25 November 2023


13 Kislev 5784
Motza"sh - Shavua Tov!

Just a quick post here to follow up on the previous one to make sure everyone is aware that the US State Department has a section which monitors "religious freedom" around the world.  It would see missionary activity as an essential religious "right" for Christians; therefore, Torah Law regarding avodah zarah and enticement to avodah zarah would be a violation according to them.  This would bring retribution in its wake.



  1. Any update or insight about Moshiach being revealed? Another few years of waiting in such a terrible golus?


    1. We have to constantly take the pain and channel it into demanding the geula shleima berachamim today. Whilst it's true that only on building Beit Hamikdash and ingathering the exiles, will we know for sure that the supposed Moshiach is indeed the real one, we will have a pretty good idea before that, once he starts acting in the open.

      What Hashem wants from us more than anything else is the kivui, the longing and wanting Moshiach, and Hashem's malchut over the whole world. That's why at some point all the calculations and predictions are counterproductive. Hashem wants from us a tsaaka, demanding the geula shleima, not endless putting it off in our head via pondering stars, economic crashes, and the like. (I'm not saying you are, but many in the geulasphere are.) We're way beyond all of that.

      We can change the reality via hitorerut shel mata, which causes hitorerut shel mala. Be"D let's make it happen.


  2. Regardless of who Mashiach turns out to be, one thing is absolutely certain. This is how Mashiach will talk and these are the things Mashiach will do. May he be revealed and be free to act SOON!!

    1. Sounds like you do not feel confident anymore that Moshiach will be revealed very soon?


    2. Dear Itamar, I don't know how to be any clearer on this subject. I believe 100% that we have entered into the last war in Israel which will see all of the land and even more returned to us and that it is one phase of GoguMagog. Furthermore, I believe 100% that the meshichim are HERE NOW! And doing what needs to be done to allow them to be revealed to us so there will be no more doubts. I could be wrong as I am no neviah, but I really don't think I am. You'll just have to take that for whatever it is worth to you. Rambam said any mashiach figure is only suspected Mashiach until he rebuilds the Holy Temple. Why only then? Because first we anoint a king, then we destroy Amalek and then rebuild the Temple. When that is done, the entire job of Mashiach has been completed. Only then can we say for certain.

    3. May that day of Moshiach being revealed finally arrive today (as you and many others feel that great event is extremely close) and May he build the Bais HaMikdash very speedily after!!


  3. Can you post my last comment? It was positive and a hope for Moshiach to build the Beis HaMikdash speedily after he’s revealed


    1. Dear Itamar, I'm only checking for comments a few times a day. Please give it more than 2 hours next time. Thanks!

    2. Remember, Beit Hamikdash can descend ready from shamayim. Be"D. It doesn't have to be a drawn out process. Or it can be a combination of descending and being built, but even then it can happen very quickly, as in the motzei shabat song, ish chasid haya.
      The most important thing is to follow the Rambam, to anticipate the geula every day, regardless of what anyone else says. Your longing and anticipation could be the tipping point.

