309–1377) the popes have mainly resided at the Apostolic Palace within what is now Vatican City, although at times residing instead in the Quirinal Palace in Rome or elsewhere. 

The Holy See dates back to early Christianity and is the principal episcopal see of the Catholic Church, which has approximately 1.329 billion baptised Catholics in the world as of 2018 in the Latin Church and 23 Eastern Catholic Churches. (Wiki)

The Catholic Church was responsible for the blood libels, the Crusades, the Inquisition, and the Nazi rat-lines.  By virtue of it's 2,000-year uninterrupted reign, it is today the power at the top of the NWO/Globalist pyramid.  At that level it has nothing to do with the traditional Christianity of the masses, if it ever did.

They are as dangerous as they've always been.  No, more so!  And, if anything, the threat they pose to the world is even more well hidden than it has ever been, even though every world leader, without exception, pays homage to the Pope.

Francis and Netanyahu met for 25 minutes for closed-door talks, according to the news agency AFP. The Israeli leader gave the Argentinean-born pope a Spanish translation of his father Benzion Netanyahu's book "The Origins of the Inquisition in Fifteenth Century Spain". The dedication was made out to "Pope Francis, a great shepherd of our common heritage".

Not everyone is aware that there are two Popes known as the White Pope and the Black Pope.  Francis is the first Jesuit ever to have been chosen to be the White Pope, but the Black Pope is always exclusively from the Jesuit Order.  

"Black Pope: A History of the Jesuits" by M.F. Cusack is a comprehensive account of the Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits, from its founding by Ignatius of Loyola in the 16th century to the present day.  The book delves into the Jesuits' mission to spread Catholicism throughout the world, their role in the Counter-Reformation, their involvement in political intrigue and power struggles, and their impact on education and scholarship.  The title "Black Pope" refers to the nickname given to the Jesuit Superior General, who is often seen as the most powerful figure in the Catholic Church after the Pope himself. 

[In fact, he is more powerful than the White Pope who is the public face the world sees while the Black Pope moves in the shadows behind the scenes.] 

Cusack explores the controversial nature of the Jesuits and their influence on both Catholicism and world events, from their involvement in the colonization of the Americas to their suppression by Pope Clement XIV in the 18th century.  The book also covers the Jesuits' contributions to science, art, and literature, as well as their role in the Second Vatican Council and their modern-day efforts in social justice and interfaith dialogue.  Overall, "Black Pope" provides a fascinating and detailed history of one of the most influential and controversial religious orders in the world.

From notables like Shimon Peres to Anthony Fauci, a lot of famous and highly influential people have been educated by the Jesuits.  Even Donald Trump!!  [See also here and here.]

Everything You Need to Know
About Jesuit History in the US

With over 16,000 members in its religious community around the world and 28 colleges and universities and dozens of high schools and primary schools in the United States, the Jesuits make up the largest male religious order in the Catholic Church and have left a significant imprint on American education.
The 118th Congress got off to a wobbly start in 2023 with historic mayhem snarling the election of the speaker of the House through 15 ballots. Despite the drama, it remains a point of pride for Jesuit colleges and universities that for the fifth consecutive session, Jesuit-educated members account for about 10 percent of Congress. Among the current 534 members (and six non-voting delegates) of the 118th Congress, 54 graduated from Jesuit colleges and universities. There are 14 Jesuit alumni in the Senate and 40 in the House of Representatives; 15 of the nation’s Jesuit colleges and universities are currently represented by alumni in the 118th U.S. Congress. (Source)

Trump's VP pick, JD Vance, recently converted to Catholicism.  His son, Don, Jr., who has been very prominent alongside his father recently, is engaged to marry a Catholic woman - Kimberly Guilfoyle.  [Will they be the new Jared and Ivanka?] 

Also, a Catholic priest was tapped to say the opening prayer at the very rally where Trump was almost assassinated.  In fact, the priest mentioned that possibility only minutes before it happened!! 

It looks like Trump Take 2 may be taking a turn less favorable to Israel and Jews in the future.  It bears watching.

"A New Trump Arising?"

"A new king arose over Egypt, who did not know about Joseph."  (Shemot 1:8) 

A new king arose: [There is a controversy between] Rav and Samuel. One says: He was really new, and the other one says: His decrees were new. [From Sotah 11a, Exod. Rabbah 1:8] Since the Torah does not say: The king of Egypt died, and a new king arose, it implies that the old king was still alive, only that his policies had changed, and he acted like a new king. [Rashi on Sotah 11a]


  1. No religious group has spilled more Jewish Blood throughout history as the Catholic Church. It is the most evil entity in existence with its hands in all things corrupt and dirty. Jews tend to forget that.

  2. Very interesting information. I will be coming out with an extensive common with this post as a prompt shortly.

    The Netanyahu visit and book gifting was in 2013. Sarah Netanyahu sent a letter to the Pope, only recently, appealing to him to help secure the hostages' release. ()

  3. Corrected link: The Netanyahu visit and book gifting was in 2013. Sarah Netanyahu sent a letter to the Pope, only recently, appealing to him to help secure the hostages' release. (J-Post)

  4. All the frum Jews salivating over the prospect of a new term of Trump are literally out of their minds. They should be davening for the geula, and malchut Hashem, not putting their trust in basar vedam. For this reason, my fervent hope is that Trump withdraws from politics immediately. It seems that only that will smash their idols.

    Prior to the rise of yemach shmo, German Jews put their hope in President Hindenburg, a great friend of the Jews, who went on to call for Germans to vote for yemach shmo.

  5. The greatest trick the Jesuits pulled was convincing the masses the "the Joos" did it instead of themselves. Every war, every bankster fraud, every bailout can be traced back to the Jesuits. The Jews have always been the perfect scapegoat. Get the anti semites to hate us instead of focusing on the common enemy.

  6. That is why our monthly seminar on the history of the Holocaust and Jew-Hatred is entitled "FROM GOSPEL TO GAS CHAMBER: History of Holocaust and Jew-Hatred": https://rumble.com/c/c-5291479 Shabbat Shalom from Jerusalem, ISRAEL. Mr. Lowell Joseph Gallin
