22 July 2024

"With Friends Like These..."

16 Tammuz 5784


  1. Tuly Weisz and Israel365 are the worst offenders in this area and their influence (along with the damage they are causing) is expanding exponentially. However, they apparently have yet to notice the changing tides in the "Xian-Zionist" sea.

    They have found a new "friend" (and introduced him yesterday at a shul in Teaneck, New Jersey) called Luke Moon, director of The Philos Project.

    Apparently no one bothered to look at his website which very clearly lays out their (anti-Torah) vision for Israel...

    We support Jewish security and self-determination in the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea; we also support Palestinian security and self- determination in the same area. Broadly, then, we support some variant of the two-state solution – ideally a Jewish state with a Palestinian minority and a Palestinian state with a Jewish minority – although we are open to new approaches that recognize both Jewish and Palestinian rights, including innovative ideas about confederation. We adamantly oppose those who deny the connectionof Jews or Palestinians to the land, or who call for violence against the other. Both the Jewish state and the Palestinian state should be democratic and pluralistic.

    This is where all of Xian-Zionism is headed now. You can thank the Messianics in the Land of Israel for this sea-change. They've educated their "brothers in Chr*st" about their moral responsibility to the Xian Arabs in the Middle East. Add to that the insane Jews in Israel who are all on board for a massive missionary outreach planned by Xian missionaries to convert all the Muslims to Xianity as a solution to the enmity between the Jews and Arabs.

    Of course no two-state solution will ever come about, but any Jews who get on this band-wagon are putting themselves in the path of a world of hurt.

    1. Furthermore, this Luke Moon is listed as a part of the Leadership of Israel365's "Keep God's Land Movement". Look at who else is listed and understand that Moon's Philos Project declaration on Israel/Palestine would get all their approvals.

      What more can we say? They are acting in the interest of the Xian-West and in accordance with Xian-Western "values." Torah Jews are a hindrance to that.

      As GeulaGirl writes to me: "

      These "pro-Israel xians" support a democratic Israel in which all races and religions are equal and the religious freedom of xians to evangelize and practice idolatry is protected. They DO NOT support a Jewish Torah State of Israel.

      “I believe with complete faith in the coming of Mashiach. Though he tarry, nonetheless I await him every day, that he will come.”

      When Mashiach comes to power and he fulfills his mission, to destroy Esav, to eradicate the impurity from the land, meaning their churches and houses of worship, these so called friends will become our worst enemies.

      I might change the order and say we will become THEIR WORST ENEMIES!!! Look out!!!!

  2. H' truly bless you for exposing this evil. I am the angriest against these stupid Jewish groups, in chutz l'Aretz and in Israel, who 'invite' our sonim to speak to our communities. The Jewish people have so assimilated and have so little knowledge, even when they are frum, and, therefore, they are guilty also,
    Also, who is this Moon character because he has the same name as
    an Asian pastor of somekind from years ago trying to spread his word of their religion?
    I really believe we are so close to Geulah; the world is ganging up on
    Am Yisrael and we pray, H' has much in store for all those who fight
    against His people, the Bnai Yisrael. When will every true Jew wake up?

  3. It is the BELIEF of This Ancient Israelite Autist that: 1. Many of today's "Christian Zionists" are EITHER of Celtic-Israelite OR of Anglo-Celtic-Israelite Descent from the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel. 2. HOWEVER, at their current state of spiritual development, they bring GREAT HARM to the Children of Israel (and THEMSELVES) by their idolatrous and pagan Christian doctrines and theologies. 3. Jews should NOT accept their support or EVER give them access to our communities and our children (which is what they DESPERATELY want). 4. When we do that, it confirms their WORST Anti-Semitic Stereotypes about "Jews and Money", that for "thirty pieces of silver" "Judas will sell out Jesus". Jews who do this are for them Charles Dickens' Fagins (Oliver Twist) of today: Bluntly: "Give a K-ke a Kopec, and he will be your private dancer for money" (Tina Turner song: https://youtu.be/d4QnalIHlVc). That is what they believe about us when we accept their support and give them the access they believe they are buying from the "Perfidious Jews". And that is what too many Jews and Israelis do. It is all a GREAT DESECRATION of The God of Israel's Holy Name. Shalom from Jerusalem, ISRAEL. Mr. Lowell Joseph Gallin

    1. Well said, Aryeh Yosef.

    2. Also, it might interest you to know, since we once talked about it, that my ancestry is Scottish via Norway and English via Normandy. No Celts.

  4. They come to steal Jewish souls, take our land and I really have no patience for xian missionaries or those that are friendly with them. It's better for Eretz Israel to stand alone with G-d. Nu?

  5. These people are vile, disgusting, self serving people, who operate in such an insidious way, and our Jewish Brothers and Sisters fall for it. Obviously, much of the blame goes to the Eruv Rav, Anti- Hashem, Anti-Torah Amalekites who are running this country and allow them to come in.

    1. Many of the people who brought them in are rabbonim, very often English speaking olim.
