27 July 2024

Surprising Turn of Events

22 Tammuz 5784
Shavua Tov!!

(Update 1:28 pm)

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I should have known that there would be no attack on the Olympics Opening Ceremony despite the choiceness and richness of such a target.  I keep forgetting this is not real terror but a Theater of the Absurd NWO.  Therefore, I should have known so many of the Elites were never going to be put at risk - royalty, heads of state, etc.  However, it's only just begun, so there will be plenty other opportunities to make mayhem.

Meanwhile, we've got a major escalation on our northern border tonight.  These are the highlights:

📌 HEZBOLLAH ROCKET ATTACK kills 10+ children, ages 10-20, critically and seriously injured: 34+ mostly children, in Majdal Shams - north Golan Druze city. [They were all playing soccer.]

‼HEZBOLLAH fired a drone (unknown if suicide or info gathering) at the Harish GAS RIG in the Med.  IDF Navy intercepted.

🔹PM may start his return from the US, on Shabbat (US time), due to situation. The Wing of Zion national plane can act as a mobile command center.

🔹We’ve seen various reports on type of attack.  Initially thought suicide drone.  Then Fajir heavy rocket.  Another report says Grad 122 - which is a smaller rocket but videos which caught the event seem to show a larger explosion.

🔹( Unconfirmed ) The head of the Druze community: "I give a 4-hour ultimatum to the state to respond or we remove responsibility and take control of the event!"  (( Reminder: during the Syrian civil war when Druze towns were under attack in Syria, the Israeli Druze marched across the border to defend. ))

[Source:  Israel Realtime Updates]     VIDEO HERE.


  1. Sadly, the number of children murdered has risen. And sadly, since it didn't happen in Tel Aviv, we don't expect a response anything like what we did in Yemen. The US has already demanded a "proportionate response." That quote from the Druze is fake news, although they did once before cross the border to wage war against Lebanon. The best we can hope for is that the Druze in Lebanon, who are very upset about what happened, rise up and take out Hezbollah. We are very pessimistic about any kind of response that will stop these daily attacks. People are dying, homes are being destroyed, fires are everywhere, and yet there has been no serious response from our IDF other than a lot of huff and puff. Let's see what transpires.

    1. Is it possible Hezbollah is using the likely lack of a serious response as a way of furthering discontent of the Druze within Israel and drive a wedge between them and the state?
      Agree that one can only hope Hashem uses the Druze and others within Lebanon to help take Hezbollah out.

  2. בס"ד
    The sick and depraved Opening Ceremony was a globalist attack on sanity itself. An occultic and satanic display of absolute debauchery. A national shame that Israel would even participate in this debased mockery, a chilul Hashem! But now that the heads of state have retreated to the safety their empires, it wouldn't surprise me that they would greenlight a special event or two.

    As for events at home, regarding the carnage in Majdal Shams, the Druzim are livid, outraged at the loss of their children. The nephew of a good friend of mine was one of the kids that was murdered. It would come as no surprise if the Druzim will inflict more damage to hizballah in one night that we have done in ten months.

    I agree with Gavriela D. "proportionate responses" are the result of the defeatist attitudes and loser mentalities of the lily livered commanders and politicians. And the result is obvious, never ending conflict that severely depletes not only our munitions, our economy but our national will to the point of imminent collapse. There is no point to possession of advance weaponry if we don't have the will to deploy them. B'ezrat Hashem the Druze can accomplish what this failed state refuses to.


  3. Great comments here. Maybe Yisro's descendants will be a true friend like the original. Yisro was there to advise Moshe Rabbeinu and a true friend; maybe we'll see it again here.

    1. I don't know about the Druze being Yitro's descendants even though they supposedly revere him. Yitro and his immediate family converted back when.

    2. They don't just revere him, they consider themselves to be the descendants of Yitro. And as we see later in Tanach, Yitro's later descendants did not keep to the covenant. They practice a unique form of Islam, though. Their prayers and customs follow a different book, not the Koran. The Druze are an integral part of our society, making up 5% of the IDF, in spite of their small number. They also make up a large portion of the police force.

    3. "They practice a unique form of Islam" - which means they have no business being here at all. They should go on over to Syria and stay there, they'd be better off.

    4. The State of Israel may give them the right to live here but the Torah forbids them to settle in Eretz Yisrael. Or doesn't the Torah figure into your worldview?
