06 November 2023


22 Marcheshvan 5784

UPDATE ADDED beneath the image of the flyer (@12:55 PM).

If you did not see yesterday's blog post, read it NOW!

Here is the flyer being used to advertise that interfaith prayer event I told you about yesterday.  Just so there is no confusion.  THIS is the event I warned everyone DO NOT PARTICIPATE!!!  IT'S A TRAP!!!  Make sure everyone knows to stay away.  Do not even view it on Zoom!!

Let the Erev Rav and the Christians unite but WITHOUT any real Jews participating.


UPDATE ADDED @12:55 pm, contributed by Researcher/Blog Owner of The Key to Redemption:

Update November 6, 2023, Yehuda Glick seems to be leading the charge to get the Knesset and the Chief Rabbis to initiate the "Day of Prayer" at the urging of messianics and other xians.

Today Glick put out some videos and posts,

Notice the hashtag #ASONE in the right hand corner. The point of this is that xians and Jews will unite in prayer as one to pray for salvation of the nation but Jews and xians have very different views on what "salvation" means. The xians and messianic Jews involved will be praying for spiritual salvation for the Jews, meaning they will come to believe in yeshu. 

Glick announced the schedule for todays "Global Day of Prayer"

At 7:30 AM - Prayer on Zion
At 9:30 AM - Blowing Shofar on Mount of Olives
1 PM - Prayer in Knesset
8 PM - Prayer at Jerusalem Grand Synagogue
"Please share with us videos of people from all over the world singing the official song Psalm 28:9."

Promo video for "Global Day of Prayer" by Glick posted by Israel 365 which links to the following website, geared to xians. The website lists categories of things xians can do.  Under pray for Israel, it shows xians and Jews praying together.

In the first video, Dominionist evangelist Paula White hosts and Rabbanit Henkin of Nishmat is participating.

Glick going up to Temple Mount this morning https://fb.watch/o8nu-riUcb/
At 19:00 mins, he is ushered off the Temple Mount because of a terror attack.

Tuly Weisz of Israel365 put out an advert today for the prayer event. [See the flyer pictured above.]  

The event with xians and Jews uniting in prayer will take place at the Jerusalem Great Synagogue at 8pm. Based on the ad it would be hard for many to tell it was an interfaith event.  It is being marketed as a night of chizuk and prayer with "many" Rabbis participating and the guest speaker being a mother of one of the hostages. [They were unsuccessful in pulling the Chief Rabbis on board.]

Tommy Waller, who is listed as a "pastor" and Donna Jollay, Israel 365 director of xian relations are listed as speakers. Both of them were part of the Isaiah 62 Fast initiative.

"Rabbis" Tuly Weisz and Yehuda Glick have made it their mission to build bridges between Jews and xians and unite Am Yisrael with xian idolators as "one."

Rabbi Rimon has connections to xian groups through the Red Heifers and Boneh Israel.

Rabbi Dr. Kenneth Brander is rosh yeshiva of Shlomo Riskin's Ohr Torah Stone which is heavily involved in interfaith but Brander is famous for something else, https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/article-733922.

And last we have Yair Levi doing the music. I just finished clipping from two three-hour-long videos of Yair Levi leading "worship", on tour (for Israel) with international music evangelist Sean Feucht. Yair Levi collaborated with a Lebanese xian which connected him to Feucht and then the three of them held worship events across the US in honor of Israel. Not only did Levi lead xians in worship in a church but he claims he got special permission to do so by the IDF (he is a captain and should have been called up) and by one of the "biggest Rabbis in the world". [Still unidentified.]  One event ends with all of the men in the church (excluding women for 'halachic' reasons) surrounding Levi, putting their hands on him, praying over him, prophesying over him. At the end there is a QR code for donating money. 

Yair Levi has also collaborated in making "worship music" with messianics Joshua Aaron and Shai Sol.

Another interfaith prayer call put out by Israel 365 includes, Tommy Waller, Yair Levi and Kenneth Copeland's daughter, son-in-law Terry, and George Pearsons.

Everyone involved in this night of chizuk is either a xian, involved/indebted to xians, or has taken money from xians.

I don't know why they chose Rachel Goldberg Polin, mother of one of the hostages as the keynote speaker other than she is American and has become the most famous of the mothers after her speech to the UN.  https://forward.com/fast-forward/566676/families-hamas-hostages-united-nations-ceasefire-security-council/ She was also on the cover of TIME magazine.  https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=10161405885112238&set=pcb.10161405904627238  But, I do not know if she or her husband has ties to xians.

One last thing.  Nefesh b'Nefesh is promoting the event, no doubt in gratitude for the millions of dollars they have received from Great Friend of Israel Evangelist/Pastor John Hagee.  See HERE.


  1. GSH, as the stomach churns.
    There are also geula bloggers who cling to their xn sources. It's like a genetic defect. Even if you show them proof, the person speaking in their own words, you're the problem. Inter alia, putting faith in basar vedam and not in Hashem, and especially in missionaries is delaying the geula. That with the refusal of most Jews to make aliya. It's not about stars and gematriot and predictions, but the most basic of basics.

    If we put our trust in Hashem alone and united as a people in our own land, the geula would be here already.


  2. Many Christians and Jews alike were outraged by Rav Kahane's speaking the truth about the “Prince of Peace” and the false religion that arose in his wake. Like “Abraham the idol smasher,” who destroyed the cherished idols of King Nimrod and was cast into the fiery furnace, Rav Kahane was ostracized, censored, and threatened for exposing unpleasant truths about false religions. Needless to say, it required great courage and moral strength to make such statements, and no doubt he was quite aware of the consequences.


  3. What's scary is the ignorance and naivety of so many that they think this is wonderful, r'l, and participate and are not aware of your blog and others that publicize and warn of this chilul H'.
    When our chayalim are out there on the front lines, they need our tefilot in the right way for their protection, H' Bless them and not, c'v, elef alfei pa'amim to have avodah zorah by Jews in our holy ir Hakodesh.
    When will all the evil cease already?
    Praying that H' will not punish the righteous and especially those fighting for the safety of the Bnai Yisrael all because of the ignorance of yehudim who are unknowingly committing this chet.
    'Shomer Amo Yisrael'! Tehilim and Davening, and staying far away from avodah zora of all kinds.

  4. When the war started I remembered a 15 year Natan's mavet klini dream. 7 full years passed. It was on sukkot. Now is the 8th year...

    1. September 28, 2015 - First day of Sukkot 5776. We are now into the ninth year.

    2. It turns out that four years ago, someone added English voiceover to the original Hebrew video. It appears that it is a Xian who posted it with a disclaimer because the ideas and concepts are not Xian. It seems to be an accurate translation. See HERE.

    3. He mentioned the date of the gog umagog war. When russians invaded syria is the beginning of it, i think. Don't remember the dates. Leah

    4. Well, i remember that russians invaded syria on hoshana raba. And the boy's dream i guess happened to be on the same year and on the same sukkot. I will listen to this video, thank you. Leah

  5. We saw this during corona too, with that commonpurpose tefilla or whatever it was called. Be"D the geula shleima is now, but what will be of those supposed frum Jews who unite with and rely on xns and missionaries, and brought them into our midst?

    There is just no talking with them, so convinced are they of the righteousness of their path, even though it is completely against the Torah.

    As shocking as pere adam Yishmael is, deceitful and deceptive Esav is worse, worse than the barbarians even. I have always maintained this. It was obvious from the start of this war that they would be cynically taking advantage of the situation to murder our souls and mutilate our Jewish neshamot. That is their MO. They too are Amalek going after the weakest amongst us, and when we are at our weakest.

    It's all back to front. It should be yes to aliya and no to missionaries. Instead we get lots of missionaries and very little Jewish aliya.

    Be'D Moshiach will take care of this in an instant.


  6. All I can say is “good grief”!!

  7. Nothing is Kosher anymore. Everyone has an agenda. Everyone.
