28 July 2024

The Demise of Zionism

22 Tammuz 5784

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL):  
Zionism is the movement for the self-determination and statehood for the Jewish people in their ancestral homeland, the land of Israel. 

...What is known as modern Zionism emerged in the mid-19th century in tandem with the rise of the nation-state and widespread national liberation movements across Europe. In the case of the Jews, it was also in response to a long history of intense anti-Jewish hatred, persecution, and discrimination in countries and societies across the world where Jews lived, including in Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. Its advocates believed that a modern Jewish state would provide Jews with a safe haven from the bigotry and endangerment they suffered perennially as a minority culture among non-Jewish majority cultures, and ensure that Jews have the same right to nationhood and self-determination as any other people, along with the same protections that are typically afforded to other nations. Zionism was also a cultural and national renaissance movement which sought to enable the Jewish people to revive their language, Hebrew, and reestablish self-determination over their traditions, culture, religion and education.

October 7, 2023
Shabbat / Shemini Atzeret / Simchat Torah

 Safe haven -  The worst pogrom perpetrated against Jews since the Holocaust.

Self-determination - The US, the EU, the UN, and the ICJ all demand that Israel stop the war in Gaza, dismantle Jewish settlements and establish a Palestinian State in the West Bank and Gaza.

The Zionist Project Has Failed!
Prepare to Welcome Melech HaMashiach!!


  1. בס"ד
    I agree with your assessment fully, ......The Zionist project has indeed failed. The State itself has failed. It has failed Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael.

    This system and State is closer to complete collapse than many are comfortable even thinking about. The current situation is unsustainable. The incalculable price for these prolonged multi front cat and mouse theatrics will hit us suddenly. The chaos that we see now will be nothing compared to what will follow when the state bankrupts.

    B'ezrat Hashem Moshiach will be revealed to lead us through the "Time of Ya'akovs Trouble", which we are surely in the midst of.


  2. Book Mouse28/7/24 1:28 PM

    I ain't go'n nowwheres. I made aliyah and I am staying here til I die. Let us not bite each other but rather be brothers and sisters together. Am Yisroel Chai!!!

  3. בס"ד
    Like you said BM, I also made aliyah, wow, almost 4 years ago, and I ain't going nowheres either :) Besides, where in the world is it possible to go to escape the global insanity? Maybe a small island thousands of miles from any coast that has a fresh water supply, a few coconut trees and room for a few sheep, goats and chickens. :)
    Am Yisroel Chai !!

  4. 19 years Aliyah today... thought Moshiach would have been here a long time ago... not going anywhere either IY... when Rome and the rest of the world falls, it will fall hard... G-d help the Jews in the USA.

  5. Horrible chillul Hashem!!! Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has received Approval from the United States for an Operation against Hezbollah, according to Israeli Channel 14."

    1. More from "X" (Twitter): Hezbollah's man and middleman with Team Obama, Abbas Ibrahim claims that Amos Hochstein was passing intel to them whenever he got word the Israelis were going to hit in Lebanon to warn them.

    2. From Israel Realtime Updates...


      Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is currently holding a meeting with military and defense officials, his office announced.

      Israel aims to send a broader message to all Iranian factions, which may include simultaneous strikes on various countries.

      Sources indicate that the Middle East's landscape could change drastically in the coming hours, potentially leading to another war.

      Middle East Airlines has temporarily suspended its flights back to Beirut, Lebanon, for tonight.

      There are reports of extensive evacuations by pro-Iranian militants in southern and western Syria.

  6. None of my passports are valid. If I lived anywhere but here, then I would need one.

  7. To be honest, both the ADL & the so-called 'zionism' are one and the same; both fighting against true Judaism from the start. Now it's time
    for the true Eretz Yisrael to rise!
    Both of these entities were living a lie from the start by using and abusing the holy word 'zion' and also the holy people of zion, meaning the ADL which surely doesn't represent true Judaism in any way.
    H' is in total control and is leading us to our Geulah Shleimah!

    1. Book Mouse30/7/24 7:24 AM

      you dishonor Irv Rubin and Robert Manning's memory

    2. No idea what this means, Book Mouse.
