15 November 2023

The Erev Rav View of Geulah - The One New Man

3 Kislev 5784

This "Cowboy Thing" won't die a natural death, unfortunately.  So, here we are again.   

Of course, it would be Efrat - home of the Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation whose former Associate Director is "Rabbi" Pesach Wolicki pictured below (bottom left).  And of course, Dr. Rivka Lambert Adler. [I recall how she likes her title.]

In a letter to the community, the following explanations appear...
...They chose to visit Efrat for several reasons, among them that their organization [HaYovel] has established connections with several Efrat residents.

When we heard about their arrival to Efrat, we were given an opportunity to host them in our shul for a short event on Saturday night. We considered whether to fulfill this option. We had a few hesitations: 1) There may be a minority of members of the community who may feel uncomfortable, because they are not familiar with Christians that support Israel. [Good for them!!]  2) In order to accommodate the constraints in their schedule, we have to move the regularly scheduled family Torah study to a different location, when, according to our tradition, we may not cancel Torah study by children even to build the Temple.

Even so, we concluded that it is appropriate and important to host the cowboys. Above all other considerations stands the value of gratitude. When we observe the rise of antisemitism in the world in general, and in the United States in particular, it is incumbent upon us to acknowledge this organization and these people, who with self-sacrifice and pride donated from their money, time, and sweat in order to support us. We must express our gratitude to them in a fitting and appropriate manner. In addition, we are relying on Rivkah Adler, a professional [???] in the area of support of Christians for Israel, and a person who organizes Torah study in our community, to lead the conversation in a manner that is appropriate to us.
"Gratitude". Is that one of those stand-by excuses, like "pikuach nefesh" that covers a multitude of sins?

As I wrote last week...
These Montana boys are a subset of Christians who believe they have inheritance rights to our Holy Land - Eretz Yisrael - specifically in the Shomron  (Ephraim) where they come occasionally to stake and guard their claim.  They consider themselves family members.

Whether they call themselves Ephraimites, B'ney Yosef or "Lost Tribes," they are still Gentile Christians - NOT "Israel", NOT "Hebrews" - but sinners before God by virtue of their idolatrous worship of a man-god whom they identify as YKVK, but is actually Gee-zus, God forbid!  

I've written on this extensively over 25 years and have made several videos about it, if anyone wants further proof.  The Waller Family holds these beliefs and HaYovel was created as a stealth means of getting "Ephraimite"/"Bney Yosef"  "Hebrews" into the country[I have a recorded interview.]

They chose the Shomron because they believe this is to be their own inheritance in the Land and they are working it now in preparation for the day they can claim it.  In one of my videos I reveal a question that was asked of the leadership of the time, "Where will those of Judah [the Jews] who currently live there go when we come home?"  I never saw a response.  Maybe someone else can answer it.

This is Tommy Waller speaking in his usual "coded" manner from the bimah of the Great Synagogue at what was supposed to be the "National Day of Prayer" event last week.  [But, now you can understand the "code."]

Did you know these good-ole-boys made a movie?  Obviously, analogous of their Christian beliefs about their own identity.
"Return to Zion Ranch" is an allegorical story of Israel, set in a western setting on a ranch called Zion's Ranch. Jacob Israel is the father of twelve sons, who become discontent with their simple yet blessed lives on the ranch. They disperse out into the world going after gold and a more exciting life. But in the end it would prove to be a dissatisfied and empty life. Hearing that the ranch had been taken over by Phil Stine's renegades and that their youngest brother is badly hurt, they all return to live by the charge (God's standard) given to them by their father.

The only thing worse than these self-deceived interlopers is the amalgam of "Jews" who have appointed themselves the Bridgebuilders and who have given them access and essentially "sold" what wasn't theirs to sell.  This is Geulah according to the Erev Rav.

The Vision: Reunion RoadmapI'll be so happy when the day comes that I don't have to listen to or deal with these subjects anymore!!!



  1. That trailer is CRINGEWORTHY!!! They just don't stop! They keep going and going and going. We are coming up soon to the parsha of Veyeitze and Yakov's dream. All the angels go up the ladder and come down but the angel of Eisav keeps going and going and going. It is up to Hashem to slaughter him in the End of Days. We can clearly see this with Eisav's sneaky descendants. They will never stop being slippery snakes! Thanks so much for keeping on top of this Devorah Chayah... you are one of the only ones who does this and it is most appreciated!

  2. By taking the name "Yosef", they're identifying with their eventual destroyers. They just don't realize how dumb they are.
