29 November 2023


17 Kislev 5784

All of the talk right now is about the "Poster Baby" - the "Poster Family" - the Bibas Family, especially since Hamas has now claimed that they are all dead.  No one knows anything for sure since Hamas lies and lies and lies.  They declared one person dead who came out in the first round of hostages released.  Another hostage was filmed alive and in good enough shape until her body was found murdered two days later.  Hamas said two days ago that they did not know where they were, that they had "traded" them to people from PIJ (I think it was) and now today they claim they are all dead, killed in an Israeli air strike.  

If they are dead, chas v'shalom, and I hope Hamas is lying again, but if they are, it is the media and those using the media (the government and private organizations) who turned them into a "Poster Family" and put the spotlight on them so that they became too valuable for Hamas to give up, who have their blood on their hands.

This, too, is part of ensuring our security - controlling the flow of information.  Why are people so short-sighted and so plain stupid?!!  Ratings are more important than lives to these horrible people.


  1. Our enemy is cruel, psychopathic perverts

  2. I think it is Hashem taking away any semblance of anything to rely on. A 4 billion shekel security fence, worth less than a piece of paper, for whatever the reason the best intelligence in the world failed us big time, women's organisations' silence in the face of rape as a war crime, lehavdil all the gedolei hador are gone, we merited to be in the generation of Rav Ovadia zatzal, Rav Mordechai Eliyahu zatzal, Rav Kanievsky zatzal, Rav Kaduri zatzal and more, and now we are spiritually orphaned, lehavdil again, there is no trust in the leadership of the institutions of the state, they continuously make the wrong decisions, whether on purpose or not, there is no trust.

    Only Hashem.

