04 July 2024

Bye-Bye 4th of July

28 Sivan 5784

The year 2001 was a banner year for the United States of America, as in...

"Sound the great shofar for our freedom, raise the banner to gather our exiles and gather us together from the four corners of the earth...." 

The unparalleled event that took place on September 11, 2001 was the physical manifestation of the fall of their angelic power.  It's been a steady downhill decline there ever since.  The power began to shift from West to East - from Edom to Yishmael.  The Twin Towers may have been replaced by the Freedom Tower, but it was superbly outdone by the Burj Khailfa.

The Burj Khalifa (known as the Burj Dubai prior to its inauguration) is a skyscraper in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It is the world's tallest structure. With a total height of 829.8 m (2,722 ft, or just over half a mile) and a roof height (excluding antenna, but including a 242.6 m spire)[2] of 828 m (2,717 ft), the Burj Khalifa has been the tallest structure and building in the world since its topping out in 2009,.... (Wiki)

It feels like everyone is moving to Dubai right now with many social media posts telling the world they finally did it and moved to Dubai!

In the heart of the Arabian Peninsula lies a city that has redefined the possibilities of urban living and over the past few decades, transformed from a small town in the desert to a thriving global hub. Captivating the world’s attention!
This is symbolic of the emergence of what the rabbis have called the Fifth Exile - the Yishmaelite Exile.

Ancient Torah Prophecy On Radical Islam's
Emergence REVEALED - The Ishmaelite Exile

It is the State of Israel's continued attachment to (and reliance upon) the West (America in particular) which adds fuel to the fires of Islam.  We live in the East yet we act as a conduit for the exportation of decadent Western culture into our own sphere of influence.  We are spreading darkness not light, Hashem yerachem!!

The day of the signing of the American Declaration of Independence - July 4, 1776 - was the 17th of Tammuz on the Hebrew calendar.  The beginning of sorrows.  May we merit to see their end in our days!!


  1. So true. We attached ourselves to our twin brother Eisav; hence the Twin Towers ! symbolizing our downfall with him if we don’t separate ourselves from him G-d forbid

  2. Still have half way to go to watch the rest of the video. So far, the only
    annoying thing is his excusing the characteristics of these pereadam.
    Too much sugar coating, especially at this time after their unbelievably
    violent massacres against our people. No need to sugar coat and
    try to make somewhat good when there is none.

  3. Today, we don't know who is Ishmael. The Gazans aka Hamas and other terrorists jihadists living in Aza, Judea and Shomron, here in the Galil and throughout Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran are not Ishmaelim. And certainly not the Egyptians. But I've often thought that perhaps the Saudis and the Emirats could be the true Ishmaelim. So we can't really think of them in terms of what the Gazans aka Hamas has been doing to us. On the other hand, these tribes (because they still behave as tribes) do have all the money and resources and have managed to buy out most of the world, other than what China has bought.

  4. Basically, we can be more or less certain the original Yishmaelim are the Saudis and the Emirates; other than them such as the Egyptians & other Arabs are Arabs but also a mixture of many races as
    Islam came into being via the sword around the world and that is why that religion took hold in Turkey, Iran, etc., etc. who are not Yishmaelim, but stem mainly from Noach's son, Yefet. Other nations in the Far East
    & Africa are not from Yishmael, but the religion was started by
    the Arabs, and all who practice that religion are called Muslims.
    So, must be half or more of the muslims worldwide are not Yishmaelim, per se.
