29 July 2024

It Remains to Be Seen

23 Tammuz 5784

FYI - BREAKING: New major coordinated sabotage attack against critical infrastructure in France. Fibre optic networks 'sabotaged' in 6 parts of France, targeting the French telecommunications sector.

~ ~ ~ 

Something is going down, we just don't know exactly what yet, but the longer the delay the more ominous it appears.  At some point HKB"H will suspend the free will of our so-called leaders and take matters entirely into His own hands.   We have clearly reached a point where we either surrender or go big and pray for success.  Will this be that moment? 

All of the delays up until now were ostensibly to give us the very best fighting chance when D-Day (Do-or-Die Day) would arrive.  I think the speech and the meetings in Washington point toward a strong possibility that we may finally see the direct confrontation with Iran.

As of May 11, 2024:  "Iran’s nuclear program has reached the point at which, within three weeks, Iran might be able to enrich enough uranium for five fission weapons."  (Source)  

If Iran is the source of all terrorism, then cutting off the head of the snake is the only real solution.

TEHRAN, July 27 (Xinhua) -- A senior Iranian lawmaker said over 300 foreign guests would attend the swearing-in ceremony of Iran's President-elect Masoud Pezeshkian, which is scheduled for Tuesday. Alireza Salimi, spokesman of the Iranian parliament's presiding board, made the remarks in an interview with the Iranian Students' News Agency (ISNA) published on Saturday. He said the ceremony, which would be held at 16:00 local time (1230 GMT) in the capital Tehran on Tuesday, would be attended by high-ranking Iranian officials and more than 80 visiting foreign delegations, including China, the European Union, Brazil, Russia, Turkmenistan, Iraq and Pakistan.  (Source)
While the country is otherwise occupied and everyone is anyway focused on Lebanon's skies... 

Would we dare?  Too much to hope for?


  1. בס"ד
    "...While the country is otherwise occupied and everyone is anyway focused on Lebanon's skies...

    Would we dare? Too much to hope for?

    I can't even imagine such a scenario, not with so many foreign officials in attendance. The world would lose whatever few vestiges of sanity that they may allegedly still possess if we wiped out hundreds of their officials.

    A parliamentry session in Teheran when all the mad mullahs and IRGC commanders in attendance would suffice. In the chaos that would ensue, the Iranian people would likely rise up against the remnants of the system that oppresses them and complete the task.
    B'ezrat Hashem!!


    1. No, I didn't mean an attack on the event with those people in attendance. That would be suicidal, but to take out the nuke facility under their noses.

    2. בס"ד
      ahhh! ok, :)

      Even that would be a complex operation. I believe that the mad mullah's have 7 separate uranium enrichment sites with at least one deep underground site under a mountain range.
      That site would be difficult to take out even with bunker busters. Supposedly they built it to withstand a direct nuclear strike. However if they cannot reach the site for years due to the radioactive glow surrounding it, that might be good enough.
      Do we have the capability for such a strike? Absolutely!
      Whether we have the resolve is another question, but without doubt it is an issue that must be addressed and soon.


  2. As you know, Hezbollah has already been denying responsibility for the attack.

    Things We Are Forbidden to Say about the Hezbollah Strike on the Golan>
