29 July 2024

General Ignorance About Non-Jews in EY

24 Tammuz 5784

There are reams of authentic Torah and halachic writings which all agree that gentiles have no inherent right to live in the Land of Israel, but may be allowed to under special circumstances.  We have a very serious problem with being overrun by all kinds of unsuitable gentiles in our land today and it is complicated by the fact that Jews who are ignorant of the Torah and halachah on the subject are defending it and enabling it.  

Then there are those who bow in worship to the IDF who have fully bought into the Zionist lie that any gentile who serves in the military has the absolute right to the Land of Israel irrespective of what Torah and halachah demand.

A blog post is no place for an in-depth discussion, so I'll be as succinct as possible because it apparently needs repeating from time to time for those who still haven't got it.  Even the Times of Israel knows these facts.  Listen to the words of the Zionist State of Israel's own Chief Rabbi:

Chief rabbi: Non-Jews shouldn’t be allowed to live in Israel

Israel’s Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef said that non-Jews should not live in the Land of Israel if they do not abide by a set of seven laws mandated by Judaism.

“According to Jewish law, gentiles should not live in the Land of Israel,” Yosef said Saturday in a sermon. “If a gentile does not agree to take on the seven Noahide Laws, we should send him to Saudi Arabia. When the true and complete redemption arrives, that is what we will do.”

The only reason non-Jews were still allowed to live in the Jewish state was the fact that the Messiah had yet to arrive, he said. “If our hand were firm, if we had the power to rule, that’s what we should do. But the thing is, our hand is not firm, and we are waiting for the Messiah,” he added.
Anyone who practices another religion is engaged in avodah zarah which is a violation of the Noahide laws. But, beyond that, to be eligible to live in Eretz Yisrael as a non-Jew, he has to appear before a beit din, be examined and then be certified as a righteous non-Jew.  Then he acquires the status of a ger toshav,  just like a ger tzedek - a full convert - must be examined and declared fit by a beit din to convert.

There is no law which says we have to let gentiles live here at all.  Allowing non-Jews to live in Eretz Yisrael was a special dispensation for when idolatry reigned throughout the world and those who wanted to live a righteous life found it nearly impossible to do under the circumstances found in their own societies.  But, if even righteous converts will not be accepted in Days of Mashiach, how much more so the righteous gentiles.  Why?  Because there will be no real need as in those days "the knowledge of God will cover the earth like the water covers the seabed."

For those who support the Druze people's "right" to live in Eretz Yisrael, know that not only have they developed their own religion, they also hold themselves equal to Jews in every way.  Both of these things disqualify them for ger toshav status.
Israeli Druze rally against new nation-state law

TEL AVIV (Reuters) - Tens of thousands of people gathered in Tel Aviv on Saturday to protest against Israel's new law declaring it the nation-state of the Jewish people, which has provoked outrage among the country's most integrated minority, the Druze.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has defended the law, which says only Jews have the right of self-determination in the country and downgrades Arabic from an official language, from fierce criticism at home and abroad.

But his right-wing government has been blindsided by the backlash from Israel's Druze community which has voiced a deep sense of betrayal over a mostly declarative law that many felt cast them as second-class citizens.

The Druze are ethnic Arab members of a religious minority that is an offshoot of Islam incorporating elements of other faiths. Their biggest communities are in Lebanon and Syria. In Israel they number around 120,000 -- less than two percent of citizens....

Yat Salamy, 53, a Druze teacher, said the law undermined Israel's character as a cosmopolitan country. "What makes Israel special is its unique social fabric - Jews, Arabs, Druze, Muslims, Christians, Bedouin, Circassians - together we are all Israel," she said.
They are loyal citizens and defenders of The State which is actually anti-Jewish and anti-Torah, so this puts them at odds with the Noahide laws.  They should relocate to their sister community in Syria.  Not Lebanon, because that is Eretz Yisrael, too.

[There is much more on this subject HERE, HERE and HERE.]


  1. Excellent.
    Dean Maughvet

  2. B'H, the first time that I have read this in any of the wonderful blogs I go to. I have for years brought up (when it pertained to the subject matter) that 'non-Jews' are not allowed to live or purchase any property of land in Eretz Hakodesh, but all to no avail because the gvt, courts, IDF, etc. are all non-Jewish occupiers, the Erev Rav, who 'purposely' push non-Jews to live in our holy Eretz Yisrael. With every year, it got worse and now only G-D knows who and how many goyim are living
    in EY. This is the reason there are such dangers and tzarot because
    we have allowed those at the top to get away with the most grievous sins and H' warns us in the Torah that He will spit us out of the Land
    if we do not do teshuvah and abide by His Holy Laws! Only those who live by the Laws of Noach are allowed, if they wish, to live in the Land!
    We need Moshiach Now to start the ball rolling; otherwise, I do not think it is feasible that we can clean up all the tumah without the help from Above. May H' have Mercy!

  3. The Druze community of Majdal Shams is exactly anti-loyal to the Eruv Rav state because they fear that if and when the Golan Heights revert to Syrian control, they don't want to be on the outs with them. As much as it was a tragedy that children were killed, people in this country have such misplaced loyalties.

    One thing else I will touch on, which I know is a very touchy subject relating to this is having to do with people who have had questionable conversions being allowed to live in the country, and unfortunately, there are many. They are no different than an actual goy living here.

  4. Book Mouse30/7/24 7:15 AM

    Better Druze than Yishmael

  5. Thank you for saying this. It needs to be broadcasted loud and clear.

    The same also applies to Russians and other Eastern European goyim.

    The land wishes to spit them out but our leaders keep rolling out the avodah zarah carpet to these heathens.

    Oy vey.

  6. There are Rabbis that say that the Druze are descendants of Yithro and are alluded to in the Torah - Parshat Balak - as dwelling amongst us in the end of days. Also see that Dovid Hamelech allowed gentiles who helped militarily to live in E"Y. You are a strong kanai but not everything is black and white, sometimes Hashem allows some leeway.


    1. You can find a "rabbi" somewhere who will say anything. Wrt Yitro's descendants (1) that is pure speculation (2) entirely irrelevant as they are what they are today and it's not consistent with the requirement to adhere to the laws of Noah with certification by a beit din. Wrt David HaMelech - untrue. No one, least of all HKB"H, "allows leeway" outside of Torah and halachah.

    2. The Druze follow a secretive religion. We don't know what their beliefs are.

      Our mesorah says the difficult and bloody battles during David HaMelech's time was not due to a lack of manpower but a lack of achdus. We don't need their help, militarily or otherwise.

    3. We know enough. They made up their own religion (whatever it is) and they believe themselves of equal status to Jews in this land. And if they ever thought an enemy would get the upper hand on us, they would shift their loyalty to them. All admitted.

    4. Devorah Chayah, I meant we don't know how kosher or heretical their beliefs really are. I am in agreement that we know enough.

      I heard privately from someone that allegedly there is a preponderance of Druze officers involved in sending our boys on pointless suicide missions.

    5. To Shimshon
      You should not do Lashon Hara about Druze officers. You do not know for sure, right ?

    6. Victoria, the laws of lashon hara do not apply to gentiles.

    7. Victoria, I won't say where I heard it from, because it was told to me privately, but it is not without substantiation.

      Some Druze are no doubt decent and loyal to the medina (which might or might not include loyalty to the people), but it has been known for decades, probably centuries, that their loyalty is slippery (which is understandable if you don't react reflexively to the accusation). If Israel is seen by them as weak and feckless, they could maintain their positions while acting in ways that are contrary to the best interest of Jews under their authority.

  7. Absolutely. Hearing Jews gushing over the Druze is nauseating. They are only "monotheistic" in the same way as Christians. Any group that believes Al-Hakim was God incarnate and that he will return at the end of days to rule is highly problematic.

  8. In regards to Dovid Hamelech I had this Medrash in mind - "[Brought in Me’am Lo’ez on Shmuel Beis perek 11] which reveals that Uriyah was the arms-bearer of Goliath. After Dovid struck Goliath down with his Divinely-guided slingshot, Dovid could not draw Goliath’s sword to chop off his head. Amazingly, Uriyah, Goliath’s arms-bearer, helped Dovid finish off the job. At that point Dovid promised Uriyah that even though there was a girl who Dovid was destined to marry, he would give her to Uriyah. This girl was Batsheva, and Uriyah readily converted and married her"
    About the relevance of the Rabbis who say that the Druze are referenced in the Possuk וירא את הקיני וישא משלו ויאמר איתן מושבך ושים בסלע קנך it has the same relevance as your post re only allowing Ger Toshuv in E"Y and by a Beis Din. A Bais Din with Semicha can only happen with Eliyahi Hanavi and ruling over E"Y is only with Mashiach, so both questions aren't relevant yet B"H soon will be and the correct answer will be given. Meanwhile we should show some Hakarat Hatov for those who give their lives for out safety.
    And Leeway by HKB"H is in the Torah not everything is black and white, there are grey areas that Hashem is lenient.! Many things that aren't accepted in the Bait Hamikdosh are permitted via a Majority being so טומאה הותרה בציבור and the ציץ מכפר additionally the Gemarah says the mamzerim will be cleansed when Mashiach comes.


  9. Eli made a very clear and good comment, but I would like to add that all that you say is true, but go back, let's say, 20 years ago, the situation of having anyone, any goy just coming along because he likes the lifestyle, etc. in EY, he just picks himself & family up and moves here without a peep from anyone in the government, in the Rabbanut, etc. This has multiplied a thousand fold since then & within this thousand fold, we have gained a myriad of missionaries and infiltration of who knows what like terrorists, etc. When there is no Torah law in EY under a supposed 'Jewish' government, it becomes a grave sin. Thus, those in power feel they really don't need public Shabbat laws, kashrut, brit milah, or anything that is commanded in our holy Torah.
    But, soon our Goel Tzedek will fix everything. Amen!

  10. Druze leader noahide laws
    In January 2004, Sheikh Muwaffak Tarīf, the spiritual leader of the Druze community in Israel, called on all non-Jews in Israel to observe the Seven Noahide Laws, as laid down in the Bible and expounded upon in Jewish tradition. This declaration was signed by the mayor of the Arab city of Shefa-'Amr (Shfaram), where Muslim, Christian, and Druze communities coexist.

    The Noahide Laws, also known as the Noachian Laws, are a set of universal moral laws considered binding on all humanity, as described in the Talmud. They are:

    Prohibition of Idolatry: Refrain from worshiping false gods or idols.
    Prohibition of Blasphemy: Refrain from cursing God or speaking ill of Him.
    Prohibition of Murder: Refrain from taking human life.
    Prohibition of Theft: Refrain from stealing or taking property that does not belong to you.
    Prohibition of Sexual Immorality: Refrain from adultery, incest, and other forms of sexual misconduct.
    Prohibition of Eating the Flesh of a Living Creature: Refrain from consuming the flesh of animals still alive.
    Establishment of Courts of Justice: Establish fair and just systems for resolving disputes and meting out punishment.
    The Druze leader’s call to observe these laws reflects the community’s commitment to upholding moral values and promoting harmony among its members and with other religious groups in Israel.

    1. What beit din certified them? None, because they do not recognize the authority of da'at Torah. It is not enough to keep the Noahide Laws. One must keep them because they are commanded by the Creator of the world. "Upholding moral values and promoting harmony" is not enough of a reason to satisfy the halachah. Furthermore, it has already been proven that they do not accept the second class status of a ger toshav.
