28 July 2024

The Rumor Mill Is In Full Operation

23 Tammuz 5784

Swinging back to home court from the European spectacle, the rumor mill regarding Israel's retaliation for Hezbollah's attack on Majdal Shams is operating at full capacity.  Can't even keep up with social media and nobody has any idea what to believe.  The adrenaline is pumped up, as it always is when you don't know what to prepare for.  You have to be ready for literally anything.  There have been so many false starts, it keeps us on an emotional roller-coaster and that's part of this modern warfare.  

Public opinion appears to be evenly divided between those who think this is escalating to the all-out war everyone has been expecting for months and those who have heard the cry of 'wolf' too many times to take it seriously, even now.  

As usual, only time will tell.  We will definitely know something solid within the next hours. Further speculation beyond that is useless and non-productive.  

If I get concrete information, I'll (b'ezrat Hashem) post it here as an addition.  Feel free to keep checking in.  And remember, "Man plans and God laughs."  Ayn od milvado!

~ ~ ~


They really think the decisions are up to them, but this is HKB"H's show 
and we'll see Who is really running things.  Also, don't you just love that
even though Hezbollah started it, they are supposed to get the last 
word?  Hashem rescue your people!






  1. Nothing happened last night. Quiet skies all night, I was waiting for the sounds of jets and bombers, but not a peep. And nothing will happen. I hate to say it, but unless Hezbollah knocks down one of the towers in Tel Aviv, this government will never do anything to get rid of Hezbollah. They are afraid of them because they have no emunah in Hashem. Sure, they'll go and bomb evacuated bases and pat themselves on the chests, but we all know that we here in the north are not important. The Druze should abandon their posts. They make up 5% of the IDF. If the government refuses to to defend them, they should refuse to defend Tel Aviv. They should refuse to show up for police duty too. We take them for granted. There wasn't even a proper alarm.

  2. בס"ד
    I don't like to propagate rumors, and the following excerpts definitely fit into that category, but this, if accurate may be the reason for the quiet skies that Gavriela D mentined above.

    "-- Hezbollah has reportedly told both U.S. President Joe Biden’s Advisor on Lebanon and Israel, Amos Hochstein, as well as Senior Officers with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) that any kind of Major Israeli Retaliatory Operation, will result in a Massive Response from Hezbollah and other Factions, even if it leads to Full-Scale War."

    "- Israeli reports say Lebanese officials now confirm that US envoy and NSC official Amos Hochstein passed information to Hezbollah, of Israeli strikes, in advance of those strikes, to Lebanon.
    Israel is calling this a "Blood Betrayal by the United States."
    Israel has now had to change their "Strike Package" which is why there has been no main attack yet."

    This was posted on the website of Hal Turner. He was once a good source of information on current events, but he has gone full rabid in his hatred of Israel since 10/7. The vast majority of his commenters always were.

    I have not read any reports from Israeli media to confirm what he states above, but regarding the leaking of information by the Americans to our enemies ...... nothing new under the sun. It goes back at least to June 67 with the spy ship USS Liberty incident. The ship was strafed by the Israeli Air Force and Navy, killing 34 onboard. The Americans will never admit to this but The Liberty was monitoring Israeli communications and relaying that info to the Egyptians. Special relationship indeed. I fully expect that in the not too distant future, that the Americans regardless of who is president, will throw Israel under the bus in an epic betrayal, maybe even openly aligning with the Arab world against us. At that point every Jew will understand that we rely only on Hashem.

